Johnson Harris

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Johnson Harris

Summary Coming Soon.

RP Hooks
  • Farm Johnson runs Summervale Farm, which is just north of Prospect, somewhat near the coast. It's a few dozen acres, with quite a bit of rolling hills, nice farmland, and even some densely wooded areas. He grows a few different types of crops, and they all grow with incredible, nigh-supernatural vibrancy and with NO chemicals. He makes a killing on the organic market. He also has livestock for cruelty-free dairy, and butchery. He has a few regular farmhands who live on the land (Young men and women) who are quite loyal to him and what he does.
  • Cult Okay, so those young farmhands are totally part of a cult. They aren't dangerous or insidious or anything like that, though. He harnesses their faith to fuel his Magick and aiding his Willworking. At the moment he can't do much with it due to his Spheres of mastery, but eventually he will be able to. The cult is based around worship of Grecian Gods and Goddesses, mingled with animal sacrifice (Never cruelly, and the animal is always used for food or similar after), sex and such. They don't think he is a God, but they DO believe he is a connection to an older, better way of life...and are VERY loyal to him.
  • Verbena Magick is life, and life is magic. He is one of the Verbena, and was raised by members of it, tracing a LONG way back. His ancestors were members of one of the stauncher, old families of power...but he has stepped away from that to open up to the world and Mages around him. He is searching for a Circle to belong to.
  • Sea When not on his farm or in town, he can often be found in the harbor chilling on his sailboat, or out to sea enjoying it, or fishing. It is no huge pleasure yacht, but it IS a pretty nice boat he inherited from his father.
  • Everywhere As long as the place isn't TOO fancy, he can end up almost anywhere. He can be checking out a new gym, surfing, drinking in a bar, enjoying a cafe, hiking in the woods...whatever.

Full Name: Johnson Harris
Played By: Calle Strand
Appears As: Johnson
Date of Birth: May 19th, 1985
Apparent Age: Thirty
Occupation: Farmer
Template: Mage
Faction: Traditions
Tradition: Verbena

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