Johnny Law

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Johnny Law
Navigation: Information, Snapshots, Contacts, Early Edition
Information Snapshots
{{:Template:Johnny Law/Facts/Facts}} Johnny Law/Snapshots
Contacts Early Edition
Johnny Law is going to find /you/!

He has a few typical methods of contact. Either directly through meetings in the umbra, or through sending future editions of newspapers.

A life invaded by newspapers, showing up everywhere in a man’s path but evaporating when left behind. Smacking into an apartment door, or firehouse garage door. Waiting to be sat upon after opening the door to one’s car. A strange newspaper from ‘fictional’ newspaper company.

Prospect’s Early Edition

Dated for the next Sunday without fail, near or far in the future.. With much smudging across it’s interior, things that are away from the auspices of government or law get more and more unreadable until they are black smears. Headlines of crime or corruption are crisp and easy to read, lotto numbers and sports reports are missing or obscured. There is no middle ground of boldness to infraction, crimes of littering stand just as large of a headline and serial killers seem to be.

RP Logs