Red (dog)

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Red the God .. er Dog. I meant dog. Really.


Canis lupus dingo




20 inches tall at the shoulders




46 inches from nose to tail tip



White on chest, muzzle, tag, legs and paws


29 lbs



Happy, Friendly



        Aww! Puppy! That's the reaction most people, even those who are not dog lovers, have to this juvenile red and white bundle of fur. She's a little over two feet tall and just under four feet from the black wet nose to the tip of her fluffy saber tail. Her form may be reminiscent of a wolf, thanks to her heritage, but she clearly is not one. Compared to other similarly sized dogs, she has a longer muzzle, larger carnassials (large teeth found in many carnivorous mammals), longer canine teeth, and flatter skulls with larger nuchal lines. Her ears look a little too large for her head, often standing straight up, and she's very thin. Most of her fur is reddish-orange with small white markings on the chest, muzzle, tag, legs and paws. In the right lighting, and with the right movements, light glinting off metal can be seen buried in her fur around her neck. She wears no visable collar but doesn't seem to have that feral look found in other wild dogs. If anything she looks friendly and approachable.


Innocent and Pitiable Merits