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Floyd: A real goddamn honest to life Doomslayer. Trainin' you guys is about the only damn thing the Heirarchy EVER got right. Shame, though. Ya'd make one HELL of a Renegade. But...what the hell'r ya doin' up here? Y'seem like yer' in a tough spot...and I think ya need my help. Whether you LIKE it or NOT.// "Bobo...come on. When a FRIEND tells you to drop it, you drop it. Have some faith, he's not acting THAT weird... I think you're just worried he'll steal your thunder as the big shambler on the Block. Besides... you should HEAR some of the things his Shadow's been telling me about how he REALLY feels about you."

Sigvard: 'Nother Grimmie, eh? I dun' get how you got through a whole damn tour before ya realized that the Heirarchy is a bunch'a damn FASCISTS but I'm glad it finally hit ya eventually. Some'a us just have a better nose for spottin' evil, I guess. I can't hate ya for it, though. Now that I know that they got YOU too... bastards." // "OH WAAAAHHH, I was somebodies PET. Well BOO HOO, I think I MIGHT care if you weren't a goddamn LEGIONAIRRE. You signed up to be someone's pet again after all that, like you didn't learn NOTHING. How many of ours do you think he's led to the soulforges, Bobo? And you can just forgive that? Because you both bit the bucket in KINDA similar circumstances? Ugh...You're way too trusting, Bobo. You're lucky you've got me to tell you how it really is."

Beckett: Always seems to know jus' what to do. Always talkin' bout shit SO beyond me I can't even begin to understand it. Always there fer' us without askin' for a damn thing in return... jus' what's your angle? You jus' tryin' be some Gandalf for Ghosts, or somethin'? // "THAT SON OF A BITCH HURT ME. HE HURT ME REAL BAD BOBO. And you KEEP going BACK like you can't hear me SCREAMING in there. I...I thought we were friends, Bobo. Guess you just don't care... after everything I've done for you..."

Gus: Kickin' ass and takin' names. ...Just what the hell do you need a portrait for, though?// ...Yeah I was actually wondering that myself."

Moe: Gotta pretend I hate it, I'm a rocker at heart... but damn if that Sax ain't somethin' beautiful. // "PFFFT, a Sax, Bobo? I thought you were hardcore, but I guess you're just a Poser. Hehehehe...Jazz. Get real."

Lochlan: Who ARE you? WHAT are you? Why do ya stick yer' nose where it don't belong? Why do they COME to you for it? I... sure got some questions for you. // "Don't bother, Bobo. This guy seems like a weirdo. Never trust someone with an eyepatch. Just get the hell out while you still can. Before he hacks YOU up too. Bet he'd like to see what makes you tick..."

Latona: Mysterious. n' clever. Gotta make sure this one likes me... or at least has a use for me. Cause I get the feelin' she's the last person ya wanna make an enemy outta in Chula. // Now you're getting it. Keep an eye on the clever ones, Bobo... those are the ones that are gonna get IN YOUR WAY.

Karen: She's a lil' sweetie, n' that bums the hell outta me. No one THAT nice outta be stuck in this sunless, neverendin' nightmare life. // PSSSHHHH, you /buy/ that crap? You think a Blue ain't just puttin' on some puppy dog act so she can stab ya in the bag the SECOND ya show her it? S'more to this one than meets the eye, buddy. Don't. Trust. Her.

Camilla: So you lied. Whatever. You're a Ventrue, and an old one at that. You lyin' is like the sun shinin'. Least you came clean, I guess. // Yeah, you're right, Bobo. What kind of worthless lowlife lies to their allies and just tries to play it off like it wasn't a big deal? ...Oh wait. Sorry, Bobo, you know I didn't mean YOU. It's OK when you do it.

Circe: A little less accepting... but that's smart. You should be worried about a freak like me... // I dunno Bobo... I kinda like her. She's got that spooky Goth Chick thing going on. And she knows just what to say to HURT you. Where you think she picked that up? How FELL do you think her powers are, Bobo?

Capone: So I pretended. I hope ya don't think that you bein' MY KIND OF DUDE was part of the act. Where the fuck you work out? // Oh fuck off Bobo. This guy just backed down cause he knew you'd whoop his ass, and you backed down cause you didn't have the balls to do it. Don't trust him. Don't trust THEM.