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As with everything Garou, there is a 'chain of command' or a COC. Actually, it's a part of any militaristic society where rank and rule help determine how those inside react and interact with each other. Even outside of militaristic societies, there are 'polite' if unspoken rules to maintain order and society so that chaos does not rule.

Garou, at least those who follow the Litany, are not anarchistic. Those who were born in such a situation would know the unspoken 'rules'. As for the rest...

1) Start close to home.

   You have a mate, a sibling, a parent who is Garou. Maybe it's a cousin or an aunt or uncle. There is someone in your home or close to it that is a garou. They take responsibility for you. It is a choice and it is usually the closest related family member who chooses to protect and keep safe those who are close to them. It's one of their duties. Unless someone else closer (like a mate) is protecting a kin, someone else in their family /is/, if they are a known kin.

   If a kin does not grow up in the know, then they are left alone until someone finds them or 'sniffs' them out. It is a tradition that as a kin is found, if they are not protected, they are put under someone's protection. If there is no close family, a pack or someone in their tribe will claim that kin and offer protection. In the Sept of the Enduring Spirit, depending on the tribe, a kin will be given a choice who will protect them. Very often, if someone is not preferred, the tribal elder or sometimes the Sept Den Father or Mother will take on that responsibility.

   Who protects the kin should be decided quickly. It is protection against the Wyrm, against misunderstandings and includes the offer of training and teaching. If a Garou agrees to take on a kin, that Garou takes on supervision of that kin's training and teaching. That does not mean have to do it themselves, they can ask someone else to do it, but it is their responsibility to ensure that it is being done correctly.

   If you are Kinfolk to a Garou shifter, this is your COC (in usual order):
       Cousin/Aunt/Uncle/More distant family
       Pack member of close family (usually after the deaths of that family)
       Tribe (Elder or high ranking member)
       Sept (Den Father, Elder of other tribe, other officer)

2) Kinfolk support Kinfolk

   Sometimes there is a kinfolk chain of command set up by the local Sept or Tribe. In the Sept of the Enduring Spirit there is a Kinfolk Council being set up. In no way does this council immediately supersede being protected by a specific Garou of family, pack or tribe.

   At the request of a Garou, or an Elder in the tribe or sept, a kin can be turned over to the council for training, instruction, supervision and/or punishment. This does not in any way eliminate or take the place over the direction protection of a garou save when the sept leaders believe that something is lacking and more is needed /or/ a garou requests assistance with a kin.

   This is not usually punishment, just an acknowledgement that garou have many responsibilities and may not have the perspective needed to properly impart necessary information.

   If you are a Garou Kinfolk, this is your COC:
       Cousin/Aunt/Uncle/More distant family
       Tribe (kinfolk mates of tribal elders or ranking garou)
       Garou Elders
       Sept (those chosen by the sept to teach/train, mates of sept elders)
       Kinfolk Council
       Garou Elders

3) Kinfolk have rank, too.

   Just because you are born kin does not mean that you cannot gain respect and be treated with all the honors that a garou elder would be. It is different, but not less important. There is no renown ranking and garou assign respect as they feel it is deserved. The garou that protects you will enforce that rank as he and the tribe and sept elders see fit. That does not mean that sept and/or tribal elders will allow a garou to declare that his mate deserves to be treated like an elder without earning it. And while a kinfolk may not seem to deserve a specific level of respect, they may earn it by being mated to a garou of rank. Some of this is due to personal training and instruction and some of it is because there is more responsibility in having a mate of rank and responsibility.

   No kinfolk can ever enforce their own idea of rank against another garou. Even if you want to, your garou protector may have to fight to ensure that it is enforced. It is a matter of respect and honor to your protector not to put him/her into unnecessary or dangerous situations because you got your feelings hurt or don't agree with someone of rank. You have just put someone who cared enough about you to stand up for you into an untenable situation that they may have to pay for in their own blood and flesh.

4) Challenging

   Sometimes shit happens. It is life. The odds are inescapable, especially with the Wyrm working over-actively. Because of that, you may feel that there are situations where blood and flesh are necessary to be spent to correct the situation.

   The following situations are important for standing up and calling foul and requesting mediation or retribution:
       * Death of a mate/family member under suspicious circumstances.
       * Someone is acting unlike themselves:
           - Possible BSD.
           - Possible Vampire.
           - Possible wyrm or weaver involvement issue.
       * Others depending on severity may call for this. If so, take the following steps:

   A) Contact your garou protector. Describe the situation. Offer proof or other testimony. They know their rank and CoC and they should decide on escalation.
   B) Your protector is the one you have issue with!
       * Go upward in the pack to the pack Beta.
       * If no Beta, go to the alpha.
       * If you don't have a pack, look to your tribe. Find someone of equal rank to your protector and ask them to stand in his/her stead.
       * If you have no active Tribe, find someone of equal rank to your protector in the Sept.
       * If you cannot find someone of equal rank, go one higher.
       * If no one will speak for you, go to the Den Father or the one assigned to assist kinfolk and cubs.
   C) Remember that you must start at the bottom of the chain and choose someone to put forth your issue. You are not the one to fight or push for your agenda. A garou MUST stand in your stead and they must agree to do it. If they cannot, they can request someone else who will, up the chain of command. This garou will act as your advocate at the request of your protector. They have agreed to assist you, it becomes their fight as much as yours.

   If in doubt, go to the kinfolk council. They cannot be your advocate, but they know the garou in the area and can help you speak with a garou to put forth your case. They can advise, intercept and assist so that if your cause is a worthy one, it receives the right attention and you can get the vindication that you need.

   If the cause is about your ego, your ignorance, your hurt feelings or your own personal issues, each and every one of those in the CoC may tell you that your cause is not just. They may tell you to suck it up and drive on. You may be told that your upset is not commensurate against something else going on: the death of a garou, another kinfolk, some nearby corruption, a local fight against the Wyrm, etc. This does not mean they hate you and give you more reason to be upset. Sometimes your issue is not justified for blood and flesh. That's just life. Take a deep breath and take up meditation or yoga.

   'Shopping' around for someone to agree with you, especially if it goes around your protector or a ranking sept or tribe member may be cause for censure or punishment. Rousing other kin up behind you to say everyone else is wrong may be cause for censure or punishment. Causing dissension because you don't feel vindicated doesn't mean you are wrong, it may just mean that you are not in the majority. Kinfolk are not the power that garou are. Some are as powerful, but in other command structures (using mage powers against a Garou might get you dead). If you use those powers to the benefit of the garou, you will earn status. If you use it against them, they will punish or banish you. You must use the established structure -- or leave it.