2019.02.20: Surviving the Fimbulwinter

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Surviving the Fimbulwinter
The pack questing to learn of the history of the Fianna finally arrives in the Legendary Realm, in the midst of the great northern Fimbulwinter - the Wyrm's Winter of the dead forgotten. Continued from TBD: Visions of Tara
Players Lleutrim, Aleksandr, Frost, Dragomir, Ryla, and Waziyata (ST)
Location The Legendary Realm
Spheres Gaian Garou

Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

The silver wolf looks up at Frost as she signs and then tilts his head as the proceed down the bridge. <<Not so simple. Spirits fights battles of past. All battles, good and bad. All over. If battle here. Battle there. This is what Father tells." The wolf glances at Dragomir as he might know more. The Theurge is only a budding scholar on the realms. <<Maybe best say both.>> Then the Legendary realm some into view and his attentions move from Frost to the place with what one might assume was awe, if wolves could really express awe. The snow is high and the wolf has to struggle through it a little, up quite high on its body, but the added advantage is the camouflage it provides him. He turns to look back at Frost. <<Hope dress warm.>> He studies her for a moment and then turns back to the realm, eyes studying it as far as he can see. Nose sniffing to take in any and all scents, ears perking to listen to all sounds. Not just to be alert, but also to simply absorb the place.

Twilight's Glimmer exits the bridge and takes a snoot full of snow. In lupus, it is up to her muzzle for sure. >> Snow. Why did it have to be snow. << She is a California native, and snow is something she would see on television. Thankfully she blends in with that white silvery fur of hers, and stays behind others that are making more an an indentation first. >> Never appreciated fur more. <<

Frost laughs soundlessly, her shoulders moving with the motion as she reaches to zip up her coat. She grins a little at Alek, reaching down to scoop up a handfull of snow to start compacting it into a ball. There's walking too, and if any behind her want to get into the trench she makes as she trudges forward it might help a little.

Seinneadair Blàr comes down the bridge and feels the icy, subzero wind! He stops once his paws hit the edge of the snow and he sniffs the bitter cold air. So fresh though, crisp! Just like his inner wolf likes it. A long moment is spent in silence, taking in the sight, the scents, the breathtaking view. It may have been a while since he's seen snow. He notes Lights the Darkness plunge into the snow, displaying how deep it is. Lleupine turns his head to regard what Frost is wearing, >> If you grow cold, we can layer you up with our clothes. The rest of us can go in hispo. Travel faster through the deep snow. Blaze a trail so Frost doesn't have to struggle. << His pale eyes squint against the unfamiliar glare as he looks all around once more.

>> Trees to the south and east. Will give us shelter from the wind. More likely to be game and settlements than in the open. We want to slip back to lupus if we encounter people. << Seinneadair Blàr turns his head to see what the others think of his plan.

Dragomir watches - seeing the sight unfold and he takes in a deep breath. "I have returned. Forgive me." He lifts a half-gloved hand up and gently makes a glyph over his heart before he bounds forward and smoothly shifts into that of dire wolf of silvery white. The massive wolf moves through the snow like a seal, dropping low and letting the snow cover him. A quick motion and he throws his body to the side, and rolls it into his fur and through it like he's trying to swim before finally bounding back up once more.

A homid might think he was being playful, but it is clear he's cleansing his scent for a lupus. The massive wolf moves effortlessly through the snow, and bounds forward to take point now. The wolf clearly leaving a wide trench for others behind him.

Waziyata emerges last from the moonbridge, tail wagging slowly as she drops into the deep snow. She gives herself a shake, then turns and burrows into the snow, rolling and wallowing a few moments in her breed form, actions very similar to Eye of the Storm, though she doesn't shift just yet.

Afterward, she straightens up and gives herself a shake, then grinning, tongue lolling, tail wagging slowly. <<It is like being home.>>

Then Lleutrim gives the command to shift to Hispo, and the Child of Gaia surges up to her own dire form, forging through the snow after the Athro.

Behind the group, the moonbridge stands silent, glowing silver against the snow in the dawnlight. Then, a moment after Waziyata has leapt free, the moonbridge winks out - disappearing as if it never were.

Although some members of the group are happy at the snow, the cold is bone chilling, a deathly freeze with no joy beyond the joy of life and fire enduring against it. Breath comes out in puffs and freezes instantly on contact with skin and hair alike. Exposed skin immediately begins to redden. Noses run and then begin to freeze up as well. Even the Garou are not immune to the chill, in their light california winter coats, although their natural regeneration is beginning to take care of the problem - fur growing thicker much faster than would be natural for lesser wolves.

The tundra is silent, empty, not a trace of life. Unnatural for any but the most extreme winters and lands, of which this is certainly an example.

The Fianna shifts up into hispo and he leaps from the base of the moonbridge and out into the snow! Unlike Dragomir, Seinneadair Blàr dives and rolls in the snow for FUN, flopping this way and that for a few seconds, then hopping up and shaking himself off. He has a thick pelt and though it is cold, his humor is much improved by the clean expanse of white and the distant trees scented of pines. Aye, they'll need a proper cleansing but first, trekking. The large dire wolf who's fur is shades of black, grey, cream and cinnamon runs after Wazi after she passes him! Running will help keep him warm though it doesn't last long or they'd leave Frost behind.

Before long the brief joy fades as they forge their way through the snow, a pack of wolves and a woman heading for the trees.

Twilight's Glimmer shifts up seemlessly to Hispo, and follow along in the trench being carved out. She will stick close by near Frost if space is available and she seems to need any additional warmth. Keeping alert, she watches for any signs of life or worse out there as they move along in the icy snow.

Lights the Darkness doesn't seem to take it so much as a command, but a suggestion since he doesn't shift to Hispo like the rest. He seems at home in the snow, the depth of it doesn't seem to bother him at all, or even really hinder him. Sometimes he disappears into a plough of snow just to reappear again, fur covered in the icy white. Snow was all he ever knew in Russia, in the far depths of the north especially. Maybe he's also more concerned with stealth at the moment. Plus, with Dragomir already blazing the trail, it seems not to matter. As cold as it is, he seems to be more adjusted to it than some, even if this is COLDER than he was ever used to. It's a deeper cold. He moves behind Dragomir, but stays with Frost just in case. <<If too cold, will help. Can give clothes.>> He is quite serious though, the danger of the realm ever present in his mind. He may not know much of the place, but his Father was clear about that. About all the realms, really. <<Stay close.>> This he also chuffs at Frost. Not an order, more a request, even if a protective one.

At least one of them seems to find a little enjoyment in the snow, so, Battle Singer earns the snowball that Frost is patting between her quickly chilling fingers. She lobs it over at him before he takes off, then shakes her hands and slides them into her coat pockets. She nods to Lights, doing a little scrunching down into her coat to hide her face behind the collar as she walks on.

The Silvery White Dire Wolf growls lowly, >> Have her get on my back. She will freeze before we find shelter. We must be fast. << is conveyed as he starts to move forward. Then he lowers down enough to be climbed upon and waits.

Puddle Jumper pauses as she reaches Dragomir, turning to look back to the others. After a moment, she drops back down to her breed form and gives herself another shake, a cloud of snow flying from her fur in all directions, some of it enveloping the nearby Athro.

Then she chuffs softly: >>It is not like home. Too cold. Bad death cold.<<

Twilight's Glimmer moves up near Wazi, taking a bit of flying snow, but come on - they all have snow on them now. >> Shelter yes. Get lay of the land if we can. <<

Zing! There goes a snowball! Battle Singer's tongue lolls in a wolf's silent laugh though he has stopped hopping around like a dork once they got moving. >> Good idea. She can ride and we can move faster. << Eyes bright, he is yet invigorated by the cold. Though in time, cold and hunger will make for much less happy garou. He grows silentt to conserve his strength and keeps moving, one paw after another through the snow.

<> Lights-the-Darkness notes to Dragomir. <<Lead way.>> With that, the wolf grows to his own dire form, and then turns to Frost to offer her his own back to climb on. He offers no explanation as to why. <if we move fast. Must move fast.>> Then looking back again at Frost he notes. <<Hold tight.>>

Frost gives Eye of the Storm'rhya a surprised and likely intimidated look, her feet shuffling in place as she watches him crouch down. Then Lights is changing next to her, and the expression becomes one of relief and she nods, moving over towards him. Her hands come out of her pockets and she swings a leg over his back, scrunching down against him to hold on once she's settled.

The Silvery White Dire Wolf coils its head around to look back, seeing the exchange and watches Frost climb up on the other's back. There is a firm snort into the snow, before the head coils back around once more and he bounds off. >>Agreed. Your burden. You better keep up.<< he growls, and then moves swiftly into the snow in search of shelter. >>The sooner we cleanse this shit off, the better I will feel about being here.<< obviously completely covered in bane goo, and really not pleased about that fact it seems.

Waziyata waits until the Frost situation is settled, then turns and charges through the snow after the hispo wolf, following along with the group. In the normal course of running with the pack, she settles further and further back in the ranks until she is bringing up the rear, alertly watching for dangers, keeping an eye on the group and those in it. She too goes silent, focusing her energy on the task at hand in the bitter cold.

The harsh cold sinks deep into the Garou and even deeper into Frost, who, despite her coat begins to shiver uncontrollably upon Lights the Darkness's back with the wind of the wolves' running. The land is brutally unforgiving here, and the trees deceptively close. It won't be more than a ten or fifteen minute's run to reach them, most likely, but that might be a terrible distance in the current conditions.

Frost buries her face into Lights fur, at least taking the sting off the skin there. It doesn't help the rest of her much though, as anything not touching the dire wolf loses heat the more time passes. A shiver settles in, though as she is it's likely only Alek will notice.

Eye of the Storm pushes forward, brunting the cold to carve a path for the others. The strength of the wolf shows, as he plows through and he barks back, lifting his muzzle to indicate a thicker copse of trees ahead. >>Shelter ahead.<< and he starts to push in that direction now.

Maybe it's the extra burden, maybe the wolf just isn't as prepared for the cold as he should be, but Lights the Darkness picks up Frost and sprints after the rest. The wind, the biting cold, the snow and wetness, and maybe sharing his heat allows it to hit him hard though. The huge silver dire wolf, doesn't shiver, maybe quelling it, but his skin underneath the fur raises and his teeth grit against the cold. It's all he can do just to concentrate on following and on continuing to run. He is silent and without complaint.

Thank Gaia the sun is coming /up/ and wasn't just going down. Still the snow is deep and the cold is biting. Battle Singer glances aside to keep an eye on Frost from time to time, she being their primary concern. Up ahead the Lleupine can also see the thicker stands of trees Eye of the Storm indicates. >> Caution. Should check it out carefully. << He continues to lope through the snow, sometimes in the trail of the lead Silver Fang and sometimes blazing his own path.

Waziyata runs with the group, ears laying back, tail lowering, reducing the drag of the cold air as much as possible, her fur held close against her body. She doesn't whine or complain, but when Eye of the Storm barks out that order, she barks in return.

<<Better other place! Look left. Big snow.>> On closer examination, a few dozen meters left of the copse Dragomir is heading to, there is a mound of snow built up around something, forming a natural windbreak against the north, as well as the general shelter of the fir trees all about. It is no manmade home, but perhaps easier to keep warm and protected against the wind, if it decides to blow.

Twilight's Glimmer is cold. Very cold. But she is handling it for now. She is no expert on this sort of shelter needed, but believes Wazi has a handle on something. Dragomir as well, but Wazi points to something that looks promising. Whatever the acting alpha chooses, she will follow it.

Eye of the Storm stops, extending his awareness towards the copse. >> The copse is empty.. but you are right, better cover in the other place. We will need wood for fire.. Puddle Jumper should lead you all towards the safer area - and I will fetch wood and bring it back for shelter. << he stops and looks towards Battle Singer to make the call.

Seinneadair Blàr slows to a stop and looks where Wazi indicates, >> We'll check it out. Let us see if it is suitable. << While Dragomir may start looking for wood for a fire, Lleu slightly alters his direction and picks a lope back up to go with the others to see if the mound of snow will prove to be hollowed or hollowable. >> Snow good insulator. << Once they get to it, there is much sniffing around. Unless Wazi is ahead of him, Lleupine goes around to the other side and starts poking his nose around to see what they have found.

Waziyata wags her tail once in response to the other wolves, before altering course to run toward the mound of snow in the trees. She is again silent, following the bulk of the group as they move. Once there, she joins Lleutrim in sniffing and searching about. As he moves round the mound on one side, she moves to circle from the opposite direction and flank any dangers that may be there.

Frost climbs off of Lights when they reach the mound, stumbling a little as she sinks down into the snow. Her arms around his neck she hugs him tightly before letting him go if he needs to scout around with the others.

On the other side of the mound of snow, there is more snow and evergreens. The trees grow closely together and stretch in every direction but back the way the pack has come, a seemingly vast forest. There is no danger, but also no sign of animal life. All is deathly silent and freezing cold.

When the wolves attempt to dig into the snow mound, they find out in rapid order that its center is a fallen tree - cracked and splintered at the base as if snapped with some great force and pushed to the ground. Its cracked and splitered stump is near one edge of the mound. But the tree and snow will otherwise make for the excellent beginnings of shelter. Unless whatever broke the tree comes back.

Twilight's Glimmer joins with Wazi to check things out, and notices the tree and the splinterings. >> This is concerning and not surprising. << She continues to sniff and see if she can find anything further herself. At least the protection they found so far will help them with getting their bearings.

Lights the Darkness makes for the cover as fast as he can. He knows that Frost needs it more than he does, especially. Once there and she climbs off, he shakes his head a little. <<Stay close. Need heat. More than me.>> He does help them scout, nose sniffing, ears perked, and eyes ever alert, but he moves slowly, keeping Frost beside him.

Eye of the Storm will bound off to break wood, and drag it back - whole tree if he can. The dire wolf snarls and pulls until finally coming back to the shelter they have started. >> The Fimbulwinter of the Last Days. We are in the Polar Lands.. this is the cold that will erode not merely your body, but also your spirit. We cannot survive here for long - entire Kingdoms are gripped in the icy shackles, believed to be still frozen solid in glaciers. Each generation, as the stories and tales of the Nation are neglected and forgotten.. the winter grows stronger and blankets the Realm. Behold, we walk amongst the forgotten - where Legends have died and faded from memory. <<

The Dire Wolf rises its head, and snaps down on the wood - splintering it down with the assistance of heavy claws. He does not seem pleased as to where they have arrived, perhaps this does not bode well by his temperament. >> There will be nothing to hunt. Travel will be hard. If we do not make it out in time, the Kinfolk will die first from the exposure. Time is the enemy now. <<

Waziyata rounds the pile of snow and then turns and begins digging into it, groaning quietly at the cold and the explanation of Dragomir. She glances to the others, then turns and continues working to dig into the mound of snow, uncovering some of the broken tree's branches before turning and beginning to dig in a different spot.

<<Fire. Snow tunnels. These are needed. Bad death cold will not be good for us. Worse for her. First warmth, then decide plan Battle Singer?>>

Twilight's Glimmer shifts down to lupus and helps with the shelter. She chuffs to herself >> Should have taken class in Igloos. Not Underwater basket weaving. << She digs now, helping with snow tunnels while the others do their things.

Seinneadair Blàr shifts down to lupus though it's a smaller body that will hold heat less well. He starts digging as well, throwing out snow. The lupus form can more easily fit in there without dislodging too much snow from above. >> We can hump snow up to close off most of the open side, hold in more heat. Get a fire going. << Ugh, Lleupine can start to feel some shivering coming on. At Dragomir's return he comes back out and listens, eying the wood he's brought back, then goes back to helping dig out the shelter, >> Then we can only rest briefly, and must keep moving. But which direction? Can we not open another bridge and go to another part of the Realm? << Damn, Seinneadair Blàr's really starting to feel the cold too, paws working to widen out the hollow beneath. He gets a stick in his burnt face and it hurts. The bitter cold air makes the bane gooed place burn.

As the wolves work to investigate the mound and then dig into it, the sun continues to rise ever so slowly and fitfully in the eastern sky. The daylight brings no true warmth with it, only the barest easement of the cold.

Even as the group works to create shelter and warmth, the temperature remains horribly cold. The air still. The forest silent. Dragomir's explanation of 'Fimbulwinter' would seem to fit such a dismal, barren place. Even some of the wolves are beginning to suffer from the chill of this land.

Finally, about the time the Garou have finished digging out something resembling a snow shelter, the wind begins to blow. It isn't a dramatic, angry howling, but it is a stiff, inconsistent breeze that threatens to sap the will and heat from any who venture too far from the protection of the snowbank.

The branches of the trees sigh gently, as if commiserating with the group.

Lights the Darkness shifts down to his smaller lupus form, it provides him less protection and Frost, too. But the size change is needed as he helps people dig. He shivers this time, wracked by the freezing cold, but he doesn't let it slow him, or pause him. Time is of the essence. <<Yes. Need cover. Need heat. Must hurry.>>

Frost moves to work at the snow the wolves push out, helping to build it up into a wall in between blowing on her fingers to keep them from becoming damaged. It makes signing nearly impossible between the shivering and the stiffness, but she keeps at it, doing her part to help get a windbreak built.

Eye of the Storm growls, >> I told you Battle Singer, once we entered the Realm - there is no escaping it until we have appeased the lesson it wishes to teach us. Not even the greatest Theurge can moonbridge from here, and defy the Realm's Laws. The Fimbulwinter is greatest in the North, so I suggest we begin by heading South. Navigating in the storm will be extremely difficult. We should take time to properly cleanse, and what time we have - I will use to meditate and center my spiritual self - as we all should.

Watching them suffer, Eye of the Storm growls, >> Get everyone inside.. I will block the entrance and shield you all best I can. Use the wood, get a fire going. << The dire wolf pushes the wood forward with the edge of his muzzle and then pads around - waiting to lay across the entrance to block it once all are inside safely.

>> I didn't say escape it. I wondered if it was possible to travel that way /within/ it. But I suppose not. << Seinneadair Blàr gives Eye of the Storm a glare at always misunderstanding what people say. He flicks an ear and keeps digging out a bit more as he listens. >> Wind's kicking up. Everyone inside. << A cold dry nose nudges Frost to go deep into the shelter, >> We will pile up around you and get the fire going. << A piece of the wood he picks up in his jaws to start making the fire lay, one piece at a time. Starting with a triangle, or A frame and then picking out pieces of wood to sort by size.

Frost doesn't take too much coaxing to slip inside and out of the wind, her hands in real pain at this point. She heads in as far as she can, then pulls her arms inside her coat after some fumbling, stuffing them in her armpits to try and keep her fingers from turning solid on her.

Lights the darkness chuffs at Frost. <<No more help. Need save energy. Okay?>> Then he is picking up the wood too, after saying one last thing. <<Inside. Will give clothes.>> He starts to pile up the wood with Battle Singer and whoever else is working. He's a survivalist, he's built many fires, he's rather adept at this. He doesn't have to light the fire the normal way, fi and when it is collected, he will light it magically. The Gnosis is less a concern now than time.

Waziyata ducks into the shelter and glances back to Eye of the Storm to chuff: <<Trade with Wazi, if it is too much. We can share this pain.>> But she doesn't offer any real objections or arguments with his plan, instead settling inside the shelter. She pushes the woods closer to the others, letting the two male wolves work on the delicate balancing act of building a fire pyramid with teeth and snouts rather than hands.