
From City of Hope MUSH
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Languages / Linguistics stat

You can find this same information below on the game with: +rules ling

Clarifications on Languages:

xxxxx* We don't do per-language skill levels. A language is at 0 or it is at 5.

xxxxx* The number of languages you get per level of linguistics is by the books.

xxxxx* Your native language is free.

xxxxxxxxxx- Everyone gets one free language, normally English.

xxxxxxxxxx- Garou also get Garou and Lupine, and similar for fera.

xxxxxxxxxx- Demons also get Enochian.

xxxxxxxxxx- Inanimae also get Inanimica and phylum dialect. (Mannikin don't have their own phylum dialect, and can understand all the others but not speak them).

xxxxx* Languages per level are thus:

xxxxxxxxxx- Linguistics 1: 1 extra language

xxxxxxxxxx- Linguistics 2: 2 extra languages

xxxxxxxxxx- Linguistics 3: 4 extra languages

xxxxxxxxxx- Linguistics 4: 8 extra languages

xxxxxxxxxx- Linguistics 5: 16 extra languages

xxxxx* These are totals, e.g. raising Linguistics from 1 to 3 gives you 3 (not 6) more languages.

xxxxx* Once you've reached Linguistics 5, additional languages can be purchased for 3 XP each.

xxxxx* Leaving out English entirely will significantly restrict your RP. Please think carefully about this and don't use it to hog the spotlight.

The above list of how many languages you get per dot is not that you get, for instance 4 /more/ languages when you go from 2 dots to 3 dots. It is from the base of your one native language.

How do I speak in languages on the game?

We have code now "+help +speak" which will have you pose to those that have your language of choice:

xxxxx+speak French=Ooo lala!
xxxxxJimmy says in French, "Ooo lala!"

The rest of the room will only see:

xxxxxJimmy speaks in another language.

There is no way to add it into a bigger pose, or emote or @emit with it though, thus it has limitations. Alternatively, you can use google translate to use the actual words if you choose. Sometimes still, the best option is something like this:

xxxxxJohn speaks in French, "Where is the bathroom?"

For some spheres, speaking in what might be a native breed tongue for them, such as Garou, Lupine, etc, it is typical to see people pose it like this:

xxxxxThe white wolf chuffs, >> Over there is the food. <<

Keep in mind - some people will reverse the << and >>, which is acceptable, but if the scene is being logged and put up on the wiki, it may need switched around, or at least spaces added so it is not <<words>> because if you begin your words with 'I' then it causes formatting issues. Easier to reverse it and not forget later. But all your choice.

What Languages are currently available?

This list is available on the game by typing: +liststats langs

If there is a language missing you would like to see added, open up a +request and staff will decide.

 Lang Afrikaans           Lang Ajaba               Lang Akkadian
 Lang Aleut               Lang Algonquian          Lang Ananasi
 Lang Ancient Egyptian    Lang Ancient Greek       Lang Apache
 Lang Arabic              Lang Aramaic             Lang Arcadian
 Lang Armenian            Lang Asl                 Lang Assyrian
 Lang Avian               Lang Bear                Lang Belarusian
 Lang Bengali             Lang Bosnian             Lang Bulgarian
 Lang Cajun               Lang Cambodian           Lang Canine
 Lang Cantonese           Lang Cervine             Lang Cherokee
 Lang Cheyenne            Lang Choctaw             Lang Circassian
 Lang Comanche            Lang Corax               Lang Coyote
 Lang Cree                Lang Czech               Lang Danish
 Lang Diegueno            Lang Dothraki            Lang Dutch
 Lang English             Lang Enochian            Lang Equine
 Lang Esperanto           Lang Esselen             Lang Estonian
 Lang Ethiopian           Lang Feline              Lang Finnish
 Lang Fox                 Lang French              Lang French Creole
 Lang Gaelic              Lang Garou               Lang German
 Lang Glome               Lang Greek               Lang Gurahl
 Lang Haitian Creole      Lang Hawaiian            Lang Hebrew
 Lang Hindi               Lang Hokkien             Lang Hopi
 Lang Hungarian           Lang Hyaena              Lang Icelandic
 Lang Inanimica           Lang Indonesian          Lang Inuit
 Lang Irish               Lang Iroquois            Lang Italian
 Lang Iwapo'              Lang Japanese            Lang Jive
 Lang Kaja                Lang Kheuar              Lang Kitsune
 Lang Klingon             Lang Korean              Lang Kubera
 Lang Latin               Lang Latvian             Lang Leporine
 Lang Lithuanian          Lang Louisiana Creole    Lang Luganda
 Lang Lupine              Lang Macedonian          Lang Mandarin
 Lang Mayan               Lang Middle Chinese      Lang Mohawk
 Lang Mokole              Lang Mongolian           Lang Nahuatl
 Lang Navajo              Lang Nez Perce           Lang Nigerian
 Lang Norse               Lang Norwegian           Lang Nuwisha
 Lang Ojibwa              Lang Old Aramaic         Lang Old Avestan
 Lang Old Chinese         Lang Old English         Lang Ondine
 Lang Paroseme            Lang Persian             Lang Pictish
 Lang Piscine             Lang Polish              Lang Polynesian
 Lang Portuguese          Lang Punjabi             Lang Quechua
 Lang Quenya              Lang Ranine              Lang Ratkin
 Lang Reptilian           Lang Rodent              Lang Rokea
 Lang Romani              Lang Romanian            Lang Russian
 Lang Samoan              Lang Sanskrit            Lang Scottish
 Lang Seminole            Lang Sending             Lang Serbian
 Lang Shark               Lang Shoshone            Lang Sicilian
 Lang Sign Akashic        Lang Sign Indian         Lang Sign Sabbat
 Lang Sign Strider        Lang Silbo Gomero        Lang Sioux
 Lang Slovak              Lang Solimond            Lang Somali
 Lang Spanish             Lang Spider              Lang Sumerian
 Lang Swahili             Lang Swedish             Lang Tagalog
 Lang Thai                Lang Tibetan             Lang Turkish
 Lang Ukrainian           Lang Vietnamese          Lang Vulcan
 Lang Welsh               Lang Whalesong           Lang Yiddish
 Lang Yupik               Lang Zulu                Number Of Other Languages