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Field Trip
fighting baddies in the woods
IC Date November 6th, 2018
IC Time late evening
Players Branton(st), Iris, Jes(a-st), Isla, Winter
Location middle of nowhere
Prp/Tp none
Spheres Gaian Garou, M+/Kinfolk
Theme Song None

Branton was hanging out with Iris when he got an Omen from Hecate about a place that needed seeing to and its off in the woods closer to Jes and Isla's place than Prospect proper. Kind of between-ish but still worth giving them a call for reinforcements and a heads up that Branton's going to be packing silver, Hecate said to bring Tranquility along because there would be work for her to do.

The group meets up in a clearing and Branton gestures off into the woods "I've got a vague impression that they're off that way. Its not a summoning or just dumping waste, they're doing....something but Herself wasn't super specific."

"Friggin bad guys, am I right?" Iris asks while juggling her color string bro back and forth between hands while they await their Garou bros. "Every time I'm like 'Hey! Stop doing all that evil!' But then they just keep right on doing it. As a mother, I feel like it's spanking time." Her string then banks off her forehead real quick, just making sure she's awake.

Isla is ready to do this, prepped with her trusty bow and quiver around her waist. May not be needed later, but she does not go anywhere without it. "Aye, goopmistress. The Devil's Own is ready to do more than spanking." A slight grin on her face.

Jes is there at Isla's back, smoking a Nat Sherman and nodding his agreement while he checks his pistol. Full magazine, all go; he slips it behind his back and smirks. "Mischief and mayhem, sounds like. Perfect. My kind of evening. I even brought scotch." He pats the flask in his pocket, taking a deep breath, and declares, "I love the smell of adventure around sunset."

Iris totally also has her bow and quiver, derp! Forgot about that.

Iris grins at the Fianna pair and then 'Ah!'s at Jes's cigarette, digging in her purse to produce a box of Nat Shermans which are, predictably, rainbow papered. For ritual stuff, of course. Those go back into her bag and she hoists it up a bit, "Alright! Lead on, man." she tells Branton, and falls in with the fellow's pace.

<OOC> Iris says, "http://78.media.tumblr.com/dbb1446c6310322757853d3fb15413ff/tumblr_mov9t6YZ4b1s749e9o1_500.jpg"

Branton grins at the group and peers off "Now I could try a spell to scan for energy anomalies but that wouldn't just find Wyrm energies, to much of a chance of false positive. We could just start sneaking that way and keep our eyes and ears open? Unless someone else has a better idea."

Jes winks at Iris and says, "Great minds, Goopmistress," looking off in the direction Branton indicates and thinking it through. "You can scan for the Wyrm, right Peach?" he says to Isla, who gives him a dirty look.

"A'course I can, ye bloody... I swear." She concentrates, peering off toward their eventual goal, frowning and saying, "I cannae tell much, but... it's that way. I can point right at it."

"Okay then. Sneaky it is," replies Jes, shrugging and clapping his hands together. "What do you say? Wolves sneak in first, Ghost Rider takes tail and tries not to step on any twigs?"

"I'll ask Merlin if his kids'll scout the way a bit." Iris says with a nod to Isla having given them direction. And, even though it'll probably take a wrong turn at Albuquerque or get distracted by a pebble, she sends her String bro out to scout ahead as well. Her player laughs at the reference but Iris is clueless, looking from Jes to Branton, "You rode a ghost?" she asks like there's got to be an amazing story there.

Branton chuckles and shakes his head at Iris "Pop culture reference. I'll show you when we're back somewhere with cell service. Gives me an idea for a Fetish actually. Later though." And Branton takes up his tail position on the formation and tries to follow along as quietly as he can.

The Devil's Own shift down into wolf form and begin prowling ahead, going quietly and carefully as they scout. Ears, eyes, and noses open, paws careful, cigarette somehow still in Deej's maw until he drops it on some dirt and pats it out. Quietly, quietly, quietly.

"I'll shift if anything comes up that I need to let you know about." Iris says to Branton, and for ease of wilderness wandering, shifts to lupus in order to stalk with the pseudo-pack, spreading out a bit so they're not all in a clump. You know the drill! Poor Branton, just thudding around like a city boy.

Branton does tromp along like a city boy. He's trying but he's also still not into the whole wilderness thing and he has to say "I learned how to understand wolf speech, at least some. Helped when I was babysitting the Truthcatcher's cubs."

<< Well check out the twisted tongue on Dr. Doomlittle over there, >> Jes cracks quietly, getting a snapped tail to the face from Isla before -- right -- going back to sneaking and being stealthy. Ragabash gon' rag an' bash, y'all.

Iris wolf-snirks at Jes while they scoot along more or less silently through the woods. She eventually pauses though and says, "I think I see one of my birds coming back."

From the Umbra a spirit bird speaks to Iris >>I couldn't get too close, there are seven of them in a circle in your world around a container with some awful green fire that has banes coming out in the umbra. Three of them are spirals, and one of them has a silver blade with green runes on it, she's the leader. Be careful, this is going to be dangerous.<<

Iris helpfully relays this information to those that might not be able to see and hear the spirit world, once she's shifted to homid again to make sure everyone understands. "I can call in spirit reinforcements to keep the umbra busy while we deal with their summoners or whatever the wolves are. It'll take me out of any ambush fun but you gotta do what you gotta do, and I'll be back in a minute anyways."

Fiery Bellona chuffs to Iris, >> We can handle the ambush. Good help on the otherside is still honorable. << She fwaps Death's Jester with her tail again, just to keep him in line and looks to Branton for what he thinks of it all. It's his dance party.

Winter tucks her hands in her pockets with a thoughtful expression. "Sounds like a nasty little group." Fiddling with her glasses she looks at Sean and then the others. "If I can get some higher ground I should be able to provide cover fire and stay out of the way so you sweet 'rous don't need to dance around little old me." She looks to Branton as well.

Death's Jester takes the thwap in stride, obviously used to it, and keeps an eye out toward their quarry while the others discuss the matter. He's gonna do whatever Isla says anyway; no need to vote.

Branton nods at Winter "I can lift you into a tree and set you up with a perch out of easy reach of the fomori. I imagine the leader with the evil klaive is the priority target yeah? I'll cover the tree I set Winter in and While Iris locks down their umbral reinforcements the rest of you surround and break the circle?"

"Awesome, go team!" Iris says, and barring objections, she preps to enter the umbra. "I will send the alert if anything untoward happens, and await a signal from um. You." She points to Isla, and gets on out to go take up position.

Fiery Bellona will lead the wolves around and direct them around, nosing which direction to go and where to stop. Before they move she will add >> Stay in position until we get the signal they are set. << She gives a toothy grin to Iris before she handles the Umbra for them.

Deej heads off on Isla's 7, splitting from her only when they're closer to their goal and always keeping her in sight. They'll strike together, when the time comes.

Looking at Branton, Winter sighs and gives a shrug. "It'll be faster than my climbing I suppose." She allows and looks to Branton. "Let's go find a tree then so the big kids can get their battle on? Maybe if it gets slow we can talk magic theory or something."

Branton grins and nods as he holds on to Winter's waist and lifts her slowly to find somewhere they can see the clearing that the wyrmy ritual is taking place in. The Spirals are all in crinos form and there is one woman among them with a tarnished silver klaive that looks like its gotten some vile glowing green runes added after its original making. The ritual continues, as yet they don't seem to have noticed the gaian force moving into position.

The looming crinos with the tarnished klaive has mangy and patchy black fur that gets scored by the inital thunder-crack of Winter's rifle. She snarls as her gift thickens her hide and she starts looking about for intruders.

Iris gets small in some bushes in the spirit world, keeping an eye and ear out as she shifts to homid. And there's the signal! When Winter's shot hits, she lets out a loud, commanding howl that reverberates through the umbral forest, calling spirits large and small to her side. It begins quietly at first, but the noise of the forests many denizens converging on her location grows rapidly.

Fiery Bellona gets the signal from Iris, and gives the cue to the others to begin their attack. She focuses in on the 2nd Spiral dancer, and leaps out to sink her teeth in! She RRRIIIIPPPSSS a chunk right out of it, and snarls!! Ready for more! Her claws go in, all sharpened and ready, and rips the heart from the Spiral, ending it. She turns her attention to the one weilding the Klaive, and swipes, just making a bit of damage.

Branton swings his blade through the air, trailing an arc of fire that lances across to smack the klaive weilding spiral and ignite her abdomen with burning white fire. She just snarls and points back at Branton until she gets derailed by Firey Bellona's swipe hurting her.

When Fiery Bellona moves, thereafter moves Death's Jester, leaping at the Fenrir Spiral and tearing a hunk of hair from its side. He snarls, sliding and pivoting on hind legs to turn and snap again, this time taking a chunk from the bastard's leg and then following through with a gnaw to his side. << TRAITOR! >> he growls, maw covered in his enemy's blood and eyes fiercely blue in wrath.

The Fomori keep chanting the ritual they were chanting and prepare to defend themselves as they are...almost completely ignored.

Winter tightens her legs against the tree branch picked out to perch on. Rifle in her arms takes her shots with a calm expression. Pursing her lips to one side she looks a little disappointed that the female leader looking one doesn't seem phased by her second shot.

As a rush of spirits swarms their woodlands location (everything except squirrels, that is) and begins to lay the beat down on the banes, Iris blanches a bit and steps instantaniously through the Gauntlet like the pro she is. Deer spirits kick and maul at banes, vine spirits spank them mercilessly, and who knew rabbits and air elementals could be so ferocious? Rocks lob themselves at the twisted spirits, tree roots pick themselves up and cunt punt banes, but Iris is leaving! Too much empathy, man. Yeah they're bad guys, but some of that shit looked like it really hurt.

Fiery Bellona is not having any of this alpha sprial, and her fancy klaive, she hits time and again, ripping at her, but for fucks sake she manages to absorb it all? Three times? This will not stand. She /is/ going to end her, just a matter of time now. She snarls and takes a breath before she will go back in for another round at her.

Death's Jester charges at the toxic-clawed Ahroun and snarls, ripping a chunk from its chest and shrugging off a rake to his back. He tears the throat from his opponent, spitting it out as the Spiral falls dead, and rounds on the Fomori attacking him, snapping viciously but taking a slash for his efforts. This only infuriates the Ragabash, who snarls and readies to attack again.

Winter changes her target to one of the Formori on Death's Jester. She leans over the tree branch, using it to support her arms for aim and fires. The shot seems to wound her mark and she gets ready for the next shot.

Materializing in the meat world, Iris quickly unslings her bow and teams up with Winter, taking a shot at the dude that does not currently have a Garou all up in its face. The arrow she fires from her bow begins to bloom with wild roses and thorns as it flies through the air, but alas, the arrow glances off the asshole she was trying to hit and flies off into the woods.

Death's Jester rips the guts out of the Fomor that meets his charge and just plows right through the dead meat, leaping on the back of one of the two burning Fomori attacking his Alpha. He bites down on its head and snaps its neck, riding the corpse to the ground before spitting out a fat chunk of skull. << FUCKED WITH THE WRONG DEVIL! >> he snarls.

Fiery Bellona takes her sharpened razor claws and hacks and slashes at the alpha spiral. She has to bob and weeve a bit, but she manages to dodge and soak any hits to her, and finally strikes a blow to knock her back - and WHOOSH! The flames take that final breath of life from her. With one more fomor near her, Fiery Bellona lets out the last of her rage on it, ending the last wyrm standing. With a growl that leads into a howl, the red hispo stands there, teeth bared and nastiness dripping from her claws.

Winter takes another shot. The Kin cool as a cucumber sighting down the Fomori. She smiles a little crookedly when Iris' arrow strikes it to no avial-they would pick the tame target and she fires, a clean shot to drop the creature.

Branton burns the fuck out of one of the Fomori, lighting it up like a marshmellow too close to the campfire and melting it that same black charcoal texture.

Iris stops and looks at her bow, then at the fomori... Then at her bow again, then around.. And ah ha! There's Winter! "Oh that was YOU! For a second there I was like 'holy shit, how did you do that?!'" With the death rattles of their foes, she gets down to the super important stuff first, which is finding a flask of mouth wash and taking it to the Fianna pair, because no. Don't worry, it's like home made all natural shit, you can spit it out in the woods. Oh and also shit for a rite of cleansing, but mouthwash is also super important.

Winter waves from her tree branch at Iris. "Yeah. You'd be surprised how rarely people don't look up." She jokes and looks down to Branton. "Any old time-Branton-not that I don't love trees but squirrels with guns and all that." She kicks her feet idly and puts the safety on her rifle.

Fiery Bellona shifts back to homid just as Iris comes over with the mouth wash. She will take a swig of it, hold it back to gargle in her mouth before spitting it out, hitting one of the dead spirals square in the face - or what is left of a face. "Thanks, Goopmistress. Just nasty bloody buggers they were." She checks over Jes, "Ye good there, Sprinkles?" She saw him get hit, but needs to know how her pack mate is doing. She does give a gesture to Winter, "Nice shootin' there. Some day we should shoot together."

When everything whose name he doesn't know is dead, Deej shifts back into his homid form and scrapes off some of the gunk, pulling the Sig P320 from his belt and holding it toward the ground just in case something twitches. "Fuuuuuck /this/," he declares, pulling his pack of Nat Shermans out and putting one to his lips and then lighting it with his Zippo -- all right-handed, of course -- but holds the cigarette away so Iris can pour some mouthwash in, which he swishes like eighty times before spitting it on the wyrmy fire. "Thanks, Mom," he says cheekily but not snarkily, smoking his cigarette again and shaking his head.

"Nothing I couldn't walk off, Peach," the Ragabash calls back to his Alpha, kicking one of the Fomori over and making a disgusted face. "Some tastes I'd rather forget, but... fuck me, this was way more than some dumb Satanic barbecue. Any idea what the fuck they were doing out here?"

Branton zooms right up to get Winter, bringing her back to the ground before tromping over to inspect the Alpha. "Black Fury, once," he states, looking her baneklaive over. "And this was a Fury Klaive. Despoiled, now. Do you want to try to do anything with it?" He looks to Iris, leaving it up to her.

"Yeah. I manage Hunter's Game. Always happy to have folk down to the range." Winter calls to FB and slings her rifle across her body to start making her way carefully over with a grin at Branton in thanks. She's careful not to get too close in case of taint. Better safe than sorry after all.

Iris gives Winter a total 'oh my god she gets it!' expression, mouth opened and eyes all wide, "I KNOW RIGHT?!" The sometimes-winged lady relies on that very thing more often than not. "I will wash your mouth out, young man." Iris says, and in fact just did! But she offers Deej a second cleansing swig if he wants it. "You two budge up with the dead guys real quick for a family photo." she adds, whipping out her twig and water and ritual what nots for a quick cleanse. Quick-ish, really. "We'll um.. Poor thing's probably corrupted to shit, but it might could be salvaged and dismantaled. Might be just cursed and not corrupted, we'll see. Worst case, we melt it into slag, best case, we heal it and get it to its rightful heir."

Jes shakes his head at Iris, giving her a smirk and waving his hand. "No, I'm good, I'm good," he affirms, seeming cool as a cucumber... until one of the fomori near him seems to half-assedly lurch to the side with a popping, belching sound! At /that/, Death's Jester whips his arm around one-handed and pulls the trigger in the same motion, blowing the fomor's head clean off... even though it was just some sort of stupid fucking gas bubble and not an actual lurch. "FUCK ME!" he curses, though -- awesomely enough -- he didn't drop his cigarette.

Isla grins, watching Jes get his mouth 'cleansing'. "Family photo? Fuck. Let's get to cleansing. Then be sure to let us know if ye can fix up that Klaive there. We'd be happy to help return it to the rightful owner." She spits out again, hitting another target, just as Jes lets off a round. "Fuck, Jes! Get it together, lad."

The sudden gunshot is both hillarious and frightening all at the same time, unexpected as it was, causing Iris to shriek and slap her hands over her mouth while bursting into laughter, rubbing the ear facing him with her free hand. "Holy crap, dude. Okay stand still a minute, smoke and lemme do the thing." And with that, she circles the pair, whapping them with water and tracing her smoldering stick (once she has it lit and then put out, that is). There's snarling, there's howling, it's all quite intimidating, I swear.

"It fucking MOVED!" Jes protests, pointing his gun at the corpse emphatically. "Did you want me to wait and ask it if it intended to fucking /bite/ me first? They're not supposed to move when they're fucking /dead/, Peach!"

The long-suffering pikey bastard sighs, looking up at the sky and taking a long, slow drag on his cigarette. "Also, I blew its fucking head clean off in like... point three seconds. That should count for SOMETHING." He stands still as bidden, accepting the cleansing, and says, "We can help with doing the whole... you know... fucked-up area and shit. Yo, Burny Sanders! You wanna... you know... cremate these fucks?"

Isla grins and chuckles a bit. "Sure, it did, as it is bubbling. Damn thing is becoming goo." She shakes her head, "But ye shot it well. That I do give ye a point on." She watches Iris a bit as they get cleansed, and will offer to help with any of it as well.

No helping required! Mainly because Isla is one of the things being cleansed, herself and Jes and the area at large. Also there was something about a box but with Branton-Player asleep, investigation will have to wait. She gets the hell out of the way of any cremating though, and preps to douse anything if fire spreads at all. "SO! Where's the after party at?"

Jes slips the gun back into his waistband, pulls out the flask, and takes a swig before capping it again and saying, "Peach-Bottom Girl, you make the rockin' world go 'round!" and tossing it to the Ahroun. He puffs on his cigarette, eyeing Iris and Branton, and says, "Everybody back to our place for drinks and... food, I guess. I'll make pizza."

Isla nods, "Aye. Drinks fer everyone! Scotch is ready, and maybe some other stuff. Ye all can stay over if ye want also. Got plenty of land, and a whole pile of rooms in the lodge ye can take."

Isla catches the flask with one hand hardly looking, and within a second she has gulped a good amount of it.

"I prefer to sleep outdoors, but sure, I might just take you up on that." Iris says with a grin while putting her stuff away into her Bigass Purse again. "Hey, would you guys like to go to Antarctica with me? I absolutely can not promise it will be amazing, but it'll probably be pretty amazing."

Jes smirks and comments, "We've got Irish whiskey, bourbon, rum, mezcal, beer, and wine back there, too, but no fucking gin or vodka, thanks. Road scotch, anyone?" He points to Isla at that question, as she has the flask, and then looks between Winter and Iris and asks, "Are you two related? Because otherwise that's realy fucking weird. Also... Antarctica, Peach? I've never been. You up for it?"

Isla grins, having actually finished that flask of scotch, cause she has a taste for it especially after all the shit they just did. "Aye! Never been, and adventure is what the Devil's Own is all agout. Just let us know whenyer fixin' to go and we'll go with ye." She tosses the empty flask back to Jes, and then stifles a little possible burp.

"Actually I'm just about totally ready, so basically I guess just put together some stuff for a bit of a trip." Iris says, "It's gonna take a while, but hopefully it'll be worth it. At worst, we just end up on a very odd vacation."