2018.12.21: Glowing Frogs?!?

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Glowing Frogs?!?
IC Date December 21st, 2018
Players Hjalmar, Jacob, Jillian ST, Johanna, Khol, Lyall, Yukiko, Kandula's Hope
Location Wolfshead Cabin
Spheres Gaian Garou Kitsune

Hjalmar awaits for the man's arrival whilst trying to determine what it could be that made the frog the way it is.... Was it indeed a toxin, a poison? Or was it something else... He looks to Jill. "Jill. Why do you think it is due to poison, that the frog glows like this?"

Jacob would come out of the woods, stepping out in human form not having left any trace from where he came. Looking around to see if he could find Hjalmar who asked him to come around. "Hjalmar?!" he calls out since the wolves are all territorial and silly. Jillian looks up as a voice calls in, she looks to the jar "do not know, either, something eatting or.... magic?" she asks him "are there spirit frogs?" asks the young polarbear.

Hjalmar nods to Jill.. Still being thoughtful. "There could be.." Then he too, looks up as a voice calls out. "Aye! Over here, at the creek!" The voice comes from a bit to the side of the clearing, his house stands on.

Jacob heads over to the creek and raises an eyebrow looking over to Jillian and then to Hjalmar "You required my assistance?" he asks and looks to what he holds in his hands tilting his head curiously.

Jillian shyly bobs her head to Jacob "Jill finding.. frog... glowing by riverside." she says quietly.

Hjalmar smiles to Jacob as he comes closer. "Aye. You were on the calling list of my phone.. And." He holds up the jar. "I thought that you'd might be interested to see what made some of the frogs around, glow like some Christmas bulbs."

Khol was headed out to HJ's, he had intended to bring some things out anyway. A couple of Christmas presents. He is just getting out of his car when he hears the howl, and he leaves the presents in the car, locking it with the remote as he moves to find out where the howl is coming from. And what it is actually about.

Jacob raises a brow "Not my exact forte I have to admit.... have you discussed this with a erm" trying to find the term "shaman?" looking over to him and then over towards Jillian

Hjalmar shakes his head to Jacob. "No. Not yet. Could not reach them. And judging by their glow. I am not sure if we should wait either way..." He looks up and sees Khol appearing over the hillside, past his house. "Hey Khol! Over here!" He holds up those frogs to show them to the man as well. "Glad you heard the call. Got some weird stuff going on around my creek.."

"Don't lick the glowing frogs." Lyall is /quick/ with the advice as he spots these things. Knowing some people, immediate lickage is planned. The Fianna Theurge was /really/ just in the vicinity. Honest.

Khol pauses and both eyebrows slide up his forehead "Now thats something you dont see every day." he looks over at Lyall's advice and grins "Good advice.. " he approaches " you got these out of your creek?"

Jillian nods to Khol "I found them by the edge of the stream, anyone know where stream goes?"

Not too far away in the bushes, there is a light trustle of the leaves. There is no mystery as to what's in there, as it comes bolting out a few seconds later. A rabbit comes fleeing out of the bush, running at a breakneck pace from whatever was hot on their heels. It runs, and runs, and leaps under any tight space it can find, maybe under the cabin. What is chasing it, it DOES NOT want any part of it! And shortly there after, the hunter comes busting out of the bushes...

It's a small silver fox. Ears on a swivel, but their keen brown eyes are locked on the group of people gathered around glowing frogs. ...Glowing frogs. That is new. Their black, moist nose twitches to catch the scents in the air. Honey, most likely, is what she catches. Her eyes go to the hives, but look over to everyone else... She does not make any advances to them, or away. Still thinking on her actions to take...

Jacob looks to Khol and Jillian "I do not but I doubt it is hard to follow" motioning in the direction it goes, following a stream is rather easy actually. As the rabbit darts out and then the fox he tilts his head and looks to it. "Least rabbits and foxes aren't glowin"

Hjalmar nods to Lyall whom appears as well. "Ah, Lyall! Glad you were around here as well. And I agree. That would seem a bad thing to do." A nod to Khol and Jill. "Aye.. She found them here. And to be honest.. I would not know the origins of the Creek. It just seems to origin somewhere up in the hills or mountains. I am not sure." Then there's the rustling sound and the hare running. A brow raises at that. And his attention goes to the bushes, the critter lept from. And then there's the Silver Fox... He cocks his head to the side as he observes the animal... And in a low voice he talks... The voice as warm and smooth as always. "Well.. It seems that the day is getting more and more intriguing..."

"We have been accosted." Lyall smirks as the fox appears after the rabbit. "Not glowing yet. Depends on how much they've been drinking from the creek." A longer look towards the fox before his gaze slides over to Hjalmar and assorted company. "Glowing frogs from the creek. And we don't know where it came from. How far up into the...Oh, we don't know where the creek starts from. /yet/."

Khol walks over and he frowns a little, he brings his hands together and fiddles, with a leather strap at his wrist, "Well.. I don't know how much I can help, but Ill try if you want me to. " he asks "Is it only the frogs? Or has anything else glowing been seen?

Jillian speaks then "i have only seen the frogs, and.. just these two..." she says quietly "i swim daily so...usually take note of strange changes in my ceek." In Fact anyone that can scent such things (fox) can tell both a Bear and wolf share territory here.

The fox does not flee the scene when seen, and instead takes a few steps forward. Their head lowers down to the ground the more steps they take until they are a good foot away from the closest person from the group. Their big, brown eyes look over all, and they let out a few low barks. Not any threatening sounds, but they do sound cute! She then sits on the grass, ears wiggle for a moment, and she sneezes, the entire body shakes as it happens. Noselick, a huff. Silence as she just breathes and watches...

Jacob looks to Hjalmar "I see you got more then enough people to help you here" looking to the unafraid fox "And perhaps more" looking back to him "If it is something I can help with specifically give me a call, I don't mind helping"

Hjalmar nods to Jacob as he looks up from the Fox. "Very well then. I shall reach out if there's a need for it." Then to Khol a nod. "Please do what you can my friend." Then to Jill another nod. "Glad you observe so well Jill..." Then back to the fox... It does not react to them being.. Well them! The way, a normal fox would do... He nods to the fox. "Kitsune?" He asks the animal.. It would not be the first one he sees or gets to know.

Khol is standing near Hjalmar, who has two glowing frogs, he frowns just a little bit and focus, he makes a motion before his chest, over his heart, while running his thumb over the medallion on his bracelet, frowning in concentration.

"Kitsune?" Lyall also asks. But mostly because he doesn't know what exactly is being asked. Though a fox not fleeing from terror of obvious predators is definitely something to be confused about. "We have glowing frogs too. So a strange fox isn't too far out of the scheme of things."

The fox's ears perk up as she is so easily sussed out for being a Kitsune! Her head tilts to the side, and then to the other side, looking at Hjalmar as if he was the crazy person. Then, the fox seems to give him a wink, and a sly grin. And then starts to change. In a blur ove movement, now standing where the fox was sitting is a young woman, not even in her twenties. She looks impeccably clean and well dressed. She tucks her hands behind her back, and offers a small bow, saying "Kon'nichiwa. Ogenkidesuka?" Hello, how are you? She looks behind herself, having watched the new arrival shift from wolf to human. "Ohh, the local Garou?" She turns to look to Hjalmar, "I also... smelled a bear. I am glad to see the Okuma are fine over here." But, her attention shifts from Hjalmar to the glowing frogs. "And... what is up with those frogs?" She takes some steps towards them...

Khol finishes what he is doing and offers simply "Well.. There isnt anything magical about this.. It could be chemical.. or Bioluminecent.. " he stops speaking as he looks over and realizes that not only has Johanna arrived, but the fox he had not even noticed really, has suddenly become a person. He looks a little surprised, but not overwhelmingly so.

"All sorts, from everywhere, huh?" Lyall is quick to note as the Japanese girl appears from a fox body. "So, nothing magical. Probably nothing spiritual. Which means something is poisoning their water stream from further up in the hills. Probably." A disgruntled gruffy huff at the notion. "Should we get a map or something?"

Hjalmar nods to Johanna. "Yes. I did." He shows the frogs. "Jillian found these around the creek here.. Something is a miss." Then another nod to Lyall. "Aye. Kitsune." There is not much need to explain as the fox shifts." He smiles to the Eastern woman. "Hjalmar Hamerslag is my name." His accent clearly Western European. "Rited ShieldBrother. Born on two legs, under the half moon of the Philodox. Fostern of the Fianna... Welcome to my home." He nods as she looks to the frogs. "Not a clue, so far." Then back to Lyall, he shakes his head. "We should not be needing a map to follow the creek stream upwards." A look to the others. "Shall we go and see. Before more of these animals show up?" He nods to Johanna. "I was not wanting to go after the source without backup. No clue as to what we might find."

Johanna listens and looks at the frogs raising her eyebrow. "Well, those are different, but possible I guess. I would be happy to assist in the investigation, Shieldbrother." She notes the Kitsune and says, "I am Johanna Cooper, rite named Starchaser, born on two legs beneath the Half Moon, Adren of the Stargazers. Beta of Kandula's Hope, patrons of Mammoth." Intros are important and all. "Lead the way, Shieldbrother."

Over by the stream, "not just Hammer home, Jilly bean home too!" she says loudly "is bear - say tribe is Icestalker...cub" she says.

Khol offers a smile to Johanna, then to Yukiko he offers "Im Khol Cooper, Kin to the Stargazers, and mate of Starchaser. " he keeps it simple, but then remembers to add one more thing "Initiate of the Akashic Brotherhood." as if that is more than a little new for him.

Yukiko blinks at the really long greeting. Are things always so formal, even in casual gatherings like this? It's not even a court gathering! She speaks in her heavily accented, but soft english, saying "My name is Yukiko Saito, Rited Paws in Darkness, born Shinju, Doshi of the Kitsune." Simple, and short. She looks around, "And here I am, without Raijin-san. Left him at my camp. Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back! I'll be fast as a fleeting thought!" And at this, she shifts back into a fox and goes /sprinting/ into the woods, just a blur of movement, practically. It does not take long for her to come running back, with a case in her maw, holding it by the handle. She drops it and shifts, picking it back up. She goes over to the table, setting ti down. Latches, locks, and such are undone, and inside of it is a Katana. She takes it, and straps it to her side, patting it. "All set, so... We're going up stream to see where it goes, right?"

"Lyall Montgomery, rited Splits the Mirror. One of Fianna's children, born under the crescent moon upon two legs. A Cliath of the nation." Lyall is quick with the introduction, now that they are definitely happening now! An upnod to Yukiko and her...sword. "That's the plan at least."

Hjalmar gives another nod to the Kitsune. "A pleasure to meet you. Yukiko Saito, Paws in Darkness." Then to the others as the Kitsune scurries off for a moment. "Aye. Let me grab my axe and we go." With that. He jogs back to the Cabin and returns a minute later. A damn big axe hanging at his side.... And not a normal one either!

Khol doesn't have any real options, but he will let the shifters lead, he stays as he is, moving along the banks fo the stream, quickly and as quietly as he can.

Yukiko shifts into her Fox shape yet again, as everyone seems to be doing it. She follows after everyone else, sticking to the back of the group. She is not a frontline fighter, she'll leave that to the wolves.

As the night time is a way off its hard to catch sight of small glowing frogs, even though they are brightly green. Some of the animals may catch the glimmers once they know what they are looking for. The trees begin to become pretty thick and the area as you follow the stream gets more and more wyld touched in areas.

Splits keeps up easily enough with the moving group, especially with a two-legs with them. Occasional checks to ensure the kin is doing okay with keeping up. The poor wolf sees little to nothing on their trip.

Hjalmar looks to all here before shifting. "Let us go in animal form. Easier to spot things." And then he shifts and leads them along the stream. He looks around, taking in the details of the area they travel through... Trying to spot any and all things that might be off....

Starchaser moves along, lupus providing even more ease for her to keep an eye out for details. She sees more glowing frogs here... and then there. Her head is turning, she is sniffing, and she pushes forward, and noses, >> Follow me - this way! << She leads them forward, spying more glowing frogs like a beacon toward a watermill. >> They lead here! <<

Khol moves along after Starchaser. He pauses though once he see's the watermill. He doesn't speak loudly, he doesn't need to for those in animal form to hear him "That.. There is something magic there.. Be aware and cautious."

Yuki-Fox stops in her tracks when she sees and hears Starchaser suddenly getting more animated. Her ears go flat as she watches her go off towards the watermill. She lets out a soft bark, and follows after the movement, keeping behind everyone else even so. This is most curious indeed.

/NOW/ there is magic here. Splits chuffs at Khol's utterances and plods along with the group, nose low to the ground. Flickering ears here and there at the sounds of the stream and its surrounding area. More glowing frogs get sniffed before he catches back up with Starchaser and the group.

Yes there is magic here, the watermill was a sudden find, it makes no sound! but indeed there are plenty of the glowing frogs around the yard.

Hjalmar follows Johanna as she suddenly veers of the path, and on the way to that mill with glowfrogs. In a low voice. <<A weird place this is.>> He dips his head to Khol as the man mentions magic being around. He cants his head to the side. <<Any more you sense?>> He asks in the tongue of the Gurahl.. Hoping that Khol understands.

Khol considers it all for a moment then starts to chuckle softly. "Well.. someone is having fun." he murmurs "Shield brother, Starchaser.. there is someone .. or something, in there that is using magic to fuse Jellyfish DNA into the frogs.. giving them the bioluminescence common to some breeds of Jellyfish. The magic I am feeling is very Wyld, and seems almost natural in its essence. " He bites his lip "Im not sure why .. or what else they might be doing."

As she comes up onto the bank with all the frogs... she can't help herself, she needs to know! Yuki-fox goes walking up to one of the frogs, bends down low to sniff it, her pink tongue comes out to lick it. Tastes like frog. But no ill things happen to her. She smiles as well as she can in this form, and uses a front paw to bat the frog around a little bit, playing with it for a moment before turning to go with the rest of the group. Sometimes to learn things, you need to lick slimy frogs.

Hjalmar takes in all the things he sees and senses.. Things truly are off here it seems... The wolf closes his eyes and changes back to homid form in order to communicate with everyone of the group. "We need to be careful. We do not know what else is in there... Or what the person inside is capable of."

.... to be continued!