
From City of Hope MUSH
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Man's Kingdom - "Since before even Time can remember, men have been taught to see themselves as expelled from the natural world. Are you so shocked they behave in such a way when they have been conditioned to see themselves as an exemption from every ecology they reside in? You should have tended to your flocks better."
The Gifted - "Don't get cocky."
The World's Anathema - "When you get past the sense of wonder and beauty you'll find most of these are petty and self-serving. Their magic has a strange saccharine flavor to it that's suspiciously artificial."
The Dead - "So I've seen how the other Sighted around Prospect treat these people and honestly I'm not surprised at the level of distaste the dead have for the living. Imagine being told to 'move on' all the time? People treat either them like they have no place in this world or try to enslave them. Honestly, though it's depressing to think about. I am beginning to see why there are so many specters around Prospect. The living are practically chasing the dead into the mouth of Oblivion. "
Risen - "This seems like a path to expedited suffering..."
Wizards - "They're worse than I even thought! These thieves will take everything. Steal your secrets. Enslave you without care. They like to talk about themselves as if they're the protectors of humanity, but I know one has a penchant for murdering some of society's most downtrodden as fodder for their rituals. Worst of all, they're so damn smug about it."
Leeches - "Parasites. Don't let them clock you, or you'll end up in a cage as part of one of the Camarilla's Menageries. It's better for us the more preoccupied they are with killing each other."
The Wolf Blooded - "I am both surprised and thankful for the respect I've been shown, but it's probably better I keep my distance."
Beast Blooded - "Some of you are wonderful and the world is at a loss there aren't more like you... the rest of them are just looking for someone to play house-pet to. Sad, either way you look at it."
Tomb Dust - "Did you really shake off hundreds of years of tomb dust just to see what the SoCal dating scene was like?"
Memes - "These weird fuckin' faerie people are always ruining my me-time..."