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Umbral Recon
Snooping about around the umbral reflection of the Black helix lab site
IC Date During Titan
IC Time Evening
Players Dragomir, Brooke, Pancake, Sergei(st)
Location A not so abandoned air strip in the desert.
Prp/Tp Project- Black Helix
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song A theme song for the log

The Penumbra here abouts is a wyld and untamed place for the most part and there's sections that look like they've seen a particularly rough time recently. They aren't exceptionally tainted or anything but look like they were at some point not too long ago blown the fuck up. It is apparently easy enough for Iris to guide the group around it on a safe path.

It is easy to tell when you're getting closer however, not from banes but from pattern spiders. The airport may have been abandoned but it is a developed place and there's now a Science Lab there. But because of the nature of the experiments there are banes about too.

The structures Henry described are apparently old enough to have umbral reflections and they look like some sort of blasphemous organic technology. Like cybernetic Zerg hive structures

The Silver White dire-wolf will pad after Iris and make sure Hushed Blaze is close-by and doesn't get lost in the journey. No doubt getting here required a lot of running, or negotiating one of Luna's moon paths. With the recent rebirth of Helios, they can count on those fading away again soon enough. <<Well done Mercy's Messenger.>> recognizing her skillful navigation to the location through the Umbra before he takes a moment to look around. The wolf's white ears lifted and eyes keen as he spots the banes. <<So far it is as Henry described it. Be cautious, we do not know what kinds of defenses they may have put up in the Umbra, or what kinds of dealings they have with these Banes.>> he growls lightly.

Iris travels along in Lupus - #downwithpants - and helps guide the way along with Dragomir. Thankfully she didn't fail horribly and put her auspice to shame! Once they're within a distance where they can see their target, Iriswolf shudders, "No offense to the Glasswalkers, but damn those things are creepy." she mutters when pattern spiders come into view. The wyld wolf just ain't down with the metallic creepy crawlies, mang! "I mean the banes too, of course, but mainly the spiders. I'm so glad you guys are around." She don't even care if that makes her sound a little chicken, spiders are icky.

Hushed Blaze does not stray from the others during this quest, padding along in lupus for now. She huffs at Iris' comment, <<They are creepy to me too. Love tech, but tech spiders..go away.>>

Silvery White Wolf shifts slightly, lowering down and watches and looks towards the others to see what they are doing, <<What do you see?>> he chuffs, checking to see if they're noticing the same things.

With the question from Dragomir, Iris swivels her ears forward and studies their target location a moment, "Spiders, banes. Kinda looks like a little bit of a turf war, maybe? That gross tentacle thingie there looked like it was getting calcified, and then that sludgy puddle looks like it smothered the pattern spiders that were doing it, so... I mean that's what it looks like to me, bane patrols and minor skirmishes with spiders that are trying to keep their ordered hold on the space. Honestly, I couldn't say which side looks like they're making headway, but I'd say the spiders are less militant than the banes are. They remind me of guard units in Pentex halls doing their rounds through the wings." She looks to Brooke then to see if the other wolf's getting the same impression or if she's just way off base with this. The Theurge is not a tactical battle monster, for sure. "By the way, Hushed Blaze. I didn't get to say it before and it's not super relevant right this second, but before I forget, you make a pretty good alpha and team leader." Back to Dragomir again, she bobs her wolf head, "She really does. Great beta choice, -Rhya."

Hushed Blaze scans around, analyzing what she sees. <<Alpha, I agree with Mercy's Messenger. Turf war. Lots of conflict here between them.>> She lowers her head a bit to Mercy's Messenger, <<You honor me with your words. I am proud to be Beta of Terminal Velocity, and stand in when my Alpha is taking care of other business.>>

The Silver White dire-wolf growls lightly, >>I did not choose her as Beta, she did. She has been strong, and done well.<< The wolf looks back towards them both and seems to agree, <<The Wyrm is strong, and plentiful.. but the Weaver is not a willing ally for them. The enemy of my enemy, can be our Ally. This facility requires the Weaver's cooperation to function.. the lights.. the air regulation.. the security. Though the Weaver does not like to break itself, especially for the Wyld.>> The wolf looks towards Hushed Blaze, <<Look deeper.. look for what we cannot see in the material world. The Spiders can betray secret security measures, if you look closely.>> The wolf looks back towards Iris once more. <<We want to find motion sensors, or anything that will betray our approach and break it here, if we can.>>

Hushed Blaze scans the place, looking for anything important. <<Alpha, watch out for the goop and slime. Some of the spiders are stuck in place from the goop. There are also some bubbles in the ground slime. The banes are avoiding those as well, and I /think/ they may be land mines or sensors. Best we keep away from that. I'll keep looking to see what else is going on here.>>

Iris twitches her ears in a wolfish equivalent of a nod at what Brooke reports, "Pitfall goop traps of some kind. The spiders are attempting to call for aid from their own, I think. As creepy as they are, that's just heart breaking. Probably a creation of Wyrmish elementals and added toxins, maybe. The ground's going to be a real pain in the ass... If you want, I could attempt some areal recon, but I can't guarantee that I won't slam into the ground if the drafts get crazy."

Iris takes a moment to perk her ears towards the cries of the goop-spiders when other non-goop-spiders pass by them, then tilts her head curiously. "Um... No, no scratch that. I mean I'm not fluent in all the nuances of Weaver-speak but those don't quite sound like assistant request sounds. More um.. Like a car alarm, sort of. I think the poor little bastards might have been corrupted or rejiggered or what have you. Cause see, they're not shying away from the passing banes or reaching out towards the pattern spiders, they're just alarming loudly when non-banes pass by them. They're like perimeter alarms."

The Silvery White dire-wolf sits back on his haunches and bobs his head, <<So we need to remember where they are.. learn the land and figure out where the safe paths are. This is how we infiltrate the base during the blinding snow storm and avoid setting off the alarms. Map what you can and share it over the link.. so the others in the pack know as well. Now, we have an advantage. Good work.>>

The group of recon garou spend some time memorizing locations and peeking back into the skinlands to match up to physical terrain features. After spending some time watching the patrol banes and their patterns the fact that almost all the loops begin and end at the umbral reflection of the barracks becomes obvious. The other comes out of one of the hangars occasionally, that patrol is a single bane that looks like a giant slug covered in eyeballs.

At least it's not a giant slug covered in mouths or we'd all be fucked. Just... so fucked. Never thought I'd say this, but thank god it's not Wyld! Iris tells the pair what she's noticing so that they can get the extra info out on the pack link, noting where she's seeing goop spiders and bane paths, and so on. "I hope those poor ladies are okay in there... I mean I know they're not, but I hope they are. For however little sense that makes when said out loud."

Hushed Blaze takes mental note so she can share more later. >>I hope we can get them out soon and help them heal from this. And I get what you mean, Mercy's Messenger.>> She stares off at the giant slug <<Maybe some salt would come in handy...<<

Iris just *stares* at the place for a minute, hackles and everything else getting SO POOFY RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD. The Black Fury naturally has a real problem with this breeding experimentation thing, but when left with a minute to just stew over it, it's got a real... *personal* sort of angry vibe. Still, she's got a hell of a handle on her rage and Brooke's joke slays, she genuinely can't help snorting a wolf laugh at that, even if the other wolf might have been serious about it at the same time. "Well, salt does fall into the earth realm of things, maybe we can get a salt elemental to chase it around and give it a nice hug."

Silvery White Wolf watches the area, while the girls get the information for the mapping and he considers some of the other defenses. "The barracks is where all the security and power seems to be centered. We strike there first, we could probably disable the rest of the facility. We will need to make sure to coordinate this precisely."

Hushed Blaze considers what her alpha says, and responds >>I will be ready to disable everything I can. If we have to split up, we coordinate over the pack link.<<

Iris ear twitches a nod to Dragomir, and then asks, "All together or split the pack? Looks like there's two ways in there, might could benefit from rushing both ends at once, pincer them in the middle so they don't have a place to fall back?" She probably watched a Mel Gibson movie once or something. "Since I can't hear your link, would it be alright if I shadowed Hushed Blaze in order to keep coordinated with you guys?"

Silvery White Wolf considers and bobs his wolven head once more, <<We will have to divide up in a few groups.. two or three, and yes, you will have to be with one of ours, since you are not yet part of our pack.>> The wolf looks about and offers, <<Pincing them won't work as well.. they have greater numbers. We need to use stealth, and pick them off carefully while they're blind. For now, we have seen as much as I think we can. Do you agree?>>

Hushed Blaze nods her furry head >>I think we have enough information to prepare our attack plan.<< She looks to Iris for agreement. >>I would be honored to have you with me, Mercy's Messenger.<<

Iris nods her head to Dragomir's assessment of splitting up, and gives Brooke something of a wolfish smile, "I'll try not to go all to pieces on you again. Journey gave me three talens that he calls Fade Outs, stealth talens. I'll need one for certain as I haven't got any gifts of that sort, but I'm happy to share the other two around if any of you feels like you'll need them."

Silvery White Wolf chuffs <<Yes, Sergei and Brooke should have those. That'll give us an advantage. I am considering having Hushed Blaze lead the beta team, and I will lead the alpha team. Your mission will be the infiltrate, and disrupt, and extract the cubs. Alpha team will be offensive.>>

>>I would be honored to lead the Beta team, if that is your decision, Alpha.<< Hushed Blaze responds.

Iris releases tension she didn't even realize she was holding when 'extract the cubs' comes up. Not like that was ever in question, it's just one of those things where you feel better just *hearing* the words spoken aloud.