2017.12.29: PWN - LONE - LONE 7

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ONE seat... is left empty in the front row for some reason. Security is to make sure no one tries a fast move and take it. That seat.... is the one that Wendy usually takes. A few of the ladies are mingling in the backstage area, going over what their plans are for the show tonight. The fans in the arena and those watching at home on internet Pay Per View aren't greeted to a normal intro. Instead, it goes right into the titantron lighting up and the arena darkening. We open to the backstage area, with Gutter Trash Terri Thompson standing in front of the camera. She just got done with her match against The Glorious One, where she sadly lost her title, which is evident not only by the text in the lower left corner saying 'recorded after LONE 6', not only by the fact that she's still in the same ring gear, but by the fact that her left eye is still cut. Her face is stained with blood, as well as her hair which left streaks of purple.

Terri is nursing the back of her neck with her right hand, still feeling the punishment from BOTH matches she went through tonight. She groans in pain, eyes on the floor for a moment before snapping back to the camera.

Terri Thompson: I lost tonight. I lost tonight and you know what? There's nothing I can do about it... at least not now. And I've got no excuses.

Terri Thompson manages a smile, letting out a faint laugh.

Terri: Heh... You know my Father used to say, excuses are for people who don't want to put the blame on themselves. Excuses are for people who just don't want to admit that they couldn't get the job done. And you know what? I admit it. I couldn't get the job done. The Glorious One took advantage. Do you know why? Because I let her. I wasn't careful and now the title that I EARNED! That I CLAWED FOR! Is in the hands of The Glorious One. A Woman who claims she is world class, but throws her weight around and cuts corners and kisses up to the brass to get a title shot. A woman who takes advantages. I lost the title to a woman who takes advantages because I was stupid enough to let her. If I have an excuse, that's my only one. I was stupid enough to let her and I should've known better, and now I've dropped the ball but you know what?

Terri winces some more, leaning forward for a moment, gripping the back of her neck tighter.

Terri: Ahh! You know what? It's fine because I'm going to get it back. Getting what I want only to have it taken away from me is something I've been used to my entire life. You know what else I've been used to?

She raises her brow as she eyes the camera, as if waiting for an answer for a moment.

Terri: Everywhere I go, when I talk to people... meet 'em for the first time they ask me what I do... and I tell them, PROUDLY, that I'm a professional wrestler and you know what they do? They take one good, long look at me and they say... Really?! You don't LOOK like a professional wrestler!

Terri smirks, laughing a bit.

Terri: Heh... Well, do I look like one now?

She leans in close to the camera, letting viewers get a good look at her left eye, showing the cut below her brow that The Glorious One accidentally did when she thumbed Terri in the eye.

Terri: HUH?! DO I?!

She takes a step backwards.

Terri: Day in and day out I've been continuing to PROVE I am a wrestler! To PROVE I belong here! And to PROVE that I am a fighting champion! So I'm not going to let one bump in the road slow me down oh no no no! I'm going to get back on this horse, trample over The Glorious One and ride off into the sunset with the LONE Championship! The Glorious One, I can't say you've won by some simple trick that I dropped the ball in reading. No! You had a hell of a match with Sister Catherine! Just like I had a hell of a match with Ms. Gucci! We were both spent! We both took a lot out of each other but you took more when you took my title!

She narrows her eyes, a little more blood dribbling from her left eye as she gasps and pants. She's exhausted from wrestling two matches, two main event caliber matches and one was actually the main event!

Terri: And I won't rest until I get it back! I'm gonna PROVE to anyone whose ever doubted me and my ability as a wrestler that I am DOWN... but not out... WOUNDED... but not dead... when I take back what's mine and if anybody like The Glorious One, Ms. Gucci, Sister Catherine, ALL of them want to think differently? Then I'll just have to plant your mind in the GUTTER!

The camera fades as Terri starts to walk off, nursing her neck still and cursing at the pain. "Gah! Damnit!"

The 'recorded after LONE 6' text doesn't fade, however, as we transition to another backstage scene with The Juggalettes! Tick L. is holding her ribs and looks like she just came back from her match. Slapp approaches her.

Slapp: Holy shit!

Tick L.: What...?

Slapp: Don't you realize what just happened?!

Tick L. looks at Slapp as if she's confused by that question

Tick L.: ... I got my ass kicked?

Slapp: No! Well, yeah, but no! You WON!

Tick L.: Well, I don't feel like a winner...

Slapp: Since when is that different from any other night? Look, I've been thinking.

Tick L.: That must've hurt!

Slapp: Shut up! Anyway. You won. You're getting the winner's purse. I'm thinking why bother tag, when we can just do singles matches, and one of us run out and attack the other and we'll be awarded the win!

Tick L.: So you wanna fight each other?

Slapp: No stupid! Just a little punch! You can take one can't you? All we need to do is attack each other ONCE and we'll be winners!

Tick L.'s eyes widen as if she just realized what Slapp is saying with all of this.

Tick L.: Fuckin' A I'm down! Let's do this!

Slapp puts her arm around Tick L. who winces as the two walk off.

The promo reel continues, as "Pretty" Fay Qent can be seen in front of a purple and pink colored background, standing with her arms folded over her chest. Aurore comes into the frame now, resting a hand on Qent's right shoulder before stepping behind her and running her hand over Qent's back to her opposite shoulder. She leans her head against her hand as it holds Qent's shoulder.

Aurore: Feast your eyes.

Aurore steps forward, slowly drawing her hand away from Qent.

Aurore: Feast your eyes on your demise, Alison Crowne! When you answered our challenge, you have no idea the world of pain that you have opened up. When my client finally gets her hands on you, it's going to be victory for the pretty...

She then points downward.

Aurore: And down with the Crowne!

The two laugh as we fade out to one last promo. The promo reel comes to an end with one final promo, a teaser.

A forest with a few inches of snow covering the ground is shown. All that can be heard for the moment are the sounds of nature as the camera stays fixed on the forest. It appears as if nothing is there but snow, tree leaves and sticks. A pair of blue eyes can be seen as the camera focuses in. Out from the snow pops the business end of a sniper rifle, followed by the scope. Whoever is underneath the snow, is using it for a moment to hide their breath. A feminine voice is then heard, as their mouth pops out from the snow. "The Perfect Shot is coming!"

The camera now focuses on a paper target dangling from a tree. A loud BANG of a gunshot is heard as the bullet rips through the bullseye of the paper target. Music starts to play, the sound of Hard Rock Hallelujah covered by a feminine voice with a finnish accent singing the vocals. The camera fades to font colored in the LONE Pink/Purple to read



As the camera pans around the crowd, we see fans holding up signs of their favorite wrestlers. Immediately opening up the show, the public address sound system comes to life playing “The Man” by Aloe Blacc as Drew Stevenson comes barging out from behind the gorilla curtain, dressed in a very expensive Armani suit and the look on his face is one of anger. Walking down the ramp and quickly up the steps, climbing into the ring, he requests a microphone and is given one immediately as he brings it up to his lips.

Stevenson: Cut the music!

The music fades immediately.

Stevenson: I’m going to make this short and sweet, Terri Thompson — GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!

Lowering the microphone, he stands with his full attention aimed at the entrance; waiting the arrival of the former LONE Champion, Terri Thompson.

"Hello from the Gutter" by Overkill kicks in on the PA as Terri Thompson steps through the curtain wearing her usual ring gear but with a white tanktop that has an image of a trashcan on it with a pair of eyes peeking out from the lid and it reads TRASH under it in black font. She has a microphone in hand. Her music cuts out before she speaks.

Thompson: What do you want, Stevenson? I hear you've been wanting to talk to me all month! You not happy with all of the crap, all the LIES you put me through?!

Stevenson: LIES?! Really? You want to come to me about lies? You want to come at ME after what happened last month?

Narrowing his dark brown eyes and staring directly into hers, he takes a step forward.

Stevenson: See Terri, what you don’t realize is that you’re not in a predicament right now to come at me with ANYTHING, you understand? After what happened last month? You have proven to me that you are a HUGE liability to this company so let me ask you again; is this a war that you really want to start right now?

Pausing, he waits to hear her response as this capacity crowd is dead silent, just waiting to see what transpires next.

Thompson: Predicament? Liability?! What are you even TALKING about?!

She starts to take steps forward as she speaks, walking to the ring and heading up the steps to step through the ropes and stand in front of him.

Thompson: What 'predicament' did I put you in? The fact that you've got Jack E. Bux by the balls and gave Mark Robertson whatever he wanted? Sure, Glorious One had to face two opponents that night and sure, she earned that belt because I dropped the ball but you know what? You acted like you were all smiles to my face knowing full well you were putting plans in motion to make sure I lost the belt! So that's what I mean by LIES!

Stevenson: You know what surprises me the most about you Terri? The fact that you are so full of excuses right now because that’s not the Terri that these people love so dearly, now is it?

Motioning with his left hand out towards the crowd, they boo Stevenson loudly as he simply ignores it and continues to speak.

Stevenson: No, see, I thought you were supposed to be a FIGHTING champion, somebody who accepted any and all challengers yet — you’re blaming ME for your failure?

Shaking his head in disappointment, he shrugs his shoulders and once again continues.

Stevenson: In case you didn’t realize Terri, I wasn’t even out there for that match, I was in the back. However, as far as Bux goes? Don’t be accepting money when you know that you can’t pay your bills.

Terri looks to be very frustrated by his words.

Thompson: Full of excuses?! Maybe you're hard of hearing or you didn't see my promo from earlier but the only excuse I have, if any, was that I got careless! I've been fighting ever since I got that title to defend it and I blame no one but myself for losing it! What I blame YOU for is your LIES! But I suppose I should blame myself for that too, as you've always made it known you were a liar. So what are you gonna do? You gonna have the whole roster come at me in a match because right now, I'll take them all on if I have to!

Stevenson: Oh little Terri, those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Taking a moment to pause, he reaches up with his left hand and scratches his upper lip before bringing the microphone back up in order to speak.

Stevenson: You see Terri, you can call me a liar all you want but when push comes to shove? Even you admitted that Glorious One EARNED her shot so answer me this; how did I lie?

Shaking his head and waving his left arm, he immediately continues.

Stevenson: No, you know what? It doesn’t matter, I don’t have to dignify your remarks with a response. Let’s get down to brass tax, what really matters, shall we?

Pausing again, another smile crosses his face.

Stevenson: Last month... A real tragedy happened right here in this very arena and you know DAMN well what I’m referring to Terri, don’t you? Yeah, of course you do but just in case you somehow forgot, let me clear it up for you.

Walking to the side of the ring, he extends his index finger and points down to the front row seats where one seat in particular is empty.

Stevenson: Do you recognize that seat Terri? Of course you do, that seat used to be the very seat where your girlfriend Wendy attended EVERY SINGLE LONE event. However, after what happened last month? You can bet your sweet little ass that Wendy will NEVER attend another LONE event. So you see Terri, THAT’S what I was referring to when I said that you are a HUGE liability because we can’t have jealous girlfriends brutally assaulting legendary figures of our business simply because she didn’t like the fact that her girlfriend simply wasn’t good enough on that night to defend the richest prize in our business today.

He pauses briefly.

Stevenson: So I ask you again Terri, is this really a war that you want to start?

Giving her a questioning look, he extends both of his arms outwards while awaiting her next response.

Terri follows his finger, looking over at the seat and frowning. She shakes her head, almost sounding like she isn't Terri right now, but...

Terri: Hey, man, I didn't tell her to do that... I'm sorry that this happened, and I told Robertson I'm sorry about it...

Stevenson: Whether you told her to do it or not isn’t the issue, the issue is that it happened and another issue is that you have become a liability to LONE.

Right after saying that, the arena deafens in boos as they don’t agree with Stevenson at all.

Stevenson: What you don’t understand is that you have put all of us in a bad spot. See, while you may or may not have had anything to do with it, the fact of the matter is, your significant other did it and that puts YOU at fault.

Pointing down at Terri, he continues to ream her verbally.

Stevenson: So answer me this Terri, what kind of measures am I supposed to take with you right now? There’s suspension without pay...

The crowd boos again.

Stevenson: ... There’s flat out firing you...

The crowd boos even louder, some of them even throwing trash into the ring.

Stevenson: ... So I ask you, what kind of measures do you think that I should take against you Miss. Thompson?

Thompson: You know something?

She puts the microphone up with the bottom pointing out at her side. She steps right in Stevenson's face

Thompson: No matter what I tell you, you're gonna believe what you want to believe. So if you're going to punish me.... Punish me how you see fit. You do what you have to do, Stevenson!

With the crowd cheering Terri on, this puts a smile on the face of Stevenson as he immediately responds.

Stevenson: Oh aren’t you a brave one? You know Terri, I could suspend you without pay and I could even fire you and make sure that you never work in this industry again. You see, I have the power to do all of those things, to make sure that you are down on your knees, taking Robertson’s orders whenever he wants anything at all but you know what? That’s too good for you, so what I am going to do is something that I know will make you hurt even more.

Taking another moment to pause, he gets right back in Terri’s face.

Stevenson: From this point on? You are having your status revoked from this company. You will start at the very bottom of the barrel, you will be nothing more than a rookie who has to EARN her place back in MY company...

Right after saying that, more trash is thrown into the ring as these fans are livid.

Stevenson: You will open up every card, you will say yes sir, how high whenever I tell you to jump and just so you know what kind of punishment this is: from this point forward? You will have no theme music either because that belongs to the women who don’t brutally assault the legends of our business.

Nothing but a large smile seen expressed on his face.

Stevenson: Oh and I hope you’re ready for your match because it’s...

Lowering his head to look at his platinum Rolex, he quickly brings his head back up.

Stevenson: ... NOW!

Terri listens to his announcement and shakes her head.

Thompson: FINE! Strip me of my status! I've said before I'm used to having things I've EARNED taken away from me in life! You want to put me in a match, strip my status, strip my music? Strip me of WHO I AM?!... YES SIR! Give me all you've got!

"Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson vs. Hookah Jones

".... TITTIIIIIES!" Krizz Kaliko's Titties (Ft. Tech N9ne) cuts on over the PA. Hookah Jones parts the curtain with both hands and springs forward. Hooka skips down the aisle and pauses, shaking her titties towards a man and grabbing the back of his head, forcing it into her chest and she jiggles them. Hookah slides into the ring and get up on one of the middle turnbuckles, throwing her hands up and then pushing her chest out, jiggling her titties towards the fans. She then hops off and runs to the opposite corner to do the same thing.

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First! From Los Angeles, California, HOOKKAAAAAAAH JOOOOOOONES!

Hookah throws her hands up, to a cheer from the fans.

Baxter: And her opponent! From Fallcoast, Maine, GUTTER TRASH TERRIIIII THOOOOMPSOOOOOON!

Terri throws her hands up, to a louder cheer!


The commentary feed now finally cuts in after the promo reel and opening segment. Kevin North and Dexter Irving Cornelius (Aka DIC) can now be heard.

North: Hello fans and welcome to the 7th edition of LONE. Holiday Hell! We've had quite the opening to our show tonight and wow, let's get to the action! Well Hookah Jones is looking to score an upset over the demoted Terri Thompson. Is it hookah as in the tobacco pipe or hooker?

DIC: You take a good look at her and you tell me what you think? That said, hooker or not she still has more class than Gutter Trash. She smells even worse tonight after losing everything, being depressed and being a loser is a losing combination.

Jones and Thompson quickly go at one another with Jones eager to impress early on as she captures the former champion in a side headlock off the collar and elbow transition. Thompson however is fired up after being demoted and shoves Jones off before connecting with a discuss elbow to the jaw. Thompson starts firing off what seemed like a lightning barrage of left and right punches staggering Jones into the ropes. The official gets ready to call for a clean break but before he can Jones gets whipped off the ropes towards the turnbuckle which Thompson follows up with a Stinger Splash that'd make a veteran proud.

North: Terri Thompson is fired up tonight! If Drew is trying to break her spirit it's backfiring in a big way right now.

DIC: It's just fumes... a ton of fumes. You know I wouldn't be surprised if Jones is struggling to breathe out there sharing the same ring as her. Another minute of this and I'm going to have to break out the gas mask so I can breathe.

North: Come on, stop exaggerating and taking her nickname seriously.

DIC: Take an allergy pill and unclog your nose and you'll see what I mean.

Jones stumbles out of the corner taking two wild swings that aren't even close to connecting before flopping face first onto the mat. Terri Thompson slaps the top turnbuckle pad several times as she ascends to the top looking for a guillotine legdrop but Jones wisely rolls out of the ring as the crowd voices their displeasure. Thompson hops off the turnbuckle back into the ring as Jones looks to catch her breath, but just when she thought everything was safe turning her head back to there ring the former champ is already rebounding off the rope, taking flight...

Trash in the Wind!

North: There it is, Trash in the Wind! That's Terri's signature suicide dive to the outside.

DIC: That was definitely trash flying alright, I'll give her that.

The referee doesn't even bother to start counting, seeing where this match appears to be going and instead just motions for them to bring it back to the ring. Terri Thompson begins to mingle with the crowd slapping a few fans hands triumphantly but suddenly stop as her eyes lock on to the empty seat in front of her, Wendy's seat. The hesitation was all Jones needed as she started to club her in the back with several elbow shots and one to the back of the head for good measure before tossing her back into the ring.

North: Jones for the moment has taken over this match, all it took was a moment of hesitation to shift the tide of this match.

DIC: It's her fault she isn't in that seat right now! The smell of week old tuna sandwiches must smell like heaven to all these hicks and hobos. Only way I can explain why she has so many groupies willing to do her dirty work.

North: Look, I'm not going to excuse her actions but could you at least show a little bit of sympathy? She was worried about someone she loved get seriously hurt and screwed. That doesn't justify her putting her hands on Robertson, absolutely not. I know why Stevenson wouldn't want her at the events but don't you think he took it a little too far?

DIC: If you ask me she got off easy. That said she's still going to pay for it every single time she steps inside the ring for the rest of her career. It's a gift that keeps on giving, Merry Christmas!

North: Christmas was a few days ago.

DIC: Fine, HAPPY NEW YEAR ya shmuck.

Jones sizes up her opponent, looking to score a shocking upset as she scoops Thompson off the ground, lifting her up for a brainbuster. However she hesitates for just a second, perhaps out of excitement, and this allows Thompson to wiggle free and land behind her. Jones then quickly gets spun around, lifted, and dropped in the blink of an eye for the blue thunder bomb!

North: Down the Drain! That didn't last long!

DIC: She's still losing the war, Kev. Sooner or later she'll break and when she does you better believe I'll be sipping back on the bubbly.

Thompson appears to be done playing around as she stalked her opponent looking to get up, Jones struggles to make it to her feet but finally does with the aid of the ropes. Jones wearily turns around only to suffer the fate of Thompson's signature bulldog, Mind in the Gutter! Terri Thompson quickly hooks both legs as the crowd counts along with the ref. 1, 2, 3!

Baxter: Here is your winner... Terri Thompson!

North: Well if she's starting over again consider her 1-0. Sooner or later the cream will rise back to the top. If you ask me this is far from over.

DIC: It is and I'm going to enjoy watching this fish swim upstream until she collapses.

Backstage: Kix/Reeves

The arena darkens, as the titantron above the entrance way lights up and we're taken backstage to our backstage correspondent Linda Edwards who is in the middle of the frame.

Linda Edwards: Ladies and gentlemen I'm joined here at this time by Ami Reeves.

The crowd cheers for Ami, the mixed martial artist with an affinity for Nintendo games, as Ami steps in and the camera pans out some to center them both in the frame.

Linda Edwards: Now Ami, tonight you're going to be across the ring from Fay Qent who thus far has been undefeated and rolled through every challenger placed in front of her. What has to be going through your mind as we're moments away from the match?

Reeves: Well, she's been nothing short of impressive. The stats speak for themselves. But every villain has to come face to face with a hero. Everything I've done in life has led up to this point whether it was putting in hours at the gym or relaxing with Link in the Temples of Hyrule. I've got the heart and mind of a champion with the triforce on my side and I'm going to take it!

"Bien bien. Tu as définitivement le bon esprit pour ce soir, non?

That soft but firm French melody could only belong to one person as the camera pans to Hannah Kix walking into view.

Kix: I just hope you're not biting off more than you can chew. Qent is the last person you should be taking lightly.

Kix: Mais bien sûr, c'est ce que vous semblez toujours faire. Tout est amusant et tout est une blague.

With a soft giggle Kix smiles at Reeves.

Kix: Just be sure to keep eyes in the back of your head and expect trouble. Nobody has come out unscathed yet against her. Everyone is counting in you.

Kix goes to walk off but pokes her head back into view one more time, the interviewer stretching the microphone out towards her.

Kix: Bonne chance dans votre match ce soir.

"Pretty" Fay Qent w/Aurore vs. Ami Reeves

Coming Soon!

Backstage: Stitches

Coming Soon!

Stitches vs. Hannah Kix

Coming Soon!

Backstage: Mark Robertson

Coming Soon!

Glorious One Title Celebration

Coming Soon!