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Swarming and Stabbing.
A pick up pack does bad things to bad things.
IC Date July 3, 2017
IC Time after dark
Players George, Journey, Alecto, Tabia, Runt
Location An abandoned warehouse near the water.
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song Eagles - Hotel California

George has been tracking down a group of wyrm cultists on and off for a while now and is thrilled to have some actionable intel finally. However its time sensetive so he can't wait for who all might want to go he has to take who's available when he sends up the howl. In the howl is the location in the woods on the edge of the city where he waits, watching the super sketchy looking warehouse that's the focus of the evening's activity.

Journey slips up near George, nodding and looking to the observed warehouse, frowning a little and looking around. Silent and listening.

Runt is -all- about super sketchy warehouses at the edge of woods. He arrives quietly for once though his body still looks like it wants to go bouncing around the forest "Ah, man I really hope its the chuthulu type. Those dudes are nuts with all the wriggly tentacles and what not."

<UMBRA> The warehouse is swarming with Banes of assorted varieties in the umbra.

Tabia doesn't take long to arrive, herself. To most, she'd probably seem to all but appear out of nowhere, though that's far less true in this particular company. Still, her approach is certainly quiet. "How much intel we have on what these guys are capable of?" she asks. Always good to know what they'll be walking into, after all.

Alecto moves along with spooky silence, in her lupus form. She's quiet, every footfall landing perfectly so nothing crunches, even though she's moving along at a good pace. There's a soft little growl that translates, vaguely, to 'what's up?'

Journey smiles when he sees Runt and nods, lifting his hands to his face making little wiggly face tentacles with his fingers and looks back to the Warehouse, frowning somewhat. looking at nothing, and looking intently at nothing, several of them. "Well.." He murmers, "Umbras teeming with banes, so whatever they have going on in there is pretty tasty to the Wyrm."

George gives a little grin at Runt "Pretty much is actually, though closer to spiders than squid. At least half a dozen fomori and two dozen unmutated cultists to do the digging. Plus the leader, he's a sorcerer that's into some heinous shit. He compelled the banes into people to make the fomori, he's been reaching for the dark to steal power from the wyrm because his ego keeps him from submitting. The banes in the umbra around the building are trying to get in and stop him too actually. He's upping the ante, now he's found a bane big enough that he thinks its worthy of changing himself with....a Nexus Crawler."

Journey considers as he looks at the warehouse, nodding, "Nexus Crawler. Oh great." He nods, considering for a moment.

Runt leans up against one of the trees, crossing his arms over his chest comfortably "Soo...just spitballing here... We've got nukes in orbit right. So we can totally be sure that this piece of land gets wiped from the earth? That seems doable."

Alecto doesn't have much to say. She usually doesn't. She stands there on four legs, lip pulling back into a little snarl as she looks toward the warehouse.

Tabia would whistle at that pronouncement if they were somewhere else. Here...not so much, but she's suitably impressed. "Damn. Then unless this guy is pretty crazy powerful, he's about t'commit suicide an' let somethin' _really_ nasty into the world, an' while I'm fine with the former, I'm not so good with the latter."

Journey nods, listening to the others, looking at the warehouse, "Just need to get close to the crawler." He says quietly, and looks to George, lifting his brows as he gets into his pockets.

George nods at Tabia "Exactly the problem. However well he thinks its going to go and however much the lesser banes seem to be stirred up against him all the outcomes I prefer involve him as a bloody mess before his metamorphosis." Then to Runt "Three Elders, that's almost as good. Rebiu, Journey and I will be gunning straight at the sorcerer and whatever bound banes he's got. Over all this is going to be a target rich enviroment you all know your business." Nodding to Journey "I can throw down a spirit ward and then things are going to get...loud and probably bright."

Runt eyes his baseball bat and just nods his head "Well fucking a then." seems he's on board

<<That is death>> Alecto assures everyone, snarling quietly. <>

Tabia looks over to Journey. "Don't s'pose you have somethin' in that kit of yours that would make me a whole lot more interestin' t'the banes? If you three are gonna be goin' straight for the sorcerer, least I can do is kite as many of the little guys as possible t'keep 'em off your backs." Not that she wouldn't be willing to join in the fight against the sorcerer and the Nexus Crawler, but she also knows she's not as heavy a hitter as an elder, and _someone's_ got to keep the three of them from getting swarmed.

Journey looks through his pockets, "Well, got healing talens and firebreathing talens up for grabs, anyone?" He asks, pulling out small dried gourds and a bottle of small objects. He's offering before things get loud.

George glances around as talens are handed out and final preperations are planned for "I have a a flight of pigeon and seagull spirit sentries, there's no one within a couple of blocks but us and the bad guys. Shift up, invoke your gifts and we'll get this party started. I'm going up to the roof to drop in through the sky light, there's a fire escape around the side. Someone should take the big front door, other than that there's a ground level door on both sides. The back runs up against another warehouse."

Journey points to himself and George, "I'm with you, we'll hit the wacko and his pet." He gets into his jacket

"Then I guess that means I'm on the front door, unless you all would rather have me on one of the smaller doors?" Tabia asks. "Figure the front door crew can make some noise, maybe help draw attention away from team Batman up above. I normally like t'go in quiet, but I can make myself heard when I need to."

Shaderunner changes into Crinos form, and lowers his head, crouching as he growls, fur changing, turning white, and metallic until after the focused concentration, the Strider straightens, his base material composition changed.. into silver.

Runt rolls his shoulders to a series of pops and snaps. He pulls that aluminium baseball bat off his back and taps his feet as if he were stepping up to plate. He turns his Mets cap backwards after activating his weapon and explodes upwards into crinos

Mocks-the-Dark looks to Tabia since she's taking the front door >On your 'knock'< before he breaks across the street into the other alley moving with supernatural swiftness. He stays visible long enough for Journey to be clear about which alley's the target and then he vanishes into the blend of moonlight and shadow.

Shaderunner moves within a step of Mocks, vanishing with him into the night. Striders, ninja!

Scratch shifts up to the warform as well, although there's no visible sign of the gifts she's using. As the others do their own transformations, she starts giving Journey wide berth -- that much silver isn't really something she wants to be particularly close to, no matter how glad she may be to have him on her side. She'll wait to give Alecto and Runt a bit of lead time to start getting into their positions, and then she'll start her charge. That big door? It may be closed, but by the time she gets close enough to announce her presence, it's not too likely to be locked any longer.

Claims-The-Desk is super sneaky as well. But that bound mets cap leaves a blue streak in his hair and he's a streak himself as he darts across towards one of those side doors

The big double doors on the front had been padlocked and chained shut but Scratch asked so nicely and has a very very convincing shoulder check. The bulk of the central room has been cleared out and there's workers in hooded robes looking up from where they're hauling dirt from the pit in the center where a large glyph covered stone lays exposed. Arrayed around the pit are six bulky looking mishapen monsters with leathery skin and claws. Down with the stone is a slender pale man painting his face with what might be blood. He screams shrilly "Don't stop chanting. Bernael, Furcas! Stop that thing!" and two of the monsters turn to face scratch as the other four keep chanting.

The glyphs on the stone are garou markings, recognized as Uktena.

Dynamic Entry? Dynamic Entry! Runt unlocks the door with his gifts but then kicks the door off the hinges anyway because Garou thats why. He howls out a challenge that would translate to something along the lines from a bleep filled episode of Jersey Shore. <<Which of you chucklefucks is first?>> He points to one random thing with his bat and then mimes aiming for the outfield

Shaderunner and George bust in the skylight like a Quentin Tarentino movie. As 70s music starts up and a guitar wakka-wakkas, the pair of Strider Crinos burst in slow motion through the celing and falling in time with shards of glass, glints off of blades and glass as they fall in landing harmlessly.

Howls-at-High-Moon slams her way through the other door, big and bad and black as the night. She doesn't wait around, just snarls and goes for the nearest non-friend she can find.

Chanting? Not only is that not a good thing, that's _exactly_ the sort of the thing a Ragabash can be very good at disrupting. Rather than attack right away, she holds back for defense, but she does look at one of those chanters, one that none of the others are going to get to right away, flashing a toothy crinos grin, and puts her fingers to her lips in a 'shh' gesture that's an obvious opposite of their master's orders...but then, she's not asking, she's insisting.

As the two striders land to either side a shadow looms up behind the the Sorcerer and shrieks with rage as the ritual's disrupted and then things start to get hectic.

Shaderunner lands lightly, crouches and moves, slipping to the side counterpoint to the shaman who is lunging for his evil magical wor-

That's when the blade slices through the center of his back above the shoulderblades, severing the spine high in the nervous system, crumpling the man into a ball of dead ass Wyrm Shaman.

As Shaderunner dispatches the sorcerer, Mocks-the-Dark makes a gesture at the looming shadow and there's a flash of light (that cascades outwards in a fractal pattern through the Umbra) clinging to and interfering with the evil spirits present.

Your chanting is stupid. Alecto lunges at the nearest one with a snarl. She opens her gigantic mouth REALLY wide and bites down on the thing's shoulder, her head immediately whipping back and forth to tear skin and muscle and bone, if she can get it. Her aim is good, but her hold is not QUITE so fierce, so she only rips out a large chunk of the chanter. At least he probably shut the fuck up.

Claims-The-Desk leap into the room all kinds of growly. Oh those dudes are chanting again. Claims steps up to the plate and swings for the fences! OH NO it's almost a strike. Almost. The wasp spirit inside Bonk reaches out and gives the bad touch!

There are three of them that attack the younger Strider Ragabash. Still flashing that toothy grin she gave as she silenced the ritualist, Scratch takes a step back, what would have been a rather impressive attack neatly avoided. ~Were you tryin' t'fan me? 'Cause it is a little warm in here, so I guess I should be thankin' you?~ As the second goes lower, she catches his arm, using it to vault over to end up behind him, instead, which also brings her out of reach of that third attack as well. ~An' thank you for the boost!~ Sure, they probably can't understand a word she's saying, and they might not even be able to tell they're being mocked, but that doesn't mean she can't have a bit of fun at their expense.

The one still chanting fomori that didn't get attacked tries to chant louder! And Faster! Maybe it can still finish the spell. With no help and the rite leader dead.......

The shadowy being rears back from the dead sorcerer and the two garou, at least disturbed by whatever Mocks did. Now it seems to be fading from sight, back to the umbra and moving towards where the dead body of the sorcerer is laying.

Shaderunner slips into the umbra, and plunges his hand into the spirit causing it to writhe, and struggle as he pulls out... about half of the things strength, moving to the side to let George finish it.

Mocks-the-Dark follows right behind Shaderunner and drives his blade into the exposed core of its essence, shattering it before it can possess the dead sorcerer.

After the shadow is dealt with, Mocks-the-Dark and Shaderunner climb back out of the umbra and out of the pit. One goes to each side, leaving the three on Scratch for last since she seems to be having oh-so-much fun 'dancing' with them. Eventually those three fomori are surrounded by all five garou and slaughtered. There are whimpers and sobs coming from a room towards the back and occasional sobs from in the stacks of crates where the unaugmented cultists ran to hide.

And as soon as everyone is down, Alecto zooms in on the sound and she shifts seamlessly back to her homid form, head canted slightly to the side. Oh, them ears are keen. "Dammit," she whispers and moves forward carefully. Ubermensche for the win!