2014.10.12:Red Alert II

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Red Alert II
The team investigates a corpse and defeats a vicious peasent.
IC Date Stardate 27412.1
IC Time Nightfall.
Players Basilisk (NPC Ecko), Priest, Nagi, Monitor Y-91, Anne, Velok (NPC Issius), Major
Location The Holy Roman Empire, Franconia.
Spheres Technocracy
Theme Song http://youtu.be/-YCN-a0NsNk

The team is gated down to the surface in waves, two at a time between supply passes. The gate is set up at the mouth of a cave just a few miles from what looks to be a vinyard. It's still night, and unforuntately most of the more advanced gear can't even be brought down. The gate itself is barely able to function after most of the team is down, and it's clear it will likely not be able to send the team back without a lot of repair, even if there are no witnesses about.

Some of the team finds itself ringing around a skinless corpse riddles with holes, but it's still warm. Wors if one watches long enough they can see it's still breathing, even as some of the skin has started to rot. Ants have built a nest in the limbs, running in and out of small tunnels carved into the soft flesh, somehow avoiding causign the body to lose any blood. Meanwhile maggots crawl about the body, feasting on what is managing to rot, completely unmolested by the ants.

Monitor Y-91 comes up over the global intercom, just to offer the ground team some support. "Perimeter detection scans are running. Please don't hesitate to use the two of us up here, we may get bored." Then the decidedly calm and clear male voice cutting out again.

It falls to Major to actually do the field vivisection. He is wearing the garb of a Moorish traveller, slightly wealthier in appearance than intended thanks to being not at all weathered. Under his hood, though he wears a full environmental suit, and during this examination, he opts for maximum environmental protection. He kneels next to the not-quite-a-corpse-yet, and sets up his field kit for autopsy. "Begin recording." He instructs the suit before taking notes. He's a novice at medicine, but he hypercrammed what he needed to know for this instance.

xxxxxEnsign Issius runs a single hand up and through his dirty blonde hair the moment he's gated down to the surface. He's dressed in the disguises everyone chose, having been within the initial briefing and just very very quiet. The pack he carries on his back is set up to disguise the medkit he would otherwise be carrying freely. A redshirt through and through, he has one clearcut assignment. Follow orders. Having been chosen as the support medic, he has no real problem with hanging back. The man stands rigid near the skinless corpse, his green eyes keeping a close watch on the perimeter, even with the scans already running. He makes a single check of the revolver hidden within his person

Priest shifts his weight a bit, gone was his usual suit and tie and mirror shades. He was dressed now in period clothing, a large tabard draped over his form concealing the leather harness he keeps his revolver in. Those ice blue eyes glance down to the not quite corpse yet and he takes in the details

xxxxxFor her... his... it's going to get confusiong okay? Nagi, disguised as Nacht, the enormous norse knight in well-used heavy field plate, is on standby. She has o direct orders so she is watching the peremiter security, being one of the heavy hitters. She will allow the others to examine th ebody, though she does have investigational forensics skills and Temporal Inspired Sciences if they are needed, and these things are on her personelle roster.

Monitor Y-91 flicks over the intercom again, this time directly to Major. "My database contains medical knowledge, if you would like visual assistance. Feel free to patch me into your HUDs video feed." His skills weren't clearly listed before the mission, he thinks it best to offer them when they may come of use, obviously.

"We have signs of parasitic invasion. Entry wounds at the first cervical vertebrae is consistent with injuries observed with parasitic neurovores. Electrical impulses indicate there are two foreign bodies matching the entry wounds. Attempting isolation." Major sounds clinical, but he's getting his hands dirty. A living body means an active circulatory system. His enhanced vision lets him avoid the most significant veins and arteries but the incisions he has made to examine the entry wounds are anything other than clean. "Ensign? Ready a level two sample container."

Ecko comes out, dressed in his disguise. The marine hangs back, scratching at his pants. "I know these are supposed to be period but do they have to itch so much?"

xxxxxIssius turns, walking slowly towards Major. He stands near the man, out of the way enough as Major makes his report. The man kneels down at the body, shifting his pack and nodding his head. No words are given, only compliance. The container is ready prepared, Issius very careful not to touch or contaminate as he holds out what Major requests. His green eyes flicker occasionally down to the body, surveying the maggots.

Priest glances briefly over to Ecko "Thats why you shave your legs, the tights won't itch so much. Or lots of baby powder." he shifts his weight and adjusts himself as he waits, watching the medical team

Major makes a careful incision between the abdominal muscles and lifts the wounds apart, but whatever readings his electrical impulse generator is giving him don't appeal. He doubles down in intensity, biting his lip and moving methodically, but with the same quick reflexes of a seasoned video game player. His tweezers catch on something, and he slowly, carefully withdraws it from the still living host.

The thing that comes out of the wound looks rather much like the maggots crawling about the body, only this one is three inches long. It flails and thrashes violently as it it pulled from the body, trying to bite at the tweezers but unable to get at them. For being an extradimensional entity it seems rather... mundane.

Into Issius's container it goes. "Can Overwatch search our databanks for anything bearing a resemblance to this entity?" It's a longshot, but the correct procedure, and Major is a very by the books person.

xxxxxIssius makes a face that can be a textbook definition of 'Ew' as Major pulls out the...thing. He says nothing, only waits until the perfect moment to scoop the container underneath so Major can drop the extradimensional entity into the device, sealing it afterwards if he does. He retrieves another container, setting the one aside and watching it carefully.

Monitor Y-91 comes over the comm for a moment. "Standby shoreparty. I will examine the scans as soon as possible."

Major resumes his work. There's no reason to leave a second entity free to continue living inside this host. Getting at the second one will be more difficult naturally, it's had more time to retreat from his examination.

xxxxxAnd Nact simply continues to patrol the perimeter. A great iron giant with a Zweihander on his back, occasionally running his hand through his braided beard. Some of the actions are probably scripted parts of the illusion.

xxxxxIssius watches carefully, though with the difficulty of the second entity almost obvious, the man decides to use the time wisely. He prepares a different sample container, carefully retrieving maggots into one, and ants into the other. It's always safe to be thorough. Setting them aside near the others, the man resumes waiting for Major. "Any speculation on length of time before death after parasitic removal?" He asks in a rather low voice, green eyes raking over the...patient? Corpse? Future Corpse?

Priest stands calmly off to the side. Arms folded up over his chest. Though his gaze never stops wandering as he settles in for a bit of guard duty

"I expect that the injuries will be fatal in twenty four hours or less." Major says, splitting his attention between Priest's question and his incision. He makes several attempts, but underestimates the creature's speed each time. The incisions well with blood, but are neat and organized. He finally achieves his goal around the ankle. "Brain death has already been registered between 48 and seventy two hours ago. I'm only trying to preserve the specimen for further examination."

There's a heck of a steeple chase for this little bugger. It slips free of the tweezers once when grabbed. Okay so... it's not exactly a super fast paced race but it's still tense. Incisions have to be made ahead of the critter. Then just as it reaches the ankle and Major gets a hold of it, there's a sudden burst of radiation that everyone seems to pick up as the creature turns rapidly into a pupa just as it's pulled from the body and quickly jarred. If it was possible for a pupa to be angry, this certainly looks like one.

Monitor Y-91 comes back over the radio, clearly to all members of the team. "Databases indicate specimens most closely match the larva of a species of parasitic wasps. Oxygen levels would not allow massive specimens, but figures show they could reach the size of a human hand."

"I expect that the larval stage can be prematurely ended when the host form is threatened. As a result this is likely the smallest of what we will find. Anyone allergic to hyaluronidase or MCDP better get their epipens ready." Major explains. "I didn't catch a resonance for that radiation. Anyone have that?"

xxxxxIssius nods his head, reaching forward with the containment unit to try and capture what Major pulls out. There's a bit of a pause as he feels the burst of radiation, his eyes widening and locking on the pupa. Instinctively he pulls the device back and just stares, though eventually he reaches forward for the pupa to be dropped in.

Priest shifts his attention a bit, moving towards the mouth of the cave as he catches sight of something in the darkness

The jars contain significantly different specimens, one a larva, one a pupa. Major doesn't show a great deal of alarm himself, not being allergic, and having enough armor under his clothing to allow him to serve as an apiarist.

Monitor Y-91 pops up over the comms again. "Might I suggest allowing one specimen to continue growing, so that we may capture the end result of the larvas transformation for study?" Of course, it's an AI. Clearly the logical thing to do!

Anne calls out over comms after some time. "The specimens look like... well very large versions of a parasitic wasp native to the area."

xxxxxIssius tilts his head when he hears the comms, though he says nothing in response. He simply turns his head to Major, then glances back to Priest and The Iron Giant. He holds out the containment unit to Major anyway, following orders.

Major tucks the containers into his field kit and then looks at his field kit. "Going to have to put this inside something more time appropriate."

xxxxx"If you will put it into something with sufficient growth space, I could possibl accelerate temporal passage for one," booms Nact in a rich, echoing baritone....Which on the ship, sounds like a small Japanese girl's gentle tenor.

Priest glances out over the town, following that bobbing light a moment, though he nods back to Major "Sure we can get some packs down in the town. We'll need to locate a store of blackpowder as well to complete the mission."

xxxxxIssius nods, fishing through his pack to try and find something that might be large enough for growth. He holds it out to Major, looking back at Nagi. "If you can, might also help to make sure the maggots are just that too, and not a previous stage."

"I don't think that will be necessary." Major says to Nagi. "These samples can probably be sent up to quarantine. If any experiments need to be performed, they'll have more controlled environment." Plus, it lets them onto the ship.

Priest shifts his gaze over, that brow of his lifting up as he watches Major "Do you feel yourself covered in ants?" he asked, keeping a completely straight face

xxxxxIssius tries to maintain a straight face, to maintain that discipline expected of him, but it's clear in the way he moves away from the body that something's affecting him. Careful checks down against his body reveal that if Major isn't, Issius certainly is.

Major brushes at his sleeves. "There are a few here. Not California ants." He doesn't seem at all disturbed. "I'll wash when we find a body of water." He gestures to the West. "Should we proceed to Hemmelberg? (I think.) The population survey was a little low. I think we are seeing only the tip of the iceberg of this infestation."

Priest would give a nod of his head, still letting his gaze linger over Major. He keeps a straight face though "We should, we'll need to find a supply as well. Was hoping for a war camp, but maybe we can get lucky in the little town."

xxxxxIssius stands up, trying to brush a bit against certain things within his clothing. He lifts his pack back up, staring down at the corpse, then stepping away. He shifts things along his person, falling into place.

Ecko ollows the group around, cvering just in case someone approaches them. He loos everywhere. "Careful about killing anything. Butterfly effect right? We are in the past."

Two and a half miles is a bit of a hike. If they find a pond or stream along the way, Major will take a dip in the water so that he can get the last of the ants off of him.

Major explains that while they are in the past, they are in what would most likely be explained as a shadow of the past. It's pretty complicated extradimensional theory.

xxxxx"One of the men from earlier headed to that town. We have a contact there," booms Nacht's voice as he tromps a ways in that direction. "I'll just pull the rank of Sainthood on him. Unless you would prefer to keep things lower key." Looking to the... Basilisk Ensign Nacht says "No. We established killing here won't affect the timeline. However, I am not eager to kill anyone."

Priest rolls out his shoulders, checking the draw of his pistol and that sword belted on his waist...a Sword! What a backwards step in technology. He gives a nod "Would rather not be blowing holes in people to get what we need to unless there is no other option."

"Claiming to be a Saint might not work if there is a crowd. All it takes is for one person to express doubt and we all get burned as heretics. Well, they try anyway." Major explains casually.

There is a river at the town actually. Sensors mark 15 heat sources, there is a torch visible patrolling through the street from a great distance away. There are of course several streams along the way. The water here is cold, and clear. As this is upstream from the entire population this may even be the cleanest water in teh region, and it wal runs through the vinyard to be used for irrigation.

The town itself is clearly of high class and quality. There isn't crap in the streets for one which given teh time says a LOT. Everything here is well maintained, well made... and empty. There is one man on patrol.

Ecko nods. "Right. Still..careul. We dont know whate we're in store for here."

Priest glances around, his brow lifted a bit "Fifteen people, clean looking and one guard... Hmm, lets go say hello."

xxxxxDrawing a cloak around himself, Nacht intones in that deep baritone, "I am no good at stealth. Should I approach th eguard first to parlay?"

xxxxxIssius follows along with the group like a good redshirt. Though he's still brushing at the ants for a little bit until he stops feeling them biting. Afterwards he maintains a rather 'I'm part of the group but clearly unimportant' demeanor for those they meet, just waiting for instructions.

xxxxxIssius takes a look around at the party, then turns to look back at the single guard. "I suppose I'll fall on the proverbial sword" He grumbles, looking back at the solo guard. "I think I can communicate to him in an accent where it won't seem like I'm outrageous, but what should I go with? Raise my hands in surrender and see what happens, or subdue and interrogate?"

xxxxx"Priest," says Nacht, "We need the bridge down, yes?" his... her... yeah, it will continue to be confusing, baritone low but steady. "I can go take a look at it. Probably wouldn't be anything to bring it down with a few swings on load bearing structures with SWATH. Meanwhile, the Ensign can attempt to Parlay."

Priest would give a bit of a nod to Nacht "True, that would be the easiest, but would also leave the most amount of resources still right there for them to affect repairs. I was thinking of blasting powder to pulp the structure, makes them take longer to rebuild it or find another point to cross. Would at the least slow down their baggage train and artillery, don't want to ford with cannons."

xxxxx"It's your call, sir," says Nacht, again with the stroking of the braided beard that goes down to his belt buckle. "What is your assessment of even dealing with this town?"

xxxxxIssius looks between Nacht and Priest before glancing at the guard to ensure he keeps track of the man's position. He waits for Priest's orders, staying otherwise quiet. Priest motions forward "Grab him, make sure he doesn't shout and then see if he'll talk. Don't snap his neck."

xxxxxIssius turns and smooths out his outfit and items, enough so that being sneaky isn't out of the question. He starts advancing on the guard, taking his time and the long route to remain behind cover. Each move getting closer, each move bringing him into range from behind.

The guard remains oblivious to the danger sneaking up behind him. He's not particularly alert, or nervous. Like he doesn't expect anything to happen tonight and is just going through the motions.

xxxxxUnhanging the Zweihander from hs back, Nacht grounds the tip in the earth forcefully but quietly. He concentrates, head down. That is all you really see with the way the mental illusion covers Nagi. None of the visible effects of her nanites phosphorescing occurs... visibly.

xxxxxIssius sneaks up closer and closer, then pounces. In what can only have been learned in basic training, the man wraps his arms around the guard from behind. One tries to take control of any weapon or torch the guy has while the other quickly covers his mouth. He pulls the guard back against his body to keep him off balance, then signals to Priest.

This is the kind of training that Major lacks, so he stays out of sight, letting those who are trained handle such things.

Priest steps foward at the signal. He offers a winning smile, letting Nagi's proceedure translate his words for him "Good evening there. Very simply put you will talk to us, or he will snap your neck." he kept a perfectly straight face, but it was obvious he meant every word he said

The guard tries to shout and struggle, even more so when there is a threat to snap his neck. He doesn't seem to be armed though.

The last threat seems to give the guard some bit of extra strength in his panic. He manages to break and arm free and elbow the ensign in the stomach, creating enough space to push himself free and try to make a break for it.

xxxxxIssius has the guy pretty well pinned, but did not expect the extra strength. The arm breaks free and he gets the elbow he probably deserves. He oofs just a bit, just enough that the guard is able to break free. He stands up and turns to give chase.

xxxxx"Well," says Nacht in a soft rumble, the faint light from the gem on the hilt of the Zwehander fading, "Target sanctioned."

Priest gave a slight frown as the man breaks free. He steps quickly into action, smoothly drawing and flipping his revolver about and applying blunt sciene to the side of the man's head "Yeah, not what I was hoping for, but he's not dead. Maybe we can find an empty place in this town to hole up in until he's awake."

The guard lays motionless on the ground, taken out effectively and silently. The part has defeated the vicious peasant! http://youtu.be/-YCN-a0NsNk

xxxxxIssius nods, coming to a stop near the body and glancing back towards Nacht and Priest. Without saying anything he reaches down, slipping his arms around the peasant and lifting him up into his arms to carry him where Priest directs.

Anne can be heard laughing as the noise overcomes the radio squelch.

Monitor Y-91 comes over the radio for a moment. "Err... Sorry about that." then cuts it off for her.