Jessica Tyler/Opinions

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Revision as of 17:16, 21 April 2013 by imported>Chrissy
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humans "Some would have you believe that humans do not rule the Earth. In a sense, they are both right and oh so very wrong. Humans - individual humans - control nothing. Humanity controls more than anyone - including themselves - could even hope to dream of."
mage "They really do need to spend less time talking about spells and more time learning how to... ah... spell. That K isn't supposed to be there."
union "Humanity's best, perhaps even only hope for a bright, glorious future. Just don't tell them that, it might worsen their hubris."
hunter "Not every problem can be solved with violence; not every problem that can be, needs to be. Some people never learn."
garou quote goes here
corax quote goes here
rokea quote goes here
vamps quote goes here
sabbat quote goes here
nephandi quote goes here
fae quote goes here
fallen quote goes here
wraiths quote goes here