Elodie Hart

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Elodie Hart

"Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."

Elodie 10.jpg

Date of Birth: July 12th, 1991
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6"
Build: Slim
Apparent Age: Early Twenties
Hometown: Santa Monica, California
Occupation: Muckraker
Appearance: Fdot.pngFdot.pngFdot.pngFdot.pngEdot.png
Perception: Fdot.pngFdot.pngFdot.pngFdot.pngEdot.png
Investigation: Fdot.pngFdot.pngFdot.pngFdot.pngFdot.png


No pages meet these criteria.

Elodie 1.gif

RP Hooks

  • Santa Monica: Where all of the bodies are buried. No longer home, but of great sentimental value.
  • Muckraker, Gossip: Everyone wants to climb the social ladder, but from down here I can see the dog shit on your Louboutin shoes.
  • Prospect: Synonyms - Anticipation. Vision. Forecast. Plan. Dig. Expectation. Hope.
  • Media Start-up: She recently left her position as editor for the Santa Monica Herald, and filed for a business license for a media company called 'Divulgence Media.'


VegardSide.jpg Vegard: Our Imperator. He is the measure by which I will weigh all future leaders.

Elodie 3.jpg The Girl In the Mirror: I know that she's up to something, but maybe she can be useful to me.

Oleksiy1.png Oleksiy: The Sheriff who let me keep my blood. I'm already a fan.

ElPaige2.jpg Paige: Pretty words, but is there really a pot of gold at their end?

Elodie 11.jpg
