Sybil Chandler/Stereotypes

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Independent What's worse: not knowing who's side you're on or know you're all out for yourself regardless of the consequences.

Sabbat You are lucky I am not my uncle...and that I do not set you aflame upon sight.

Camarilla We are the pillar of the world and it will continue to be that way.

Ghoul2 Such darling companions as they are just as valuable as another kindred in our circles.

Changeling What...are you?

Werewolf I've always wanted a new pet...

Mage Let's see who's magic is better...

Wraith2 I do not do ghosts...back where you came from.

Mortal Without you I would not be who I am or what I am.

Demon Not surprised about your can go back wherever it is you are from now.