
From City of Hope MUSH
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Ando gav bi zhuklesko shai piravel o manush bi destesko. (In a village without dogs a man can walk without a stick.) - Roma Saying

Apparent Age:
Late Teens (Barely Legal)
Modern Roma
Birth Place:
Just outside Berlin
Black / Dark
Talaitha Urmen

  • Roma: - The girl is full-blooded Rom. However, like most real-world Roma, she doesn't wear a bunch of jingly bells on herself or anything similar. When trying to bilk tourists she'll go the whole way, but generally she's -quite- modern.

  • Upbringing: - She comes from a more traditional family, though. She grew up on the move in Europe, and even though she's settled here for now, the wanderlust is in her blood.

  • College: - She's taking a few classes at the college, trying to 'expand her opportunities'.

  • The Fae: - The girl is fairly clueless of the Fae, beyond stories her family would tell. She belongs to the Urmen, though, a family of Rom with close blood ties to the Kithain. She has Faerie Affinity.

  • Life: - She loves life. Whether dancing on the beach, or sneaking into clubs or bars, or whatever.

  • Daytime: - It's rare to bump into the pretty girl during the day. She parties all night and sleeps all day. Who needs the sun when you have neon and moonlight?

  • Streets: - Okay, so there -is- one stereotype the girl is part of. She's in touch with criminal elements, and sometimes happens across things people are willing to buy for very nice prices, from cars, to illegal foodstuffs (Like endangered species). You'd be AMAZED what can fall off a truck.

Favorite Color:
Forest Green
Favorite Food:
All foods ever!!
Night Owl
Languages Known:
Suprisingly Few Things.
Motel For Now

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