2018.06.29: PWN - LONE - LONE 13

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The titantron above the entrance way lights up as the arena darkens. The iPPV feed changes to the feed on the titantron as we open up to Spice & Ice backstage. A little message in LONE pink letters comes up in the lower left reading 'prerecorded after LONE 12'

Standing in the frame is a very exhausted and very frustrated Spice & Ice. The two are leaning their backs against some stage equipment as Linda Edwards approaches them from the left side of the screen.

Linda Edwards: Cinnamon. Violet. A tremendous performance you two put out there. Cinnamon, you lasted about an hour after being number one!

Cinnamon snatches the microphone from a startled Linda as the camera focuses on Cinnamon and Violet. Violet turns to lean her right side against the equipment, staring at Cinnamon as she speaks.

Cinnamon: Oh tremendous performance! Tremendous performance! You know what, Linda? You know the thing about tremendous performances?

Cinnamon's eyes shift towards Linda for a moment and the camera pans out a little to catch Linda in the frame.

Cinnamon: They don't always win you the big one!

Cinnamon stares straight ahead now.

Cinnamon: I was number one!

She holds up her left index finger.

Cinnamon: NUMBER ONE entrant in the rumble! And I lasted for over an hour until I got screwed!

The back of that same hand pats Violet across the chest. Violent doesn't flinch.

Cinnamon: WE

She gestures now between the two of them.

Cinnamon: Got screwed! We got put in early because somebody wants to see us taken out! I mean, take a look at what happened tonight, and take a look at what happened during the Tag Team Classic! We beat those vampire freaks! We showed the Gucci Gals who REALLY is second rate!

Violent Violet takes a moment to faintly laugh.

Cinnamon: And what do No Fly Zone get? What does that street rat Felicia Hawkins and her subservient J-Pop Idol wannabe get? They get an open door! They get Ainslee and Anne, LONE's odd couple! Everyone saw that split coming the moment they were paired up! Then they get the Juggalettes whose only claim to fame is that they rolled up Terri Thompson.

Cinnamon mock pouts for a moment.

Cinnamon: Aww, too soon, Terri?

Cinnamon: And then they get US! A team who busted their ass the WHOLE tournament, and they got to have it easy, and even got to REST before they faced us! You know... The more I think about it, the more I realize there's only one man to blame for all of this.

She pauses, eyes peering into the camera as if she's hanging on the words of the audience.

Cinnamon: And that man is Jack E. Bux! Jack E. Bux, all he ever did was hold us back! All he ever did was tell us that we'd have our time, and hold us back from going out there and doing what we do best! He wants to claim that Drew is ruining things. Well if that's the case, he's the one that's letting it happen! He's the one that's letting us come out early in the rumble! He's the one that gave No Fly Zone a flight straight to the Tag Titles! But that won't be the case anymore...

She shakes her head while wagging her finger.

Cinnamon: Oh no no no. As long as we're still around, we're going to keep coming for those Tag Team Titles and show No Fly Zone why we're truly the top of the tag division and give the people what they REALLY want to see...

She runs her hands seductively along her curvaceous body.

Cinnamon: Mmh...! Sex...

Violet balls her right hand into a fist and punches it into her palm.

Violet: ... And Violence!

Cinnamon moves to hand the mic back to Linda, who tries to take it from her but Cinnamon drops it in front of her, causing some feedback on the mic.

Cinnamon: ... Oops!

The two laugh as they walk out of frame, leaving Linda to bend down and begrudgingly pic up the mic.

Backstage: Evelyn Price segment

After Spice and Ice say their peace the cameras cut backstage to Evelyn Price standing by Linda Edwards outside the locker room.

Linda Edwards: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Supremacy: LONE 13 Power Trip! I'm your backstage consultant, Linda Edwards and right now I'm with "The Price to Pay" Evelyn Price. Evelyn, last month you had an impressive showing during the Rumble after a prolonged absence. For those who may just be tuning in or for those who may need a refresher; just who exactly is Evelyn Price and what goals do you have going forward?

Evelyn: Well, first of all it's great to be be back. Anyone who may follow me might know that I took some time off to finish my degree and regroup emotionally and physically to come back and give LONE everything I have. Sometimes you have to take a step backward to move forward. During my last stint Qent; let's be honest here, she made a bigger name for herself at my expense. I wasn't prepared for that level of competition; but that's not an excuse as to why I lost. Just a simple fact. Qent has been on fire and she deserves all the success she's had. One day I hope to get a second chance against her and prove that the Evelyn Price you see before you today can go toe to toe with the best of them.

Linda, I'm in the shape of my life right now and I'm in a good place in my life. But I'm not satisfied, I'm hungry for success. I didn't want just a good showing at the Rumble; I wanted to win it. I'm thankful to have remained on LONE's radar when in this dog eat dog business you don't always get a chance to make a second first impression. I want to show LONE that I can contribute to its continued success and I want to prove to myself and everyone else that ever had an inkling of doubt in their mind, or a nagging voice that says 'you're not good enough' to know; it's okay to fall down as long as you get back up. Never stay down and you're never out. Now that I have my foot back in the door I'm going to make the best of it.

Linda Edwards: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen Evel-

Ashley Lopez, one of the students from 4WA that also participated in the Rumble last month blindsides Evelyn Price, causing Linda Edwards to fall over herself from the impact. Evelyn and Ashley start trading blows for several moments before security rushes in to break up the scuffle. Evelyn tries to struggle past security while Ashley Lopez wore a smirk knowing she just put her own foot in the door in LONE.

Ainslee Avalon vs. Anne "Flying" Grayson

“Holy Diver” by Killswitch Engage hits the speakers to a rise of boos from the crowd while she stands at the entrance, stepping out from behind the curtain. With a bit of a lean to her and her hand on the leaned hip she looks around for a moment with her signature smirk and makes he way down to the ring.

Baxter: Now making her way to the ring, from New York City, Ainsleeeeee Aaavaaloooon!

Ainslee takes her time down the ramp, and stops in the middle of the apron of the ring, left hand across the top rope before stepping between the ropes into the ring. Leaning into the corner she looks on.

Baxter: And her opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia….

“Long Way Down” by Haste the Day hits the speakers and the crowd erupts. They have been waiting for these two to lock horns for a while but the music keeps playing and Anne isn’t coming out and the music stops.

North: DIC I’m not sure what’s going on here. We just heard Anne Grayson’s music but she’s nowhere to be found!

DIC: Or maybe she took the invitation and is sitting back at Casa de D-I-C.

North: Not likely. And considering how much Anne has wanted to finally officially get her hands on Ainslee, something doesn’t seem right here.

DIC: It’s OK, I can watch Ainslee’s Assets all day!

North: You should be careful what you say. I think just about every woman there in the back could wipe the floor with you. Wait.. hang on a second… we’re getting word that something happened in the back!

We cut to a shot of the back, the smaller screens showing the fans what is going on and we see a table broken in half, Anne Grayson is out cold through the table, and catering and junk covering her. When we see Ainslee in the ring she looks to have the biggest smile on her face, happy with what she’s seeing.

North: This is… I don’t know what to say. She’s covered in junk and Anne is out cold! Somebody, likely her opponent, knocked her out before the match so Anne wouldn’t have to face her!

DIC: Anne probably threw herself through the table because she’s afraid of squaring off with Ainslee! Granted she could have some of D-I-C’s junk instead of that catering!

North: Why and how would she throw herself through a table?! Grayson has wanted nothing but to get her hands on Ainslee, finally, after everything! And now she’s robbed of her shot because Ainslee is afraid that Anne Grayson, when she finally gets her hands on her, is going to win this fight and Ainslee doesn’t like that very much!

DIC: Why would Ainslee be afraid? She’s a goddess! She’s an immortal! Immortals shant not be afraid of mere mortals!

North: Wait.. it looks like Ainslee has a mic!

DIC: Speak your holiness!

Ainslee walks to the center of the ring and raises the mic holding it with both hands and the crowd is just booing her before she yells into the mic “SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHS!”

The boos don’t stop but she talks louder in a sarcastic tone, over the crowd before they settle down.

Ainslee: So would you look at that?! The little girl is going around pissing everybody else off too and got herself in a little bit of trouble! And all because she was too afraid to face me! So sad, so sad. I was *really* looking forward to the match tonight too! But I’m here and I’m dressed to compete so I *guess* because I’m such a nice person I’ll give you all what you paid to see because let’s be honest - nobody cares to see Drew Stevenson and Terri Thompson, they want to see *me*. So if any lady in the back decides they want to get a piece of this, then come on down!

It didn’t take long before “Rock You Like A Hurricane” hits the speakers and the locals have a little bit of an idea of who she is from some dark matches, and the fact she’s coming out to face Ainslee and that would get anybody cheered just about.

North: And we have an answer! It looks like one of the students of the School of LONE is coming out to answer Ainslee’s challenge!

DIC: Whooo weeee look at that booty!

North: I do not understand how you can still speak and sit here.

DIC: Don’t worry about it.

North: Does your uncle have some kind of stock in LONE or something to get you here? You are…

DIC: I’d be careful, North, and watch the ladies or I’ll see you in court for harassment!

North: Thank god for all of these talented women here in LONE that make working with you even the slightest bit tolerable!

“Hurricane” Katrina Matthers comes bursting from the curtain and wastes no time rushing to the ring. She slides in under the bottom rope, Ainslee tosses the the mic to the side and rushes at her. As soon as Katrina is up *BAM* she’s met with a nasty sounding Yakuza kick that just flattened her instantly and the bell rings to starts the match.


Ainslee brings Katrina to her feet slowly and smirks and laughs the whole time yelling “THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!” Katrina can barely stand on her own two feet and is supported by Ainslee. Ainslee has Katrina’s head tucked under her arm, and Katrina’s arm around Ainslee’s neck. With one swift move, Ainslee lifts Katrina up in the air and just holds her in a Vertical Suplex position. Ainslee is holding her up and it gets to a point the crowd starts to count along with it.


North: This match is going to be over just as quickly as it started, DIC, and Katrina, bless her soul trying to make a name for herself with an opportunity didn’t stand a chance tonight!


And with that Ainslee dropped, bringing Katrina down with her in the middle of the ring with nasty Brainbuster and Katrina is not moving an inch. Ainslee covers her.




Baxter: Your winner, Ainslee Aaavaaalloooooon!

It didn’t take but a moment before “Holy Diver” was cut off in favor of “Long Way Down” once more and the crowd is out of their seats! Stepping from behind the curtain is a banged up, dirty and shoulder bandaged Anne Grayson!

North: Oh my god, DIC, Anne Grayson is back! I didn’t expect to even get to see her tonight after the damage we saw but just like her father, she doesn’t stay down!

DIC: No, this is Ainslee’s moment! Why does she always have to ruin it!

North: Well I’d say it’s because Ainslee stopped this from happening earlier! How long does she think she can play coy with these and keep dodging Grayson?! This was bound to happen!

Anne has her hands behind her and from her back she holds a crutch! Anne just ignoring anh pain rushes the ring and Ainslee seems welcoming. She tries the same Yakuza kick on Anne but she rolls under it, back to her feet and cracks Ainslee across the back and the pain is shown. Anne brings it back and swings, connecting one more time and this time the crutch breaks across Ainslee’s back. She arches her back, her arms back and she drops to a knee. Anne comes running and leap frogs over Ainslee and then mule kicks her in the face with a loud *SMACK* that can be heard in the entire building with an “ooooooh” from the crowd. Anne perches herself up on the turnbuckle and Ainslee can’t even get a grip on herself as we see a whole different, more vicious side of Anne.

North: Anne is going in on this, DIC, and Ainslee can’t even react! And Anne looks ready for that Tornado DDT of hers and… THERE IT IS! THERE IT IS DIC! THE FLYING GRAYSON TORNADO DDT!

Sure enough Anne just jumped right off and caught a staggered Ainslee and dropped her with that DDT. Anne was in her face just yelling at her and smacking her until Ainslee started to stagger and LONE security rushes the ring, pulling Anne off and medics checking on Ainslee. Anne puts her arms up as if she’s going to go peacefully while Ainslee gets up in the corner holding her head but Anne being smaller rushes right through the guards but pays for it, getting clocked with an elbow from Ainslee before security steps in to hold both back. Anne takes the hint with the crowd booing and chants of “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” ring out and Anne asks for a mic.

North: I’m not saying much here folks because this has been a long time coming and Anne finally has had the chance to get her hands on Ainslee! The problem is here is that this was not a signed match and our security is doing the job that Drew Stevenson hired them to do and keeping these ladies separated until they are in an official match!

DIC: Poor Ainslee! She didn’t deserve any of this! She just got done wrestling a hard fought match! Good on security! Break them up!

North: In this case tonight folks, security has to, but it looks like Anne has something to say!

Anne Grayson: *breathing heavy* AINSLEE! You don’t have the guts to tell these people that you jumped me because you *know* that what happened tonight… what happened tonight just now is just a portion of what is going to happen to you when I finally get my hands on you! So before I came out here to kick your ass, I had a quick talk with Drew Stevenson and I had just *one* simple request and he obliged!

Ainslee is looking on confused, and slightly concerned.

Anne: Next month, Ainslee, there’s no more running and no more hiding! It’s you and me in a LAST - WOMAN - STANDING MATCH!

Anne drops the mic and the crowd is hot with “Long Way down” from Haste the Day blasts the speakers.

Backstage Segment: "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson

After the aftermath of Ainslee/Anne, we cut to Terri Thompson staring intently, warming herself up for her match by hopping in place and then rolling her wrists after lacing her fingers together. She stops for a moment as Linda Edwards comes into the shot. Terri is wearing her usual gear and a black tanktop with her logo on it.

Linda: Terri, tonight you face Drew Stevenson, the first male to ever wrestle in LONE. Mr. Stevenson is very accomplished. A six time hall of famer. Are you worried you may never get a shot at the LONE Championship as long as The Glorious One is Champion?

Terri turns her head to face Linda.

Terri: Am I worried? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. But I tell you what I'm not! And that's afraid! Drew Stevenson has given me nothing but shit! NOTHING but shit for almost a year now! He shoveled shit in my direction and I had to take it! All because of something my girlfriend did! Something that I had NOTHING to do with! And I took it, and I owned up to it! But when he kept throwing roadblock after roadblock.

She smacks the back of her right hand into the palm of her left as she says those last few words.

Terri: I kept on plowing through them! And I am WELL versed in his career! In the career of ALL the members of The Joker's Wild, actually! And I saw he used to do the SAME thing I did in the Rumble and I just had to do it! I had to do it and now I'm here. I'm here and it's do or die! Stevenson!

She turns towards the camera now, stepping close.

Terri: I want you to look me in my eyes.

Only her hazel eyes take up the frame now.

Terri: LOOK me in my eyes and realize!..... I'm not afraid of you. You look me in my eyes and you see that now, and you'll see that when you step into the ring with me!

Terri steps back while the camera zooms back.

Terri: My career has been nothing but overcoming obstacles but I've gotta hand it to you. You've been the one to give me the biggest ones of my career so far. You're trying to strip me of my HUMANITY! You took away my music, my moniker, my girlfriend is in jail and my BEST FRIEND is mad at me! But there's one thing!

She holds up her right forefinger.

Terri: You'll never take from me and that's---

???: What's that? Your title? Because that's all you seem to be caring about!

Alison Crowne steps in now, and Linda backs up to give them room.

Terri shakes her head.

Terri: No. My drive. My heart. And I've told you before, Alison. I did what I had to do. It was nothing personal!

Alison Crowne: So you left me out of the loop? You put on a mask and snuck across the police line to insert yourself into the spotlight?

Terri: Alison it's not like that -

Alison Crowne: Or how about ruining my shot at becoming LONE Champion? I had The Glorious One dead to rights before you snuck in the backdoor and lured Stevenson out to spinebuster me in the center of the ring? Where were you then? Terri, I've done nothing but have your back and when you defeated Ms. Gucci to win that belt there was nobody happier than me; after how much... crap we had to deal with the Gucci Gals. You fought hard for that belt and you earned it. You deserved your time in the limelight. While you were chasing your dream I was dealing with a damn felon jumping me every month without you lifting a finger to watch my back like I've had yours for over the past year. I never held it against you because I knew you had your hands full; you had a tremendous target on your back.

She paused as she looked Terri directly in the eyes as an uncomfortable silence set in before continuing.

Alison Crowne: Then you lost it. Stevenson forced you to the back of the line. I'm not here to argue whether that was right or wrong of him; you and I have had this conversation in private before, but you lost your spot. I still had your back, putting my own career at risk by merely associating with you. Do you know how many death glares I get backstage every single month? People think I'm some angel of death because bad things follow you and I watch your six and they're afraid of invoking wrath from management. I've lost friends in the back over you; people I was close to. But you had your head somewhere else when you took your eye off the tag titles and when I got a shot at something you felt was yours and only yours to pursue... you spoiled it. You made your mess MY business and you've taken money out of my paycheck.

Alison steps nose to nose with Terri staring her down.

Terri stares back at her with a matching intensity in her eyes, silent for a moment. She is collecting her thoughts.

Terri: You know damn well that Drew Stevenson was the one that ruined that match! An impartial referee was coming out there and he got rid of them! I had my hands full with Robertson, who wasn't going to call that match for you, I might add! As for Qent it's just like you said! I had my hands full!

Terri pauses for a moment, breathing heavy. She's angered by her friend stepping to her like this in the middle of her interview.

Terri: You want to talk about losing people in the back?

She gestures with a thumb behind her shoulder.

Terri: I've lost fucking EVERYBODY! My girlfriend's in JAIL! And the way things are seeming I might lose...

Terri pauses, sighing deeply and then shakes her head.

Terri: You know what? ..... Royal Plunder is fine. Royal Plunder is FINE! -Nobody's- taking money out of your pocket because you know what? When I get that title back, you'll be the FIRST one to get a shot against me! And I MEAN that!

Alison shook her head and looked at the ground clinching her fist for just a moment as she shifts her body like she might be winding back a punch but quickly lets her fist relax. There was frustration in her eyes but in the end she knew Terri was her best friend.

Alison Crowne: Royal Plunder is fine. Make it right; send Stevenson packing. This is your fight; your battle. As much as I'd love to kick his jaw into the nosebleeds I know you're going get your pound of flesh. I believe in you; I'm sorry.

Alison spreads her arms as her and Terri hug it out. Terri returns the hug patting her on the back smiling.

Alison Crowne: Give him hell.

"Pretty" Fay Qent vs Olga the Barbarian w/Frank Debauchee

Baxter: Making her way down to the ring, hailing from Fallcoast Maine, she is “PRETTY” FFFAAAYYYY QEEEEENNNNTTTT!!!

Suddenly the arena blares with the sound of “Pretty Vacant” by The Sex Pistols as "Pretty" Fay Qent parts through the curtains. Receiving more cheers than booes, Fay ignores the crowd and quickly walks down the ramp where she charges into the ring.

North: This one should be very interesting because if you remember DIC, not too long ago, Qent was basically in Olga’s shoes.

DIC: Well... Lets be honest with ourselves North; Qent is WAY prettier than Olga.

North: Tell Debauchee that!

Baxter: And her opponent...

As “Pour Some Sugar On Me” by Def Leppard blasts over the public address sound system, the curtains part to the side and out steps the behemoth Olga and behind her is the sexiest man alive, Frank Debauchee. Straightening his suit, they begin walking down to the ring.

Baxter: ... Hailing from the Land of Smexy and managed by FRANK DEBAUCHEE; she is OOOOLLLGGGGAAAA!!!

Upon making her way down the aisle, her face incredibly stoic, Olga climbs into the ring and waits for the referee to signal for the opening bell.

Ding... Ding... Ding...

Wasting no time whatsoever, Olga rushes across the ring pretty fast for her size and immediately flattens Fay in the corner. Before she can fall however, Olga grabs Fay by her hair and launches her across the ring like a rag doll.

North: My goodness, Fay goes flying.

DIC: I bet Olga has one mean handy.

North: Eww... Just eww...

Getting up as fast as she can, Olga is back on the attack and again, flattens Fay in the corner with another huge clothesline. Dragging her out of the corner and to the center of the ring, Olga drops down making the cover as the referee immediately drops down to make the count.



Pressing her shoulder off of the canvas, Olga looks annoyed as Debauchee claps and smiles.

Debauchee: You got this baby, let’s go, put her away.

Ripping her up to her feet, Olga charges to the opposite side of the ring, hitting the ropes and upon returning, looks for yet another devastating clothesline but Fay ducks underneath it which causes Olga to stop on a dime, losing some of her footing and as she spins around: Fay hits a textbook drop kick which puts the behemoth down. However, Olga gets back to her feet quickly but as soon as she does, she is put back down on the canvas and immediately, Debauchee grabs her foot dragging her out of the ring.

DIC: And yet again, Debauchee proves why he is such a valuable commodity.

North: No doubt about it!

Talking some sense into Olga who nods her head listening, a fan yells at Debauchee and this sets him off as he immediately turns his attention away from Olga and yells back at the fan momentarily.


After saying that, Debauchee goes back to Olga who is entering the ring, once again ready to fight. As both women step to the center of the squared circle, they embrace in a basic collar and elbow tie up and showing her superior size and strength advantage; Olga shoves Fay into the nearest turnbuckle. Once again, Olga charges the turnbuckle but this time, Fay has it scouted and moves out of the way which causes Olga to stop herself but not before Fay can get in behind her and roll her up from behind.



NO! Olga presses her shoulder off of the canvas.

DIC: No offense to Qent but it’s going to take a lot more to put Olga away.

North: I’m sure she is aware of that but you know as well as I do that crazier things have happened in our industry.

As both women get back to their feet, Fay is caught off guard when Olga finds a way to surprise her with a very powerful clothesline which flattens Fay and leaves her motionless. Shaking out a few of the proverbial cobwebs, Olga slowly walks over to Fay and places her boot on Fay’s face kicking her away in a taunting manner. Crawling away from Olga, Fay uses the ropes to pull herself back up but oh no, Olga yanks her up to her feet and presses Fay over her shoulder with relative ease in a Gorilla Press position.

North: My God, look at that strength! I don’t think I have ever said this before but I don’t know if anyone here in LONE is safe.

DIC: Like I said, an amazing handy. Eh... Am I right?

Walking over to the ropes, Olga tosses Fay over the top rope as she hits the ground hard.


Exiting the ring slowly, taking her time, Olga watches Fay crawl with a smile. Grabbing another handful of Fay’s hair, Olga shows her strength again when she places Fay on her right shoulder. Backing up several feet, Olga runs towards the steel post but Fay manages to wiggle free getting in behind Olga and shoves her face first into the steel post. By this time, the referee has made it to five on the standard ten count.

DIC: Oh no... I think Olga’s bleeding.

North: I can’t tell just yet but that is always a possibility, especially when flesh meets steel.


With Fay rolling back into the ring, shortly behind her is Olga who is indeed bleeding a little from the forehead.

North: It has been confirmed, Olga is bleeding.

Definitely woozy compared to how she was, which is to be expected when your face meets the steel post, Olga attempts to grab Fay in a Bear Hug but Fay manages to get out of the way and hitting the ropes behind Olga, she returns with a modified chop block above the knee, totally legal which drops Olga down to one knee. Looking around at the crowd, Fay sees a huge opening as she runs to the ropes and upon returning with a full head of steam, she manages to drop Olga with the Tomahawk Chop clothesline as this crowd is on their feet.

North: Qent... Qent might beat Olga!

DIC: And to think, I was going to let her beat my meat later tonight since I thought that was the only thing she was going to beat.

North: Oh stop it, seriously!

DIC: What?! Truth is truth!

Not having any part of this, Debauchee enters the ring as this capacity crowd begins to boo and loudly. Standing behind Fay, Debauchee spins her around and drops her down to the canvas with his his finisher.

Baxter: The winner of the match as a result of a disqualification, “PRETTY” FAAAAAYYYY QEEEENNNNTTTT!!!


With a huge smile on his face, he drops down to all fours and plants a huge kiss on Fay’s lips. Quickly getting back to his feet, he walks over to Olga and helps her up as they both stand over Fay’s lifeless body and then exit the ring.

Backstage Segment: No Fly Zone

Opening up backstage, the very first thing we see is the beautiful golden face plate of the LONE Tag Team Championship. Pulling it away with a smile expressed on her face, “Fly” Felicia Hawkins slings the title over her shoulder and immediately begins to speak.

Hawkins: Have you ever heard the old saying, with great power comes great responsibility? I’m sure you have because when uncle Ben said that to Peter while lying there on the sidewalk, it brought goosebumps man, goosebumps...

Stretching her right arm out, the hair stands tall and in fact, she has goosebumps.

Hawkins: ... But before I continue, let me introduce my partner, one half of the LONE Tag Team Champions; YOOOYYOOO YOOKKKOO!

Stretching her arms out dramatically, we now see Kayoko step into view with a smile on her face as well.

Hawkins: But you see man, responsibility is such a POWERFUL tool because it makes us own up for our own actions. For those confused, let me clarify it for you — Spice and Ice; Cinnamon and Violet decided to cry all of us a river and even blamed Jack E. simply because they haven’t been able to get the job done.

She pauses briefly.

Hawkins: Well you know what I think? I think the only spice I’m tasting is garlic because they sure are bitter.

Looking at each other, both Hawkins and Ichikawa laugh.

Hawkins: You girls want a shot at these?

Removing the titles from over their shoulders, they hold it up for the camera to see but mainly for Spice and Ice to see, to add salt to the proverbial wound.

Hawkins: All you have to do is ask because we are fighting champions and will defend against anyone at anytime.

Placing the titles back over their shoulders, Hawkins steps back as Kayoko steps forward and wraps this thing up in a pretty little bow.

Ichikawa: KAKA RETA!

Shrugging her shoulders, Hawkins nods and simply agrees with her partner as both women stand there looking incredibly determined, incredibly passionate.

Drew Stevenson vs "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson

Coming Soon!