
From City of Hope MUSH
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Changeling I can see ye in ways few can.
Sidhe My other family, even though I cannae find many o' them 'ere.
Demon Wot? I thought we were jus' fightin' the wyrm. Now there are those that fall from 'eaven? Give me a break.
Mage Dinnae prejudge these people fer many different reasons. Some o' them are cousins and should be loved like all kinfolk.
Mortal I will do anythin' I can to show ye that ignorance is bliss.
Werewolf I love ye all, even if I cannae agree wit' ye all. We are all called to fight a war an' I will sing tales of it ferever.
Kinfolk I will do all I can to protect ye all wit' my last dyin' breath if need be.
Bastet Some say dogs an' cats cannae get along, but wot the hell, I'm willin' to give it a try.
Wraith I thought that spirits only came out o' a bottle?
Vampire Wot the 'ell? Yer tellin' me we got problems wit' leeches in the city too? Christ! Can someone jus' shove a crucifix up their arses an' be done wit' it?