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The Traditions

“Masquerade, paper faces on parade. Hide your face so the world will never find you.”
- Phantom of the Opera

The Camarilla is the largest of vampiric sects, a loose organization which ostensibly represents and protects all vampires by enforcing and promulgating the Masquerade. It is currently composed of seven clans, though officially it considers all Kindred under its purview and welcomes any that obey its laws.

In addition to preventing the growing mortals masses from discovering the existence of vampires, the Camarilla aims to maintain the status quo of Kindred society; as such, much of its structure and traditions mirror that of Cainite society in Europe in the Dark Ages, and places it at odds with the agenda of the Sabbat and Anarchs.

In general, much of the Camarilla's approach to maintaining order involve enacting the Traditions, which among other things means supporting a system of feudal domains and the responsibilities of sires for the conduct of their childer. The latter idea is often taken farther to mean the sire has authority over the childe, and that elder vampires are intrinsically more deserving of respect and fit for leadership than younger vampires.

Whatever the merits of that position may be, it has a tendency to instill great resentment among young Kindred and in the past has driven many to the Anarchs. Older vampires naturally support the social order which they have mastered over the centuries, and in fact much of the Camarilla's policies are designed to facilitate the activities of Kindred who have long ago lost touch with the mortal world.

The First Tradition: The Masquerade

Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.

Reality: This is a basic tenet of the Camarilla. It holds that a vampire should never reveal his true nature to mortal society. Breaches in the Masquerade result in swift and harsh justice. A Prince by right can kill a Kindred for breaching it.

The Second Tradition: Domain

Thy Domain is thine own concern. All others owe thee respect while in it. None may challenge thy word while in thy Domain.

Reality: The entire city is the Domain of the Prince. Those who are in it, are there because they have been granted permission to take up residence. They are granted permission for a number of reasons usually stemming from political pressures, custom, alliances, etc. However, the Prince does parcel out portions of his Domain to others as a reward for service. These parcels are often seen as little Domains of their owners and they expect respect of visitors. This interpretation is usually granted as the Prince and in turn can expect that these Kindred watch over their granted Domains. It also sets a good precedent to honor the Second Tradition in this way as it placates younger Kindred and demonstrates that the Traditions apply to all – in theory. However when it comes to turf and Kindred, the reality is that you’re only entitled to respect if you can hold onto it.

The Third Tradition: Progeny

Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine elder. If thou createst another without thine elder's leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain. Reality: This Tradition is very strictly controlled by most Princes. This is because population control makes sense as a measure to uphold the Masquerade. Even few Anarchs argue the logic of keeping the numbers of Kindred in check. Some Princes have been known to extend the right to apply even to Ghouls, forcing Kindred to ask permission to take on another servant. This is extreme, but in some cases necessary among neonates who are eager to overextend themselves without thinking about the practical issues with regard to managing multiple servitors and thralls. In a world of finite resources and infinite lifespans, Kindred are quick to point out any offenders and have them meet their Final Deaths – especially if by chance that meant that they had an opportunity to commit Diablerie.

The Fourth Tradition: Accounting

Those thou create are thine own children. Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things. Their sins are yours to endure. Reality: Few Sires would argue that once their Childe is Released, they no longer are responsible for them and expect to get away with it. Indeed one of the favored attacks by Kindred is to smear their enemies by embarrassing them through the mishaps of less wise and experienced Progeny. Furthermore, this sense of accountability can extend to clans within a city and even coteries. No one wants to be in the same clan as that “fuck up” over there or in the same coterie as that “douche bag” over here. Clans and coteries therefore jump at the chance to take care of their own dirty laundry “in-house” if they can help it – quickly and quietly.

The Fifth Tradition: Hospitality

Honor one another's Domain. When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there. Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.

Reality: Believe it or not, this is a happily enforced Tradition, especially among neonates who are eager for any and all opportunities to strengthen their Blood through Diablerie. Many interpret non-acceptance or failure to present oneself as an indicator that the absentee Kindred is not under the protection of the Traditions. To destroy an unaccepted “catch” in the Domain often comes with its own reward. So for this reason, most Kindred traveling to a Camarilla city are quick to ask permission ahead of time to enter the Domain or they remain in hiding until permission has been granted or an audience accepted. However, now in the age of mass communications, some more forward thinking Princes might accept texts and such to one of his brood’s smart phones until a proper audience can be held. It really varies widely from city to city.

The Sixth Tradition: Destruction

Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind. The right of Destruction belongeth only to thine Elder. Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt. Reality: Only the Prince has the right to kill another Kindred in his Domain. That is an application of the Second Tradition affecting the Sixth that is widely held as precedent. However, elders and councilors will often times get rid of their own clan troublemakers before they become too embarrassing politically. This is a risky position if the elder is a rival of the Prince because often Princes are keen to use these unsanctioned murders as a means by which to dispatch enemies if they are discovered. It is generally interpreted that the Prince be considered the one who is the “Eldest” when it comes to calling Lextalionis or the Blood Hunt. When a Blood Hunt is called, few Kindred snub the Prince by not participating as the reward for catching the subject of the Blood Hunt can involve Diablerie. That is a potential reward that is too good to pass up.