Vertigo/Paradigm and Foci

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Vertigo is a child of the modern era, where every kid grew up with a computer, internet, cell phone, and other devices that kept everyone connected and made the world a much smaller place. Every religion, culture, place, and idea was at her disposal and she always felt more like a citizen of the planet than of the United States. She could feel connections to people she knew strictly online deeper than anyone she knew in person. The world spoke to her through code, jpegs, media, and especially music. When she awakened, she found herself truly understanding and becoming one with the world, more specifically the means in which everything was connected. No longer was a phone just a way to send a text or hear someones voice, it was now a way to literally travel to that place and see it for herself. No longer was music just something she enjoyed and loved to dance to, but it spoke to her in new ways and opened up her mind to emotions and meaning of not only different artists but the cultures in which they came from. She realizes that everything is connected and nothing is truly separate.