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Chance - He is a kind person who knows what is important and what isn't. Many get lost in day to day life, but he always seems to know what priorities are are important.

Klem - She strives to protect and defend so much, and is always willing to help others. Her anger often raises to the surface but it is due to the stress of her trying to take on all the world's burdens on her shoulders. Only a great leader would try to take on as much responsibility as her.

Liam - He is a good cook, or at least everyone always says so. Cooking is just one of his hobbies though, and he is very smart and knows much of the world.

Rakesh - Anastasia doesn't know him that well, but he is a kind man with many interesting insights into the world. Someone worthy of learning more about.

Ryan Quest - He would die to save his friends and is willing to put his life on the line to protect the innocent and defenseless. Some say his skills in etiquette are lacking but flowery words and fake smiles are meaningless compared to is honorable and noble heart.

Spirit Slayer - She is likely the strongest and wisest person Anastasia has ever met. Her name is known throughout the entire Garou nation and she is Anastasia's mentor. Anastasia hopes to one day live up to her example.

Vigdis - She is a strong and noble warrior but as she rages across the city she loses the ability to recognize friends from foe. It is hard to work with a berserking viking who is as likely to stab you in the back as to fight the enemy.