Eliza Ben-Zeev/Opinions

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The Quick
Humans "Life is short. Enjoy it while you can."
Hunters "Thrice-damned fools. Stay out of my way, I'm not done yet!"
fae "Seriously?"
mage "Squishy. Victory goes to the first to strike."
shifters "You leave me alone, I leave you alone. Deal?"
The Dead (and the Dead-ish)
The Undead "A forest is the perfect hiding place when you're a tree."
pasta "You're worse than the Nazis. At least they'd only kill us."
Samedi "I trust you about as far as I can throw you. No, wait. Bad example."
The Fallen "There is no Heaven, there is no Hell. After having seen that much for myself, you expect me to still believe in angels?"
The Restless Dead "I told you life was short. You should have listened."