2020.12.15 Girls Night Out

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Girls Night Out
The Stone Creek girls go out to buy dresses together for the Vardanyan Brewery Xmas Party.
IC Date 12/15/2020.
IC Time Evening.
Players Evonna, Heidi, Ulf, Killigrew, Rook, Ben, Dalibor, Theron, Detlef, Leif, Taika
Location City Dress Shop - Lily's Boutique.
Prp/Tp Vardanyan Xmas Party.
Spheres Garou.
Theme Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl7BYlSQ_Ek

Rrrr. Theron parks the jeep. No noise, Heidi's SUV is quiet. She parks beside him in the same parking garage because it's a smoother ride. It's the girls vs the guys in the vehicles now. The Vardanyan Brewery is two blocks to the right and the Mex food truck 2 blocks the opposite direction. And all the boutiques and dress shops, and tuxedo shop are in the same square three blocks away at an outside market mall.

Heidi turns off the engine and opens her door to get out. "This is the best spot to park because it's near everything." She tells the gang. "I've got an account at the tuxedo shop for all of you guys. It's going on the Vardanyan tab. And for the girls, same deal. Your lovely dresses ladies are my special Yule tide treat. So let's live it up!" She cheers. "And after, we'll meet at the Mex truck and pig out. Hopefully one day won't matter and the dresses will still fit." She grins.

Theron hops out of the truck. He was one of the lone Get that was all for dressing up for the black tie event. "Pick the gear and meet for taco's, done and done." he confirms the mission...given the guys coming with, this is a mission.

Evonna has not had too many nice dresses in her life. That was never a focus in her family. But she did have a few for those rare occasions. Being here makes her feel more like an adult. Like a woman, which is a different feeling. "Looking forward to it. The walk is easy enough. I would like assistance picking the right dress. Only ever had them given to me in the past."

Killigrew hops out of the SUV, closing the door behind her. Jeans, a tee over a long sleeved shirt. Chibi Cthulu. "I haven't been shopping for nice things in a while." Her tastes tending to the eclectic. "Same, Evonna. I've never had a nice, growed up dress. Should be fun."

        Ulf hops out of the back of the Jeep -- or truck, today? Truck, I guess -- and hears Heidi out, grinning at her and nodding. "Okay, we've got our appointment at the A Million Bucks Deluxe Tux shop, and they said they can fit us all in under an hour, so I am curious to be seeing if this is true. I am wondering if we will be finished before one of you decides upon a dress." He winks at the ladies, then looks at the gentlemen and says, "Let's try not to pick the same exact outfits, yes? Personality is important."

Heidi looks at the girls, "Let's hope there's someone at the shop who knows what they are doing then." She's wearing jeans and a comfortable tee herself for the outing, and a pair of slip on sneakers. Her hair is up in a ponytail for the night and she looks to fit in a bit more with the city people.

         Like the mom of the group, Heidi asks everyone, "Does everyone have eachother's phone numbers?" She pegs Leif. She isn't sure he has a phone.

Taika piles out of the jeep-a-truck. That's like a jackalope. "Is there a bet going or something? Do I need to be fast or slow? Because if you need me to pick a dress it will take me a bit. The cut isn't the issue, it's just hard matching my eyes." "Well Ive got your number Heidi. So as long as the groups can get a hold of each other?" Theron points out, "We should be good right?" he begins to drift towards A.M.B.D.T.S, as its known for short. Taika gets a chuckle, "Oh she would love it if you showed up in a dress."

Evonna looks over Taika, "I'm thinking something silky, red, and oh, got to be sure to have matching heels and lipstick." She raises her basic flip phone, "I've got it."

Killigrew laughs softly. "Black and slinky?" Keep it simple to go with her pastel hair. "We'll see what they have and what they suggest." she says, hooking her thumbs on her pockets and clustering up with the other ladies. "Black is always safe." Pulling her phone out, she thumbs through, then holds her phone out so numbers can be traded.

Heidi hits the self lock on her SUV. 'Ok Theron." She grins. "A red dress for Taika or one for you, Ev?" She smiles over at her. "I'm fully ok with a masculine guy wanting to be a man but also wanting to feel like a woman in silk or in pink." She sighs, "Jason Momoa wears pink a lot and silk." She glances to the gang and walks over to her Godi. "You want a contest? The ladies are not rushing perfection. You just want to get to the truck." She knows his stomach.

         Heidi leads them to walk toward the market city mall before they split up.

Taika stares at Evonna, "What do you take me for a charlatan? I am a lady of proper standing and res is /not/ my color. Gold shimmery snake-scale print is the only thing that pulls out the color of my Polynesian sun-rise eyes.". He stares at Ulf, "Those are my bed me eyes.". Wink. The Maori heads inside though.

Evonna smiles and gestures to Taika, "Oh Taika can pull that look off. Any look he wishes. I'm thinking more emerald green for me, but I'll leave that to you all to help me decide." She laughs a bit and steps forward to follow Heidi.

        "Considering your build, Taika, I'd go backless on the dress," Ulf notes, nodding appreciatively and blowing the Maori a kiss. "Okay, gents; let's go get weighed and measured by tailors, eh?" He looks to his Valkyrie when she steps up to him, his hands going automatically to her waist and hazel eyes thinning. "You're right. I want a homemade soda and a gigantic basket of soul fries," he admits, leaning in to kiss her and giving her a grin. "But I will make sure I do my diligence. To the tux shop!"

Shopping? Someone told Ben there was shopping to be done? As a man with one outfit, he figured he'd go along - if only to window shop!

"Red, Black, Blue...Guys I dont think it will matter the color of the dress...we will appreciate. Unless its on Taika, then maybe." he jokes lightly. "Make sure you have room for your dagger." he suggests to the ladies...he doesnt really intend to bring a weapon...does he?

"I should get some really tall heels so I can tower over no one but maybe not be stinky arm pit height for a little bit." Zoe would need stilts for that, really.

Evonna nods to Killigrew, "That is some real truth there. All these super tall men."

Heidi kisses Ulf back as they moon eye eachother and then have to break hands. They pull apart as they are preparing to split groups any second now. "Stinky arm pit? No no, everyone has to wear deoderant tomorrow night. Including Leif." She looks at the Maori, "I task you to make sure this happens."

Theron blinks, "Some of these guys dont wear deodorant? Dont worry I will make it my personal mission." Theron gives the guys all a stern look, "Yuck. Stop it."

Taika looks back, "What is dee ode or ant?". He chuckles. "I use all natural ingredients to match my scent. Coconut milk, honey, deer piss, you know, the good smells."

        "Of course I wear deodorant; do you think Heidi would allow anything less?" Ulf replies to Theron with a laugh, letting his lady go. "My deodorant, aftershave balm, cologne, shampoo, body wash, conditioner, and beard oil are all matched or complementary scents. You should see my little toiletry fortress. It has separately spining carousels."
        The Godi sighs, shaking his head, and says, "All right! Ties and pants with me; skirts and heels with Heidi. No judgment on who goes where; be true to you." He claps, and heads off toward aMBDeTS to get fitted.

Ben comes up just as the discussion of splitting ways is going on. "So... ties and pants? Are we getting formal wear?" The man wonders, looking to the others. "Is there an occasion we are preparing for?"

Evonna smiles to Ben, her fellow Forseti. "Heidi's brewery's christmas party. Full on formal party. Should be different and fun!" Heidi fills in Ben. "It's a work Christmas Party and I invited the Fenri." She whispers. "You ..." hehe, "Are going with the guys to get fitted for a tux. My treat with Ulf. Merry Yule tide. And tomorrow night its a party at the Blue Pearl."

          • The guys and girls go their separate ways.*******
         Heidi barrels into the expensive dress boutique shop with the other girls. They may look a little rough around the edges but she's already stopped by to arrange fittings. Her hands raise into the air with excitement and she greets Lily and Dale, two attendants working the counter and the dressing rooms. "Hello, we finally made it!" 
         The french Lily greets the rest, "Bonjour! Oui, I was expecting you. Ladies you are ready for dresses to go to a party, non? It's tomorrow? We have plenty of work to do!" She clap claps, her hands. 
         Dale comes out with yellow tailor tape around his shoulders as he swings his hips in finesse. He sizes the group, immediately checking seasonal colors, and body shape. "I suppose we can work this. Hello ladies!"

French! This must be the epitome of the fancy place where bridesmaids get their dresses. It's a bit overwhelming to Killi, really, eyes wide, afraid to touch anything. Hands go right into her pockets and she turns in a slow circle. "Hooolyyyy shit, Heidi." Whispering, but kind of loud.

Evonna is not usually intimdated, but there is a lot going on here. She'll muster up for this, of course. "Well show us what you can do with us. Make us pretty!"

         There is a big area in the back of the shop through a rounded ceiling door. It is like a living room with two sofas, a couple cream colored chairs, a big stepping block in front of a mirror, and more racks along the back walls full of gowns in professional looking zip up bags. 
         Lily offers them all a refreshment, of bubbly champagne.
        Dresses. Does Rook even wear dresses? Let's be frank, there was a McDonald's on the way, and a very insistent need for chicken nuggets. What she's going to have to endure after that? Well... best of luck with this. The tattooist is wearing black courderoy overalls atop a white wifebeater, apparently unbothered by the cold. It's powder-blue hair today, falling in layers to mid-back, and an eye color to match. Perfectly.
         Heidi grins, "Lily comes to the tasting room sometimes with Dale. They are good people." And it's fabulously rich looking in here. She whispers to the girls, "We're warriors every day. One night we can be whatever we want." 
         Dale comes over to Evonna first. He ushers her over for tape measuring and he's a pro. "Not every bitch can wear the classiest color of all time...and have /I/ a dress that sings your inner diva! Wait here." 
         Dale scurries off and brings back Evonna her silver dress. He snaps his fingers. "All eyes on this one! Go try it on." 

         Next victim of splurge. He looks to Rook. Then Evonna. Then Heidi. He taps his chin.
         Lily brings out champagne poured for the four ladies. The flutes are pretty crystal with silver stems.

Evonna blinks seeing the dress, wondering if it will fit and how it will look. She shrugs and moves to a dressing room and tries it on. "Can I get a bit of help with the zipper?" Presumabling someone who works there can help, and she steps back out for them to see her in the dress. Picking up the offered champagne glass she holds it, attempting to look fabulous! "What do you think?"

Killigrew blurts out, in the wake of Heidi's whisper. "I wanna be -pretty-." Then blushes faintly. Damned Get and they're 'be brutally honest' training. "And TALL." She rises on tiptoe and tries to prance a little.

Rook doesn't seem to be on the cooperative side of the shopping situation. After scowling at a few of the elegant selections offered up, the small Kin is starting into the rest of the store -- unsupervised. There are shifts there. Lacy things. Maybe even a weird skirt.

         Dale whips out his yellow tape off his shoulders as he eyes Rook. But then he totally pulls a Fonz. "Oh hell no." He eyes her up and tosses the tape over one shoulder, with a big swing of hot damn, I don't need this. His hands hover to wave in front of himself, as if making a silhouette. "You don't need a dress. When God made you, darling, you /are/ the dress." He turns his head and asides "LILY!" 
         Lily smirks and looks over. She's used to Dale and his celebratory life-style. "Yes, dear." 
         Dale says, "Purr-fection! Found it." He taps his chin and eyes Rook again, thinking of inventory. "Let's go... 

almost naked. How devilishly fun is that! This way, we don't get... arressssted!" He sings. He goes to fetch a dress for Rook.

         Dale returns. 

Lily goes to help Evonna zip. "I got you."
         Dale gives Rook her dress. "Now don't let the angels bitch over your dress. Go try this on, honey." 

Heidi looks at Killigrew, "We're screwed." she mumbles as Rook is getting her dressed.

Rook's glancing back to Dale as the man grows excited, and she's stalling her attempted escape long enough for him to make his less-than-concealing suggestion. Up goes an eyebrow, a moment's consideration, and then one of those 'didn't you could do it, but...' kind of expressions. Into one of the dressing rooms, and back out in roughly thirty seconds. There's nothing terribly complicated there. Once back in site, she's making a small spin, staring down at the skirt that flares around her. "I look like a fucking girl."

"Probably. But I've always been short. I'm used to people putting things on high shelves." Killi replies to Heid, giving her a grin.

         Lily gasps. She looks at Evonna now stepping aside in front to see the silver dress and then one more step back, and she is looking at Rook in hers. "Oui, Oui, Zut'alors!" She claps her hands together twice. 
         This clapping noise makes Dale even more excited, and he sings... "Transfooormation! It's happening..." he smiles, and makes Rook and Evonna twirl around with a turning of his finger in the air. "Be Cinderella ladies." He sighs, with a hand to his heart, "Lily, my work is half done." 
         Dale looks back to Killigrew and Heidi. 

         Heidi pulls out her camera and takes pictures of Rook and Evonna all dressed up. She smiles too, "You both do look beautiful."

Magic! Zoe looks to the two in their dresses, eyes wide with wonder. "Ohhh, wow. Maybe there's hope, Heidi." she whispers, then looks to Lily and Dale, hoping they didn't hear that. Whoops!

         Dale barks, "No pictures!" He waves the camera away and out of her hands. "It's not complete without accessories ... yet." He informs Heidi, "Do you open the gallery for the crowd before the painting is dry? Neoooww." 

Evonna giggles, the champagne bubbles making her feel light. "I never imagined myself in something this.. expensive. It is beyond beautiful. Oh Heidi, look!" She is just all smiles! Not just a warrior! A Princess! "We will all be princesses at this party!"

         Dale hones in on Killigrew like a shark. He walks around her inspecting in two different circles. "Oh, I like this one." He smiles over to Lily. His head swivels up at Killigrew's hair and then at her colorful choice of eyes. "In a world of dark, dreary, rainclouds, and sad puppy eye tears, and taxes, you girl are a beautiful puddle of rainbow paint on a palette waiting to be explored!" He walks behind her, measuring her tattoos. "And seen." 
         He ho hums, and Dale calls over. "LILY!" 
         Lily is making sure that Rook's dress is the perfect length for her height. "Yes dear." 

Dale says, "Call Prospect Museum and tell them to cancel all their exhibits. Tell them to burn their paintings!" He tuffs! "We are going to display her and frame her like the beauty she is. She is an expression of true color." His hands go to his lips. "OH! Isn't this exciting!"

         Dale goes to fetch Killigrew's dress, and returns with a backless dress to frame her like a beautiful silhouette topped with vibrant color. 

         Dale snaps his fingers. "Try it on!"
         Heidi smiles at Evonna drinking champagne and she sneaks over for a glass too. One glass of bubbly before she's sold to a fashion magazine as a description. "One perfect night, Evonna, yes. There's going to be dancing."

<Phone> (Text to Ulf) Three dresses down, one to go. I'm last. <Phone> (Text from Ulf) I am last, as well, and will be fitted when Leif or Detlef is done, whomever is first.

A rainbow? There's a mild flutter of panic, then a nervous laugh. "Oh, geeze, I hope they don't stuff me." she blurts awkwardly, moving as he needs for the measuring, cheeks bright red under such skilled scrutiny. Taking the offered dress, she scuttles to the changing room and disappears to slip it on. Without heels, it's a bit long, and she spends some time just staring the mirrors. Graduating from torn jeans and Chibi Chtulu to a young woman in a sleek black sheath with a thigh slit on the left. "...oh."

        Stunned, in a good way, she gathers the dress in hand so she doesn't walk on it, and comes out, cheeks bright, eyes wide, grinning hugely.
         Lily and Dale stand together united just waiting for Killigrew to come out. 
         Lily asks Dale, "Cost in .." 
         Dale snaps at her. Even though Lily is the boss. Dale is the artist here. 
         "Cost is no concern. We must have the perfect frame." He nods with satisfaction at Killigrew. "Van Gogh can kiss my gay ear! You look gorgeous!" 
         He flips the end of his one yellow measuring tape over a shoulder. 
         Lily guides Killi to a mirror while she refills champagne glasses for the other girls.

Evonna just seems to love Dale. He's a hoot and a half. "If only there was a Prince Charming. I'll have to settle for .. a brother." She wrinkles her nose. "Still the party will be amazing, I'm sure."

         Heidi looks to Evonna, 'Is there someone else in the... group you might want to ask to go with you?" She's careful with gaian terminology here. 

         A pause. Dale looks at Heidi. And Heidi looks at Dale. War. Might be war. 

         Dale approaches Heidi and takes her glass from her. He sets it down, and then places a hand to each of her shoulders in front. "Darling. There can be no yodeling. No yodelai, yodeloo, yodeeeelahaey'ing type dress at this party." He makes it sound like a garbling singing gay goat. He sighs, like he's about to tell her that her Aunt is dead. 
         "So I burned the dress you wanted imported from Upsalla. It was a Michael Kors nightmare breeding with K-Mart that died 50 centuries ago." 
         Heidi's eyes go wide. "But I li.." 
         Dale puts a finger on her lips. "No yodel-no's." He tuffs, "The brewmaiden needs to wear a dress of ice tomorrow evening. And be the icey-bitch I know you can be. The work war room is not a place for women. You go in there, and ice the floor tomorrow. No Snow Queens! Only Snow bitches." He warns her. 
         And Dale goes away to get her ice bitch dress.
         Dale comes out with Heidi's dress and gives her a gentle 'go now' push to her back. Heidi leaves to the dressing room. 
         Dale eyes the group. "Accessories!" He sings. And turns his head to Lily right beside him. "LILY!" 
         Lily lifts a brow up at him, "Yes dear." 
         Dale grins, "Bring all the Queen's jewels I picked out for each lady. The black velvet case. You know the one." 
         Lily is having a good time too, but this is how they do things here. "Maintenant?" 
         Dale says, "Oui, c'est heurs." It's sexier when he speaks pappy le peux.
         Heidi steps out in her blue silver ice gown that is floor length and when she turns it is dangerously low in the back. She looks at all the other girls and her eyes are a bit wide. "I look like..." She looks to Killi, Evonna, Rook, "We all look.." she's stunned. It takes her a moment but she does a little twirl in the dress and sort of smiles like the dress is growing on her. "We don't look human." 
         Dale overhears as he's bringing out boxes of shoes all marked with their names. "Beauty is human, darling. And that you are.." he sings. He looks over to Lily, "My work is done." He smiles at the girls, all satisfied.

"Yeah." It's an awed word, small but -awed-, from Killigrew. The shoes are slipped on and she just can't stop beaming that huge grin. "I'm pretty AND tall." Two criteria checked off in aces. Looking to everyone, she squeaks and clickityclacks trying to herd them all up for a huge hug.

Heidi steps in to do a group hug with a selfie. "Say Spoooooon!" She smiles.

Evonna finishes her flute of champagne and then changes out of her dress, back into regular clothes. She sees Heidi in her gown and just stares! "You look stunning!"

Killigrew changes back to her street clothes with a tiny pout. Short again! But only until tomorrow. Then she can be a tall princess again.

Heidi has to get out of her dress too so everything can be packaged. Once back in jeans and a tee, she downs a quick two glasses worth of champagne. "I need strength." She laughs. "Whew." She walks up front and works with Lily on sending the bill over to her home office. "Ok girls, let's go get some food."

         Dale blows them each kisses as they go out the door!
         Lily waves, "Merci! Come again!"