Tomas (SoE)/Hooks

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  • Mage
Tomas is a new Mage in town, and has nobody to vouch for him. Nobody has ever heard of him...
  • Oracular Ability
He is prone to visions. I'm happy to 'have one' to help your plot, background, etc.
  • Science
Tomas is drawn to Science and Engineering... feel free to draw him in!
  • Aura
Wonder why this guy's aura is bright as hell? Highly abnormally? Could be an interesting hook...
  • Kin
He smells like Kin... but nobody knows him around here.
  • Anachronism
He has no ID, no money, and yet he pays for things with small diamonds. If he didn't have Arcane, he'd already have been taken in by the authorities, but perhaps some do eventually notice him...