Buddy's Roster

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Revision as of 14:12, 6 August 2019 by imported>Thebugroom (added character data)
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Buddy's Character Generation Information

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Player data

@lock Buddy=*Buddy @Sex Buddy=Male @Desc Buddy=%r%tThis rather handsome man is in excellent shape. He's 6'1" with a very muscular, but athletic body. His hair is red and a bit shaggy, and he has a few days stubble on his chin. Even though he looks like he's in his late twenties, he has a somewhat boyish face and bright, cheerful eyes. There's something incredibly friendly and approachable about his features.%r%r%tHe has wide, muscled shoulders and a perfectly chiseled torso. He's dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt, which shows off his strong arms, and a pair of comfortable jeans. A pair of running shoes finish the outfit.%r%r%t<Appearance - 4>%r%t<Friendly Face - He seems insanely approachable and kind.>%r%t<Calming Presence - Animals love him, babies calm down in his presence, etcetera. He feels awesome to be around.>%r &FAEDESC Buddy=%r%tPooka! Pooka -Grump-! Even though he's only twenty six, he's entered the realm of the Grump. His hair is a bit lighter of a red, and he has the floppy, notable ears of a Golden Retriever. In addition, when it is let out, he has a shaggy, wagging tail.%r @lock/UseLock Buddy=*Buddy @lock/EnterLock Buddy=*Buddy

Sheet data

+selfstat AGE=26 +selfstat ANIMAL_KEN=2 +selfstat APPEARANCE=4 +selfstat ATHLETICS=5 +selfstat BANALITY=5 +selfstat BLOOD=10 +selfstat BRAWL=2 +selfstat CALMING_PRESENCE=2 +selfstat CHARISMA=4 +selfstat CONCEPT=Fitness Instructor +selfstat COOKING=3 +selfstat COURT=Seelie +selfstat CRAFTS=2 +selfstat DATE_OF_BIRTH=Unset +selfstat DEXTERITY=3 +selfstat DODGE=2 +selfstat DROSS=1 +selfstat EMPATHY=3 +selfstat ESCAPOLOGY=1 +selfstat FACTION=Seelie +selfstat FAE=3 +selfstat FAITH=2 +selfstat FRIENDLY_FACE=1 +selfstat FULLNAME=Buddy Waithe +selfstat GLAMOUR=4 +selfstat GREMAYRE=3 +selfstat HEALTH=7 +selfstat INTELLIGENCE=1 +selfstat KENNING=1 +selfstat KITH=Pooka +selfstat LANG_ENGLISH=5 +selfstat LEGACY_SEELIE=Comrade +selfstat LEGACY_UNSEELIE=Cerenaic +selfstat LORE_CHANGELING=3 +selfstat LUSTFUL=2 +selfstat MANIPULATION=2 +selfstat MEDICINE=1 +selfstat METAMORPHOSIS=1 +selfstat NATURAL_URGE=2 +selfstat NATURE_(REALM)=2 +selfstat OCCULT=1 +selfstat PACK_MENTALITY=1 +selfstat PERCEPTION=3 +selfstat RACE=Changeling +selfstat REMEMBRANCE=3 +selfstat RESOURCES=3 +selfstat RISK_LEVEL=0 +selfstat SEEMING=Grump +selfstat SENSATION_JUNKIE=2 +selfstat STAMINA=3 +selfstat STRENGTH=4 +selfstat SUBTERFUGE=2 +selfstat SURVIVAL=3 +selfstat TYPE=Dog +selfstat WAYFARE=2 +selfstat WILLPOWER=5 +selfstat WITS=2


+note/private me/Dross=He makes a bit of Dross training young Fae in athletic pursuits. +note/private me/Resources=He works at a local gym, and also as a personal trainer. +note/private me/Urges=He has a tendency to sniff, as well as sometimes he chases cars. Also, his Lustful is tied in here as well.