2014.03.26: PWN - MSW - UNSTOPPABLE 4

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The Card

Date: Wednesday, March 26th

Commentary: Alex Smith (play-by-play), Alex Bradford (color)
Promoter: Danny Stevenson

(Match Order Subject to Change)

SINGLES MATCH - Tournament Qualifier
Luke Jackson Vs Calib Wallace
Calib Wallace is somebody we haven't seen for a few weeks but now is his shot at the championship tournament but the kicker is he has to get through Luke "The Kid" Jackson who's been on quite a roll. He had an impressive showing at US#1, defeated Matt Ward at US#2, and made a fool of Matt Ward at US#3 which led to a Dog Collar match challenge for Best of the Best, provided Jackson doesn't advance all the way through the tournament. So now it brings the question, how will Calib handle the speed and agility of Jackson, and will both men be a little weary of Matt Ward possibly lingering around?

SINGLES MATCH - Tournament Qualifier
Chris Compact Vs Davis Wiley
We didn't see Davis Wiley last week but in the first two Unstoppable's he's had quite the impression. He returns to the ring against Chris Compact, who we haven't seen in a while. Will he let Davis steamroll him or will Compact decide that this is his opportunity of a lifetime? 

SINGLES MATCH - Tournament Qualifier
Tyson Pride Vs Lance Peterson
Tyson Pride was originally scheduled to go against Scotty Addams but the unfortunate event occurred that Scotty couldn't make this Unstoppable however another brand new signee Lance Peterson gets to benefit from this and take on Tyson Pride for his chance at the Best of the Best Championship Tournament.

SINGLES MATCH - Tournament Qualifier
Shawn Roberts Vs Demetrius Burrell

SINGLES MATCH - Tournament Qualifier
Mr. Kamara Vs Bryan York
Bryan York is a new talent and we've seen Mr. Kamara with Chris Compact before but now is his chance to go on his own. Will Bryan York get the upset or will Kamara dominate?

SINGLES CONTEST - Tournament Qualifier
Dylan Thomas Vs Jorge Santos

Kim Pain Vs Marie Porter Vs Autumn Raven
After last weeks Tag Team match, Aquila Vox was taken by local medical personal to be checked on after the brutal beat down by the two number one contenders. Aquila suffered a concussion and will be out of action for a while but who can forget the face to face confrontation by Marie? Well Danny Stevenson has given those three ladies the night off and we get to see the return of Autumn Raven, as she takes on Women's wrestling veteran, Kim Pain, and Marie Porter gets herself another shot to prove herself after not getting in on the action two weeks ago... for better or worse. And this is why the MSW Women Of Tradition rock it because we've got another epic triple threat on our hands. Who will leave victorious?

SINGLES CONTEST - Tournament Qualifier
Peyton Von Licht Vs Tyler Xero
The original thought was Peyton wasn't going to be able to make it but things changed quickly. This also came with the news that Mark Brooks and Miss Michelle would be parting ways with MSW, Peyton was glad to resume his spot in the championship tournament, taking on new signee Tyler Xero.

MAIN EVENT: Tournament Qualifier
Drew Stevenson Vs Bryce Manning

History, history, history. That's all that can be said about this match. These two go back a number of years taking their rivalry to a promotion out of Manhattan, New York known as IRX -- where Bryce Manning became 'The Architect.' There's never been anything but bad blood between these two and Bryce Manning has even broken Drew's neck in past. Bryce week after week has made it known he wants at the MSW Championship but because of the ruckus that he's caused over the title, Danny Stevenson personally chose his nephew and long standing rival, Drew Stevenson to take on Bryce Manning in the main event this week, for his tournament qualifying match. Neither Bryce nor Drew will back down and have a rivalry more storied than Drew and Justin Brooks that was all over social media just a few months prior. No love lost between these two and it's going to be shown.





Bradford: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you once again for joining us! Along side of my broadcast parter, Alex Smith, I'm Alex Bradford and tonight folks, marks the second and final night of our tournament qualifiers where we finally decide who all going to advance into the championship tournament for a chance to become the first EVER MSW champion on May 7th at "Best of the Best."

Smith: Absolutly history making, Bradford, and Im stoked to be part of it. There's a lot going on tonight and I can't even begin to describe how excited I am. Luke Jackson is in action against Calib Wallace, Kim Pain debuts, Autumn Raven returns and Maire Porter gets her chance at redemption for last Unstoppable. Kat and Shawna Martinez are in the house tonight, not to mention the explosive main event as two arch enemies collide one more time as "The Architect" Bryce Manning goes head to head with Drew Stevenson in what should be an explosive battle.

Bradford: Absolutely, and who can forget we have some debuts tonight, as well. Mister Kamara makes his in ring debut, and we haven't seen him since Unstoppable #1 with Chris Compact. Peyton Von Licht returns after much speculation that he was going to be out for a while with some personal things but he's back and ready to kick some butt. And of course, Davis Wiley is in action, along with the debut of a man I'm excited for, Lance Peterson. It's going to be a good night, Smith, I can feel it. You know when you get those feelings that go straight down to the bone? Yeah I got that right about now. You could probably call it a raging clue.

Smith: I don't think that's appropriate, Bradford.

Bradford: It is what it is. But ya know what, Smith?

Smith: What's that?

Bradford: LET'S GET IT AWN!

Luke Jackson Vs Calib Wallace

Just as the opening commentary was nearing its end, they were cut off by the sounds of "Bad Ass" by Kid Ink plays to the crowd booing loudly with Calib Wallace making his way to the ring.

Bradford: Now that's a guy who's underrated!

Smith: Calib Wallace has talent, that's for sure but he's got his work cut out for him tonight because he's facing a smaller, faster and more agile opponent in Luke Jackson; who's actually been on quite the roll here as of late.

Bradford: He's got more than just 'talent' - Calib Wallace is a future MSW champion, I'm calling it right now. I mean how can you say he's not the most underrated guy? He's so underrated he hardly gets to even make it on the shows!

Smith: It's obviously because of the tournament, though, or are you not paying attention? Yeah I know he spoke out being upset but that seems to be the 'go-to' since the Summer of Punk 2. Maybe if he quit whining and actually did something about it, Danny Stevenson would be more inclined to give him as much time on the show as say somebody like Luke Jackson.

Bradford: That's insulting.

Smith: It's truth, I don't know what's insulting about it. Drew Stevenson lets you go to the Emerald Academy to train and get better but you pout. You go on twitter and you pout. You cut a promo and you pout. If he wants to prove himself to be as good as he says than he can start by beating Luke Jackson here tonight. MSW is where the best of the best talent come to compete in the heart of the independents and if it's too hot, get out of the kitchen.

Bradford: Well lets just see how good this "Kid" is against Calib Wallace.

The sounds of "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons hits to the roof blowing off with cheers as Luke Jackson comes running out to the center of the stage. He points to the ring and with a nod of his head he rushes down and slides in. Calib tries to get a jump on him and the bell sounds.

Bradford: And that's why Calib is my boy! He's not wasting any time!

The kicks had only worked temporarily, though, as Luke was able to use his speed to swerve around a stomp, rolling out of the way which has caught Calib off guard. Luke Jackson was quick to his feet and hitting the ropes, assuming control pretty quick. It was without question that Luke was the fastest guy in MSW and he used that speed to his advantage. As he came speeding off of the ropes, Calib managed to catch him with a hip toss, sitting out with it and rolling over for a quick pin but only a two.

Bradford: Look at that Smith, Underrated! He took down speedy with a great technical move!

Smith: I never denied he didn't have talent, but so does Luke Jackson and they're both displaying it well.

Uh huh, changing your story now I see.

Jackson kicked out with force and was quick to get to his kness and meet Wallace with a quick dropkick as he is getting up and Luke goes for a quick cover but also only a two. After Calib kicks out he rolls out of the ring throwing his hands towards the ring as if he were to walk out, and is talking trash.

Smith: And that's what I'm talking about. As soon as he falls behind for just a moment he tries to just give up but... AIR KID! AIR KID! LUKE JACKSON JUST LEAPED OVER THE TOP ROPE WITH A HUGE TOPE CONHILO!


Bradford: Now that's just not fair!

Smith: How is it not fair? Wallace was trying to run away!

Bradford: It just isn't, Smith. Do you have to question everything!?

Luke did indeed leap over the top with a full head of steam and the crowd loved it as the count-out began. Reaching the count of about five, Jackson was able to get Calib up and into the ring and followed in for a cover but another kick out at nearly three.

Bradford: Yes! Wallace lives! I told you all along, Smith, this was just part of his master plan to win.

Smith: Uh.. yeah.

With his kickout, he managed to get Jackson into a position where Wallace could grab his <Jackson's> leg and turned it over into a single leg crab, wrenching in the submission. The referee got into place to see if Jackson was going to tap but his resiliancy got him to the ropes.

Bradford: Jackson should be disqualified if you ask me.

Smith: On what grounds? Getting a rope break?

Bradford: For clearly disregarding the rules!

The rope break was called, but Wallace wasn't wanting to let go until he was pulled off.


Wallace embranced the hate as Jackson slowly made his way to his feet, favoring the knee and using the ropes to get up. When Wallace's cocky grin went away as soon as he turned around he tried to wipe out Jackson's leg at the knee again but he jumped over the kick, springboarded off of the middle rope and caught Wallace under the chin with a kick the knocked him down and stunned. Jackson realizing this had stopped and looked around at the crowd who were erupting. Jackson ran to the nearby corner and with a big leap off the top and a huge 450 Splash he connects and covers.


Bradford: No! Come on Calib! Kick out! Kick out!


Barbara Brahman: Your winner and advancing into the championship tournament... Luuuuke "The Kid" Jaaaaccckkkssooonnn

Smith: Luke Jackson continues on his roll but wait.. wait a minute... what is Matt Ward doing out here?! And why is he wearing the dog collar and chain?!

Bradford: Just a few weeks ago he issued the challenge for the dog collar match at Best of the Best but he hasn't got an answer yet. So my bet is Luke hasn't answered because, unfortunately, he keeps advancing. So why would he risk taking two big matches at Best of the Best.. or possibly face injury from Matt Ward and leave us without a contender and making this entire tournament worthless? The problem is, is that Matt Ward doesn't seem like he wants to wait.

Smith: I think for once you're actually starting to make some sense. Well with Luke Jackson advancing and things heating up between he and Matt Ward, I'm getting word that Robert Fields is standing by with the abnormal, Johnny B..

Bonecrushed Right Into Your Homes

Right after that match, the scene switches to the backstage area where a mildly irritated Robert Fields is standing next to relative newcomer to the MSW and habitual bastard poseur Johnny B., who's glaring at the veteran interviewer.

Robert Fields: "Folks, I'm standing next to... *sigh* Johnny B.."

Johnny gives Robert the stink-eye.

Johnny B.: "Frields, you better act more excited when you're standing next to the Pre-Millenium Wrestler up in hyah!"

Robert gives Johnny a scornful glare, but shakes it off moments later.

Robert Fields: "Tonight, you've been given the night off, as well as everyone else who participated at the last Unstoppable. Johnny, why are you even here?"

Johnny stares at Robert as he walks off-screen. Moments later he rushes back into view, jumping into the scene and directly in front of the camera. You can barely see Robert anymore, and Johnny hasn't bothered to turn around. 

Johnny B.: "Let me make one thing perfectly clear: The Johnny's welcome wherever he goes, son!"

He looks over his shoulder to look at the camera. He jumps and spins to face the camera, pointing right at it.

Johnny B.: "Sneaking up on me, huh? The Johnny ain't been born yesterday, trick!"

At this futility, Robert shakes his head and begins to leave. Johnny laughs and stops him from leaving.

Johnny B.: "Okay, okay, okay, sourpuss, I'm heeeere because The Johnny wants the fans to know: he ain't sittin' at home playing Xstation and Twittering and doing interviews for Radio Dizzlenee. He's here checking out the rest of the tournament and see what the rest of the winners're gonna look like. Well... hehe, winners now... losers later... if they have the displeasure of crossing the path of one Johnny B.... esquire."

Robert Fields: "Wait a minute, Johnny, before you get too ahead of yourself, you do have to get past St. Tuck at Unstoppable V."

Johnny rolls his eyes.

Johnny B.: "Frields, I'm past him! I've seen the future, son, and it's rainin' Johnnys all up in MSW! Huh? Yeah?"

He turns to look at someone who slowly comes into view. It's a fan wearing a bootlegged MSW tee.

"Fan": "H-hi, wow, I can't believe it's you!"

Johnny cockily waggles his head.

Johnny B.: "Yeah, well, it's me. I'm guessing you want an autograph, huh?"

The fan's eyes light up as he pushes the pad of paper and marker towards Johnny. Johnny signs the pad, grinning smugly at Robert who just looks disinterested. He hands back the pad the the grateful fan.

"Fan": "Oh my God, thanks so much!"

Johnny pats the "fan" on the head and sends him on his way. The fan takes a few steps, but as he admires the autograph, he stops.

"Fan": "Hey! What the Hell is this?"

Johnny looks confused.

Johnny B.: "Whatya mean? That's my real-ass John Hand-Cock!"

The "fan" scraps the paper with the signature and tosses it at Johnny.

"Fan": "I thought you were that guy from Aqua! Who the Hell's Johnny B. anyway?!"

Johnny's eyes widen, and he acts like he's going to chase the "fan" away, who promptly runs for his life. Meanwhile, Robert begins to giggle. Johnny whips around to point at him.

Johnny B.: "Don't even say nothin'!"

Robert turns away so that Johnny can't see him losing it.

Johnny B.: "And his name's René, you triflin'-ass bitches! Johnny B.! What!!"

After looking at Robert like he wants to beat him down for laughing, he just throws up his hands and storms off.

Davis Wiley Vs Chris Compact

Robert Fields: Ladies and Gentlemen that was Johnny B., back to you on commentary!

We then cut back to ringside with Bradford and Smith as Wiley and Compact are already in the ring

Bradford: That guy is nuts! How did he even make it past talent relations? Drew you’re slacking!

Smith laughs next to his broadcast partner.

Smith: He certainly is a wildcard but what matters is what he can do in between those ropes in the middle of that ring. Speaking of in ring action we’re back with our second match of the night as Davis Wiley and Chris Compact are already in the ring.

Compact is Napoleon Incarnate if you ask me. A small guy with a big attitude, small and in charge.

Smith: Normally Mr. Kamara is at ringside with Chris Compact but having a match of his own later in the night he’s in the back preparing. Without that looming threat at ringside we should have a fair contest.

Bradford: Fair? Look at how big Davis Wiley is! If size alone was the deciding factor this match wouldn’t be “fair” at all. Mr. Kamara kept the big bullies in check so Chris Compact could just focus on the task at hand.

Smith: Good grief Bradford you remind me of my old broadcast partner at times with your slanted view of reality.

Bradford: Somebody has to keep this fair and balanced and it’s certainly not Fox News or you.

The bell rings as both men square off. Compact dares Wiley to lock up with him in a test of strength shouting and screaming at his face as Wiley smiles a little almost if he isn’t sure he’s serious. Finally Wiley agrees and engages in a test of strength. Compact starts to get a slight edge as he grins ear to ear before Wiley quickly turns the tables and applies more pressure than compact, using his size to his advantage before releasing his grip and hitting a belly to belly suplex. Compact writhes in pain as he quickly gets back up to his feet. Compact tries to throw a flurry of kicks as Davis Wiley who guards them at each turn, showing surprising quickness for a man his size. Compact tries to shoot a swift kick to the head of Wiley to catch him off guard but Wiley catches it! Wiley quickly spins him around and hits him with a European uppercut to the back of the head.

This match is going to be over in a hurry at this rate, Davis Wiley is fully in control!

Bradford: He’s bullying the poor guy Smith! He wouldn’t feel brave enough to do this if Mr. Kamara was around!

In this business one of the biggest mistakes you can make is biting off more than you can chew. There are plenty of talented guys big or small that have stepped into this ring but he thinks he’s already better than all of them without having to prove himself. So far it looks like he has a lot to learn.

Bradford: And you say I have a distorted view of reality…

Wiley plays to the crowd as Compact struggles to get back to his feet. Noticing that Compact is still dazed from the impact he quickly grabs him by the head as he lifts him up for The Witch Doctor’s Curse, slamming him straight into the turnbuckle as he then goes to pull him away from the ropes for the pin.



Barbara Braman: Here is your winner, Davis Wiley!

Bradford: A big victory by Davis Wiley, advancing to the tournament to crown the first champion!

Smith: And we've got big news folks! We've been talking about Best of the Best but the date is official! Right here in just six weeks on May 7th we will have a special live edition special of Unstoppable entitled Best of the Best! And Davis Wiley might just be one of the finalists in that championship match!

Tyson Pride Vs Lance Peterson

Coming Soon!

Stevenson Preparation

Coming Soon!

Demetrius Burrell Vs Shawn Roberts

Coming Soon!

Blood Boils

Coming Soon!

Mr. Kamara Vs Bryan York

Coming Soon!

The Marie Experience

Coming Soon!

Jorge Santos Vs Dylan Thomas

Coming Soon!

Marie Porter Vs Kim Pain Vs Autumn Raven

Coming Soon!

St. Tuck & Pornstar Ron segment

Coming Soon!

Peyton Von Licht Vs Tyler Xero

Coming Soon!

Drew Stevenson Vs Bryce Manning

Coming Soon!