Modecai Jack

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Mortal.png "I'm no hero, I'm no villain. I'm just man who survives however possible." Mortal.png

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Modecai Jack/Stereotypes

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RP Hooks
"Fucker bleeds from his eyes, what kinda voodoo shit is that? Must be a disease or something. Either way, creeps me the fuck out."


"He's like Robin Hood, he steals from the rich and moderately wealthy and gives to the poor. I doubt he does it outta charity though. Either way, it's clever marketing. Cops are reluctant to bust him, else they might start a riot. That, and they got nothin on him."

Criminal Family

"His father and his grandfather have all been in crime. His grandfather was in the Mafia. Come to think of it, they all look damn near identical. Strong genes, that family."

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Modecai Jack/Soundtrack

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Modecai Jack/Achievements

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Modecai Jack

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Date of Birth: Unknown
Age: Appears to be early thirties
Nationality: American Italian
Occupation: Who knows
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 147
Eyecolour: Black
Hair Colour: Dirty Blond

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Notable Stats
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Manipulation PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png

Influence Crime: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Fame: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Beacon of the Unholy