
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 00:59, 2 June 2017 by imported>Dusk (Diary, song)
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Basic Info
Full name: Dusk Daniel Ring
Occupation: Nature Novelist & Youtuber
Birthday: June 13, 1995
Age: 22
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 176lbs
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Eye Colour: Green
Played by: Rafael Lazzini
DeMEANor: Hedonist (Bon Vivant)
Notable Stats
Appearance: Choc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot.pngChoc-dot.png
Charisma: Choc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot.pngChoc-dot.png
Fame: Choc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot-f.pngChoc-dot.pngChoc-dot.pngChoc-dot.png
Good Old Boy
Way with Words
Allergy (to latex, baby)

Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair... the light brown locks flow freely over his shoulders and all the way down to the small of his back. His beard is sparse, not connecting with the corners of his moustache, and expressive eyebrows, thin but dense, rest above his moss-green eyes. Even his forearms are in on the hairy act. He tops six feet by an inch or two, with a slender build, and looks to be in his early twenties.

  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Kumo  Harikumo-02a.jpg
    There for me when I needed someone; there for me now.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Tavia Jog.jpg
    May you get what you deserve.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Cenn Cennwiki2.jpg
    There to give you an elastic hair tie.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Chandler KatrinaLaw1.jpg
    Ok, maybe she's not so bad.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Rebecca RebeccaCoh2.jpg
    She took my wallet.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Thana Thana8.jpg
    Pretty lucky with the strip poker.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Hallai Olivia-stuck-hallai.jpg
    Very friendly; met at the park.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Hayden Hayden01.jpg
    You didn't meet me at my best.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Starr Anna4.jpg
    You're a really great listener, and thanks for saying I didn't molest you.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Tabia TabiaRef.jpg
    Thanks for all the fish.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Andrew Andrew banner.jpg
    Expect the unexpected.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Mary Sue Mary-Sue.jpg
    Small. Lamentable. Explosive.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Meilin Meilin.jpg
    There are no noodles in xiaolongbao, dummy.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Journey Journey2.jpg
    Appreciate your music choice, but little else.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Vesta Vesta7.jpg
    Someone's got a cute baby, with kung-fu grip.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Carica IMG 0003.JPG
    Cute, but, NUU! LEGGO MY EYEOS!DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Drug dealer Blur Black White.jpg
    You gave me good drugs, new buddy.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Andy Andy1.jpg
    You seem like a nice guy, and I'd like to know you better.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Svetlana Svetlana4.jpg
    This face: she makes martial aids. Can you imagine?DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Kiyara Kiyara3.png
    Seems nice, with photogenic food.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Nycci 345634563.jpg
    Weird taste in snacks, but nice person.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png
  • DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png Dex Dex3.jpg
    Great guy, quick to help a friend.DuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png

06/01/17 — Jogged a new trail today after waking up. Runner's high is awesome. Breakfast, then studying more. At lunch I did my good deed... maybe for the year. Introduced 7-11 to leather pants. Things went super well, even though 7-11 insisted on wearing her beanie. Now she's got a steady job, and people get to enjoy her art. Gives me a warm glow knowing I did something nice for someone that's nice. Celebratory dinner went as well as could be expected; dinner was comp'ed. I'll have to get leather pants back for that.

05/31/17 — Not much going on today. A few more corrections came in, but other than that, I was studying for the finals, like a good boy. Sent some little nothings to the girlfriend, it got real cute. She's going to be dangerous for my grades, but... in a good way. Threw up more content on the channel, importance of the Paris agreements, things of that nature. Spaced out, it'll buy me more time.

05/30/17 — Late start to the day, of course. Spent the day mostly at the U, classes, studying in the stacks. Lunch at the little cart in the quad, why not. Tomorrow I'll have to remember to work extra hard. My little surprise for the GF still hasn't shown up; but really? What to you get the woman that can have anything? Light dinner, was invited to Alpha Epsilon Pi house for a party. Might as well go, but on a Tuesday? Fooled around on the 'ccordion, started to pen a song; they're just poems to music, right? I dunno. I had to stop when the guy upstairs started stomping on the floor. If the view wasn't so good, I wish I'd bought the house. Ah well.

05/29/17 — Sigh. Back to the grind, I guess. Spring session ends on the 9th, so, even though I'm not going to fail these classes, no point in not studying for them. Hate. Ernest Hemingway once wrote, 'Write Drunk; Edit Sober'. If that's true, I'm going to be a fantastic writer, because Ash is driving me to drink. Not really, but if I get another note about lazy writing, I swear. I'll talk to the publishers later about it, but right now I have to concentrate. At least until it turned dark. I mean it's a holiday, no school, so might as well go party. I went to the Rhapsody, actually seems pretty nice; I fit in there more than anywhere else. Came home late, right to bed.

05/28/17 — Woke up, purple was gone. Sad. But sore, so deliciously sore, mmmph! Nothing to do on a Sunday but study and do more corrections. Ash is getting on my cash about being more forthcoming with my corrections, like all I have to do with my time is to do them. I'm sure he's a good editor and all, but. Took a break to do a little online shopping. the GF liked the last poem I gave her even though it was trash. I think they have to say that, though. So I tried for something, better. Took another look through tickle monster's electric van plans. Still doesn't make much sense.

05/27/17 — Purple, the GF, woke me up by replying to the text. She was over right away. Best. Day. Ever. I'm so happy. So sore, but so happy. And I didn't think I would fit in those, but they weren't all that bad.

05/26/17 — A little bit of corrections that my editor, Ash, FedEx'ed over. This guy is brutal. A did a bit of it, and then some homework slash studying. At least that was the plan. I was happy for the distraction when shooting star showed up and we talked for a little bit, then third wheel arrived with plans for the electric vehicle. That was more interesting but I think it bored shooting star, so she left. Third wheel later brushed my hair, I punished her knot tugs with a tickle . She got her revenge with a tickle and things ended a little... unexpectedly. Sent a text to the GF, but she didn't reply, went to sleep thinking of her.

05/25/17 — When it rains, it pours. Texts, studying, and worse still, more corrections. They tell me I have a new editor because this is new material for me and this guy's just the worst. Every little thing, rather than just correcting it and moving on, sends it back to me to let me know I got it wrong. Just send the book to the printer all ready. Sheesh. I'mma have to blow off some steam.

05/24/17 — Morning started out in only a minor panic. Deadlines suck so much. They're being pricks about it too, talking about installing fines if I'm late. Hardasses; the classes was their idea. Afternoon, shooting star came over with something delicious. Had a stimulating conversation, but my classes get in the way. In the evening I got another visit from purple. :). Just... :). Gave her a nice present and she let me cuddle. 'Love loves to love love.'

05/23/17 — While out for a morning jog, I ran into 7-11 girl. I met some of her friends and Theo and Andre seem like a really nice gay couple. She escorted me back to my place since she's much tougher than I am. It's a good day for me when I'm able to use my powers for good, I think I was able to hook her up with casino girl to help her music career. Hopefully she won't forget the little people, like me. Later in the evening, purple and I had some Nexflix and chilled. I missed that.

05/22/17 — Got some chapters back, more red than black. Editors have no soul. Went to school for a bit, had to borrow a pen from a pretty cool guy. When that pen didn't work, his buddy's pen did. Turns out they were with Alpha Epsilon Pi and said I should join, you know, if I wasn't Jewish. We had a laugh over that and while I'm tickled, a little, at the idea, something about the idea of 'Going Greek' as they put it gave me pause. I'll think about it. Homework, corrections.

05/21/17 — More writing, I love this high of making words do their little dance for me. Pulling them from the nothing they were in so that they make some semblance of sense. After that, Intro to Media. I think this semester I'll be able to skip a lot of classes and still pass. Bought a gift and called purple to ask if she wanted to come over. Things didn't go like I thought they would; they went better. I'm such a sucker for love.

05/20/17 — No rest for the wicked, so especially no rest for me. While writing, shooting star sent me a text. Do I want to check out a natural spring with her? Uh, yeah! We took her bike over which was a new experience for me, in behind, getting all hands-y, you know, for balance. And then the hike over wasn't so bad but I wasn't watching where I was going so I took a tumble. The water was freezing, fortunately I had her to keep me warm. The spot she knew must be pretty popular because there was a guy there later that she knew. I called him by the wrong name; I can't imagine how I was distracted, bikinis are awesome. Later, when I was back in town, I saw the third-wheel at the Tea House, where I get mine. I should think of a different pseudonym for her. We chatted for a bit, she nearly cried (I have that effect on woman.) We managed to regroup and I invited her back to my place as my first guest because my hair needed brushing and she likes doing it.

05/19/17 — Woke up early and did more writing. Books don't make themselves, unfortunately or everybody would do it. Before I knew it it was pretty late, and I got a call from possum guy. He wanted to have a chat, and I wasn't really doing anything; ironically the depression chapter was depressing, so I agreed to go. We had a long, illuminating conversation and I learned more talking with him then I have in a good long while. He invited a friend over, and before I had to go we got clean.

05/18/17 — Did a bit of writing, but then I got a call I'd been waiting for. 7-11 had a gig and wanted to know if I wanted to attend. Damn right I did. The setting wasn't great, but I wasn't there for that. I invited a few people to check her out, but only one of them could make it. Beer is terrible, I don't know why people drink it. Hottie had the evening free, or so we thought. So I took her to that Indian place on Broadway and Second. I had a really nice time, we chatted for a bit before some of the local, and colorful wildlife came in. She blessed the naan, which was a little old fashioned, but there's nothing wrong with an old fashioned lady. And then, as I should have expected, she got called back into work. Still, I had a nice time.

05/17/17 — Heard back from the publishers, they loved the new book! Of course there are some changes to make but it's looking good. The hits on the methane-biomass are pretty good, subscription rate is good even though YouTube's being weird about monetized videos. Spoke to the 7-11 cutie, and got invited to her show. She's good, so I'll go of course. Acted on my third wheel instincts, and got called out. Kind of a relief actually, but sad. So lonely, how long has it been now? More classes, co-eds looking nice.

05/16/17 — More class work. Who knew being a student would leave you so busy all the time? I met someone nice while out for a quick bite at the 7-11. We talked for a long time, she's nice. Then it was back to more classes and reading some dirty texts. :) Back home, did some homework, worked on channel stuff. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory discovered how to turn methane into biomass. I can use that as material for days. Cars powered on cow farts. I know, I'm three. Talked with my Prof for awhile about this, has me stoked. Spent awhile at school, went to see a late showing of Guardians, and then texted the hottie. Good day!

05/15/17 — Movers came in early, so I had to skip a class. I think I can make it up, Intro to Media isn't that hard. I had some of it in boxes already, and what I didn't, they did. The hardest thing was the shoe box of her things. I saved that as the last thing I was going to take out. Figure if I miss anything, management will get it to me. Now I'm surround in boxes again, about a month later, and a very little bit smarter. Took a drive up to San Fran, and spent the rest of the day with Mom and some of the siblings. Dad got her yesterday, so it was our turn to spoil her rotten the day after Mother's day. Drive back I saw some bikers, and that got me thinking. I dunno, I guess everything will be alright.

05/14/17 — Didn't feel like doing much of anything. Saw a shooting star in the woods. She and I are going to get in trouble. On the drive back I realized I'm becoming their third wheel, and that's not cool. I also realized two others things; there aren't much self-help books for getting over breakups for guys, and I need to pay more attention to the road and less in my own head. When I got home I jotted down some ideas and sent them off to the publishers. Maybe they're bite. It's not my normal kind of book. It's a Sunday, but I had to spend the rest of my time organizing my things for the move and studying.

05/13/17 — Fell asleep at the stacks, embarrassing. Home for a shower and a change of clothes, then other to Roasters to get coffee in me and catch up on late admission work. Called some movers but the soonest they can start is Monday. Just don't answer the door, don't stay at home. Book suggested getting self-esteem back, so I asked out leather pants. She accepted. I went to pick her up at 6, but work happened and had to take a rain check. Lost some cash at the Casino, but not much. After that I took a walk, thought about smoking pot more, how horrible my life is: you know, wallowing in self-pity. Stumbled into Maple Park and ran into friends there that are good on a man's ego, though when they got amorous with each other I felt awkward. I walked home, forgetting I was avoiding the place, but it's funny that it took until the breakup for her to actually TALK to me.

05/12/17 — So today was a bitch. Felt like getting out of bed, and got some sun even though the weather wasn't for it. Stopped to get a book to help me get over ... everything. The GF...ex-GF found me, and reminded me how over things were because I took a drug that makes you touch things, and I touched things. Had a healthy cry, then afternoon classes. Later in the day the third wheel showed up. Gloated. At least she'll be there to pick up the ex's pieces. With friends like this, right? Found a new place, has a view of the ocean. Can't move soon enough. Heard a new song I like, Kissing Strangers. Think I'll take DNCE's advice for awhile.

05/11/17 — Ecstasy can be great, but the down is a downer; planned on spending all day in bed until I got texts from the GF. She 'doesn't want to be in a relationship' and thinks 'I'll be fine'. I guess it's clearer this time. Only got out of bed to get some water and write this. Back to bed and pray for death, FML. Or at least that was the plan. A friend came over to cheer me up and we spent hours just talking. I was feeling better when she had to leave, and I guess I will be fine. I need to move.

05/10/17 — Didn't do much of anything other than some school stuff. Studying sucks, home schooling is much better. Then I made a new video about the new book without saying too much. A little bit of research got me started. A guy in one of my classes invited me to a dorm party, and a friend he knew had some E. Last time was a BLAST on molly, so I thought I'd have some fun. Everything was going well -- until the GF's GF threw booze in my face and made a scene. I don't know why she and the GF were so upset. No replies to my texts.

05/09/17 — The texts worked! Just woke up from her visit. We actually talked this time, to start. Then I paid her back what I owned her. She makes up the best, ugh! After I woke up, I really wasn't feeling like moving, so... kinda just stayed home and walked around the home in my nothings. Worked more on the book, working title: The animals behind Trump's wall? I dunno, not married to it.

05/08/17 — I did some work on my new book. The GF's GF took some interest in my book ideas, and I like the idea about the effects Trump's proposed wall will have on the animal life that uses the border. As with any good book, research and lots of internet clicks. Still nothing from the GF, so I took matters into my own hands and sent her some texts. Hope I hear from her soon. Publishers happy I'm writing, naturally.

05/07/17 — Took a jog at Surfer's Cove. Ran into a cute girl I'd seen before, but she's kinda weird and looks me in the eyes really intensely. The cool girl with the awesome hair showed up, the day got better. Then a drug dealer showed up, nice guy but he was giving his stuff away. I normally stick to all natural, but awesome hair wanted to give it a try and I'm down to impress her. She picked Molly and we spent the rest of the day touching EVERYTHING. I checked my phone later, no message from the GF. It's another repeat of last time. But there was one from someone new. Possumboy seems alright, if a little unfair. Still, I got a diet Pepsi out of it and met a cute Asian girl that makes martial aids, of all things. Definitely have to get her out again.

05/06/17 — Another late night visit by the GF's GF. We exchanged apologies for my open mouth-insert foot. Then we chatted. She asked me something weird, and then we got close as I got stroked. I got to know her a little before I got super tired and realized we'd been together for hours and I had to get some sleep for a meeting in LA in a few hours so we got some sleep. I managed to get to my meeting only a little late. Exchanged book ideas, collected an advance. Now to enroll in University of California, Prospect. Yay. Nothing good to say about a meeting I had afterwards; some people can be dicks, and some people just are.

05/05/17 — Started the day off well enough. My GF's GF came over late, we had a conversation. It was good, but I'm an idiot. Had a conversation with the GF in the morning that lasted a little while before the clothes came off, so of course there were harsh emotions. Making up is fun though, but I think I just noticed, she initiates. Is that normal? Anyways, the friend came over, we went for Waffles. I made a mistake and got slapped for it. Brought back a lot of bad... baggage. She left after that and I helped by lashing out at everybody around me. Today I was definitely uncool. :(

05/04/17 — Found a groovy little place called Off the Record. Not exactly my kind of crowd, but the tea was nice. Then it was over to WaffleMania to stuff myself with virgins. A night time jog and nap later and it was 7:30. Time for breakfast. Over bacon and eggs I had two visitors. Got a new picture of the GF that I LOVE. Made some loose plans to do a show for the kids at Chan's work. Plans fell threw for a triple date, so ended up Netflix and chillin'

05/03/17 — Spoke with the publishers yesterday and today. We worked on a deal; rather than going away for a year, I can stick around. Transfer my credits to the university and get some information about where I'm going. Hey, maybe I can turn this stupid book thing into a career. Got back around noon, answered an interesting text from the GF. YouTubed. It was a good couple of days. Wish I could remember last night though.

05/01/17 — Didn't do anything at all today, much. A subscriber reached out to me and we had a long conversation and boy and girls and the stupid way life is. I hope I helped, she seems like such a nice person.

04/30/17 — Thanked my friend for her advice the other day, it's the nice thing to do. I'll have to get her a present -- maybe some turkey basters and jars of mayo. She'll get it. Then I took myself on a tour of the forest. It was hell, but I brought my accordion and I played a bit. In the forest, just me and mother nature. I felt like taking my clothes off and running around, but I guess I'm not THAT much of a dirty hippie. I did meet a bunch of nice people, to much in fact, so I just hung around the back and provided entertainment. Anyways, after I left, came back home. Day was pretty shot with driving there and back, so just some tea and watch Markiplier videos. He makes me laugh.

04/29/17 — Woke up to another nighttime visit. This one was a little... different. I think everything's going to be ok now, though, now that there are some rules set. Man. Took some time for myself that day. No girlfriend yesterday or today and I don't want to seem needy, so I gave her her space. Checked out the desert some more, my head is buzzing with ideas -- I'll put them in my work journal. I advertised a AMA for my fans, who knows if they'll even respond. Then I looked at my videos; YouTube changed monitization so I might need new ideas on getting more fans. Maybe if I show my tits! :)

04/28/17 — Went to a new gym to sign up. What a mistake that was, after paying some employee there told me I needed to bulk up, and that was after maligning my gender. All in front of other customers, and while I had paid for the service. If I ever want abuse, I know where to go. Took a stroll at Surfer's cove, just to watch the sun rise, missing home a little bit. Found some neat places in the desert to explore later, maybe with some company? Later that evening I had dumplings with the girlfriend and her friend. But they bailed on me, so I texted some women I knew and we had a long conversation about my late night problems. Met the most lovely server-slash-owner.

04/27/17 — Ran some ideas by my editor, checked on some new video ideas. Went to WaffleMania and got back in touch with a friend. Went back to her place and took the full tour. Found out something super awesome about the girlfriend. Later in the night I went to a goth club, because I was in a weird mood. Got a phone number and then the hottest woman, like, ever came over and talked to me. I gave her my card, maybe she'll call.

04/26/17 — Encoder being difficult. Publishers asking for an answer. Just seeing her gives me joy.

04/25/17 — Recording a batch of videos to release over the weekend. Cuddles on the bed. Great day.

04/24/17 — She came back! :) I didn't know I could be mad, and happy, scared I'd chase her off again, and horny all at the same time. I'm just glad she's back.

04/23/17 — Edited videos, met new friends, went clubbing and got st00pid. :)

04/22/17 — Moping on the schedule. Met a guy on the beach.

04/21/17 — Nothing today. She's not answering her door. Did we break up?

04/20/17 — Busy day: had our first argument at the beach, she ran off. Not answering her phone. I found the most interesting person at the park looking for her; we drew a crowd. I didn't know what to do, so I went to the publisher's for some advice. She got a little mad, but then calmed down after we had some wine. I suppose I drank too much and she put me to bed, because I don't remember anything after that first glass. The search goes on.📷DuskOcean03.jpgDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskPills.jpgDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png

04/19/17 — Came back at way too early o'clock, because I just had to give my neighbor something. Then a greet with the extended family.

04/18/17 — Spent the night in Los Angeles even though it's only two hour drive. One of the publishers had a killer view. They're talking South America; but I'm dubious.

04/17/17 — More editing, then a strip poker event. I got to see some famous boobs so that's nice, but then I had to go. Stupid publishers.

04/16/17 — Edited some videos that Friday then called the girl and we went jogging. I got mugged, can you believe that? Anyways, day ended well, like, really well. Like, I didn't go back to my place for three days. I like her.

04/13/17 — Met a girl. She just about literally fell into me. She's got good taste. Kiss on the beach.

04/12/17 — All moved in, finally. That's a relief.

04/11/17 — Detour from moving in, think I'll spend one night looking at the ocean.📷DuskOcean01.jpgDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskOcean02.jpgDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.pngDuskMiniFeather.png