
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 15:49, 27 September 2012 by imported>Key
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"Have you ever started laughing

and then just not stopped
until you're laughing so hard it sounds like screaming
and your guts are bleeding and you're puking and the sirens start yelling...
No, me either."


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9


A recent arrival, Key is obsessed with order. Social order, hierarchy, numbers, patterns and otherwise ensuring that - wherever possible - all things fall within their proper places. She is a personable and articulate young woman, persuasive, and almost frighteningly capable of seeing through the myriad lies and conventions which make up every interaction in society - vampiric and mortal alike.

She also happens to be a vampire. She likes the Camarilla because it provides the structure that she craves. She is not a fighter, though, and she dislikes solving problems with violence. Wherever she can, she much prefers to try and calmly, rationally sort things out.

Key Statistics

  1. Status: 1
  2. Leadership: 5
  3. Charisma: 4
  4. Manipulation: 4
  5. Dementation: 3
  6. Empathy: 4
  7. Expression: 4
  8. Humanity: 7
  9. Numbers: 9

What are the hooks?

  1. Key is Camarilla. That's a hook right there.
  2. Key is Malkavian. A second hook, bam.
  3. Key is homeless. She is going to start trying to put down roots in the local community but hasn't started to break into it yet.
  4. Key is very adept at speaking with people when she wants to be.
  5. Key is generally pleasant company! She doesn't hang out places where people eat and drink though - more public areas are likely.
  6. Key is not a fan of things being out of place. She often tidies up public spills. Literally and metaphorically.
  7. Key is frighteningly good at communicating her bizarre ideas. When provoked, vast reams of intelligible nonsense will fount forth.
  8. Key fully intends to climb the social ladder and carve out a comfortable position for herself in the local Camarilla.
  9. Key is a fan of lists. There are usually patterns involved, subtle or not so subtle.

OOC Interests

  1. Good RP - Above everything else I want to enjoy the interactions between our characters! I tend to prefer more elaborate posing - and I'm definitely of the metapose fan variety when left to my own devices. But, I'm flexible on that and I won't inflict massive poses on you if it is clear you prefer less. I am NOT so interested in RP for the sake of RP. RP where our characters merely exist in the same space for a time tends to bore me.
  2. Communication! - Somewhat related to the above, I like it when we chat about things OOCly. I find MU* RP works best when people have ideas as to what it is they are trying to get out of it. Jumping in and hoping for the best works sometimes of course, but my preference is to chat about where we see things going in the future.
  3. Plots! - I'm still settling in, but I enjoy running plots. I also enjoy playing in plots. If you have a plot you would like run for you, feel free to poke me.
  4. Intrigue - One of the things I would really like to explore as a theme is vampire politics and intrigue. This goes beyond violence - although that can be a part of it - and towards more elaborate forms of antagonism. If you want to be intrigued at or intrigue at me, hit me up!
  5. Themes - Key sees the world through patterns and orders, both real and imagined by her. RP which helps to reinforce her delusions is appreciated.
  6. Consequences - Key meddles in people's lives. Mostly, she doesn't know anyone well enough to have seriously started yet, but sorting out messes she has started is wonderful. Particularly when it is her inability to deal with situations outside order which get her in trouble.
  7. Survival - Key lives a precarious life, balancing one day to the next. People interested in dropping in on that are also highly appreciated.
  8. The Unexplained - I am definitely pro-cross-sphere-RP, though I would appreciate it if people didn't try to use Key as a vector for intra-sphere warfare and nastiness. She's likely to write off anything outlandish as a delusion.
  9. Relaxed Attitudes - Perhaps this should have been higher? Anyway, despite all this babble, I mostly want to play games to relax. Having fun is a big part of the point, isn't it?