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Happy News
George delivers a birth announcement and then there's a chat with Quinn and Bryan about kin and their place in the Nation
IC Date April 26th, 2014.
IC Time Evening.
Players Bryan, George, Quinn, Urd
Location Living Area at the Caern
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song Elton John - Circle of Life

Deep Forest - Living Area

Deep, green, lush vegetation encircles around and about on the rich ground below one's feet as they pass through this thick section of the underground forest. Small rocks, medium-sized shrubs, and murky, watery puddles of mud lie strewn about on the shadowed, brown earth while entangled roots strangle against massive tree trunks that reach high up into the sky above. Monolithic trees loom like sacred monuments to the gods as they hover with their tremendous twisted branches overhead, their leaves whispering secrets that only the creatures of the forest can understand. The thickness of the trees within the area equal past several meters across as they tower high and reach over to create a canopy covering the forest tops. Shadows dance just outside one's vision for those that pass through this section of the dark forest and play tricks with the mind's eye.

The sounds of nature surround all in the deep thickness of the woods in this damp area. The light chirrup of frogs in a nearby pond and the fluid, waving fluctuations of crickets break the cool, thickened air whether during night or day. There seems to forever be an eerie misty haze that settles like thick tendrils throughout the woods around these parts for some strange reason, lurking around the flora and fauna making it difficult to see especially at night. The area seems dark and foreboding during any time of the season in this neck of the woods. Strange, unnerving, sounds of the surrounding naturae forever befuddle one's senses, seeming to mislead the listener into a rush of anxiousness, and confusion. The woods are known to be a place of mystery as well as danger for those that don't belong here, and all too often easy to lose one's sense of direction.




Obvious Exits: Bushy Mud Hut <BMH> Mystic Valley <MV>

Quinn has taken the time to find a patch of ground to comfortably sit that also has a clear line of sight of the moon. She doesn't sleep and isn't used to being idle or still but she takes the effort to be such tonight. she is so deep in thought while looking up to the sky that the howl is met with a moment of shock, which has her on her feet almost instantly, however not fast enough for her to realize the joy in the howl. she walks around the tree she was leaning against and smile as she looks off to the origin of the heralding.

George comes bounding in playfully along the paths in his jackal eared wolf form and leaps impossibly high (clearly a gift driven jump), giving one last joyful yelp before dropping to the ground in a three point crouch in his (fully clothed) human shape. Grinning broadly "Lillian Phoenix Hayes, Daughter of Eloise Hayes of the children of Gaia was born this night under the crescent moon. Mother, Father and baby all are well and home resting."

Quinn Follows the impossibly high jump with her eyes still softly smiling. The kinfolk was never fully versed with Garou ways and only assumes that either all garou can do that and she didn't know, or it's at least not the oddest thing she as seen since coming to know the sept. Still the landing is impressive, even if the woman remains stoic. the announcement however is met with a wide grin "that's fantastic news. you will give my best to the new family?"

George is smiling stupidly and nodding at Quinn as they discuss his recent howling "I will. I was patrolling in the woods near her place and decided to check in. I got just close enough to realize what was going on and backed away quietly, I did patrol the woods around her house for a while till I heard the baby's first cry and the naming, then I hurried back to carry the news."

"What? Who had a baby?" Bryan comes strolling through. "I was in the water when the howl came up. I missed half of it. Thought I'd come see what all the fuss was about. Did you knock someone up, George? Are congratulations in order?" Bryan is soaking wet and rubbing a towel through his hair.

Bryan is also MOSTLY kidding

Quinn has never seen George... Giddy. she smirks more from amusement than being over joyed for a couple she doesn't know. She leans a shoulder into the tree next to her keeping her arms crossed. She watches the new guy approach and gives him a nod when he is close enough to join the conversation. "I think he is only the announcer, not the main event." she offers.

Urd steps out of the small longhouse she's built for herself into a slope and between two trees. She yawns behind her hand as she moves closer to the people arriving in the clearing area. The tall Fenrir Kinfolk reaches up to roll a shoulder wincing a little as she works against fading bruises.

George chuckles and shakes his head at Bryan "For Eloise Alpha, a kin of your tribe and her husband Axton. Lillian Phoenix Hayes, daughter of the Crescent moon." And yes, George does seem to be in an usually good mood.

Bryan nods, draping the towel over his shoulder, digging some water out of his ear. "A Coggie kin! And a theurge baby, at that." His lips split into a broad smile and he chuckles. "Wonderful day. I knew there was something in the air. Glad to hear it. Give her my congratulations and tell her to come out to the caern for a proper celebration."

Quinn stands up straight and sets her arms bhind her in a general parade rest pose when Urd arrives. Some one should really tell Quinn to relax some time... she nods to Urd and walks up closer to the overly happy men. "a Proper Celebration. I should see if Aodhan still has the kegs of the good stuff to plunder" says the Fianna.

Urd smiles to Quinn and waves at the other Kinfolk woman before her attention turns back to Bryan and George. She seems interested in what's being said but she doesn't interrupt the conversation. She moves over towards where her fire is to crouch down and put some more wood on it.

George nods and shrugs at Bryan "I'll extend the invitation but she might say no since her husband wouldn't be welcome. I will ask her though.....Maybe a party in the public half of the Smoke and Barley instead? Lillian can be brought out to the Caern later to be presented to the Spirits and for the Galliards to enter her name onto the Record."

Bryan smiles brightly at Quinn and nods. "That's a wonderful idea. How is Aodhan anyway? I haven't seen him in... buncha moons." He offers a smile toward Urd, then frowns slightly at George. "Not kin? Not roo? That's a shame. Ah, well. Public half of the Smoke it is, then, if you can get her out there. No rush. Mom and baby need to rest and all that." Bryan doesn't even know the woman, but he seems to stand a little taller than his already tall size. Coggie babies!

Quinn watches Urd as she tends the fire till her attention is pulled by the questions about her cousin. "He's fine... I mean he's mean and belligerent but for Aodhan that's usual. he is still mostly around the Smoke if you would like to find him, or should I give him a message?"

After getting the fire stoked she moves around to grab a few things out of her longhouse and she settles to start working on cooking something. She glances up again still keeping an ear on what's being said but not speaking.

George grins and shrugs at Bryan "And a will-worker besides, Rite Mistress Mara'd have a....well she'd have a litter if she wasn't a metis and Warder Johnson? Lets not even think about how he'd take /that/ suggestion." George clams up though about anything to do with Vanguard's Might or its membership.

Bryan shakes his head. "Nah. He seemed pretty cool and all, but it's probably best that we don't interact too much. He and my mate do not get along well at all." He doesn't say who that is, but he wasn't asked, either. His eyes roam to George and he nods, crossing his arms over his chest casually. "Yeah, guess that might be a pretty bad idea. That's okay. She'll come when she's ready. Right? Is that the same woman who's been coming out here and teaching the kin?"

Quinn seems distracted at mention of names she can't quite place. she sighs and knows she should come around more. still she stands ready to assist in whatever the chosen plan seems to be. she does seems a bit curious when she asks "Teaching the Kin What?"

Urd finishes setting up what she was setting up and then stands up and slips back into her longhouse with a small nod to everyone.

George nods and grins at Bryan "Yeah, she's like the Alpha female of the local kinfolk population." Turning to Quinn "Mostly working with the ones that have....Numina I think they're called. Powers and stuff that aren't gifts. She knows all about that sort of thing, and lots of lessons in doctoring of all kinds."

Bryan would have asked that, as well, but Quinn beat him to it. He grins and nods. "I'll have to tell Katie about that if I can drag her nose out of her books. I will be SO glad for summer break. You have no idea." He punches George lightly <for a garou> in the arm. "You coming to the wedding?"

Quinn seems completely interested in these 'lessons' "Really? I'm sorry who is this exactly again?" she asks George. "and do you happen to know where or when these lessons are?"

George grins and shrugs at Quinn "The lesson times vary, I can give you her phone number. If you ever run into her at the coffee shop she owns, Prospect Roasters that is, You can just tell her I sent you." Nodding to Bryan as he rocks with the thwap "Of course I am."

Bryan nods his approval at this suggestion and offers his hand out to Quinn. "I don't know if we've actually been introduced or not. I'm Bryan, Chases the Wind, Galliard Adren..." He waves his hand. "... Den father here at the Caern and this guy's Alpha." He jerks a thumb at George. "We follow Peregrine."

Quinn , again, stands a little straighter when 'Alpha' is given as a title. the others just seem slightly beyond her. She takes the hand and shakes it, Firmly. not in competition, and though only kinfolk it is still a firm handshake "Staff Sergeant Quinn of the U.S. Mairne Corps, Sir. Oh and Fianna Kinfolk. Umm... Klem's Clan" her Rank and name are said confidently, the rest she's unsure how to present properly and doesn't want to offend. "I'm Aodhan's cousin. his Mother was my Father's sister."

George nods as Quinn and Bryan make their introduction, he's said his bit and Klem's pack keeps coming up so he diplomatically keeps his mouth shut.

Bryan waves a hand. "No sir. Just Bryan is fine. If I wanted you standing at attention, I would have given my ridiculously long and incredibly pretentious full intro. Silver Fang. Isn't that what Klem-rhya is?" He shrugs. She isn't around. He'll give her the respect of her rank. "Nice to meet you, Staff Sergeant Quinn."

Quinn nods "Just Quinn is fine, but thank you. and yes." she looks between the two still a little confused about the slight whiff of tension. "is that a bad thing?" she asks not accusingly but honestly clueless and curious.

George nods to Bryan and then frowns and shrugs at Quinn "I was in their pack for a while when I first got to town. I'm not anymore." is all George has to say on the topic.

Bryan gives Quinn a smile and a nods. "Quinn it is, then." He looks to George. He isn't touching that with a 40 foot pole. No sir. George can tell his own stories however he wants.

Quinn nods to George "I remember being packmates briefly George. and I understand." which is all she offers. "To be completely honest, I showed up to town, Aodhan introduced me as his cousin and it was declared that I was in Klem's Pack. I always knew my family was different and not to talk about it. But I wasn't ever formally told what things were or what they mean. so I was pack. I nodded and assumed that was just how things happened. though I'm starting to question.

George frowns and shakes his head "I can't speak to your particular family's custom's of course or to the Fianna way in general but I do know that Klem and her pack have show a habit of.....making judgments on the disposition of kinfolk without consulting them. Though I'm sure they're more than capable of seeing to your protection and as your closest blood kin Garou in town anything under our laws would pass to Aodhan properly anyway. Though to leave them at this point you'd have to show cause, and that'd be hard to do. Unless you found someone willing to Challenge Aodhan and possibly Klem for your Custody. Unless you became someone's mate, then you'd become under his protectorate. I know that all sounds sexist as shit but that's the way Garou law works."

Bryan's brow shoots up into the air at Quinn's words. "You weren't properly taught? Really?" Oh, see, that's a sore spot with Bryan. Once the eyebrow tries to jump straight off his face and fails by centimeters, they knit together and he makes the faintest of little growly sounds, but turns himself from Quinn as he does so. He's already an imposing figure, despite being a nice guy - he doesn't want to make it worse and it clearly isn't directed at her. He composes himself and turns back to face her, forcing his face into that friendly calm of his. "Any questions you have, I'm sure that either George or I would be more than happy to help you get the answers you need." He nods to George's words as well. "And what he says is absolutely right. And it is sexist as shit. And I don't like it. But that doesn't mean that you can't ask questions and get answers."

Making sure the marginalized know their rights is apparently an important thing to the Followers of Peregrine.


Quinn says, "custody.... Protection?" she shakes her head intending to say something till Bryan's surprise. "My father never intended for me to be apart of this world. and I live my own life quite comfortably. I've mad a position for myself among my Coprs which believe me was no small feat. everyone seems to think that I'm going to walk off a cliff like some lost lamb..."

George shakes his head and shrugs at Quinn "I don't believe any such thing of a lady that very nearly out shot me in competition. I was only speaking to how the Law sees your situation. A philodox would be better suited to speak on the particulars of course but I thought I'd at least share my understanding since I was pretty sure you'd been given some bad information. For the most part though, the way the arrangement with your cousin is supposed to work out is if a Garou at all gives you problems or chooses to take issue with something they've done or said....Law and Custom both require they go through Aodhan as your next of kin at least if not Klem as the Alpha of the pack who's claimed you as under their protection. They really should have explained all that but I'm sure some other important business came up."

Bryan's eyes slide over to George and hover there for a long moment before he turns back around. There is a struggle internally as he tries to find the words to keep from just being an absolute dick about her family. Finally, he settles on a nod. "Well, it's important for you to be knowledgeable about our ways since you ARE a part of it, whether it was your choosing or not. I'm sure you're quite capable of doing things on your own and I'm glad that you're strong enough to stand up for what you believe in." He can't help but grin over at George. "That lady was Katie, huh?" He beams proudly over at his Beta and nods his agreement along with George's words.

George is so cool about that last bit butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, he might even mean it.

Quinn huffs at that 'out shot' comment as if to silently claim some injustice in the competition. I mean it's not like she hasn't been thinking about a rematch every day since or anything.... She does clarify "I'm sure they didn't know about my situation and I didn't tell them, I nodded. and I'm not exactly upset over my situation. at least I haven't been interfered with." she turns to Byran and says with what is dangerously close to pride "My PMOS is Primary Firearms Instructor for Pendelton, Sir" Civvies are Sirs... it's just ingrained in her.

George shakes his head at Bryan "Katie /did/ beat me at Pistols, I only just barely beat Quinn here at long rifles. If her range issued gun hadn't backfired and disqualified her who knows how it would have turned out." Quinn gets a nod and a shrug "Well, then actually you might have taught the guy who taught me to shoot, he was a Glass walker who'd been through the marine sniper school. Depending on when exactly he was there, Far-Slaying-Thunder."

Bryan's brow arches a little and he grins at Quinn. "Well, hell. All the ladies beating Georgie here. And kin, both of them!" He gives George a good natured poke in the shoulder. His comment is sincere, though. He's impressed. "That's really awesome. I mean it. And as long as you aren't being horribly repressed by your evil fuzzy overlords and you're happy where you're at, that's good. That's acceptable."

Quinn says, "I was held up in Drill and missed the Pistol competition entirely or that might have gone another way too." she is very appreciative of George mentioning that the weapon was not her own. however the name draws a vary clear blank, "If there were garou on my range they did not make themselves known to me. Or kin for that matter." she tilts her head at the name "Yes I knew that Corporal Fine shot. though I saw him twice in the stalking portion and didn't say anything. I usually don't the first two times as I figured out I have an ... unfair advantage." she sniffs at that 'evil fuzzy overlords' comment... some times it feels that way "Honestly, I only want my accomplishments acknowledged like any other garou. I've been told that's asking a bit much for your society."

Bryan's brow arches again and he shakes his head. "That isn't really true. Well... okay. It isn't common for a kin to get renown and you can never hold rank, but my Katie... the spirits still sometimes talk about her help out there on the Island. And Devlin's getting some acknowledgement too. It might not be easy. You have to work ten times as hard for less of a reward, but at least around here, the kin aren't totally ignored. Not on my watch."

George grins and shrugs at Quinn when Bryan speaks "And really, it helps to know a Galliard who'll make sure a valorous kin's story gets sung. Bryan's real good about that."

Quinn ahs and nods "I haven't yet found any work in the service of the spirits.... " she admits and more meant her mortal achievements "occasionally I hear rumors but told in the most polite way possible that fragile little kinfolk girls have no place in the battle that was going on." she nods to George "I grew up with Aodhan telling me bits and peaces and getting scolded for it. My father.... " she sighs to admit this "Didn't want his girl to be a piece of breeding meat.

George nods and shrugs at Quinn "A reasonable worry all things considered but while you might not have a place in the thick of it? We defeated a Wyrmspawn in my Alpha's front yard and his mate Katie was back on their porch with a hell of a hand cannon. Anyone who's got a way to contribute fucking damn well should. It isn't like we have enough fighters to turn anyone away."

Bryan nods slowly to Quinn's words and another of those little growly sounds come out. George saves the day and he nods his agreement. "And while there are times when it might be prudent for a kin to duck and cover, anyone who COULD help but doesn't? Or who plays the victim and screams about how helpless they are? They can just stay here at the caern where it's safe and spend the rest of their days breeding babies." That's actually meant as a pretty big insult. Bryan just shakes his head, grumbling quietly to himself.

Quinn says, "I'm a sniper. if we are in the thick of it we are doing our job horribly wrong." Yes she does claim to be a sniper without the permission of the Corps. she nods, suppressing a grin at George's words, chewing back a 'Blood, Blood, Get Some' that would be her Marine battle cry. "No war is won with one man, but rather many working as one. That's why I love my beloved Corps, Sir. I want to be a contributing part of your world or no part of it at all.""

Quinn instantly hesitates. "I must note that I haven't talked about this to Klem or Aodhan. Please don't fault them for not reacting to something that was my own fault for not bringing up. With them it's just..." she looks for the right words "Family time... and there are things in my family you just don't talk about..."

George nods and grins at Quinn, quirking an eyebrow and says "Hoo Rah?" about the marine stuff, then when she continues he nods again "Then that's the first thing, you need to figure out a way to talk to them about it. Let them know you want to get more involved, they need to have the chance to react to your request. I have confidence everything will turn out for the best."

Quinn is aware she sounds like a recruiting posters on her good days and a god damn annoyance on her bad days. And most of the time she's holding back three times as much as she lets out. But ten years in the service and a knowlege that That is what you were always supposed to do with your life has some side effects, and all Marines are not quite right, But Quinn at least attempts to appear so. she nods to george and... Confident Quinn hesitates to say "I don't see Klem much anymore." knowing that that will be a sore spot.

<Misfits> George says, "Oh really?! NEITHER DID I"

Bryan nods at George's words, smacking him in the shoulder lightly. "Katie wants you at the house tonight. Some sort of thing she's working on. You up for it?" He nods to Quin. "Well, I AM the den father. It's my JOB to make sure that kin are educated to the basics, answer questions, make sure they're taken care of properly. I'm not trying to step on Klem's toes or anything. Just offering up a way to get your questions answered without hurting anyone's feelings." Names and numbers can be exchanged and then Bryan is dragging George, quite likely kicking and screaming. Katie is notorious for her 'Hey, you gotta minute' that will put a Garou on his knees.

George was almost about to say something in reaction to Quinn's comment about Klem not being there for her. He swallows it though when his alpha says its time to go and he follows where he's led.