Memo Diaz/InfoBox

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xxxxxOnly a century or so — some say even mere decades — ago, the Black Spirals Dancers were considered an historical anomaly: a tribe of bastards seduced and corrupted by the Wyrm. Sacrificing their sanity in exchange for dark powers, the Black Spirals acted as the disciples of a minor cult. For each Spiral hiding in the night, ten Garou waited to hunt him down. Though the werewolves of this tribe had always been dangerous, most of Gaia’s defenders thought of them as insane monsters, villains hunted by ambitious heroes in search of honor and glory.

xxxxxThe world has changed since then. As the Apocalypse draws closer, the Wyrm’s strength increases. The Garou do not understand their most dangerous foes, failing to see them for what they really are: their own reflection. Gaia’s defenders charge into battle against Hives of Black Spirals, not realizing that their greatest enemy is not without, but within. Corruption has festered throughout the Garou Nation. As a result, more Garou fall before the Black Spirals each year, not under assaults of fangs and claws, but by the subtle seduction of the Wyrm’s lure.

xxxxxThe seeds of corruption have already been planted. As the Earth Mother dies, the oldest werewolves are overwhelmed by the call of Harano. As they fall into introspection, these elders gaze into the maw of hell and realize their destiny. Cubs insist that the same fate will not befall them; instead, they indulge freely in rage, allowing hatred to overcome reason. Anger destroys souls as surely as apathy.

xxxxxWhile some werewolves are born into the Black Spirals’ tribe, many fall into the Wyrm’s tendrils because of their own tragic failings. Once a werewolf has lost her will to resist temptation, she learns to accept the pain of unseen wounds and embrace the horror within herself. Pain is a path to her own destruction, a journey leading straight into the depths of Malfeas. Fallen Garou are drawn to the center of the Black Spiral. And once they cross over, they are eagerly welcomed by the winning side....

RP Hooks

  • Hook Placeholder - With more info in this area >.>
  • Hook Placeholder - With more info in this area >.>
  • Hook Placeholder - With more info in this area >.>
  • Hook Placeholder - With more info in this area >.>
  • Hook Placeholder - With more info in this area >.>