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  • Kinfolk: Kinfolk to the Fianna Tribe, Mnemosyne has been reasonably well educated about her nature and the existence of Werewolves. Rather than easing into things gradually she seems to have jumped right in to the local Gaian community with both feet, and seems to be adapting well. As well, her bodyguard / mentor / father figure is Fianna kin, as well.
  • Estate: Nem has inherited an estate at the outskirts of Prospect that has been a source of rumor and urban legend for a number of years. Rumor has it (for those that pay attention to such old ghost stories) that the estate requires that anyone requesting hospitality there be provided with it. Or else. It's also rumored to be haunted, to have an old Spanish treasure buried somewhere on the grounds, and pretty much every other rumor that could be spread about an old, old estate that's been around for at least a hundred years. Tour groups sometime pass by. They stop out front and point and talk, but nobody's bothered contacting anyone about possibly taking the group to the estate itself. It doesn't quite look safe.
  • Medium: She sees dead people. No, really. It's not something that bothers her any longer; she was born with the ability, and given her family's extensive involvement with the supernatural (both psychic talent and werewolf blood run heavily in all sides of her family), nobody really skipped a beat when the child mentioned seeing ghosts. It's not always a fun thing, and can sometimes be terribly traumatic, but overall she's comfortable with her ability to interact with those that have died.
  • Sorcerer/Psychic: Much like her ability to interact with the dead, Mnemosyne is comfortable with her psychic powers, as well as the magical talent that she has developed over the years. While she's still got a great deal to learn, she does certainly make use of those abilities she has. She does not have any ethical qualms about improving her social ability through the art of fascination, nor her very minor healing ability, but she does have a very strict moral code where it comes to the use of her telepathy. Or, well. She tries. Temptation is (often) a little strong.
  • Escort: For a number of years, Nem hopped between major cities, maintaining a place of residence in all of them. She was a high profile escort working for an agency, and was of the actual escort sort (rather than the dressed up prostitute sort). She made a very good living this way, as well as encountering a number of high profile, powerful people. She's retired from the business at this point, apparently. The agency no longer has her on the books, at least.
  • High Society: The Anthis family has been a fixture of Prospect for some time. While they're more reclusive than many families that move in the upper crust circles, they are not unknown. Nem grew up here, though she's been away in recent years. It's very possible she knows people from growing up in the area.