Sept Positions

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(Write up about Sept Positions and the Sept in general?)


  • Book Reference: Players Guide to Garou pages 110-114

  • Grand Elder

xxxxx- First among equals and the ultimate authority in the Sept

xxxxx- Currently Held By: (NPC) Anthony Richards / Speaks for Justice

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes: This is an NPC-held position by Staff verdict.

  • Council of Elders

xxxxx- The highest-ranked Garou of the Sept

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Alecto, Brooke, George, Iris, Jake, Johanna, Journey, Sergei, Skully

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Sept Leaders

xxxxx- Garou of note who hold positions of authority and respect despite not yet attaining the Rank of Elder.

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Aldric, Connor, Lleutrim, Sten, Vasyl, Wazi

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

Sept Positions

  • Den Parent (Father or Mother):

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Johanna

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Gatekeeper:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Vacant/Unnamed NPC

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Guardians:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Vacant/Unnamed NPCs

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Keeper of the Land:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Vacant/Unnamed NPC

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Master of the Challenge:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Skully Pridemore / Weathers-the-Storm

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Master of the Howl:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Brooke Spencer / Hushed Blaze

xxxxx- Tradition: The Mistress of the Howl is charged to lead the Moot's various howls, songs, and chants at the early part of the Moot. The role is most often filled by a Galliard, but anyone who knows the Moot Rite and has the talent to lead the howls may suffice. It is a position which requires great charisma and gravity, as well as a strong understanding of the importance of these rituals in Garou society.

xxxxx- In Practice: Far more than a simple choirmaster, the Mistress of the Howl is responsible for evoking the emotions of the Garou at a Moot in the proper ways at the correct time, tying them all together through howl and song into reverence for their ways, their past, and their ancestors. It is a holy calling, and one with great responsibility toward properly directing the morale and energy of the Sept in the proper direction.

xxxxx- OOC Notes: The Mistress of the Howl is personally responsible for the Opening Howl section of the Moot as well as the Moot Rite proper, and is currently responsible for the collation and presentation of the Moot posts themselves. Considered a Moot position in most Septs, our Mistress of the Howl serves in a more permanent position both for the curation of Moots and the overall managing of Garou tales and songs submitted by players.

  • Master of the Rite:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: (NPC) Mara / Bane-Breaker

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Patrol Captain:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Sergei Ivanov / Howling-Wind

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Truthcatcher:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Alecto / Howls-at-High-Moon

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Warder:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: (NPC) Billy Johnson / Iron Flail

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes: NPC Position as he never leaves the Caern.

  • Wyrm Foe:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Jake Miller / Defiant Storm

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Guardians:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Most of the Sept

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

Moot Positions

  • Caller of the Wyld:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Connor McMurrough / Shining-Walker

xxxxx- Tradition: Most often occupied by a Theurge, this Moot Role involves calling forth and honoring the Totem of the Caern as well as the Totems of the Sept's member Tribes. The role requires a strong familiarity with the various spirits of the Sept as well as skill at dealing honorably with Totems who may be opposed to one another.

xxxxx- In Practice: While primarily a Moot Position, the Caller of the Wyld may also serve as a sort of second to the Mistress of the Rite (who may hold both positions in smaller Septs) and do more intermediary work with resident Totems and the Caern Totem itself. The Caller of the Wyld in a larger Sept may also plan more theatrical Moot invocations involving Shining Ones, Garou Septmates who take on the roles of the Totems summoned during the Moot.

xxxxx- OOC Notes: The Caller of the Wyld is usually responsible for writing their part of the monthly Moot, but has the option of taking on a greater expanded role as detailed above should they so choose. The Caller of the Wyld also posts the monthly Renown Report detailing (obviously) the gaining and losing of Renown, advancements in Rank, and new Garou arrivals to the Sept.

  • Fool, the:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Changes Monthly

xxxxx- Tradition:

xxxxx- In Practice:

xxxxx- OOC Notes:

  • Talesinger:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Vasyl Madovich / War Cry

xxxxx- Tradition: The Talesinger is responsible for weaving the deeds of the Sept's Garou into story and song to spread the word of their actions and bring Renown to their names. The Talesinger is thusly a very social role, both among Garou and spirits which carry word of Garou actions, and is considered a hub of news and gossip because of it. The Talesinger is usually a Galliard, but any Garou who has a way with words and a knowledge of songs and tales of yore and of late can fill the role.

xxxxx- In Practice: A highly-coveted Moot position (especially among Galliards), the Talesinger position comes with a great deal of prestige and not a little power and influence, as a well-told tale of Garou heroism can elevate the standing of any Garou, whereas a ballad damning a hero with faint praise can see one's star fall in the eyes of the Sept. Functionally the Sept's top Galliard, even those with no interest in the role of Talesinger are invested in who holds the job at any time.

xxxxx- OOC Notes: The Talesinger is considered the primary source for stories and songs for Moots and other social events, as well as an assist to the Mistress of the Howl when it comes to compiling Moot posts (especially and specifically stories from the Sept). The position can also function a a social nexus for news and gossip about the activities of the Sept, be they recent or historic.

  • Shining Ones:

xxxxx- Currently Held By: Changes Monthly

xxxxx- Tradition: In larger or more theatrical Septs, the Caller of the Wyld may enlist Garou to assist in representing the Sept's various Totems during a Moot. Called the Shining Ones, the Caller of the Wyld selects a Garou from each Tribe represented in the Sept, as well as one Garou to embody the Caern Totem itself. Each Shining One is called upon to perform as their Totem role when that Totem is invoked, dancing or moving in the manner of that Totem and symbolically becoming them for the Rite.

xxxxx- In Practice: The Sept of the Enduring Spirit has not historically called upon Shining Ones to perform during the Moot, but this is not to say that it cannot or will not ever be done. Should it be enacted, it will be considered a great honor to be chosen for a month, and may come with some minor spiritual duties attached.

xxxxx- OOC Notes: The use and choosing of Shining Ones for the Moot happens at the sole discretion of the Caller of the Wyld, who may also have additional tasks for them to perform.