Barony of Starlit Caverns/left-col

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Current Information



Lord Dairmuid ap Fiona.
Seelie Sidhe Wilder. Generally sensible and kind, the Baron is willing to welcome new members into his Court so long as they show respect and do not bring threats upon himself or his people. It is known that in the Autumn World he is a pilot in the Marine Corps, and that soldier's sensibility bleeds through into his fae life as well.

Available Court Positions

  • Lord Steward - Responsible for the day to day organization of the Freehold, an invaluable resource to the Baron. Manages the treasury,

military oversight, and scheduling for the Barony.

  • Captain of the Guard - Responsible for the defense of the Freehold. An upcoming tournament for this position is rumored.
  • Historian - Lorekeeper and court wizard, mystical aid to the Barony.
  • Castellan - Keeper of the Keys, manages the dungeons, gates, and guest rooms for the Barony.

Current Plots

  • Things In The Caves - There are dangerous Chimera that need clearing out in some of the tunnels of the Freehold. The Baron is willing to organize groups to clear out these areas and open up more space for the Freehold.
  • Collapsed Caverns - Passageways have been brought down through war, time, or neglect. Are you a demolitionist? Have some other way of clearing out massive amount of stone? The Baron wants to know about it.