
From City of Hope MUSH
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Living Legends "China has many dragons. In fact, I had to defeat Shou Lao the Undying to gain some of my mystical powers..."
Dreams Wrapped In Flesh "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."
Magisters Mundi "Chinese black magic is nothing to sneeze at. Still, it pales in comparison to the elemental magic that I learned at the Wudan Mountain..."
Mortal "Their deeds can echo in eternity. Or fade in the blink of an eye. Let me tell you a story..."

Stars Cast From Heaven "The celestial bureaucracy's castoffs. I once had to go toe to toe with a Devil-Tiger over a wager he refused to pay up on..."
Cold And Dead "Its the ugly ones that you really gotta avoid. The pretty ones, not so much. Or is it the other way around?"
True Beastmen "The Beast Courts are an interesting thing to behold. I have been an honored guest at many of their functions..."
Echoes Of Humanity "Who doesn't love a Chinese ghost story? There was this one girl I would speak to in the dark alleys of K'un Lun. I gave her my wish, but it wasn't enough..."