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Revision as of 12:46, 18 August 2019 by imported>Yaretzi
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Swamp People: She grew up in a swamp. No, really, the kind of swamp where people don't go because the mosquitoes will mug you and then beat you with socks full of oranges. Yaretzi is used to warm black mud, briny water, saw grass and peepers, and so California's climate is a nastier shock than anthrax in your oatmeal.

Dragonborn: Yaretzi is reptile-blooded and enjoys all of the quirks and foibles that come with the territory---severe metallurgic allergy to both readily-available precious metals, nearly irrational hatred of all creatures that fear the sun, and a memory longer than can be considered entirely reasonable---like millenia longer.

Shrouded-Sun...: Yaretzi is a Shrouded-Sun---the ritual masters, and spiritualists of the mokole, born under a sun obscured. Whether they be concerned with ghosts, spirits, gifts or magic, they have their eyes on another world, and Yaretzi is no different. Her awareness is clouded by the spirit world, and by Gaia's memory, and it makes her a little...spacey.

We grew under a bad sun: Yaretzi's former clutch (Daughters of the Golden Disk) was an all-female clutch created by three elder mokole in an attempt to make the burden of re-population more palatable to their young sisters. The creed of the Golden Daughters is zealous and idealized to koolaid-drinking levels---the Daughters are taught that they serve Helios by contributing to the fight against population decline, and that in doing so they are one with their god.

To a melody played on the strings of our souls: Yaretzi enjoys music, though she can't play any instruments. She loves to sing, and often sings her prayers to Helios in the morning as he turns his face to the world. Singing was an important part of the bonding activities of her former clutch, as was dancing---she misses both.

Make America Great Again: Yaretzi is an American citizen, but in appearance she presents as a mixture of Mexican and Native American---not the greatest combination, even if they aren't exactly directly on the border. There might be trouble in them thar hills---hopefully you don't think that it's caused by Mexican immigrants taking your jobs!

So collect your scars, and wear them well...: Yaretzi's skin is decorated with a number of scars---brands, to be exact. The brands are a product of the weird almost-religion that her former clutch followed, and they represent the number of times that Helios has turned his face on her. She sports six---one at the nape of her neck, one between her shoulder blades, one just below where her bra-strap would be, one at mid-back, one at the small of her back, and one on her left shoulder blade. They are equally spaced, and perfectly formed circles with four lines extending from each of the four points of the compass.