Ricci/RP Hooks

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To Trap a Pooka

  • Break it Down
    In the mundane side of things, Ricci is a hip hop dance instructor. He is willing to teach anyone, and I mean, anyone how to dance--because he believes everyone has the potential to feel the rhythm and get down, g. He also performs, if given the opportunity. Want to learn (or maybe, get together a performance)? He's probably hanging around somewhere.
  • Curiosity + Daredevil = Bad news bears
    Ricci is a walking magnet for all sorts of trouble, and he has a flair for finding himself at the wrong place at the wrong time. He's that one member of a party that seems to find themselves falling into all the traps or talking a little too much with the evil chimerical beast. And he somehow is STILL alive, chimerically and not-so-chimerically.
  • Diplomacy
    Ricci has been a herald for a while, previously serving for a sidhe down in SoCal. Need a third party fae? Or maybe just need some arbitrator in general, for other supernatural types? Trust this pooka. He'll help you... Promise.