2020.10.31:Dampened Spirits/Text

From City of Hope MUSH
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It's early, but warm enough for a skirt, which is good, because Minna didn't feel like dirtying up more clothes she'll have to wash. The Philodox has a cup of coffee at the ready, the biggest one she could get. Her other hand is left empty but held at her side in a manner that suggests she's all set to deck a spooky statue in case it attacks.

"Keep an eye out for car parts," Minna says, mumbling, still a little sleepy, or just plain tired. Must've been the party keeping her up late, or maybe she's hungover. Or both.

Bergin was found back in the stacks communing at the center of the automotive version of Stone Henge when the two ladies showed up. Stripped to the waist in his jeans and boots, he was doing his spirit-talking stuff but has now tossed on his t-shirt and trademark flannel before walking up to see what they're looking for today.

"Ya know, Kurt is one -hell- of a mechanic," he begins trying to hastily tuck in his t-shirt, "I'm sure one of the Boyz wouldn't mind trying to see if they could fix your car."

Killigrew is immune to hangover - mostly because two beers isn't enough for that nonsense. Also holding a big to-go cup of coffee and clad similarly to how she was for the night before (torn jeans, long sleeved shirt, sneakers, hoody+studded leather jacket) the kin looks at Minna, then the stacks, then Minna. Hooking a thumb towards the huge piles of cars, she grins. "Found some."

Looking over there's a blink, then a head tilt. That is a shirtless lumbersexual. She's just gonna sip her coffee and pretend not to enjoy the view for a moment. "Morning, Bergin."

Minna's head whips round and she moves to look at Killigrew's parts, squinting at the rust, then turns with the mildest of jumps to look at Kurt. "Hey," she calls, sounding cheery ( if groggy ). "If 'Kurt' could show me something, I might take you up on that. Otherwise? I like to do it myself. I'm a hands-on person, and my car's my big, rusty baby."

Bergin nods, "I'll see if I can pry him away from the shop sometime. You can't miss him - he's the one with most of his teeth and wears the gear necklace." The lumberjack of a shaman stage-whispers to Minna that Kurt's also the one that bathes fairly regularly too. So he's got that going for him.

"You two have a good time at the Gathering last night?" he asks pulling a ballcap on over his head.

"Good, it was good. I think I may have managed to trick Vasyl into telling more stories for all the tribes." Zozo says, sipping her coffee. "I think she's looking for more bailing twine to hold the muffler on? I don't know a thing about cars, though. Or making things. I really ought to learn. For the enchanting. But I have more fun shapeshifting."

Minna smirks a little and shakes her head. "I'll make sure I put a little something up my nose before I come over, thanks," she says. Then she gives Zoe a little poke in the side. "Twine is for amateurs. Duct tape, rivet guns, wire. Bungee cords, if you're desperate." She turns her eyes back to Bergin, nods. "Yeah. Story was good, and the free food was better. Our place is still a little sparse, still need to go food shopping. Fill the pantry." Bergin nods to Zozo as she mentioned the storyteller from last night, "Yeah, he's -real- good. I think it'd be awesome if he could do more of them." With a faint, almost shy smile, the Get confides that he's been able to talk to Bear-folk, Tabi, into telling a story from her people next week. "If we're going to pull in more of the other Gaians - need to hear their voices too, ya know?"

He turns to Minna as she explains their situation and nods to her need to make things more permanent. "I would offer to help but I showed up only with a bag over my shoulder. The kin gave me one of the campers beside the shop to sleep in."

Ack! Nudged, Zoe grins and hip bumps Minna. "Guns fire bullets." Now she's just messing the with Fury. "Ah, yeah, there's a bed, but that's abooout it." She says, taking a drink of her coffee and keeping her hands around the warming drink. It's -cold-.

"I think you're right. It's good to hear all of them, not just one side or tribe. We'll see if Vasyl goes for the bait I dropped on him last night."

This odd dead end lies at the end of one of the rows of crushed cars, stacked easily a story and a half tall. The remains of the vehicles have been inter-woven enough to keep them from falling down and crushing who might have accidentally found their way to this place. The end of the row seems devoid of detail; just the termination of the path...until...

Upon further investigation you discover that the last twenty-or-so feet of the row is covered with a thick, layer carpet of verdant moss. The green carpet is soft underfoot, almost suspiciously so. Each step further into the dead end is met with less and less resistance until eventually it's like walking on a water-filled sack. The carpet swells and dips easily four to five feet as you fumble around within the bright green expanse. Each stumbled stagger is more and more difficult to maintain your balance - even as you might try and find your way back to the edge.

In your confusion and haste to extract yourself, you spy a single creature watching from the crushed confines of one of the old cars; a raccoon. The small, furry lump reaches out one of its paws in a direction as if suggesting a path to escape. Following such a path meets with more and more resistance like stairs hidden within the mushy surface. Once you get back to the edge, however, the carpet of moss seems to solidify back into the typical, forest-found moss and the raccoon is gone.

Minna meets the Kin's hip with her own, her borrowed black skirt doing a little swish- whereupon it catches on the jagged remains of a mailbox. She disentangles herself and mutters something, eyeballs Zoe, and looks at Bergin. "I'd offer to help with the party-stuff, but I don't know how I could help. As for money, we're set. She's taking care of rent, I'm buying odds and ends. Speaking of," she nods at Zoe. "Left you some money to decorate the place and stuff. You've a better eye for it than me." Bergin nods, "Please tell me you took some leftovers home from last night? I know Mrs. Marry already sent a load to the Kinfolk House and to the Gnawer colony and we -still- got plenty." He seems oddly respectful if also a tiny bit hospitable for a 'traditional' Get. But it takes all kinds it seems.

"So...wait...is that carpet in there?" he points down the path they were wandering on while doing all this talking and gestures to the thick mossy layer at the end of the row. "I didn't... no." Zoe admits a bit sheepishly. "It was late and I was buzzed. I think Branton is supposed to take me to meet up with Alecto later. I have some ideas about doing my duties without being knocked up all the time." She says, walking along and then slowing. "Ooh that's pretty." She says, starting towards the brilliant mossy patch.

"You know if I decorate it's going to be all spoopy stuff I get from leftover Halloween goodies tomorrow."

"I did," Minna chimes, grinning ear to ear. "And I'll do it next week, too. Hell, I'll grab some more while I'm here if you have more to give." She looks off toward the fungi-shag carpeting, purses her lips and says, "I can't tell if this place is a triumph of the Wyld in a place of stasis, or the answer to "where are all those children disappearing to anyways?" To that end, she peers dubiously off into the dark, then turns to look at Zoe, eyebrows raised. "That again? You worry too much. No Fury would expect you to be a puppy mill."

Bergin peers back at Minna, "Disappearing kids?" Because he's not heard about that part but her idea that this might be an attempt by the Wyld to fight back at all of the stasis of the metal draws his attention. "Ya know...," he pauses in thought and step to consider that for a moment. "Mrs. Marry told me that a while back, like maybe four or five years...there was a guy that stayed with them. Some weird-o shaman of some sort but she didn't know much or wouldn't -say- much about him. He only stayed with them for like a moon or two and then left. I wonder if he...uh.../did/ something back yere, ya know?"

Killigrew jumps a little and looks at Minna, eyeing the Fury right back. "No, no, but I think I have a good work around. Then I can feel good about not being a puppy mill." she quips. Feeling the carpet start to get squishy underfoot, she pauses and shifts her weight a bit. Squishsquish.

"A what?" she asks, turning to look back at Bergin, taking a few steps backward, not even looking. You now that look someone gets when they're guilty and trying to play innocent, but they can't help but grin like an idiot? That's the look that she gives Zoe. "Yeah, you told me about that," she says, dubious. Amused. Until she looks down at the ground and wrinkles her nose. "I need uglier shoes for this," she mutters, then looks up at Bergin, laughing. "I was just joking about how the place looks like a clown den. Like for Pennywise?" She looks around, frowns. "And you better be pulling my leg with that Halloween stuff."

Bergin shrugs, "Because the Scrapyard is owned by Get Kin, they occasionally will get travelers who are just moving through town. They're not gonna stay but it's sort of a thing for them to be able to be good hosts, ya know? Once they're sniffed out to be ok, they're left to their own stuff until they leave - at least, that's what /used/ to happen." He looks over to Minna as she comments about her shoes and notes the woman's skirt, "Uh...I don't want to get into a fight with you about your choice in clothing...ya know...women power and all that but...should you be treking around in the stacks in...well, /that/?"

Minna's phone bleeps, the Fury putting off an answer to go handle her phone for a moment.

Finding the ground squishier, Zoe bounces a little, riding the squishy waves and looking down, giggling. "It's like a water bed."

"So this place is fully Get owned? It's neat that they're so welcoming. I think the Get I've run into in the past were all super grumpy and not very, um... welcoming." she says, taking another step back, testing the tension of the mossy carpeting, but mostly watchign Bergin.

Bergin nods, "Oh yeah, we know the rep and it's well-earned let me tell ya. But I think the owners and...well, me, have taken on a new approach to things. The war's -out there-," he points in any vague direction to emphasize the point and then shrugs, "So we should keep it that way."

The man's work boots seem to squish deeper with his steps, possibly because of his added weight or larger foot prints who's to say. "I wonder if this stuff just soaked up rain water or something but...I dunno. I mean, I'm sinking a good two or three inches down ya know?" If he stands still he definitely starts to sink into the wet moss so his steps keep him at least mostly on the surface. It's not necessarily a dangerous thing but just feels weird under-foot.

"I think you've got the right idea." Zoe says, turning and stepping deeper onto the squishy ground, sinking and bouncing with the steps. Until she hits a spot that seems to drop off, losing her balance and her coffee all at once with a yelp of surprise. It's worse than a bouncey castle, trying to get her hands and knees up under her with the waves under the wet moss. Shifting her weight, she gets a foot planted and tries to stand up, but it gives way and she rolls back down, sending waves through the moss. She is neither nimble nor athletic, made all the more evident by the situation unfolding.

Bergin tries to keep his steps mostly light - as much as a lumberjack of a guy can step lightly - as he moves around but as Zoe yelps out as she starts to stumble he hunkers down almost, trying to drop his center of gravity so that there's less of his frame to try and balance. "Hunker down," he suggests, "...like you're squatting or something." Yes, it's not the most dignifying position to take and would probably look stupid as hell but at least he's not teetering on his feet ... for now.

A snicker, a -faint- snicker, escapes the Get's mouth as he watches the woman stumble and roll. But he does his best to conceal it because that'd just be rude.

At least it's soft! Even if wet. "Shush you." she says, laughing. Trying to get UP just makes it worse. Some of the bigger waves rolling her further out. Big enough that she dips below the level of the ground before being bounced back up. "Be fun, cept I'm getting soaked!" she says, giving up on trying to stand and rolling to her belly. The coffee is a loss, so she doesn't even try to retrieve it. Instead she tries belly crawling back the way she came.

Bergin just shakes his head as he sees the woman trying to belly crawl her way back to the entrance and grumbles to himself. Chivalry, apparently, ain't dead...but his poor clothes will be. The burly, bearded guy pulls off his favorite flannel and tosses it at Zoe before leaning forward and starting to shift. It's not like he's got -every- pair of pants dedicated to him but thankfully he's only got the one pair of boots.

Hands become paws, his face elongates and, though it takes a second or so, he seems to be shifting towards the larger wolf form. As a hispo, he should be lower enough to the ground to move forward to help the woman.

A big wave rolls through and the kin is tossed about like a ball in the ocean. "It's okay, I think, I can just..." She spreads out like a star fish, fingers stretching for the flannel before another wave dissuades the kin.

"Fuck it." She may lose her clothes, but it's better than everyone getting soaked, right? Closing her eyes, she starts to concentrate, her own form getting smaller, shrinking up until there's just a ball of -something- in her shirt and coat, moving. A raven's head pops out and she gapes her beak at the huge wolf, hopping twice and fluttering her wings. Much, MUCH lighter, but she can't seem to get both wings going the right way at the same time, flutter-hopping towards Bergin-Hispo.

Bergin muzzle-nudges the raven in an attempt to encourage the bird to climb up on his back, even dipping himself down a bit to make the flutter-hop a bit more successful. Since she's now in her bird form and her clothes are left behind, he tries to bite at the pile and pick up his own flannel to drag back with them. He stays hunkered down until he can feel the bird's talon-capped feet on his back before starting to move.

Using her beak and claws, she clumsily stagger-climbs the huge muzzle, grabbing onto a fluffy ear and working her way up to the big wolf's back. The shape doesn't come as naturally to her as being a wolf does to the Garou. So she hunkers down and spreads her wings, sort of cupping the back of his shoulders to try and keep from falling off. "Not laugh!" she rasps, croaking out the words with her raven-throat.

Bergin chuffs with a mouth full of clothes and starts to stalk back off the soggy, soft-bottomed moss carpet. It takes them a while before they find 'real' ground to walk on again but Foe-Hammer doesn't stop walking until they've made a turn or two and are safely back to the main clearing of the Stacks.

There, soggy and wet-furred, the Get opens his mouth to let the rumpled pile of clothes fall to the ground and he backs away to let the raven hop down.

Once they're on solid ground, she hops down with some flapping. Strutting to the clothes, she pecks at them and grumbles, then tries to wiggle into the pile. They're too heavy and soggy for her to just crawl back into. More grumbling and pacing happens before she cocks her birdy head at him. "No look." she decides, keeping it simple for the limits of the avian speech.

The shift back to her birth form is faster, and here's hoping he's not peeking. Regardless, she's still stuck shimmying and hopping, trying to get into wet pants and shirts, shivering so hard her teeth chatter. Killigrew has voted for you. Bergin turns around as the bird reforms into the woman and asks, while looking towards the shop in the distance, <<Can you understand me?>> The language of the wolves may not be known to the kinfolk but he's testing her familiarity with it.

Once the raven-become-girl has the clothes back on, soggy and clingy as they are, she tries to get warm. It's not too col, but add in soaked clothes and it changes fast. Hearign the hispo Bergin rumble, she leans to tug on a bit of his fur. "It's okay. I'm dressed again." And a kinsicle.

Bergin nudges the shivering kinfolk beside him to climb onto his back so that he can get them out of the twists and paths of the stacks a bit faster. Since she can't necessarily understand him, he's just sort of nipping at her hands and trying to tug at her clothes with a glance over his wide shoulders. Oh...and then there's the plaintiff look at his flannel on the ground. He looks from her, to it and back with a dog-like tilt as if to ask 'please'

Killigrew is a little slow, but catches on. Grabbing the flannel she clambers up onto Bergin's back and snuggles tight. He is, after all, toasty warm to her half frozen. The flannel across his shoulders, she digs her hands into the thick fur of his ruff and does her best to cling to him so he can get them back outand maybe to a warm spot.

Once he feels her dig into his fur, the brown-pelted mega-wolf starts at a steady pace. From a distance, with the flannel flapping behind her, Killigrew might resemble some totally random Animae hero riding astride her wolf companion as she charges into battle - or just heads out of the Stacks and back to the warmth of the shop really damn fast. When who do they run into...

Minna's just coming out of the bathroom- or finishing up with her phone. Both? Both. She looks up to find the dynamic duo of a big wolf and a wet woman, tilts her head, and glances between them. "Generally," she says, wiping her hands dry on her flannel shirt. "You're supposed to do a wet t-shirt contest in the summer." Killigrew manages to look pretty sheepish in the midst of chattering teeth and clinging to the massive like a baby possum. "H-hey, Minna. I got wet." Not about to mention the whole truth of it. Noooope. She has dignity! Even if just a teensy shred. Sliding off Bergin, she lands on her butt, the flannel of his flopping over her head in the process. Pulling it down, she offers it towards him.

Bergin chuffs out a thanks and picks the flannel with his teeth and sort of swings his head to the Shop where it's warm and dry and maybe the Kin could help her find something. Though the fabric of his flannel, the brown-furred wolf turns his attention to Minna to offer some help, <<They should have some spare clothes if she asks Mrs. Marry.>>

Minna rolls her eyes at Zoe, but in a good natured kind of way and unbuttons her flannel, baring a tank top with a few oily stains and small holes here and there. "Or we could start with this," she says. The flannel's one of the few things she owns which is a little big on her, and warm from hours of body heat. "Go'un, put it on," she says, peering at the wolf. "You guys had better put together some expedition bags in the future."

It'll just get wet if she puts the warm shirt on over her soaked one. Hesitating, Zozo turns her back on the wolf and slips her wet stuff off, quickly to button the warm flannel on. One half of her is warm! Er. Warmish. "Thanks, Minna." she softly, folding her arms under her chest and hiding her hands in the sleeves the best she can. She's taller than Minna, so there's not a ton of floppiness to it. "That moss is crazy. Like a big waterbed you can really sink into. I fell down and then I couldn't get back up. So I turned into a raven and Bergin helped me out."

Once the brown-furred wolf starts back to his camper, one of a few parked beside the shop, he lopes a few more paces to be sure that Zoe and Minna are /behind/ him before shifting back to his homid form; because door knobs are a pain with paws. It takes him barely the space of a step before he regains his birth form and some might have missed his transformation entirely due to its quickness.

However, this leaves the lumberjack of a guy completely bare-butt nekkid except for his boots, which are apparently dedicated to him. With a haughty flip of the flannel over one shoulder, as though it were a suit jacket, he takes the last few steps to open his trailer door and steps inside.

Minna is being treated to all kinds of nudity this morning, apparently, giving Zoe's back a once over, and Bergin too, just for good measure. Dude's got tattoos. And a butt. "Raven?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. "Huh, I... guess you weren't kidding about that other thing." She eyes the Kin a little, gives her shoulder a poke. Nope. She isn't like Plastic Man. Plastic Ma'am? "Weird," says the Garou, without a hint of irony. "But cool." Then she calls out to the trailer, "Thanks, Bergin!"

"Why would I kid about it?" Zoe asks with a straight face, glancing back in time to get an impression of bare skin before the door shuts. No oogling for her. Instead, she flexes her hands a few times, the fingers shortening and the palm changing until she has two mittened cat paws instead of human hands. "Rawr." she says, flexing the toe beans at Minna and showing the curved cat claws.

Bergin holds up a hand to acknowledge the offer of thanks but doesn't turn around. Newp. The door closes behind him and he disappears inside for a while to put on some better, warmer clothes. Eventually emerging the former Canadian knows -exactly- how to dress for a cooler climate and energes witha bundle under his arm and a smile on his face. Minna seems more fascinated than anything else, going so far as to take Zoe's hand in hers and to feel it, to pore over it, to study and try to discern how it might be different than her own shapeshifting. "I just kind of figured..."

Cat paws. Just really big and on the end of a people arm. No biggie! Giving thema wiggle when Minna plays with them, she converts them back to her usual hands. There's a laugh when Minna's words trail to a whisper and she smirks. "I was busy. But I suppose you could have the bed and I can sleep on a pillow as a cat. That would work until the couch situation is sorted." she suggests, looking over at Begin rejoins them. Alas, no more buns. Curious kin may never know.

Bergin offers the formerly cat-pawed woman a bundle that includes what is probably an overly large t-shirt, fluffy sweats, thick socks and another of his trademark flannels. "If you wanted..." he shrugs uncertain if she'd accept help from a Get - history being a thing for lots of people and all. With a turn to regard Minna and then back to Zoe he offers that he should have been more mindful of their situation and not let them wander into the wet moss without thinking it through. To some, letting their kin fall into harm - even just getting soaking wet - could be a rough bridge to cross.

"She's a big girl, she can make her own choices," Minna replies, prying her eyes away from the now-normal hands. She puts a pin in her investigation of the whole 'magic' thing for a minute, then says to Bergin, "If she gets hurt because of something you do, that's one thing. If you join her in doing a thing she wants to do, and she gets hurt 'cause of that," she shrugs, eying Zoe. "Not like any one of us is going to keep her out of trouble. Besides, you seem like the dutiful type. I trust your judgment."

The clothes are accepted once Minna more or less okays it. "Thanks, Bergin." she says, ducking behind some stuff to go and change into the clothes. It takes a minute and there might be a squeak when something cold touching something that doesn't like cold.

When she comes back, she dumps her soggy clothes in a pile on a seat, passing the mostly dry flannel back to Minna, the sweat pants sagging dangerously low - but it's okay, because his shirt goes to her knees, just about. Even if she lost the britches, she'd be fiiiine. Once her hands are empty, she finds the drawstring of the pants and cinches them waaaay up so they stay on her hips, tying a slip knot in it. No underthings, since they're soaked, but the clothes are probably too baggy to notice.

Bergin nods to Minna and then watches Zoe trying not to fall out of his offered clothes. "Might need to start collecting some spare clothes for the shop - ya know..." he watches the woman sinch up the voluminous sweats to keep them in place, "...in case." The bearded man wanders over towards the central fire from last night, a few of the embers still smoking their last breath until he takes a few hunks of split wood to pile on. Building a fire? Now? Eh, can't hurt it is somewhat chilly out.

Minna doesn't even register the clothes as something that need her say so, which probably counts for something, as a Philodox. She brushes it off as people helping people. Not everything needs to be complicated by debt, obligation, or custom. Sometimes good manners are just good manners. Natural investigator that she is, she blithely says, "I think he likes you," as she pulls on and buttons up her ( damp ) shirt, with the kind of smugness you can only have when you're the only person who hasn't been naked or drenched in the past ten minutes.

"What? Me?" Killi asks, keeping her voice low, but watching the Get go to build the fire. "You think so? I mean, all I've done for him is cost him a ton of pizza and steal his clothes." She point out to the Philodox with a little scoff. Zoe is swimming in some Bergin sized sweats, tee, and flannel, her own clothes in a soggy, dripping heap on a chair. Bergin is working on making a fire, while Minna and Zoe are conspiratorially whispering nearby. Zoe's hair is all wet and a spikey mess.

Taika comes out of the shop dragging a half carved tree. He is grunting with the exertionn and sweat is pouring down his face. As he notes the others outside he smiles and drops the tree to wave - only the tree falls on his toes and he shouts, "BUGGER!" He pushes the tree off and starts hopping up and down.

Bergin finishes making up the fire and glances over to the two woman as if inviting them over to share the warmth - but then he hears Taika let out a yelp and turns to head over to help his Tribesman. "Bro, you ok?"

Minna considers Zoe's words for all of a second, then shrugs. "I've dated people that've cost me more." Then she adds something, laughs, and looks up at the commotion with eyebrows raised. "What's with the wood!" she calls, more curious than anything else.

Killigrew stares at something Minna says, then laughs, cheeks going pink. "Oh my god." Distracted from chasing that rabbit trail of converstaion, she looks over towards the commotion with Taika. Bergin is on the way to help, so she opts to head towards the fire to start warming up, ruffling her wet hair. She's wearing Bergin-sized sweats, a tee, and a flannel.

Taika grumbles something under his breath in another language. "Cuzzybro, chur. She'll be right." Gotta love Kiwi slang. Taika walks it off, and after a bit, he's right as rain. Looking over to Minna, Taika laughs and points to the wood, "It's a canoe. Can't you see it?" He does his best Vanna White impersonation and waves, "Bow, stern, port, starboard, see?" It's just a block of partially carved wood. It is at this time that Taika notes Minna and Kill are wearing Berg's clothes, "Eh, am I interrupting something ya Skux?" he says to Bergin.

A pretty souped-up street racing bike pulls up by the gate, parking and turning off the roaring engine. The rider gets off and removes it's full helmet, to reveal - Dalibor! Dal secures his bike and helmet, before heading into the 'Yard proper. He pauses as he sees a not insignificant crowd. He nods in greeting to Berg and Taika. The rest all seem familiar from he night before - but not really part of his small 'inner circle'.

Assuming that Taika is ok from the falling carved tree he was hauling, Bergin vanishes into the shop for a moment and returns with mugs of hot coffee, three of them in fact, and offers the first two to the guest women. Because...manners. Dalibor's entrance draws his eyes as he stands by the fire, his back to the flames and he raises his own mug in salute, "Hey bro...how ya doing?"

Minna elbows Zoe, snaps her fingers, and points up at her face. "Nice." Then to Taika, she eyes the tree, him, the tree, him. "Just looks like a... tree. Or maybe canoes look like trees. Sorry, I don't float." She turns her eyes on Bergin and takes the offered coffee, closes her eyes, holds it up to her face and takes a deep breath. Warm coffee, cold day. "Marry me," she sighs dreamily, inhaling half the cup.

Killigrew pfft! Flustered, Zoe accepts the cup of coffee in an automatic way, then glances at Bergin, then Minna and scoffs. "You just... I know where you sleep." she mutters to Minna. Both hands go around the cup, the kin taking a sip and looking up towards the sound of the new arrival. "Um, oh, thank you, Bergin." Wait. "Canoe?" Minna's got her all confused now.

Dalibor's entrance is noted and the Maori flares his nostrils a bit (they grow quite big when he does that) and says, "Yo Dally. You right today?" Bergin's offering is taken and sipped on for a second before being put down to get to work on that 'canoe'. He has an oddly white knife that he starts scraping at the wood with it little by little. Minna is eyed and says, "The canoe is stuck in the tree. If you can see the canoe, you can work to free it from its confines." Deep wisdom there. To Killigrew, Taika just beams with pride. Yup, canoe.