2019.01.25: PWN - LONE - LONE 19

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"I Can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters hits over the public address sound system as the fans give Vixen a solid round of boos.

Vixen nonchalantly walks to the ring trying to ignore the fans as she rolls in and moves to the opposite side of the ring, motioning for a stage hand to give her a microphone.

North: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another edition of LONE Supremacy! I'm Kevin North and tonight I'm joined by Frank Washington here at commentary.

Washington: Glad to be back for round 2! DIC is currently recuperating from the events of last month. We here at LONE wish him a full recovery. That being said, I've always felt at home sitting at the table and as long as you'll have me here I'm happy to step in.

North: Tonight we have another exciting card in store for you. Ainslee and Anne will be in action for the first time as a team, Qent and Olga are set to clash looking to resolve their differences once and for all, and we'll be hearing from the LONE Champion Alison Crowne sometime tonight. But first we're going to hear from Vixen.

Washington: It'll be interesting to hear what's on Vixen's mind. She's normally one of few words, letting her actions speak for her.

Vixen casually holds a microphone in her hand as she listens to the crowd booing her. She seems rather apathetic, almost as if she was out there because she had to be. As the crowd quiets down she raises the microphone up.

Vixen: Fickle. Every single one of you are fickle.

She points out to the crowd as if she was singling people out of the crowd.

Vixen: You look at society and with each passing day the glass cracks just a little further, the gears of time grind a little harder, a little slower. You see everything falling apart around you and yet...

Vixen pauses as she exhales a sigh as her eyes were pointed down at the ground.

Vixen: Yet, everyone finds a way to make somebody else feel their faces a just a little more pressed into the dirt. They see someone having a bad day and they go out of their way to make it worse. People profit off of misery without stopping to think of how their victims might feel. Money makes the world go 'round.

Vixen twirls her finger in the air in a loop.

Vixen: All I wanted to do was have fun, to put smiles on peoples faces. That's all I ever wanted to do. I played little harmless pranks, I turned the joke right back on those that would laugh and snicker at others and you people LOVED it! You people made me feel loved, accepted... for the first time in my life I felt like I belonged. I won a few matches that people didn't quite expect, I don't know maybe I wasn't /supposed/ to, but I did anyway. The bright eyed and bushy tailed rookie was making a big splash, the sky seemed to be the limit! So what does Jack E. Bux do? He puts me in a dead end tag team with a joke of a partner. 'Perfect Shot', yeah, the only shot you ever hit dead on was sending my career into a tailspin. But we were friends outside the ring, I felt that with that kind of bond that we had that we'd work harder for each other, to lift one another up! We were going to be champions together! We were going to put everybody on notice while giving everyone a show!

Vixen gets a little animated as her eyes dart up, her arms spreading wide and open. For a moment a glint of hope shimmered in her eye before dying just a swiftly, the apathy back with a vengeance.

Vixen: Yet you were always late. You were always late because you just had to be /everything/, an ace pilot, an ace attorney, the top reviewer on Yelp, a YouTube star, a spokeswoman for Finnish Electronics. And yet you spread yourself so far that you've failed at every single one of them! You try something until you get bored of it only to later on forget you tried it and make another run. Penelope Silven has the attention span of a goldfish and the memory to boot! I mean come on, I may only be a year removed from high school but at least I'm not casually dropping Tide pods while stumbling through life!

So I see that this isn't working, that something needs to change because this deranged lunatic is making this a 'job' instead of just going out there and having fun. Not that I owed any of /you/ an explanation for my actions but I had to do what was right for me so I could go back to wrestling my kind of matches, to entertaining all of /you/! I cut the dead weight, I make /one/ small decision for myself and suddenly I'm the villain?! I'm the bad guy?! How did this happen?!

Vixen was nearly shouting as she delivered her last few lines as that apathy was slowly giving way to anger and resentment.

Vixen: You people saw the joy draining from my eyes, you knew I was slowly dying inside so you grabbed me by the head and shoved my face further into the mud!You saw I was down and you kicked me and then kicked me again harder for good measure! How can one action erase all the smiles I made? How can one act remove a world of joy I gave from the goodness of my heart, all to make this dreary world just a little brighter? Oh yeah, go ahead and boo me. Boo me. Because I know if one of the skeletons hanging in your closet ever came to light they'll turn on your just as soon as they did to me.

I keep on trying to move on; but I can't. I can't because Silven keeps poking her head back into view. I put her away and she pops back up again looking for more. I just want to move on! Then Hannah Kix decides to kick me while I'm picking myself back up. Hannah, I know you want a shot at the LONE Championship; that you feel like you deserve it after everything you've done. But what about me, what about Vixen?! I wasn't your enemy! What makes you and your accomplishments worth more than mine?! Because you weren't stuck in a dead end team?! Is that it? Oh, it's because your some legit badass kickboxer? Is that it? Is Jack E. Bux trying to run a wrestling version of PRIDE Fighting Championships? In bed with Yakuza fixing fights and cultivating a certain image of top girls while keeping people like me with my head barely above water and slowly drowning? Are the Northside Queens going to drop in from a helicopter and rob everyone blind if someone like me successfully punched above their weight class? You owe em money, that's it, isn't it?!

Vixen appeared a little deranged as she spoke faster, the stress, the anger and the bubbling resentment finally rushing to the surface after having been bottled up for so long.

Vixen: I am just as good as Hannah Kix and I'm going to prove it! I'm going to prove it and all of your are going to sit there and gasp with your jaws hanging open! I'm going to beat Ami Reeves here tonight, I'm going to start and end a saga with her in one night when it took you half a year! Then you'll see, you'll all see!

Vixen vs. Ami Reeves

Opening up to the sound of some beautiful symphony, from behind the curtain steps Ami Reeves wearing a green “Legend of Zelda” shirt. Realizing that her theme just so happens to be the main theme from Zelda, she smiles at all of these fans while touching hands with them as she walks down to the ring.

Baxter: And introducing her opponent, from Boston, Massachusetts... Ami Reeves!

North: Vixen is definitely looking to send a message but she might be biting off more than she can chew here with Ami Reeves.

Washington: Don't let the fact that Hannah Kix prevailed in their rivalry fool you, Ami Reeves is an amazing competitor with a very impressive background to match. This is going to be a big test for Vixen here, but with a victory she could find herself rapidly ascending up the ranks of LONE.


Vixen aggressively darts at Reeves, swinging wildly and undisciplined as she was throwing every bit of anger and frustration into her strikes. Some miss while others appear to be almost a little too on point as they draw loud, audible SMACKs and everything in between. Reeves is pressed up towards the ropes as the referee calls for a clean break. Vixen instead starts driving her knees repeatedly into Reeves' midsection over and over again. The referee calls for a clean break.





Vixen throws her hands up and backs off before pie facing Reeves as she tries to pull herself back up and off the ropes. Reeves responds with a few kicks of her own, hers being much more disciplined and precise as she targeted the legs and midsection.

North: Very back and forth action here early on. We got a big contrast in styles here as Vixen is going very wild and aggressive while Ami is picking her spots and striking with precision.

Washington: It's a very interesting gamble, Kevin. Vixen is swinging with careless abandon, she's got tremendous knockout potential, but she's going to wear herself out fast. Ami meanwhile is conserving her energy and will have the advantage the longer this match goes.

Vixen stumbles back from the strikes but manages to duck a swift kick aimed to the temple and uses this as an opportunity to hit Reeves with a takedown while unbalanced. Vixen tries to wrap her arms around her neck to transition to a choke but Reeves managed to block the attempt by moving her body and using her hands to block her arm from going completely around her neck. Vixen however sees this strategy for what it is and she bites Reeves' hand!

North: Completely illegal and unnecessary!

Washington: Sometimes the ring is all about survival, I get it. She's not going to earn the respect and adoration of her peers doing that but you do what you must. Vixen better watch it though, she's running a very high risk of getting disqualified in a hurry with that.

The referee threatens Vixen with disqualification as she bites Reeves again! Vixen however abandons the submission attempt despite forcing Reeves to draw her hands away. Vixen drives a running boot into her face before pivoting and hitting what could be considered a 'lazy springboard' moonsault by simply letting her legs bounce off the top rope as her body flipped backward and over with the splash connecting. Vixen quickly goes for the pin. 1, 2, KICKOUT!

North: Vixen almost had her with the springboard moonsault.

Washington: Not much effort on the moonsault but it connected with the force she needed. It wasn't pretty but it nearly got the job done

Vixen grits her teeth at the two count and yanks Reeves back to her feet by her hair, dragging her to the ropes and repeatedly running her foe's face against the top rope like she was putting her through a cheese grater, slapping her in the face upon turning her over and tangling her up in the ropes, using the top and the middle to hold Reeves captive and in place by her arms. The referee immediately calls for another break to free Reeves. Vixen just begins to chop repeatedly at Reeves' chest for all she's worth, SMACK after SMACK turning it red in a hurry. Reeves tries to defend herself by kicking her feet but Vixen easily maneuvered around them, sidestepping them as she continued her assault. The referee shouts one last verbal warning at Vixen to stop, the next time resulting in a disqualification. Vixen backs up almost as if she was about to comply but then she charges full force at Reeves!

North: Vixen has Ami tied up in the ropes. She's going to get disqualified if she connects!

Washington: I don't think she cares at this point Kevin, she's more concerned with being the only woman left standing!

Reeves manages to finally slip free and immediately drops down the the mat as the ropes rebound and untangle with Vixen colliding into the top rope, the rope catching her squarely in the throat!

North: Reeves got free and Vixen nearly decapitated herself on the top rope!

Washington: That hurts just watching it from over here. That's how you end up spending a night in the iron lung.

Reeves clutches her chest on the mat for a moment before pulling herself up. With Vixen still stunned Reeves shoots a roundhouse kick straight to the head, connecting! Reeves then pivots on her foot and swings back in the opposite direction with the same leg, the soles of her boot catching Vixen on the jaw and sending her down to the mat. Reeves falls on top of her for the cover. 1, 2... 3!

Baxter: Here is your winner, Ami Reeves!

North: What a win by Ami Reeves. What a one-two kick combination!

Washington: Ami Reeves can win a match out of nowhere and sometimes it pays to be more disciplined than your opponent. Great bounce back victory.

Backstage Segment: No Fly Zone

The action shifts to an indoor skate park as the sounds of wheels skating and clacking of boards and bicycle pegs grinding on rails filled the facility. As the camera pans through the expansive park, the rails, ramps, half pipes; you name it and it was probably there, the camera slowly begins to focus on “Fly” Felicia Hawkins and Kayoko Ichikawa standing at the top of a half pipe. They both held onto identical NFZ skateboards with their logo decked out on the deck with purple and yellow wheels.

Felicia: You know, I wish we could be standing here right now in the LONE Arena with the tag team championships around our waists. I wish we could be out there putting on the best tag action in the game today. There's a lot of things I wish we /could/ be doing right now.

She paused as she stared into the camera with Kayoko by her side. Neither woman appeared to be thrilled or excited, but behind that disappointment in their eyes was a ravenous hunger. An appetite for the gold, to prove why they're the best tag team in the game. They both appeared to be like a pair of QBs waiting for the coach to put them back in the game only to never hear their numbers called. Ticking time bombs jam packed with emotion.

Felicia: I get it, I do. Sometimes you lose without ever having your shoulders pinned to the mat. The Gucci Gals took advantage of a situation and seized the prize. It is what it is, I can't stand here and say they didn't get it done when almost everything was fair game. But!

She raised her index finger before pointing it straight at the camera, as if she was addressing someone or something in the room.

Felicia: As the former champs we're contractually guaranteed a rematch. One shot. Other than that, nothing is guaranteed and when you hold that belt you're always a target; always trying to prove that you deserve your spot. LONE deserves fighting champions; women that'll go out there on any given night and be willing to throw their chips down and go all in. Win, lose, or draw that's what the No Fly Zone is all about; what we've always been about and what we'll /always/ be about. Kayoko and I only know one gear; call our number and we'll face anybody.

Kayoko nods emphatically.

Felicia: But that's just the problem; we haven't been called. The last few months after losing the belts we've been sitting home waiting for our opportunity, not even just for the belt but to go out there and entertain everyone. Get a text, a little smiling emoji telling us that we're free to do what we want this month. Free to go out, go on vacation, drive down the interstate and drum up a little more excitement and outreach. It's easy to sit on the couch with some Netflix and a tub of ice cream; hang out with our good friends Ben and Jerry and become complacent; satisfied that we still even have a job.

The camera pans over to Kayoko who's sneaking a few spoonfuls of rocky road out in a small personal container. One could assume she had it hiding under her skateboard. Felicia glances over and motions for the ice cream.

Felicia: Hey, you holding out on me? Hook me up a scoop!

Kayoko darts her eyes and once she finds out she's caught gives a sheepish grin and offers her a spoonful, which Felicia has no problems taking. The two grinned at one another showing a lighter side of an otherwise emotional video shoot.

Felicia: But that's not what we're about. If you're satisfied, if you're happy with where you're at you're never going to have a reason to dig down deep and reach higher for that brass ring in the sky. I mean look at Frankie Cocheese. Look at Cocheese. During his career that man was never satisfied. Always hungry, always looking to put more stacks and stacks on his table whether he was the world heavyweight champion, tag team champion, or mowing people down with his world famous Toe Tagger. That man was never satisfied, never happy and he wanted to leave no doubt in anybody's mind that he was the best! Now, that doesn't mean either of us have to have a perpetual scowl, angry at the world but if you don't have that burning fire, that raging inferno right here, then why are you here?!

Felicia jabbed her index finger into her chest emphatically several times over her heart.

Felicia: So sorry, Jack E Bux. I'm sorry about your troubles, sorry about your ankle and I'm sorry you got two women that are running around like hell on wheels but we need to get fed, too! We want the gold, we want the tag team titles! So you better buckle up tight, because we're ready to fly!

With that both women drop their boards, letting the tail end rest on the lip of the half pipe, leaning forward they descend at a rapid pace down the pipe, coming up to the other end both women launch into the air with incredible height, the video package fading out.

Anne "Flying" Grayson & Ainslee Avalon vs. The Stadtfelds (Amy & Anna Stadtfeld)

Baxter: The following tag-team match is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, two top students of the LONE Academy, from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Amy and Anna Stadtfeld!

North: I tell you what, Frank, I’ve been seeing good things coming out of these two the last couple of months and being siblings they know each other like the back of their hand.

Washington: And not to point out the obvious here but they are twins as well and if twins in wrestling history have ever taught us anything, it’s that they can be quite sneaky and you have to keep your eyes on them at all times.

North: This is very true, Frank. And then we have to consider who their opponents are as well because these two ladies are second and third generation wrestlers and trained by some of the best this business has ever had to offer in their family alone. The Stadtfeld Sisters definitely have their work cut out for them.

Washington: They definitely do but let’s keep an open mind going into this because the sisters are sure to be on the same page, but can we really say the same thing about Anne Grayson and Ainslee Avalon?

North: They’ve had the last month to try and work out any differences that they may have after coming off of their grueling Last Woman Standing battle and when we factor all of these things in, I’m excited to see what happens here today.

“Holy Diver” by Killswitch Engage hits the speakers in a mixed assortment of a crowd reaction and Ainslee steps out from behind the curtain.

Baxter: And now making her way to the ring, from New York City, she would like to be announced as a third generation megastar, Ainslee Aaaavalloooonnn!

Ainslee keeping her eyes focused to the ring and looking pretty healed up after some time off. She’s conducting herself in a manner that is looking to almost intimidate the twins as she walks up the steps and onto the apron before her music is cut off to the sounds of “Long Way Down” by Haste the Day picks up and the crowd is on their feet in a chorus of cheers for the high energy Anne Grayson.

Baxter: And now making her way to the ring, from Atlanta, Georgia, Annne “Flying” Graaayyysooonnn!

North: If you just listen to that crowd reaction, I can honestly say that Anne Grayson is one of our more popular athletes on the LONE roster.

Washington: Absolutely and she’s well deserving of it. I had an opportunity to work with her dad for a couple of years down in Missouri and I know he was no slouch to teaching the talent, especially for Anne. I also had the opportunity to oversee both her and Ainslee in their brief stints in MIssouri as well and I’m impressed by what both of them bring to the table. Ainslee Avalon is a strong villain and knows how to get under the skin of her opponents. There’s never been an official working relationship between these two in this regard but it’s sure to be something else. Anne might be popular among our fans but never count Ainslee out.

Anne wastes no time getting to the ring, tossing her baseball cap out to the crowd and her overshirt with her Nightwing inspired logo off to the side, she slides into the ring between Ainslee’s legs, taking Ainslee by surprise as well. Ainslee gets into the ring and is having a face to face confrontation with Ainslee over that slide.

North: And the two are already not off to an amazing start.

Washington: I’m not so sure about that, North!

And just as Kevin North spoke, the twins tried to take advantage of what they thought was a disconnect in the team but instead were met with back elbows each to the face. Anne and Ainslee instantly turn their focus to the the match. Amy finds herself tossed out of the ring and Anna is being met by a ferocious fury of strikes by Ainslee that takes Anna back to the corner. While Ainslee has Anna in the corner with knee strikes and right elbows, Grayson takes this moment to do what she does best. With her quick feet, Grayson hits the ropes and full speed ahead launches over the top rope and with a flip in the air, she comes crashing down on Amy Stadtfeld and landing on her feet with a big hoorah from the crowd. Anne Grayson gets back to the ring and makes eye contact with Ainslee.

North: It looks like these two have used their time wisely to actually formulate a plan of attack and right away it’s off to a hot start!

Washington: They may not be the biggest fans of one another but they were also told that if they didn’t make an effort that they could very well lose their jobs here and LONE and neither of them want that. It’s the classic ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ and they have a mutual enemy in the Stadtfeld Twins. It’s a strategic move that only makes sense.

North: It’s a real change in pace having you out here instead of DIC, Frank, but I’m glad you are because you’re exactly right. All four women have an immense amount of talent but the experience edge is just playing through with the team that comes from wrestling families.

WIth the eye contact in the ring, Ainslee whips Anna over to Anne Grayson who meets her half way with a standing sidekick to the jaw. A superkick if you will. Our official is finally getting to control and Ainslee steps to the apron. Anne is working on bringing Anna up to her feet but is caught with a quick small package but only a one as Anne got out very quickly. Once to her feet, she’s met with an arm drag, followed by another and another. And just when Anna thought she had the one up and got a little cocky, she turns around to be met with a dropkick. Anne then hits the middle rope and connects a moonsault with a pin attempt but only two. Ainslee is calling for the tag so Anne brings Anna to her feet once more but is met by a jaw breaker and then Anna attempt a step up enziguri but Anne saw it coming enough to duck it but manages to hold onto one of Anna’s legs and drops to the mat with a leg lock submission. Amy Stadtfelt is showing up again and reaches into the ring, grabbing her sisters arms and pulls her to the ropes, forcing a break.

North: And there’s an example of some teamwork. It’s been a few minutes since we had saw Amy and it looks like she was just finding the right time!

Washington: Indeed it was North, and the timing possibly saved them the match there. But the one thing we’re not seeing is much tag team action. Anne looks to be trying to hold this off on her own and Ainslee will not take that for long.

Anne is calling to the crowd for another high spot move, a dive perhaps as the sisters reconvene outside the ring with the ten count going. Anne rushes back to the ropes but she was close enough that Ainslee tagged herself in with a nice slap to Anne’s back. Anne stops in her tracks and looks at Ainslee asking her what was up and Ainslee just shrugs her shoulders. The referee makes Anne go outside the ring and Ainslee baseball slides both Stadtfeld sisters knocking them both into the guard rail. Ainslee slides out of the ring to follow and is taking a much more aggressive approach. Ainslee takes the girls, one at a time, and slams their heads into the guard rail. Amy though tackles Ainslee and rushes her back first into the side of the ring. Anna who’s legal still rushes and jumps up essentially hitting Ainslee with a lariat before sliding into the ring feet first. Pretty impressive. The inexperience causes her to get a little cocky and Anne comes in.

North: A very impressive move there by the twins, taking a more aggressive approach to the more aggressive teammate for sure! But they’re not sticking to it. When you’ve turned the tides on somebody like Ainslee Avalon you want to make sure that you’re staying on top of her to keep your momentum and we have Anne Grayson coming back in!

Washington: Exactly right, North: I couldn’t have said it better myself. Things are a little back and forth but I feel that Anne and Ainslee are going to be trying to end this very soon.

Anne doesn’t even rush in but she does hook her left arm around the front of Anna’s neck and Grayson’s right arm lifts up and cradles Anna’s right leg and in one swift motion Anna goes up and over Grayson with a Cradle Belly to Back Suplex that lands Anna face down on the mat and holding her stomach. Outside the ring, Ainslee broke away from Amy with shots to her back making her let go. Amy is now doing everything she can to stay away from Ainslee by trying to run around the ring. The referee however is counting Ainslee out and tell her to get back into the ring. So Anne Grayson dips outside to cut off Amy, forcing her to slide back into the ring and AInslee follows. Amy is quick to just get to the apon and Ainslee is looking over the downed Anna Stadtfelt and grabs her hair, lifting her head off the mat, forcing her to look at Amy who is on apron. Ainslee gets a sly little smirk and works on bringing Anna to her feet and carrying her over to Amy, forcing the tag to happen, by grabbing Anna’s wrist and tagging Amy in. Amy looks terrified and Ainslee lets Anna go and she just falls to the mat and rolls outside.

Washington: And this is exactly what you were referencing, North. The twins didn’t stay on top of Ainslee and now Anna may be out for the rest of the match and Amy looks absolutely terrified.

Ainslee grabs Amy by the head and attempts to flip her into the ring but Amy lands on her feet by a crowd surprise but Ainslee attempts to Irish Whip Amy for some momentum and Amy counters that with one of her own. As Ainslee hits the ropes, Anne Grayson returns the favor from earlier by tagging herself in. Ainslee looks none too happy but Anne holds up one finger then with no hands, jumps to the middle rope and then over the top rope, lands on Amy’s shoulders but spins completely around so that Anne has almost put herself into an Electric Chair position and takes the momentum backwards with a reverse-rana DDT and the crowd is going nuts with a “THAT WAS AWESOME!” over and over again. Amy pops up to her feet with birds above her head in la la land and falls into a corner. Anne goes back to Ainslee and holds her hand out now for a voluntary tag and Ainslee takes it.

North: It looks like these two are learning to be more like a team as time goes on, adapting to one another and Anne and Ainslee, neither failing to impress and really showing off those strong styles of theirs respectively.

Washington: What Anne Grayson just did 100% lived up to the “Flying” portion of her name because in all of my time in the business and watching the business, I have never seen anybody else pull off what she just did and that is purely amazing and a strong sense of athleticism coming from her.

Ainslee is in the ring and Anne is telling her to basically set up Amy in some form. So Ainslee does, holding Amy up like a wheelbarrow but Amy is facing the sky. Ainslee is holding her by the waist in a squatted position for support. Anne Grayson is up top now and jumps off with a crazy 450 shooting star press onto Amy Stadtfeld. She crashes to the mat, but Ainslee doesn’t let go. Instead she turns Amy over and applies a single leg boston crab with a little more arch in the back similar to the Liontamer and Ainslee just starts to viciously kick Amy in the head over and over again. The referee slides in, to check for the submission and we see Anna is trying to get back in, only to have a headscissor takedown by Anne Grayson. Amy Stadtfeld isn’t moving, especially with the kicks and the and the bell is called for the victory almost immediately.

Crowd: THAT WAS AWESOME! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* THAT WAS AWESOME! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* THAT WAS AWESOME! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*

North: Just listen to this crowd Frank! That impromptu double team finisher is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen but dammit if that wasn’t one of the most exciting things I’ve ever seen! Both teams put up a hell of a fight tonight and the team of Grayson/Avalon surprised us in a lot of ways as well. And after tonight I’m hoping for two things: one, you stay on as my partner here Frank, and two - that we get to see these two in tag action again. What a match with even more to come!

Baxter: Your winners, Anne Grayson and Ainslee Avalon!

“Holy Diver” is playing across the speakers and the show cuts to an intermission.