
From City of Hope MUSH
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  • "Passion is Energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what Excites you."


  • Kinfolk: Daughter to a Child of Gaia Anthro Theurge and a Fianna kinfolk, she was raised participating Kinfolk but expected to Change given several birth signs. A different change than expected, but she still adorates Gaia, hates The Wyrm, and remains Kinfolk. She is new to the sept, having spent a good bit with The Warder after being settled in by her parents' pack.
  • Changeling: A Seelie Ghille Dhu, she avoids the city mostly but can be found in the woods, out at sea, and in the Dreaming. She seems slightly remote and avoids Changeling politics like the plague.
  • Temperament: She is an odd mix of respectful to authority figures, yet tends to presume friendship easily. Bubbly, vivacious, and kind, yet can have a temper and is rather gleeful when helping others, even if it means a fight.
  • Wyld vs Weaver: She reeeeaaaaaaly dislikes Banality, more than most Sidhe by a good bit, and lumps The Weaver into this. Possibly seeing it as bad as The Wyrm.
  • Homeless, Poor: That whole "Avoid Banality At All Costs" thing crushes any sort of 9-5 job, though she occasionally busks/dances for cash.


  • Crisis: Most often she is followed about by a large Chimerical Companion, a golem/robot/mecha protector looking thing. It tends to dislike interactions with anyone but her, though the two often reduce each other to giggles.