Isaac Murphy

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Mortal.png "Knowledge is power." Mortal.png

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The Others
Vampire "Fascinating subjects."
Werewolf "Very scary and very powerful. Still need to learn a lot more."
Wraith "I havn't even begun to study the dead."
Changeling "Wait? Faeries? This harbors looking into."
Mage "Mortals with the powers of Gods. I don't even know where to start digging."
Mortal "Nobody really understands. Why can't they see it? Why can't they see the monsters that surround them?"
Demon "Can be super dangerous. No knowledge is worth your soul, remember that."

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Cross "Holy shit."
Mary "Both beautiful and dangerous. I dare not touch, less I get burned."
Grigg "Fascinating. I won't fall for that trick again."
Lexus "I'll be your toy, for now. You are far too interesting to let pass by."
Carolyn "A crimson covered canvas... The most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
LaVey "He wants to kill me. Oh shit, what do I do?"

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RP Hooks

The Magic Man

Isaac has some weird shit happen around him; plants grow at his touch, phones and radios pick up static and manmade lighting tends to go on the fritz.

In The Know

Isaac has some knowledge about the Supernatural.

I wanna play a game

Are you a vampire? Then maybe I have a special scene just for you!

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Isaac Murphy

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Date of Birth: September 12
Age: 18
Nationality: Caucasian
Occupation: Florist
Height: 5-9"
Weight: 130lbs
Eyecolour: Black
Hair Colour: Black

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Who is this strange cloaked figure?

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