2014.07.09:The Veil Breach pt. 1

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The Veil Breach pt. 1
Trouble in an Alley
IC Date Wednesday
IC Time Just After Sundown
Players Clarimond (Storyteller), Apone, Basilisk, Deacon, Mikhail, Misa, Silvana, Stefhan, Velok
Location Prospect
Prp/Tp The Veil Breach
Spheres Ghoul and Mage and Mortal and Shifter and Vampire



xxxxxBefore you is an alley off one of the city streets. Bits of litter are scattered all over with tiny piles of stinking refuse near the few trash bins deep in the far corners. Deep shadows lengthen around and about, only broken by neon, palescent, casted reflections from a hanging lamp up above.

xxxxxThe dark sounds from between the crusted buildings seems to send shivers up one's spine as a cool wind forever wisps though the narrow corridor. Shrieks of stray cats and sharp squeaking of dirty rats ring in a deathly, sickening tone against the thick, grime encrusted walls. Forever here is night, forever darkness...forever loneliness.

Clarimond is not here. She never gets involved with these things unless her 'scouts' give her a reason to. A well groomed man steps out of an expensive looking van and surveys the area. It is just after sunset as he dramatically removes his sunglasses. The driver waits patiently for him, an optimistic expression always on her face. The man however, is making his way to the six body outlines made by police the night before. The crime scene is empty right now, no police, no detectives, no one but him and the van.

xxxxxJust a normal day for Velok and Misa, or Velok at least. He's been following Misa around on the itinerary for the day, which has included shopping for things, eating things, delivering things, the usual. When told by Misa that there's, apparently, one more thing left to do, the pair head over towards the crime scene. Getting out of the car, Velok is wearing his standard outfit, clutching a coffee cup within his right hand, no doubt filled with the tea British people love. "Why are we coming here again?" Velok asks Misa, also getting out of the car. It's pretty clear that Misa is the lead in the pairing when it comes to this. Velok leans against the car, parked just enough away to not be too close, yet within sight distance of the van.

Deacon pulls up near the alley in a typical spook's vehicle, a black sedan with black-tinted windows, the engine left running for a while before the door opens. A tall, stern looking man steps out, gloved fingers taking the time to smooth out his coat, and even adjust his tie. A pair of dark sunglasses are perched on his nose as he takes a few steps. He noticed the van from within his vehicle, not something he counted on. And of course, a second car seemed pulled up in the distance. Despite this, his face remains the picture of blank calmness, striding over in the direction of the alleyway like he owns the place. He is, after all, authorized to be here.

Silvana obviously hears through the grapevine of this and has to come take a peek at what the heck is going on. She looks to be alone but who knows looks can be deciving. She watches the scene quietly from a distance and looks around slowly as if looking for something, before she picks up her phone to make a few calls.

Clarimond would nod with approval if she saw the skill and tact with which her little wooden soldier handled the situation. He quickly notices that other vehicles are arriving. This is no longer a mere mono-interest event as it were. He places his hands behind is back, turns around, and watches the others approach. Deacon would recognize him as the man that addressed little Ani at Roasters.

Silvana keeps somewhat of a distance as she is watching quietly seeming to take note of who is present and who is about.

xxxxxVelok watches Misa carefully for a second, then looks off towards the van with the people seemingly converging. It takes him a little bit to size up what's going on, his eyes looking over Deacon's car in the distance as well. There's a small grumble given from the man and he leans against the car, waiting for Misa. "There's ice cream in the trunk." He says, stating the fact as he waits for Misa to lead.

Misa gggles and winks to Velok as she strolls towards the chalk outlines with her hands behind her back. "Oh you know, just takin in the sights." she says, bending over to take a look at one of the chalk outlines. If she notices the others there she makes no sign of it. Damn tourists.

Deacon's voice is dead, accent vaguely East-Coast in origin as he approaches the man standing in front of the van, looking him over. "Interesting where I might find you." He states, "Is this a gesture of simple curiosity?" He'd ask, no implications present in his toneless voice. His hand fishes into his pocket to pull out a wallet, though of course, not before he sees Misa casually stroll towards the outlines. No look of recognition appears on his face, attention returning to the man instead.

Silvana was fine at first where she was at but as more people block her view of course she has to get closer. She does kind of stick to the outskirst and getting a bit closer to the familier man by the van perhaps to over hear the convesation without looking obvious of course.

xxxxxAs Velok walks up with Misa, he shows that air of uncaring about things like 'personal space' or 'distances'. Instead his hands fold in the small of his back, that tall gait following along after the asian woman. His blue eyes look over Deacon carefully, then the man Deacon speaks to, then back around the crowds while Misa looks over the outlines. He only gives the scene a cursory glance, then spends the rest of the time looking over the different people interested.

Misa circles around the alley a few times, poking at a blood stain with her foot. "Heckuva place for an art project... supposeta mean somethin?" she asks. "Hey come over here and look at this! This is a real pretty brown!"

Clarimond 's 'scout' answers Deacon with the same emotionless tone, only his accent is Danish, "Indeed, just curiosity, we were just coming by in this rented van to take a look at a random crime scene. It is a special crime scene."

Deacon glances behind the bodyguard at the young woman poking around the chalk outlines, and then back. "So I have heard." He responds conversationally, before looking back. "I am here to.. build on the original investigation's findings. How much do you know?" He pauses, a mirthless smile appearing briefly. "If you are at liberty to say."

xxxxxVelok shifts in place, rocking from foot to foot as he returns his attention towards Misa. His blue eyes glance once more to the two people who seem to be 'in charge', Deacon and mystery man, but as neither have told him to get away, he ventures further in, looking around at the chalk outlines. "Interesting..." He comments flatly, glancing towards said brown spot, but otherwise maintaining careful dexterity, ensuring he doesn't muck anything up.

Clarimond|| The bodyguard, whose name is Lars, responds to Deacon, "I imagine that neither of our employers wants to be exposed here. Neither of us seems to have flashed a badge, neither of us may in fact be authorized by law enforcement to be here. I have however, heard that these deaths were not altogether.. normal." He raises a brow at the outlines again, "The original crime scene was bloody, the bodies torn apart, like an animal attack.

Misa as if on cue about the bodies being torn up by animals, walks over to another outline and laughs. "Look! This one doesn't have any legs! Who was so lazy to not even finish an OUTLINE?"

Mikhail steps into the alley. The bulky figure raising his head a little as a spectator on the scene. His eyes glancing towards the chalk outlines then to the walls of they alley and any doors or windows.

xxxxxVelok takes one more look towards Misa, furrowing his eyebrows, then down towards the chalk outlines. Hee slowly starts to make his way towards the opening of the alley, taking a slow...deep breath. He stares towards Deacon and the bodyguard, putting a nice and polite smile on his lips as he continues watching the different people.

Deacon is speaking with a large, suited man, nodding agreeably at his description of the events, looking from him to the outlines once more. "I've been given a similar story before coming. Six dead, should be seven. But I hear tell of someone escaping." A pause, letting it sink in. "Know anything about that? It's best that whatever did this is identified."

Silvana listens to what Deacon tells the well dressed man and narrows her eyes a bit before she steps closer to the crime scene and takes a rather deep breath. She even takes out a phone and takes pictures.. Darn tourist indeed.

xxxxxVelok furrows his brow once more. Having been watching Misa, he turns and fixates on Deacon, overhearing what he said. He scoots just a bit closer, then takes another deep breath. That smile returned, as if the deep breath was required for any sort of showing of joy in a scene like this. "Hi!" He says, moving up towards Deacon and suited man. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but overhear. Surely you meant whomever, correct? Not whatever?" Velok chuckles, shaking his head. "I mean, surely an unfortunate situation like this wasn't done by some wild coyote or something, right?" Velok continues smiling, though there's obvious curiousity.

Basilisk comes onto the scene, pausing as she sees the crime. The woman is dressed in oversized sweats today, crouching by an alley. She starts to sniff around for clues as to what happened.

There in the alley, crawling along the wall is just one more shadow swallowed in the sea of darkness that pervades this alley, watching those present and doing its own study of the recently deceased. (Apone)

Stefhan steps into the alley, either out of curiousity or something else. Spotting Silvana she catches his interest as that's someone who is familiar to her and he pauses to study what she is doing.

Mikhail notices Basil and shuffling over to her gently hoists her from her crouching position in the alley to something that looks a little less suspicious. His dark eyes stare at her cooly, though his features show no animosity. Steadily he turns back towards the crowd surrounding the chalk outlines, but his eyes go back to the walls of the alley and any doors or windows.

Clarimond|| Lars nods at Deacon, "I have nothing else on the matter save what I just told you." He notes the large amount of people now entering the alley, but is not aware of the shadow, "It would seem that our employers were not the only ones curious about this. There is no telling who any of these people represent. But that is none of my business surely. The most important goal is figuring out what happened, and keeping it under control. That is why you are here yes?"

Silvana is standing by the crime tape taking now a closer much closer look to the crime scene she was trying not to get too close but well sometimes you just have to get righ tup there. She isn't trying to draw attention at all to herself so for now Stefhan doesn't get noticed as she squats down a bit oh and she has her phone out maybe she's taking pictues

Deacon puts on a thin smile for Velok as the other man approaches, his conversation with the bodyguard Lars a bit too loud. "I apologize." He says, in his usual, even tone of voice. "I suppose it is easy to dehumanize a criminal element when exposed to a crime as.. savage as this one, is it not?" He asks, before nodding towards the chalk outlines. He obviously doesn't seem willing to claim his feelings on the matter one way or another. Turning back to Lars, Deacon adjusts his tie slightly before speaking, "But, as you say, furthering this investigation is why I am here."

Stefhan grows more curious about the situation and walks into the area a bit further. He continues to study Silvana but he doesn't call attention to himself, at least for now. If something catches her interest though, it may be bound to catch his, or at least it may seem as such.

xxxxxVelok keeps that unusually cheery smile on his lips. "Right, gotcha." He says, nodding to Deacon then eyeing Lars. He doesn't add on, just turns and heads back to the gaggle forming. He's gotten a good enough look already, so his eyes resume trailing over each other person that's shown up. Mikhail, Stefhan, everyone. Except random shadows.

Basilisk eeps as shes hoisted up "Im spying!" she whispers. "What happened here?" she says to Mikhail.

Mikhail squints his eyes looking around the scene, "Somessengk bed..." the man replies to Basil in a thick Russian accent. "But note know vhat..." He doesn't seem that concerned about the other people present other than to be aware of them. Could be just another passerby who noticed the police tape and chalk outlines. He looks back towards D street frowning.

Stefhan may not be able to hear Basil's whispers, but he has some of the same ideas that she does. He doesn't move forward to crowd everyone but he can't help but eye the growing scene with interest.

Silvana seems to take particular interest at something and moves in just a little closer getting her phone out to take a picture before sticking her hand in her pocket.

Basilisk nods "Any bodies or anything?" she says a bit longer. "What have we seen so far?"

Something has the shadows interest. If you've managed to spot it, he's stopped moving and is now lingering in a single spot, a little ways away from the outlines. (Apone)

Silvana seems to find something and raises a brow as she moves to take another picture though in the process of that she seems to pick up whatever it is taht she found, and yes she's actually wearing gloves.

Clarimond|| Lars nods, "Yes and I imagine that these others are here to do the same thing. I am not trained in crime scene investigation. My job is find any obvious signs or clues that were left. I am at least that observant.."

Basilisk grunts. "Half. A . Body.." she shiers. "Where are the local media?" Stefhan leans in to try to finally make himself known to Silvana. Assuming he can reach her ear, he whispers to her.

Silvana gets whatever it is she got from the crime scene and since no one seems to stop her she pulls back at Stefhan's whisper she leans to whisper to him as she has that neutral look to her face.

Mikhail shakes his head looking over at Basil, "Note heer. Note no vhy..." he says softly to her, looking at the rest of the collected crowd, "Mebbie vone of zem do..." he says with a shrug. He moves towards Sylvana slowly.. did he see her pick something up?

xxxxxVelok came here with Misa, having parked down the street, and Misa is still presumably investigating the crime scene. He has to wait for her, his eyes flitting between everyone, but landing on Silvana. Several people recognize her, as does Velok, and he gives the woman a polite smile. What a cool hangout spot, the scene of nasty murders.

Deacon moves from Lars further into the crime scene, tapping at the side of his sunglasses absently as he looks over the area. He move this way and that around the chalk outlines, his face blank as ever as he eyes the scene, wondering if he can find anything out of the ordinary. He notices Silvana head away from where she was looking, but seems to let her be, for now.

Silvana continues to leave the scene she does take note at those that look at her and if she recognizes anyone other than Stefhan she doesn't seem to acknowledge having that poker kind of face, and soon she seems to be out of sight. Where she went is anyone's guess.

Stefhan nods to something Silvana says and he moves out of her way to let her go. Still, he can't help but continue to look on the scene with curiousity.

Basilisk nods "I'll ask." she moves towards Velok and Misa, tiling her head. "You guys know whats up yet?" she asks.

xxxxxVelok shrugs, looking to Basilisk as she walks closer to him. He does smile, nodding. "Hello Basil." The man reaches out, resting his hand on her shoulder and giving it a tiny rub of greeting, then pulling away. "I don't really, no. Misa wanted to stop here and look things over. Six people were killed, I guess. Not sure how or why."

Mikhail continues moving towards the retreating Silvana, possibly following her out of the alley.

Stefhan slowly heads off as well, perhaps something else in particular catching his attention.

Deacon tugs a small plastic bag out of his coat pocket after a thorough look over the area, a pair of small tweezers being tugged out soon after. He crouches, and begins picking up what might be hairs or fur to those that are paying special attention to what he is doing. He keeps plucking them off the ground and staring carefully at them before putting them in the bag. Eyeing one bloodstain to another with great interest. He seems like he's done this sort of thing before.

xxxxxVelok remains outside the crime scene, though he does pull out his phone. With everyone else taking pictures, he does too. Reaching up, the side of the phone is tapped, then tapped again as the 'memory' is preserved. He seems to also have taken a picture of Deacon, collecting something there. Just another tourist, of course. The phone is rotated as Velok is innocently taking pictures, then putting the phone back away. "Misa?" He calls out.

Clarimond|| Sometimes the police is not very thorough, sometimes in situatios like this creepy shit gets missed. The wind picks up a bit, the dumpster top is flapping a bit, and suddenly all present may hear chains moving over head. An especially strong gust of wind knocks the poorly tied chains out of their hanging position, and a severed head falls to the ground with a meat hook attached to a chain lodged within. Something very demented did this.

Silvana headed off wherever she did though she does pause in whatever she was doing and then turns and faces Mikhail "Can I help you?"

Mikhail tilts his head looking down at Silvana, "Vhat deed yu find?" If the big man is upset at being spotted he doesn't really show it.. but he might look just a touch surprised, keeping to the shadows as he was. He's a stranger to her though, just big, muscular, with dark eyes looking into her own.

Basilisk tilts her head at the crime scene. "I.. didn't do it." she syas. t because everyone needs to know that.

Misa was already making her way to the fire escapes, no one EVER looks up, her best escapes have always worked out from that. Unfortunately that means she's looking straight up as something starts to come down. It's not very big though. Misa bolts into action, sprinting to keep valuable evidence from breaking on the pavement below. She stretches herself out in a full body dive, barely getting under the object in time. She tucks it against her shulder and rolls to soften any impact. Without looking at what she's caught just yet she holds the severed head up over her own. "Yeah! Caught it! Who's awesome?!"

Silvana doesn't smile, doesn't even look upset or annoyed that perfect poker face. Her tone is soft and well spoken or polite however you want to take it "Hair, and blood. I was going to have it go be anolyze" and sure enough two rather burly men seem to be making their way towards Silvana. She even takes a little baggy out of her pocke to show them to Mikh

Basilisk looks to MIsa as she holds the head over her. "Um.. thats um.." she pauses. "Shes heads and tails above everyone."

xxxxxVelok's eyes immediately go up when he starts to hear the chains rattling. When he spots the object, his eyes widen. He looks frantically down and spots...Misa. "No." he says, but it's too late. She's diving, rolling, then clutching the severed head. Somewhere, a Nopetopus is running away as fast as they can. The man stands there and stares towards the woman he arrived with. He doesn't throw up or look shocked, apparently having seen, or possibly created, a severed head before. Everyone else is either talking or staring, so Velok does what he thinks of first. He starts clapping towards Misa, clearly applauding her effort. "Congratulations! You're walking home!" He says, though his blue eyes focus on the severed head now.

Deacon slowly pushes to his feet after Misa's game-winning catch, looking from her, and then to Velok at the latter's clapping. He seems indifferent to the severed head, taking a couple of steps over to take a closer look at it. "Good thing you noticed it before it hit the ground." He comments, trying to get a better look at the head's face, assuming it is still intact. "Hard to believe Prospect PD missed that one."

Clarimond|| The head is female, it's definitely been torn up a bit, but is still obviously female. Lars watches from a distance, and HE finally starts to take pictures. The head is definitely going to be of interest to his mistress. He gets pictures from all four angles, getting the sides, back of the head, and the face. He gets close ups and distance shots.

Basilisk murmurs ore to herself then anything. "Wonder if theres any rats around. They see everything."

Misa strikes a couple poses while everyone snaps pictures. "What? What did I..." and then she looks up and just freezes, the color leaving her face. To her credit she doesn't drop the head... she just stares at it, completely frozen in place, and silent for once.

Mikhail doesn't seem bothered by the two men heading his way, he does lean down and look carefully at the baggy, his dark eyes seem to focus on the hair as best they can in the street light. His brow furrows as he looks at the hair as he tries to determine if it's hair.. or fur.

xxxxxNow it's time for Velok to get involved again once Misa realizes what she's done. He steps away from Basilisk quickly, walking back towards the crime scene and towards Misa. He doesn't say anything, just reaches up for the head she's fixated on, trying to take it out of the woman's hands. "Let it go, Misa. It's alright." Gross head is gross, but Velok doesn't seem bothered. He reaches out with his other hand, rubbing Misa's shoulder. "Misa, there's a fire escape." He points to the ladder. "Climb up and see if there's any more up there? On the edge of the buildings maybe? I would prefer if you did it instead of me..."

Silvana showed him the hair not the fur of course girl has to keep some secrets oh wait she has a lot of those. She tilts her head "Are we good?"

Basilisk skitters behind Velok, commenting. "I can look too." she says, as if this was a hide and seek game. "Anyone else getting hungry?"

"Eez zat all yu found?" the large Russian asks as his eyes move back up to Silvana's. Mikhail still doesn't seem as concerned as he probably should be at the two large approaching men.

Clarimond|| Lars watches with interest as everyone else congregates around the head. He nods at Velok, "While you're up there, I'd watch out for whatever did this, never know if it will come back yes?" He grins.

Misa mutters quietly to herself before nodding to Velok. She very calmly sets the head down and starts to climb.

Deacon doesn't pull out any cameras, but seems to be adjusting his sunglasses an awful lot. He takes a few steps over in Misa's direction as he notices the color drain from her face, a larger plastic bag being tugged out from within his coat. "If you could.." He says to Velok, if he manages to pry the thing from Misa's hands, "It might be better to secure it properly." He offers the bag to Velok with a gloved hand, before turning to Basilisk, "No." He looks up as Misa starts to climb.

Silvana doesn't look at all that concern about the big russian infront of her as she regards him "Why do you ask?" she does turn to look back to the alley because now ther is probably commotion going on that way.

Basilisk shrugs and moves to follow Misa and Velok up on the roofs. She moves quickly and carefully, almost casually to look for more...things.

His flat, blocky face seems to smile, "Yu deedn't answer..." Mikhail says. He notices her eyes moving back to the alley, and more concerned about a third possible brute heading his way, he turns to look back at the alley, actually letting Silvana out of his sight as he does so.

xxxxxVelok takes the head from the women, nodding to Misa. He gently brushes his shoulder against hers. "You'll be fine." He looks back to Basilisk, another inhale straightens his posture, and he peers curiously towards Deacon. He's not moving towards the roofs, not even getting anywhere close to that ladder. "It would, yes." He agrees, but doesn't give over the head immediately. Instead he turns it carefully within his fingers until the face is looking towards him, staring at it. Finally his blue eyes return to Deacon. "You mentioned the Police in the third person. What agency are you from?" He asks pointedly, looking Deacon over and keeping the head..for now.

Silvana takes that moment that Mikhail looks away from her to get past the burly men and go do what she was going to do before so rudely interrupted damit.

Clarimond|| Lars shrugs as the others begin to climb. He will just stand there and watch. If anyone is going to get attacked by something up there, it sure as -hell- won't be him.

Mikhail turns to look back at where Silvana was and frowns as the two burly men block his path.. Something tells him she found more than just the hair... Turning back towards the alley he returns, looking up he sees the heads, and the fire escape and starts to climb.

Misa looks around the rooftop, circling to look for any places she can jump to from here, but more importantly signs of what went on up here.

Deacon reaches into his pocket at Velok's question, keeping his hand inside for a few moments before pulling out a small leather case, flipping it open to show the ID Card inside. An entirely genuine-looking Federal Bureau of Investigation card is inside, complete with Deacon's picture. 'Special Agent John Deacon' "I'm from the Bureau." He states, simply, "You can imagine why a crime with these sorts of rumors surrounding it might cause a bit of a stir. I've been sent to follow up on Prospect PD's original investigation."

xxxxxVelok isn't all that concerned with people potentially being attacked after climbing, or ambushes in general. What he is concerned is with the man standing before him. Blue eyes flit down for only a moment, then draw back towards Deacon's face. His eyebrows raise as he watches the man, then shakes his head. "I've never met anyone from the FBI." He says pretty definatively, looking down towards the head again. His fingers take great care against the chain, removing the meathook while contaminating fingerprints as little as possible. "Still haven't." Those blue eyes look back to Deacon, obviously knowing. With the weapon used to hang the head removed, he reaches forward and delivers the head towards Deacon's bag, keeping the meat hook seperate.

Deacon dips his chin politely in response to Velok, not seeming offended one bit at the other man's comment, focused on sealing the bag to keep the head nice and secure inside. "Thank you." Is all Deacon says once the head is handed over. He takes some time to examine it more closely as he turns from Velok, eyeing the wound that separated the head from its shoulders closely, though he -does- occasionally glance upwards to see how Misa is doing way up on the building.

Clarimond|| For a moment everything is just as it has been since everyone arrived, sans the fallen head incident, but for the most part it HAS been calm. But as soon as the last person ascends the fire escape, stomping from inside the building can be heard. When you arrived at the top of the fire escape, you no doubt noticed the metal door in front of you, it has no door knob, and cannot be opened from the outside. But is there a knob on the inside? You are about to find out. The stomping gets louder, and soon you can hear muffled shouting, and screaming. The sounds are becoming so audible that now it is certain that whoever this is, is coming RIGHT for the door. Suddenly the noises are right outside the door, and the door bursts open, a wild, crazy, savage looking man about 6'2" Asian, tan skin, and very dirty, shouts at everyone up there, "AAAHHHHHH!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT MY HOME??? I DIDNT SEE ANYTHING!!! SAW NOOOTHIIIING! GGET THE FUCK OUT!! OOUT!!!" He charges at Misa, his fists raised.

(Combat Happens)

Silvana is making her way back when the crazy asian chages Misa so well there won't be anything for her to do this turn so she will just have to wait besides there are lots of people there that can handle this right.

Misa foolishly takes a stap back towards the edge, letting out a shout of surprise, cowering before the sights of the big man charging her.

Mikhail lowers his shoulder and slams the large Asian from the side, banging hard into the other man's ribs and sending him sprawling. Mikhail bobs on the toes of his boots seeming ready to go...

Deacon scrambles up the fire escape's ladders, trying to get to the roof in due haste, his body moving with a fair bit of grace as he tries to get up the first story.

Clarimond|| The bum does not make it to Misa. He is taken to the ground, "I DUNNO NOTHING!!! NOTHING!! AAAGGGGHHHHH!!!" He feels his body clang against the metal and concrete, "I KNOW NOTHIIIIING!!!"

Silvana looks up as she comes back just in time to see Deacon scramble up the fire escape and raises a brow "What the hell did I miss?"

Mikhail moves forward after the bum and methodically pins his legs under him and his arms behind him. He doesn't hurt the man (more than he already did). Looking over at Misa, Mikhail asks, "Yu ok?" as he restrains the big asian.

xxxxxVelok dropped the metal hook to the ground the instant he heard shouting up at the top. His hand reflexively reached back and aquired both bow and arrow, notching the arrow in prep. As the creepy Asian man didn't turn out to be some cannible nine armed monstrosity, he returns the weapons to their original positions. "Misa? Basil?" He calls up towards the gathering, then looks back towards Silvana. "Someone...was yelling." He says to the woman, smiling and moving to stand near her. You know. Just in case.

Misa blinks and looks up to see the giant man has already taken care of the bumrush. "Oh... Yay I'm not dead!" she cheers happily, bouncing on her toes for a moment before walking over to the big man and the bum. "Hey! Hey it's okay! Don't hurt the guy1 He's just scared!"

Deacon makes his way to the top, though apparently everything is in complete control thanks to some sort of Russian wrestler. He takes a moment to, well, dust himself off. Brushing the sleeves and front of his expensive-looking suit, before adjusting his tie and heading over, crouching to get a better look at the man. "It is good that nobody got hurt." He says, before looking up, "If he calms down, maybe he can tell us a thing or to about what happened in the alley. He was very defensive about not knowing anything."

Clarimond|| The bum's eyes are wide, he is calming down a bit, at least not shouting anyways, "I.. know nothing.. can only say.. know nothing.. know.. nothing.. nothing.. nothing.."

Mikhail continues to hold the crazy hobo, cause really what else is he there for, "Eef yu vant esk, feel free.. I sseenk my accyent may note be gud for quvestions, da?" he says to Deacon and Misa.

Misa lays down on the pavement next to the bum, bringing herself down to his level. She slowly reaches out her hand to take his and smiles gently. "Shh, it's okay sweety, you just scared him too.. yer safe. It's okay"

Basilisk nods "Clear." she says rom wherever she is. "Looks like the target is taken down." she watches, a bit helplessly for now.

Silvana looks at Velok as he comes to stand besides her and lets' just a brief smile come to her face before she looks slowly around as if searching for something on the walls, maybe claw marks or something on the trashcans to show in what direction the monster went.

xxxxxWell, all clear. That's good. Certainly no reason for Velok to have to climb up the fire escape, nope. He's good down here. "How have you been, Silvana?" He asks, seeing as he's standing next to her. He looks where she looks, peering against the walls, then back up to the sky to avoid any more falling heads.

Deacon remains silent as Misa begins speaking to the terrified bum, not wanting to overwhelm him by having too many people speak to him at once. Instead, he stays by Misa and gauges his reaction to her words, slowly watching him calm down.

Clarimond|| The bum is shaking, his eyes wide, "Know.. nothing.. know.. nothing.. nothing.. can only say know.. nothing.. he said I know nothing.. I know nothing..."

Basilisk continues to watch. "I think thats how we do things.But shouldnt there be some cops or something.." she seems confused. This is how they do it on the television.

Mikhail glances at the silent Deacon, "Yu gote some rope?" he asks Deacon curiously as he continues to hold the shaking man.. God knows what he smells like. He looks over at Misa, "Ken only say... mebbie he ken write deefferyent?" he suggests.

Misa nods to Mikhail. "Hey sugar, yer not breakin a promise if you write it, kay?" she asks, her voice calm, quiet, barely above a whisper. "If my friend lets ya up, we ca go back inside. You feel safer in there?"

Basilisk tilts her head. "Nope. Still dont know whats going on." she chitters to herself, kinda walking away since shes confused. "I sounded tactical. Yep. Tactical."

There may or may not be an easy path for the shadow to travel unseen from its observation point near the fire escape to the door the man just came barrelling out of. But, everyone up on the roof seems pretty distracted so he chances the journey, sliding under the door frame. (Apone)

Mikhail is quite distracted maintaining the hold on the bum. He glances over at Basil as she leaves but says nothing as his attention turns back to Misa and Deacon.

Silvana is looking for something she seems intent on finding a trail after she spotted something on the blood on the ground.

xxxxxVelok stares after Silvana as she doesn't respond, furrowing his brow at her silence. "Um..." he says, then shrugs. "Right then." He looks back around the crime scene, then up towards the people at the fire escape. Velok shrugs, going and looking towards the front of the building. Surely another way in there.

Deacon fishes a pair of disposable hand restraints out of his coat, not metal handcuffs, but the simple plastic kind. Obviously he has a lot of crap in there. Nonetheless, he doesn't move to put them on the bum right away, holding them in a gloved hand, seeing if the bum was going to calm down before putting them on.

Silvana calls after when she realize she didn't answer Velok "Great and you?" she seems to be concentrating though.

xxxxxVelok turns, smiling towards Silvana. "Wonderful. I haven't seen you in a while, we should catch up sometime." He looks back towards the front of the building, then turns his eyes towards Silvana. "Do you think they can handle it up there?"

Mikhail now looks over at the door that the bum came from and notices the lack of handle. He continues to hold the bum so that if he does flip out again he won't pose a danger to Misa or Deacon.

Misa shakes her head. "We don't need the cuffs... right sweety?" she asks still smiling gently.

Silvana takes a breath regarding the roof as she shrugs "There hasn't been screaming or sounds of battle.. I'm going to guess they are handling it quite well. But if you want to go up there we can or find a way inside and up?" she suggest

xxxxx"Yea, a lack of screaming is good." Velok smiles, his blue eyes peering over Silvana, then looking back towards the fire escape. "Um....no, I don't...really want to go up. The front door is probably locked too, but it doesn't seem like the guy from up there is the same guy that did all this...death."

Clarimond|| The bum is still shaking, "No.. I know nothing.. nothing.. he said I know nothing.. can never know anything.. only know nothing.. nothing.. nothing.."

Silvana seems to catch the trail she is looking for and then seems to follow them if Velok follows great if not well guess she is going on her own. She nods "yeah we should catch up and no drunk dialing" she teases as she stops at the wall and looks up and then around as she hmms.

Mikhail looks skeptically at Misa, but very slowly releases the unstable homeless person. The look he gives Misa is clearly one of those, I will not be held responsible if he tries to eat your face...

xxxxxVelok does follow along after Silvana, walking close enough so that the pair can be thought of as a team, but not awkwardly so. "No drunk dialing. Promise." He agrees with a chuckle, looking towards the trail they're following, all the way to the dead end wall. "Ick." He says, looking up the wall and towards the top. "Quite a climb.

Deacon watches intently as Misa suggests for the bum to be held up. "Best to be careful in case he becomes excited to the point where he hops off the side of the building." He says quietly, carefully watching the bum as Mikhail lets him up.

Clarimond|| The bum is breathing shallow as he is handled and taken towards his 'home.' He does not seem to object at the moment.

The door opens slowly. The short cuban steps out, holding a hand out towards the group walking towards it. "Misa, you do not want to see what is in there. I promise you." Then a glance towards the bum and the russian hauling him. "Mind if I speak with the man for a moment?" (Apone)

Basilisk stays back with the people still on the ground. "I hope everything's going allright in there."

xxxxxWith Basilisk back, Velok quickly turns back around. "I...I'm not sure." He says, looking back up towards the staircase. "I don't want to climb up after them, but I think I should." He nods to Silvana, reaching out and, if she lets him, patting her on the back. "You're awesome." He says, nodding to Basilisk and going towards the fire escape to climb and join the others.

Basilisk nods "They'll need someone to cover outside in case others come...." she says. "We'll do better out here." she grins at hte two a bit. "You work well togethe.r"

Silvana shrugs and goes to join the party upstairs since well who wants to miss a party right, besides going higher might give her a better view point of what's over the wall right.

Misa puts her am very slowly and gently around the bums shoulder. "Do you wanna talk to this guy? I think he can help ya honey."

xxxxxVelok seems to be having trouble climbing the fire escape, but he does make it. Just...slower than everyone else. Finally when he's near enough to the top, he keeps both hands fairly firmly kept on support structure. His eyes find Apone, someone he hasn't seen yet, then trail towards the door. One way opening means Velok stares towards Apone, showing at least a bit of recognition within Velok's eyes.

"Alejandro, and Nno, I deed not." Apone says with a shake of his hands. "Something terrible did. And from the looks of it, has been doing it for a while now. Inside is its nest....and I'm exceptionally curious as to that man's recent history." Then the cuban turns towards the bum, his voice going soft and gentle. "What's your name, friend?" For what it's worth, Apone continues to stand there in the doorway, one hand holding it open.

Deacon looks up and eyes the Cuban man that appears behind the door. He certainly doesn't recognize him, and it seems odd how he'd be inside the building the bum just ran screaming out of. He remains silent as the man introduces himself, turning to see if the bum might finally answer someone's questioning. "Do you have an idea of what exactly lives in the.. 'nest' you describe?" He asks, watching him all the while.

Mikhail shrugs a little, he looks at Misa, curious if she recognizes the Cuban. He concludes the man must have come up through the building instead of the fire escape. And though he doesn't leave the bum, he also doesn't stand between the bum and the Cuban.

Silvana looks to Velok to see if he needs help up the rest of the way as she did it without much of a problem. She smiles at him and takes a look at those present and then looks over that blasted wall.

Clarimond|| The bum's demeanor has changed, he is focused only on Apone, "He told me I couldn't know anything.. the man in the suit.. he hung the bodies.. he controls the monster.. the monster tried to kill him.. he just stared.. stared.. the monster did his will.. then he told me I cannot know anything.. that I can only say that I know nothing,.. know nothing.. know nothing.." They got something out of him at last and it only took more mind control to do it!

"Think for me. Can you do that? What were the man's instructions when he tokd you you can't say anything?" Apone tilts his head. Something about the man's story clicks in his mind, and the cuban isn't very pleased about it.

xxxxxVelok's eyes widen a little, then squint as he watches Apone. He looks back towards the bum, then back to Apone. He looks back to Silvana and smiles, Party on the fire escape. He approves, or at least doesn't disprove, with what Apone is doing, instead climbing the rest of the way to the landing. "Nest...The bodies?" He repeats, then makes a terrible, terrible mistake. He looks down. Right over the railing the 30 feet down towards the ground and his eyes widen. All of the nope is back, and immediately Velok is heading right towards that door, backing up as best as he can, through Apone if he has to, to get inside the building. As if the nest was better than being outside on the fire escape.

Silvana crosses her arms as she watches Apone and listens quietly to what the bum has to say.

Misa nods and smiles. "Okay you can't say anything, we're gonna getcha somethin to write it down okay?"

Deacon takes a moment to listen to the bum's answer and tries to make sense of it, talk of monsters, a man. Nothing incredibly concrete, and the bum himself seemed quite insane to boot. Nonetheless, as Velok approached the door from the edge of the building, he found himself remembering about the nest the Cubam nentioned. And of course, he followed after Velok, wanting to see just what lay in the interior of the building.

Clarimond|| The bum thinks, "He said.. said.. while staring in my eyes.. he said.. you will remember nothing.. you nothing nothing.. nothing.. nothing.. then I could only know nothing until.. you came.." While the bum rambles on more, the two entering the building were probably not expecting to find dozens, even scores of naked, rotting bodies hanging from chains, and meat hooks just like the severed head from before. The room is vast and is of a cooler temperature than outside. Male, female, black, white, asian, latino, young, old, child, adult, even infants here or there, the bodies are assorted, with no apparent pattern.

Mikhail wants to enter and see the rest of the building, but he can't leave the bum or god knows what will happen, so instead he looks between bum and Apone and asks the bum, "Monstyer? Vhat kind of monstyer?"

Yeah...that's what Apone was afriad of the bum saying. "The man in the suit. After he gave you that command, do you remember him? The color of his skin. The way he spoke. Describe him to me."

xxxxxStanding outside on an open railing balcony? Pretty hard. Stepping into a room filled with death? Surprisingly easy for the death mage. Velok furrows his eyebrows as that wave of smell hits him first, practically singing off stray hairs. He steps in with Deacon, just in enough to catch a pretty good look at the place. "Mikhail? Restrain the bum please. Don't let him move." He calls back out towards outside of the room. To Deacon, his voice lowers. "Prepare yourself. This is no ordinary crime scene, as you know. Sometimes, the dead aren't really dead." Velok says this with an air of 'knowing', as if this isn't his first time around dead bodies, or creepy zombies, or husks. He starts to move about the room, careful not to touch, but only to look. "They're all naked." He remarks back to Deacon. "I mean, surely they weren't taken as naked. So whatever this thing is...purposefully undressed them?" Yea, that's the part Velok finds most weird.

Misa hugs the bum closer in a more comforting hold... whether it's for her or for him it's hard to tell. "Doesn't fit teh same MO as below." she says, finally sounding less like a ditzy child. "This is controlled, out of sight... many of these are recongnizable. The ones down below either got geeked by someone else... or they escaped from here and made it that far before the fight attracted attention... there might be more out there."

Silvana wrinkles her nose at the smell and pulls a hanky out of her pocket and covers her nose as she keeps looking around almost expecting company to show up or something she does take a peek inside and well the phone comes out more pictures darn tourist.

Deacon pauses at the sight of the corpses. The smell is atrocious, the sights are horrific, and everything about his surroundings is completely disgusting. His face, however, remains blank as can be as he looks from body to body with clear interest. And then, well, he adjusts one of his gloves and starts poking around, nodding to Velok at his suggestion curtly. "I am beginning to feel the same way." He says, in regards to the out-of-the-ordinary nature of this place. The bodies themselves he starts studying first, looking for death-wounds, signs of blood-draining and anything else. "Right, none of these were ripped apart in the way the ones down below were. These seem to be in.. storage. But to what end?" He speaks calmly, pushing a hanging body aside to step further in.

Mikhail blinks at the call from Velok and shrugs, sliding off his jacket for lack of something better to restrain the bum with. "Unlyess monstyer got free..." he tells Misa as he gently pulls the shivering man away from Misa and begins to bind his arms and legs as best he can with the jacket..

Clarimond|| The bum ignore Mikhail as if Apone is the only person in the room, "The man in the suit... pale skin.. white man.. short brown hair.. bright green eyes.. lanky.. a bit tall.. british accent.. well groomed.. shaved face.. looked wealthy.. drove off in a really nice car.. the monster.. like a hyaena.. but could walk on two legs.." Why wasn't he affected by the delerium? Now THAT is the question.

"He's not the culprit. He's just a slave. The thing that I'm curious about is...well, why he's still alive." Apone says over his shoulder to Velok. "There's only one real reason." Then back to the bum. "The man in the suit. Does he have you do things for him during the day? Does he come back here and join those dead bodies? When was the last time you saw him?"

xxxxxVelok looks over towards Deacon, watching him carefully, then shrugging. "Food is the most likely of answers." He says. The man hesitates, then shrugs his shoulders. The way the tall British man moves around the room, it's almost like he's....choosing. Like he's on the prize floor of The Price is Right and he just won the grand prize. He walks through the bodies, pushing some aside. "Bingo. Yahtzee. Apone knows what's up." Velok calls back, apparently..agreeing with the man. Velok looks back towards Deacon, showing remarkable knowledge despite the innocence he displayed earlier. "Some are drained, some aren't. Some have been here a while, some haven't." Finally, he finds a good body. A rather voluptious blonde, of course. Dead....but still. Anyone seen Bad Boys 2? Yea, you know what's up. Velok reaches out and touches the body, stroking his fingers along the dead flesh.

Misa slips into the building, pulling her shirt up over her nose while resting her hand on the small of her back, she moves into the building to investigate for now. She passes Deacon on her way as she moves carefully through the building, making sure to stay near cover.

Mikhail arches a dark brow and looks at the bum, then looks at Apone, "Could yu ask more about attack? Vas eet monstyer? And vhere deed man vees camera go?" he asks, "And vhat he luk like?" Misa mutters to Deacon, "... get... then..."

Silvana is slowly walking with the others watching and looking around as everyone seems to head inside. She stays near the door just kind of listening and looking around.

Deacon doesn't seem to be able to find anything except for the obvious - bodies, a single shoulder rising in a shrug before he turns. He passes by Misa as he moves back across the room, though he does not turn to look at her. He watches Velok examine the dead blonde impassively before turning, trying to at least get a head count, if nothing else.

"He won't be able to talk about the slaughter down below. Since I can't break what was done to him, I have to work around it. Give me time, comrade." Apone says to Mikhail, "The puppy will turn up eventually, I'm certain." Then to the bum once more. "Please, tell me. Nothing would make me happier then if you could answer my simple questions. They won't hurt you, I promise. What does he have you do for him during the day? Do you collect these people for him? Lure them here? When was the last time you saw him? Will he be coming back soon?"

Clarimond shudders, "He beats me.. feeds me blood.. stares into my eyes and says strange words that I cannot remember.. he beats me more.. he fucks the dead bodies too.. even the rotting ones.. drinks from them.. he's crazy.. so crazy.. the hyeana creature.. he fed it blood too.. he owns it.."

xxxxxVelok is standing there, almost like he's in a trance. His breathing is measured as he continues to practically pet this blonde woman. He must REALLY like this dead chick. Suddenly, his eyes open up and he jerks back from the body, starting to shake his head. "Ghouled." He says quietly. His voice picks back up as he calls back out, probably to Apone. "You were right, but there's...more..." Velok's eyes close, then open again. "Drinking, fucking, feeding, messing with his mind...." Velok mumbles, opening his eyes and finding Misa, staring towards her. "No..." He says, getting his yoda moment in. "There is another." The flurry of motion is next as Velok suddenly wanders around the room, haphazardly pushing bodies aside as if they were nothing, as if he was searching for something. "ASK HIM ABOUT THE WHITE COAT." He practically screams this out, just in case people can't hear him over the thunking of dead bodies. Velok also mumbles "Oh, and I guess Apone didn't do it." But hopefully Apone doesn't hear that. Stupid compliments.

Mikhail is still standing outside in the clean not super foul gaggy air with the bum and Apone. The big Russian is watching the big asian with a pitying look. Glancing at Apone though he doesn't say what he suspects.. of the bum.

Silvana hasn't gotten in very far as she keeps just watching. She shakes her head, there is always a white coat damit

"Very well." Apone says softly, tilting his head to the side. "What is it I need to know about the white coat?"

Misa nods as she hears Velok's story. She makes her way back towards him to talk quietly.

Deacon seems quite content to allow Velok to go about his business, paying special attention to what the man is saying as he seems oddly in his element, scurrying this way and that and shoving bodies aside. Not believing he has the means to assist the man, he moves back, politely stepping around Silvana as he heads towards Apone and the bum, banking on the bum offering more information. His hands clasp in front of him, eyeing the man as he awaits him to say more. Misa mutters to Velok, "... we're getting... this?"

Clarimond|| The bum suddenly freaks out at the mention of the white coat, "NOT THE WHITE COAT!! NOT HIM!! NOOOOOO!!!!" He collapses into seizures, his heart beating at the speed of light!

xxxxxVelok certainly is in his element, and it's a weird element. As Misa comes up to him, he leans over and brushes up against her. "The man, in the suit. He's not alone. The bodies, there's too many. She died here." Velok is saying quietly to Misa. He doesn't find what he's looking for and stands back up, turning and staring towards the blonde. "She died here, they probably all died here. They were...brought." Velok does something unnatural, he quickly turns and wraps his arms around Misa, pulling her into a close hug. He doesn't look scared or sad, he looks like he's methodical. Like pulling her closer does something. "I think I know what happened. We need the bum."

Mikhail drops with the bum, guiding the man onto his side and cradles his head so that the man doesn't bash his brains out on the rooftop. He just shrugs up at Apone.. not sure what to do about the racing heart other than to pat the man and say in that thick accent, "Zhere, zhere, eet ok..."

Velok mutters to Misa, "... So much more.... people..."

Silvana was busy listening and just watching as Deacon most past her she looks at him for a moment but then the Russian and the bum drop. She uses her phone and begins to move towards the ledge "Bring my bag now!" look at her she can talk and bark orders. It doesn't actually take very long before rather heavy footsteps are heard coming up the fire escape.

"Now...why didn't I see that coming." Apone says softly, shaking his head. He looks like he was about to say or do something, but Silvana's outburst gives him pause. Fine...she can handle the bum, Apone turns back towards the building behind him, looking for Velok or Misa inside.

Misa returns the hug, an odd place for a tender moment. "We'll find them." she says with calm certainty. "Are any of them going to come back here?"

xxxxxTender, not really, just close. "Oh yes." He says with a smile, a weird, twisted, demented smile as Velok pulls back away from Misa. His voice is getting louder. "Yes, because this is a cave. This is just where the suit man hides, but he's a maniac." He turns, looking back towards the door. "He's controlled." Velok walks back towards the door, nodding to Apone as he heads towards the bum. Is the bum unable to talk? Velok doesn't really know. "He'll be back. They'll both be back, all of them. Why were they careless?" Velok is asking the bum...and technically Mikhail now. "Six bodies in the alley directly below their cave. Why? Why so close to the cave?" He kneels down near homeless man. "Did they want to be found?"

Silvana isn't gone overly long and returns with a medical bag in hand. She reaches inside and pulls out a syrange "I'm going to knock him out so his heart will relax or he will stroke o ut and we can lose him" she tells Mikhail so he doesn't think that she is trying something else, not that he has any reason to believe her either way but that's just how the cookie crumbles.

Misa nods after a moment. "The others will have this place watched and taken care of. Don't need to pool too many resources into one place. Someone survived in the alley right? Let's go find them while they work on capturing the bad guys here."

Mikhail nods simply, he's familiar with sedatives and shock but not dosages. He lets the more experienced person handle the syringe, but he's good enough to hold the seizing man still for her.

Deacon listens to Velok with an indifferent, but attentive expression, listening to what the man has to say in his excited state. "It's.. odd, for certain. For the murdered bodies to be so close to where this storage area is... Well, it's easy to assume that all the parties involved here are not in the same league." After a while, he turns to Misa, hearing her comments about the survivor. "Do we know anything about this person? A name? A description?"

Clarimond|| The bum is out cold and Lars is documenting some things, taking pictures, making notes, preparing a presentation, "My mistress can aid you. She will be most vexed by all of this.. most vexed indeed." He bows deeply, "Now I must return to her. There is much work to be done." Soon he is back down the fire escape, in the rental van, and gone.

"When you don't view society as more then....well, a buffet. Do you really concern yourself when a few get themselves killed outside your door? I doubt they particularly wanted to be found. It wasn't easy getting in here afterall. But I doubt they are very concerned about what will happen if they do get found." A pause. "I've got a few friends that can watch the place for me. But, if there's video of what happened, we need to get our hands on it." (Apone)

Misa shakes her head. "I don't think the guys that run this place intended for that to happen. Either that group escaped and they were forced to act on the street... in which case they aren't comin back... or those bodies weren't becausa them. You'll also notice the hyena that walks on two legs ain't here."

Silvana makes sure the Bum is well and looks around before the phone is taken out again and seems that orders are given into it before she puts it away. "No the hyena seem to have gone in that direction" she points towards the direction of where the wall is.

Mikhail looks at the bum, still cradling the man's head in his lap. Then looking up at Silvana, he sees the direction she points, but instead says, "Ve can note leave heem here," he says clearly referring to the now unconscious bum.

Silvana nods in agreement with Mikhail "I have somewhere he can be put and safe, you can stay with him if you like" she even offers.

xxxxxVelok frowns as the bum is out cold and he slowly rises back up to a standing position. "It's too risky...too open, but the way the man was, they're certainly arrogant. They'll think this is contained." He turns, smiling towards Misa, then looking to Deacon. "No idea on any of those things, name or anything. I doubt this man will tell us, but maybe." And finally, he looks to Apone. He's standing pretty close, but two people like this probably don't have any risk of intimidating each other. "I'm not really a fan of yours, and you don't know me..." He states, squinting his eyes a bit. "But I don't have anything against you, nor have I met you before now. This is much more serious though, enough to put any petty squabbles aside." What petty squabbles, Velok doesn't bring forward, but he does watch Apone.

Mikhail shakes his head, "Nyet, I veel veeseet, but I have sseengs do do..." he says his gaze wandering back towards the wall. His eyes return to Silvana, "Just lyet me know vhere yu put heem... please.."

Misa looks over to Velok. "We can watch over him while he sleeps... I dunno how ta fix what jiang shi do, but I can make him seel safer."

"I choose my friends for their ability to hold a conversation. My acquaintances by their character." Apone says softly, offering a slow and practiced smile towards Velok. "And my enemies for their intellect. One can never be to careful in the choice of enemy. If there are squabbles between us, I have not noticed them." He points towards the room. "I don't know if you understand what that room represents, but I think I do. And if I'm correct, then I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little longer if you really wish to make that list." Calm and soft the whole time. "I'll have some people watch this place today, but if they don't show up by sunrise, they won't be back before tomorrow night."

Silvana takes a card out of her pocket and gives it to Mikhail "We will be in touch" surprisingly down below the goons are busy doing something one comes up and leave a bag near the railing for her "If you like you can take him downstairs for me, there is a car waiting already" she looks towards the others and Misa a moment before she stands "He will be out for quite a while I assure you" she then moves to pick up the bag and goes about her own business.

Mikhail blinks and looks at Misa a little intensely, "Jiang shi do?" he asks. His chinese not bad... compared to his English anyway. He looks away just long enough to take Silvana's card from her and nods, "Mikhail..." he says his name. He looks back at Misa though, seeming to expect some elaboration as he starts to lift the large man fairly easily into a fireman's carry.

xxxxxVelok continues staring towards Apone, his eyes not leaving nor his lips curling into a return smile. "A man suffering under mental control, fed with blood. bodies drained and used as food." Finally Velok's eyes leave Apone, looking past him back into the den, then up towards the darkened sky. "I think we both know what this room represents." He sighs, looking suddenly weary before finally smiling. "They'll be back. They look at society as a buffet, right? Not....all of them. These ones do." He nods towards Misa and reaches back into his wallet. He rifles through it for a moment, then pulls out a solid white card, handing it over as an offer to Apone. The card clearly has his name and phone number on it. "I'll be watching too. I'm sure what we'll find will be interesting." Another nod and he looks back to Misa. "We have ice cream in the car that's probably melted by now." A return to normalcy.

Deacon listens to the conversation between Apone and Velok for a while, before speaking up, in turn. "I am not here to create new enemies either. And if we are all in agreement that whatever is the orchestrator of all this needs to be expunged, then I should like to offer what resources I can. But, it seems like you all have a far better understanding of the situation, than I." He shrugs at that. "It's no time for detailed explanations, and I have my own suspicions. But, for now, I will make preparations. It has been a long evening, and I should like to be out of here before the occupant returns. Pooling data might be helpful, if we meet again. And I have a feeling we will "

Silvana listens to the others speak and though looks like everyone is leaving, she on the other hand with that bag in hand turns and heads inside, yes she went in alone leaving you all to talk what in the heck is wrong with that woman

Misa jump up as her eyes go wide. Who bodies? Murder, who the fuck CARES man?! A worse crime just happened. "Cao ni ma ge bi! My ice cream!" she shouts bouding back out to the fire escape. She doesn't bother with the stairs, they take to long. She hangs off the side and drops herself one floor at a time

Mikhail watches the little woman go, frowning a little as she didn't answer his question.. Of course.. he is following her, carrying the slumped bum down the fire escape before depositing him in the car the big fellows down below direct him to.

"Enjoy your ice cream." Apone offers with a cant of his head; then starts to make his way back down the fire escape; and unless stopped, out into the alley where he fades away in the darkness.

xxxxxVelok smiles, nodding his head towards Apone. Good thing he's standing close to inside the nest and not really fully on the Fire escape. His eyes turn and he looks towards Deacon, nodding but letting that smile grow a little wider. "Good, John Deacon of the..F...B...I..." He says the three letters clearly sarcastically, almost like Hans Gruber in Die Hard. He obviously knows that the man wasn't serious about that. He reaches back into his wallet and pulls out the same card, handing it over towards Deacon. This card is totally real though, showing his name and number. He smiles and waves towards Mikhail, then leans up against the doorframe to the dead person apartment. "I'll close it. They're going to know we found it, though. The bum doesn't just wander away, he stays in there. You guys go on ahead." He watches Misa cat jump down the fire escape and his eyes widen, and with Silvana slipping inside, obviously he isn't going to close it immediately, just waits and looks back in towards Silvana.

Silvana calls out to Velok "I got it, you can go after your girl, just don't look down" was that a joke