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The Camarilla: It is good, that everyone is convinced Clan Tremere lost control of us somewhere during the late Dark Ages. We do not have to care about any of their laws if we don't want to.•

Clan Brujah: The young ones are very interesting indeed. They rebel against the society with such passion I have never encountered before. They fight, until they die. Most princes don't like them, because they break their precious system. They have the passion to live, while they still can. The Elders however are stupid, trying to make the system fall from within. Both the old and the young usually have different goal than our masters, so we come face-to-face with them often. They are quite worthy fighters but frankly, all I've fought with, are now dead.•

Clan Gangrel: They are the best fighters I've met, and I'm glad they are so peaceful and do not seek to harm our masters. They turn into animals as the years go by, just as we become like stone. I guess that it reflects our inner selves...•

Clan Malkavian: They are nothing but fools and idiots. They are very unpredictable, so they must be watched more carefully than the other vampires of Camarilla. Simple as that.•

Clan Nosferatu: Great folk. They look worse than us and never try to harm our masters, at least in the open, physical, way...•

Clan Toreador: Well, I kinda understand them. They must make peoples' life worth living. Humans... Nothing more than humans, pretending to be Vampires...•

Clan Tremere: Enemy #1...•

Clan Ventrue: Killed many of them. No good an opponent. Too bad, because I kill them a lot.•

The Sabbat: For oursake, I hope they fail. And we must make sure they do. Kill on sight. Thank you.•

Clan Lasombra: They are much like the Ventrue with three exceptions. They are of the Sabbat. They are at least twice as tricky. And they put on a hell of a fight when attacked...•

Clan Tzimisce: The Enemy #2. As I said earlier they want to be just like the Tremere in every way, but they are much less-talented than them. They create monsters which should be worthy enough to oppose us. They all must die.•

Setites: Garbage. They think they know something about corruption. Well let them look at the Tremere for a while and think about what they are saying.•

Assamites: Worthy fighters that cannot let the past be forgotten. They still keep attacking the Tremere like hundreds of years ago. It would be rude to interfere with that progress. Stay out of their way. If they take notice of your employer, give them a quick death. •

Ravnos: Kill on sight. They are anyway planning to harm our masters•

Giovanni: I have never crossed paths with one, and I'm glad, because I don't have the slightest clue how I would deal with one.•

Samedi: Well, they make a nice squishy-kinda-sound when you hit 'em really hard.•

Daughters of Cacophony: Crazy as any kooks, artistic as the Toreador.•