2021.08.08: Bad Dragon

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Bad Dragon
While checking out the O'Reilly Farm that Ben and Frigg have purchased, some unwelcome visitors show up.


IC Date August 8th, 2021
Players Ben, Evonna, Frigg, Leif, Vasyl as ST
Location O'Reilly's Farm
Spheres Garou Gaian

This is the farm the Fenris have been talking about for awhile now. An old farmhouse sits up on the hill, a few fields are here, and a rundown barn. Mr. and Mrs. Farmer O'Reilly are here still transitioning the farm over to the Godwynn's and the Fenris. They are out and about helping to hand off packaged goods such as meat, eggs, and baskets of veggies.

Frigg is standing at the tractor with Ben. The engine shield is wide open, and it doesn't look like they've made any success. Steinar is here by the field doing his round of patrol and it appears Vasyl just stopped by.

The Silver Fang Galliard nods, "I hope for all the best for you and the farm here." He agrees lightly, "I have not tried the steak yet, but if you are saying it is good I will try it of course. I imagine that my kinfolk back home will love the freshness of the food they are preparing, in that way I'm blessed."

Frigg is being helped down from the tractor where she was sitting to work on the engine. No ladder today. Ben is the ladder. "Steinar, do you know anything about tractor engines?" She calls to the Godi.

But she does pause to give a nod to Vasyl, "I recommend the steak. We had some last evening and it was pretty good on the grill." She wipes her hands on a brown rag, as she's playing a make-do farmer today.

Leif comes up, having sniffed his way out here in lupus, but shifting before he gets too close. He knew Ben and Frigg and.. Silver Fang? Oh god. They've come to reclaim Sonja and now Leif is going to have to kick an ENTIRE tribe's ass. Cool! But here he comes, without baby, without mother, just a mostly grown wolf cub carrying along a dead squirrel in her teeth as they make their way up

Ben nods. "Indeed. I don't know that we'll be a full blown cattle ranch, but we'll have a bit of each." The man smirks. "Pigs, chicken, a few cows." The Forseti offers over. "And a lot of vegetables." Not a huge farm, but it will do nicely. He looks over to Leif as he starts approaching, grinning to the other man. "Afternoon." A wave, and one for Steinar, if he starts coming closer.

Quietly... following... Leif may not realize, but Evonna is not that far behind him. For whatever reason, she is practicing her stealth today. Or just wanted to see what he is going to be doing with Freya? And then there she is! Tapping Leif's shoulder, "You going to let her eat that?" She looks around, "Oh hey, this is where people have been!"

Steinar was there. Then, a moment later, he steps forward and through the Gauntlet, disappearing from view and into the Umbra.

Frigg asks Ben, "How many cows in total does the farm have?" She's not sure as of yet. Inventory still needs to happen here but she's glancing to the side as Steinar zips off. "That must be a no to handling weaver gadgets." She rubs the tractor grease off her chin with the back of her hand. Fortunately, now she sees the Wall, Frey, and Evonna incoming. "Hey guys. I knew you'd get here eventually." She smiles. "We also have a friendly other tribal visitor today." She means Vasyl, as she gestures her wrench at him. The tool she hasn't quite decided to put down yet.

Leif didn't realize, actually. He was busy stalking Ben and Frigg and the Silver Fang he's probably going to have to take down! Like, probably not, but MAYBE! He wouldn't be surprised if that happened. Anyway! He's tapped and he spins and manages to NOT punch Evonna in the mouth, but clearly taken by surprise. Freya, also scared, drops her squirrel, farts with surprise and then runs to Evonna to protect her from... Evonna. Okay, so Freya isn't exactly BRILLIANT, but still. "Jesus fucking christ I almost killed you," Leif says, then in retaliation for him nearly shitting himself, pokes Evonna in the nose and turns toward Frigg. "That's a mighty big wrench you got there, Frigg. YOu trying to show us up?"

Ben thinks. "I think four?" He's not entirely certain - the livestock doesn't like him, after all. His gift helps, but still. A slight hrm as Steinar simply hops over into the Umbra. "Hoping nothing is amiss." At the startling of Leif, Ben does his best to hide his smile. "Always on your toes, eh Leif?" He winks, making a face as Freya gasses the place. "How are you doing, Evonna? Welcome to the farm."

A slight smile grows even wider at Leif and Evonna as they arrive. "Excellent." he says then to the Fenrir manning the farm. He circles the tractor a few times checking it out, as if he may be able to actually help fix it, but he really has no idea. Like so many Silver Fangs though, he feigns his expertise to perfection. Typical Fang, amirite?

Evonna grins, and reaches down to pet Freya, "You are fine, little one." She seems satisfied, even if Leif /thinks/ he could have punched her. Nudging Leif, her bestie! "Aah, a Silver Fang. Nice to see you again, War Cry'rhya." She waves to Steinar and then for Ben and Frigg there is a special smile and a wink. "I am alright. Been keeping busy helping our new kinfolk get settled in."

Frigg looks at Leif and then her wrench in hand. "Don't mock my one and only superpower. I'm really good at pointing at things, and with extended objects that are wieldy - it makes me look more intimidating. And it also makes me kinda feel like I know what I'm doing. But in this case..." she offers Leif the wrench. "We need a mechanic." She smiles at Evonna when Ben does, "I'm glad you are here." She blinks back at Ben, "Only four cows? We need to buy a few more."

Farmer Reilly yells over from his vegetable and meat stand, "I got plenty in the freezer! That's where the herd went. Only got Ol'Bessy, Mary Sue, Lima Bean, and Daisy left."

Frigg glances at Farmer Reilly, and says to the group by the tractor, "He's got really good hearing for those hearing aides."

Ben smirks, watching as Frigg reveals her super powers. A nod, looking over to the Farmer as he calls over. "Really good hearing." He chuckles, looking back to the others. "It's been a very exciting couple of days." A wide grin, the man looking proud as can be. "I am going to be a father." It's like he can't hold that in.

Leif might beat Vasyl down just for the fun of it! Just because! Before he stinks up the place like Freya! But probably not. He nudges Evonna right back, a little harder than absolutely necessary and he strolls forward, grinning at Frigg. "I'm sure you're very capable with a wrench, Frigg." He gives the wrench a little toss in the air and then spins it around his fingers, just to show off, and he leans over the tractor. "Do we know what's wrong with it?" He glances over at the old Farmer and grins. "It's old folks super powers. Mama can't hear me when I'm in the same room with her, but if I steal a cookie, she hears the tupperware lid opening from outside." Then he glances around to make sure there are no flying flip flops from mama hearing him say THAT. Then he pauses and peers at Ben. Congratulations

Two of the exact same indistinct black SUV's pull up in the distance and slide to a stop. There is a quietness to them for a few moments as they just sort of settle. The occupants are hard to make out through the tinted glass but they seem to just be talking.

Vasyl simply nods his head a moment and watches. The news from Ben causes him to break from his study of the tractor, "Ah, congrats! Another warrior of the nation, full blood or kin, the Fenrir warrior spirit sure to be true." the Galliard says rather pleased.

Evonna looks absolutely pleased at the news. "I heard from Brandr last night. I'm sorry I missed that announcement and celebration then, but who says we cannot keep celebrating!" She approaches Frigg and her mighty wrench and offers her a hug to the woman - so long as she does not get bonked! "Congratulations! I think almost every female is with child now, or taking care of one! What a great time for Fenrir!" Then moving to Ben, she nudges his shoulder. "I hope you have a strong warrior to carry on our family." Doesn't matter kin or garou, warrior nonetheless.

Frigg settles her hands on her hips once she watches Leif twirl that badass wrench around. Her head shakes and she is about to say something but then her badass Manwolf giant of a mate blathers out bursting with good news. She also grins up at Ben happily. "Thank you." She embraces Evonna heartily. 'My second superpower is making our tribe stronger." She exudes her ability to puff up a bit there with some pride. "And we will bring further strength and another champion to fight the good fight over Gaia's domain." She keeps grinning. "Ben's dying to tell everyone. Ah, who else is expecting?..." Ahh SUV's? They look expensive, and the vehicle makes her turn her head to get a full on look at them.

Ben thinks. "Sonja is, I know. I don't know of others off the top of my head?" He beams. "Thank you, all. It is... terrifying and exciting all at the same time. A good fear, though." The man admits. "I've a lot to do - collect socks, and all that." He winks to Leif. A glance over at the SUV, curious. "Are we expecting more?"

"All with children?" Vasyl says with a wide smile to Evonna, "The Get of Fenris are not only busy making war for the nation, but ensuring its next generation. Yelena has recently given us twin Silver Fangs as well, it seems our Sept is blessed." he mentions. His eyes in the sky for a moment, Borya flies passed high in the air making his way towards the SUV in what looks like a casual and leisurely circle from their place.

By now the doors are opening and there is a group of men all in black suits, it couldn't be any more cliche. Four from each SUV filing out and adjusting their suits as they wait until all prepared, then they begin to file up the driveway. The lead, carrying a briefcase.

"Not Tyra," Leif says, leaning a little more over the tractor again, going elbow deep in the guts. He reaches in and pulls out some hay that's gotten wrapped around something or other and then leans up as the SUVs pull up. Something doesn't sit right and his brow knits slightly and then he just stands there looking BIG.

Evonna smirks at Leif, "Not yet. But she is in effect caring for Misty, and thus a mother." She does add though, "And not me." The odd one out. "Who are those people? Are you expecting some delivery?" That is not necessarily a delivery though.

Ben nods to Leif, but does not question more. As the squad arrives, he stands up straighter as well - the two men towering and, well, intimidating just as they are. A shake of his head to Evonna, looking at the other men as they file out of the SUV. "Can we help you?"

Frigg is keeping an eye on the visitors now moving in as if they were tax collectors. She gives Ben a nervous look and then she sees Leif pulling hay out of the engine. "How'd that get in there?" So much to learn about living on a real farm. "I'm sure there's time yet, Evonna."

"If you are the owner, certainly." the lead man remarks. "We come here with an offer for the purchase of the farm here." he says motioning to his briefcase. "We are prepared to pay well above the market rate." he adds with a smug smirk spreading across his features as if he is certain of the purchase to be made.

Leif steps forward a little bit and shakes his head. "Nah, we're not interested in selling," Leif says, uncrossing his arms, the wrench still held in his hand

Farmer Reilly looks over at the men coming in now and looks relieved to let the Stonecreek community handle them. All stress off his back now! Suckers...

Frigg looks at the briefcase and she shakes her head, "It's not for sale. You really should have called ahead of time and we could have saved you the drive out."

Evonna does not get a good feeling from these people, but not enough to try anything more than to stand there near Ben and Frigg as they converse.

Nostrils flare and Vasyl takes in as much of the scent as possible. His furrowed brow deepens and he gives Leif one of /those/ looks.

The lead man looks from Farmer Reilly to Leif and then to Vasyl before back to Leif. "We must insist," he says, though the smug smile is fading. "It would be easier to sell than any other means of acquisition."

Leif gives an almost invisible nod to Vasyl. Through the pack link, Leif says to Ben, ~~This is your place, Ben. You make the call. I'm okay with these guys running out of here pissing themselves.~~

Ben echoes the others, nodding. "I am certain we were clear. It's not for sale." At the mention of other means of acquisition, his eyebrow raises. "It would be very ill-advised to pursue this property - it's owned and cared for. We've no intention of parting with it." The big Forseti stands his ground, leveling his eyes at the lead spokesman. ~~We can't undo terror. But I am definitely not wanting these people around.~~ He responds to Leif via their packlink.

Frigg backs up by the toolbox since the Wall and BigBen are in the forefront now with Evonna and the SF Galliard. "You heard the farmer." Meaning Ben. "We're not selling and we aren't going to be bullied neither. So why don't you get back in your fancy black cars and git." She should be chewing on a straw. Git.

Evonna tilts her head and listens. "Perhaps rather than making veiled threats, you explain a bit more about who you are and why you think you and your associates should be pushed to sell." As Frigg adds her two bits she nods, "Or just go on to another farm and try your luck there. They are not selling."

Leif notes, again through the link to Ben, ~~There is a LOT of Rage here and they aren't responding to it.~~ Then, aloud, "Listen," he says with his quite authentic Oklahoma accent. "I've been dealing with people like you my whole life. You can go and plot your.. 'other means of acquisition' and come back and try another day. I have a tractor to fix and there are cows to milk and the farrier is going to be here probably in the next ten minutes and I know for a FACT that he carries a big-ass shotgun. So go on. Get out of here. Come back some other day. lkhhhhh

A sigh and then the man glances over his shoulder to the others whom all begin to walk closer. Their bodies begin to shift and crack, and when one touches the other the skin merches together as they begin to assimilate each body and grow larger into a single entity. "The hard way then." the lead man says with a hiss, the tongue darting out like a snakes now.

"There you are dragon." Vasyl growls under his breath as he flexes, instinctually moving to position himself between the kinfolk.

That's a whole bunch of nope from Ben. As they clearly don't take the hint, and respond with... supernatural ickiness, he stands fast. Frigg is behind him, as is the Farmer. "Get to safety." He growls, unflinching in the eyes of danger. His eyes never leave the snake-tongued monstrosity. "You die today."

Yup. Just what he was waiting for and expecting. He actually gives Frigg a little push. Not hard, not aggressive, just a, for him, normal reaction to getting a kin's attention and setting them in the right direction. "Get Mr. O inside and safe," almost exactly in tandem with Ben.

Frigg feels that nudge of a push and yeah she's not staring very long at the MIB-Pede in the front field now. And she doesn't have to wave to round anyone up to run for the house because Farmer Reilly is already dragging his wife with him once the shifters glue together. 'Go gooo goooo!" He hollers.

Evonna shakes her head, "It did not have to come to this, but.. looks like we got work." She waits for the call from the Jarl, as she sees the Kinfolk get to safety. She is ready to shift if called for, ready to fight.

"Go," Leif says, almost placidly, then explodes upward. Has anyone mentioned just how fucking BIG Leif is? He even makes sure to step forward a little before he goes all fuzzy, and he leads the charge directly at the ... morph...lings or whatever.

The giant golem of flesh, bone and sinew snarls out and charges forward just as Vasyl shifts up into his crinos form. His crinos form covered in a beautiful plate mail armor molded perfectly to the Silver Fang's war form, and not a moment too soon. His armored form is slammed into first by the Golem sending him flying into the tractor with a heavy thud, the jewel in the chest of the armor doing what it is meant to do, drawing the attention of the enemy. <<First to you.>> War Cry growls as he pulls himself to his feet, rage fueling him now.
The golem's attack on War Cry leaves it open for the charging Leif and the other Get of Fenris. It's mad with fury, the limbs elongate and thrash this way and that as it moves to attack.

Evonna follows that cue and shifts to crinos, readies her claws and follows the giant on the attack. No one is going to get past her, even if she is not a ginormous as the others!

Crunch. Snap. Pop. RAAR! Evonna is replaced with a furry nightmare!

It's a Fenrir thing - it's a pack thing - whatever it is, Ben is right in time with Leif. The Forseti leaps into action, his body also exploding up into his warform. Thick bumps and ridges form over his skin, Troll Hide forming to shield his body. Seeing an ally struck, seeing his tractor get more broken, serves only to anger the Fenrir. His own leap into the fray finds him seeking purchase - trying to grapple, claws and all.

Ben transforms into a monstrous wolfman. DELIRIUM IN EFFECT. (+rules The Delirium)

It kind of looks like Vasyl's on personal terms with this guy, so Leif doesn't stop him from getting ahead of him. He DOES worry about the fragility of Silver Fangs, but that's something that he can worry about later. For now, he slips around behind, dodging a flung claw, but getting a good gash across his cheek. He bellows out and launches a rear attack, claws slamming into the body of the thing and INTO Ben and Evonna's waiting attacks.

The kinfolk get up onto the old house porch and Mr. Reilly and Frigg are practically carrying in the Farmer's wife by her arms. The front door slams shut. They made it in! Poor Mrs. Reilly and her walker were left behind in the driveway.

The creature howls out in pain, the attacks from the Fenrir finally getting its full attention as it turns towards Leif and howls with rage at the Get of Fenris pack, its wounds bleed thick black ichor that drops like acid onto the earth. It arches its back, the five mouths that are across its chest all open and then with a single scream they belch out a wave of green fire, a gift from the Green Dragon to those that are his servitors.

Vasyl leaps to his feet in a rush, a howl and a cry for Borya to join the battle. He darts past and slashes calls along the hamstring of the creature doing what he can to help tear it down, limb from limb.

Eikþyrnir's whole goal is to keep a grip on the beast - using his strength to try to keep it in place. Both to keep it from advancing on others, and to allow the Fenrir and Fang to tear into it. Fire flicks and burns off the trollhide, searing him and peeling away the ugly armor. Still he persists!

Blood Thorn takes on her troll skin and attacks with vigor. Going for the other leg than the others did - avoiding the chest -o- teeth, she rips into it, trying but not totally missing the ichor as is spills onto her back as she rips and snarls as her claws dig into that leg.

Meanwhile in the old farmhouse, Frigg has grabbed the farmers shotgun. She's running up top to the birds eye view circular room above, and trying to load slugs at the same time. No easy feat there.

The Wall has his own ugly troll skin armor. It isn't his favorite, but this is an unknown. He, with his claws dug into the fomor's back, shoves him more into Ben, creating a fomor sandwich between the two of them. Leif twists his claws, getting a good nip on the shoulder that doesn't quite penetrate, leaving Evonna and Vasyl free to take nice big chomps and swathes of hide

Howls of pain and the large creature staggers to one knee. It lashes out with its arm that extends like a disgusting dark version of Mr. Fantastic. Fire spewing from the many mouths in a conflageration.

The creature hamstrung, being piled on by the many Fenrir ripping at its flesh, by the other Fenrir leaving an opening for Leif's powerful attacks. Its pack work at its finest....oh and Vasyl.

Frigg gets down on one knee in that bird cubicle above the house and aims the rifle toward the front yard. She's getting a view now of what's going on down below and she's huffing and puffing from running. From her vantage point, it looks like a pack of wolves just descended on the dragon and it's already over by the time she gets into a defensive position. "Damn..." Yep, she sees the dented tractor.

There is no division - the Garou are one team, one entity to defeat the enemy. No mercy is shown to the beast, with Eikþyrnir rending into the creature with claws as keeps his iron-like grip on it. He's not letting up, not stopping - not until they are all sure the monster is truly dead.

Blood Thorn as they work together, the beast is becoming undone. Chunks flying, while the ichor drips. But what of anyone he came with? Well, the focus is all on inflicting the damage on what is the obvious target now, stopping it from getting near the kinfolk.

The Wall chomps at one of the heads with his huge jaws, mostly severing it. WHY does he bite things? Goddammit, he knows better. He'll pay for that in a little bit. But for the moment, all that matters is that head is no longer spewing flames. And since he's done it once already, Leif bites into whatever might pass as a shoulder joint, giving his huge head a mighty shake, still pinning it between himself and Ben.

Freya is leaning up against the window and HOWLING for blood. <<GET EM! KILL EM! EAT EM! FART ON EM! YEAH! DO IT!>>

Vasyl slashes at the creature with powerful blows, the Silver Fangs claws curving into falcon like talons as he digs deep into the muscle and rips it from the ribcage. <<Yeaarhhhhh!>> comes some battle cry, for once the Galliard doesnt have fancy words. Of course years from now this story will be told in flowery fashion of the greatness of the Silver Fang, how it was a Fang that led the Get in battle against the Wyrm. Propoganda is grand.

Blood Thorn steps back as the others continue to gnaw on this beastly fomori dragon. She bends her knees and then launches herself up and grabs hold of the head and RRRRIIIIPPPPSSSS it off, shooting a blast of ichor out, and dangling bits of connective tissue hanging from the neck. She land with a thud and howls with her trophy raised up!

Frigg sees the final kill and holds action from firing. Yeah, Evonna got that one. She hushes a 'Yeshhh' in triumphant glee. And then she's calling for Freya who was gnarling at the window. "Ok girl. Looks like they got it." Whew.

Eikþyrnir is burnt, hurt - but nothing too major. Thank Gaia for Trollskin! As Blood Thorn strikes the killing blow, he arches back and gives a howl of triumph for her kill! Still, he claws and rends at the corpse for a breath or two more - letting his rage ebb from him.

Ben shifts into his human form.

Freya BOLTS for the downstairs as Frigg gives her the okay. Leif, even feeling the thing go slack in his grip, gives his claws one more good twist as he also howls out victory, then finally lets go of the thing about the same time Ben does. Freya comes RUNNING out and before anyone can stop her, hikes a leg like the BIGGEST boy doggo ever, and pees on the corpse, howling along in tandem with the others. << I PEE ON IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>

Vasyl nods to Freya and then arches his back to give a triumphant howl for the victory. He shifts back to homid, the armor melting away like liquid metal. "A true victory." he looks to Ben and Freya, "My apolgies for the mess...but I will help you with it."

Frigg has that front door open so fast as Freya goes flying out. And then her own feet are flying off the front steps of the porch with the rifle in hand. But unlike the wolf kin, she isn't getting near the toxin as close as Freya is. She gives a good 15 feet purview of the dead monster and steps around, looking at the Garou to see who is hurt. "Ben, you guys ok?"

Blood Thorn shifts back to her more human looking form and drops her trophy on the ground. "Well, looks like we have some clean up to do. Not just this but..." she gestures to the black SUVs. Shaking off some of the gore from her, she does not care about it but considers what needs to be done to clean up further. "Don't want to leave this for you all."

Fur seems to fly and disappear, as Evonna becomes herself again.

A nod to Frigg. "A bit roasted, but it will heal." Ben says, looking her over. "Are you all right?" A grin is offered to Evonna. "Nice kill, sister." And then Freya is peeing on the beast... serves it right! "I think we need to cleanse, then perhaps burn the body. As for the truck... we should get Erin to look at it to change the VIN or clear out any lowjack."

"Goddammit, Freya." Leif mutters as she gets tainted too and he motions around at the lot of them, but his finger stops on Frigg. She's well back still, but he points her direction. "Stay back, Frigg. We need a cleansing." Then he shakes his head at Evonna. "We'll burn the corpse. Ben and I can park the vehicle in the barn, either give it to Erin like Ben said or strip them and then we can melt them down in the forge. Make... I don't know.. fuckin... flower planters out of the tires."

Frigg gives a grand pause as Leif gives her warning but then her eyes look to Ben as if she's looking over his burns. Yeah, that doesn't look good. She frowns deeply, but nods to Evonna, "Great victory kill there, I saw it from upstairs. Glad it's DEAD." She's being cautious to not step in any PEE spray either, or to get near any taint in her condition. Nope. "Let me know if I can do anything. I think I can sing a good war victory song if need be." She says this in the face of the SF Galliard. "A viking one." She cracks a grin.

Ben stretches, letting the ache slowly fade - it'll take a bit, but yeah - it'll heal. "Frigg, if you can a cooler full of water, then the container of salt? We can do a cleansing.... just set it over there and we'll come over once you're clear of the area." A smile to her. "Cleansing first. You too, Freya." A nod then to Vasyl. "Thank you, War Cry-Rhya. It was an honor to fight alongside you." A grin to the Fenrir. "And a feast. Celebrate a victory, and a new Fenrir on the way."

Leif checks himself out. He's got a burn on his face with a slash through it, and it looks like he might have gotten chomped on the wrist too, but he seems fine. When all that stuff wears off, that's when he'll whine like a little baby. "Busy day," he agrees with a grin, scooping up Freya, who thinks that she's going to slink off

Frigg gets the water hose on the farm going into an old dirty cooler. It's semi cleaned out but it's got that grunge look to old plastic. "It's the best I could do." She drags the hose over to fill it near them so she isn't carrying heavy water weight. The hose is left running to fill it and then she's off to the barn to get some rock salt.

Evonna offers, "I can help heal anyone, and we get this place cleansed up. Now, about those vehicles, we can deal with it after but I'm sure they are tainted too."

"A few minor wounds..cracked ribs from the tractor I think, but I can already feel them knitting back together." The Silver Fang offers. Then to Frigg, "I suppose a Viking song would be proper for such a battle." he concedes with a light wink to the kin.

Leif nods. "Probably," Leif agrees, staying more or less where he's at so he doesn't spread anything, and also to make sure that corpse doesn't regen. "Fortunately, it's easier to cleanse an object than actual flesh." He motions around. "Let's see if we can just have it in the circle with us."

Ben looks over to the SUV. "We can lift it and bring it over?" He comments, looking to the Fenrir. "Then just get it all in one big circle of cleansing?"

Frigg comes out with the rock salt bag over one shoulder. Hefty sack for who knows what. They don't have bad winters here. "Will this work?" She asks the Garou gathered. By now, she's got the hose switched off and ready.

Evonna nods, like this is just a normal thing. "Sounds good to me. You two Thors on each end, and I'll help in the middle." It certainly can work. They just need to cleanse themselves a bit first to be sure they do this right.

Ben looks to Leif. "Ready to tire ourselves out?" He chuckles, moving towards the SUV. A nod to Frigg. "That will work perfectly, Frigg. Thank you very much." A smile to her, a look of appreciation.

Leif nods to Ben. "Yup." He shifts as he walks, growing huge and fuzzy once more and he heads around to the back of the vehicle, giving it a test-lift. This won't be EASY, but it might be fun.

Vasyl falls into helping the Get of Fenris. This is something he can do, moving alongside Leif, best to be a part of the solution than the problem. "Borya has been scanning the skies, its clear for miles...whomever they were they came alone."

Shifting up to his warform again, Ben moves with Leif to start with the SUV and moving it closer to the mess. Not quite on the dead beast, but... close enough to be in the circle for cleansing. It is not easy, but nothing ever should be in his mind. Always a challenge!

Evonna helps the guys and together they can do it! "Just get it close enough!" She shifts up as well so that they can do this!

Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. "Lift," Leif grunts from crinos. Once they set it down, he says in Garou >>We will double up patrols regardless.<< He shifts back, checking his hands over and then plunks his big ass down on the hood to let everyone get ready for cleansing

Truck moved! Fantastic. Once it's set down, Ben shifts back down, stretching out his arms. "I suppose we could have shown off - but that just leaves you tired." A chuckle. "Shall we then? Who will lead the rite?"

Frigg will sing an Iceland folkish song of Victory while they prep. She also gets the barn doors wide open for any storage after. It's an easy enough plan they are making. But once they start the cleansing ritual she will hum her song to a stop.

Leif snorts a little and motions to Evonna. "Evonna does the best cleansings. I suck at it. We'll play catch with the next SUV that we have to ........" He frowns just a touch and looks around the circle. "Why didn't we just get in the fucking car and drive it over here?"

Evonna just turns and looks to Leif. She snorts and laughs a bit! "Well, that would also require keys, unless you can hotwire it?" She has no idea if they would have found the keys anway. "I will lead the Rite, everyone join in." She indicates to all the garou what to do, and begins this sacred rite.

Ben laughs. "Exactly. I didn't want to dig through that..." He motions to the fallen fomori construct,"... in order to find keys." A nod to Evonna and a grin, moving into the circle to be cleansed and assist in the rite.

"Fair," Leif agrees, then also moves to assist.