An Honest Con
- Stefan Leopolo is a young man who, after a few years away, has rediscovered and rejoined his old Familia. A flamboyant man, quick to laugh and quicker to smile, he's fond of bright clothing. Except shirts. He does not seem to own shirts, at least not shirts that close. Charming, but in a way that may ring false to some, sort of like a car salesman or a lawyer. Friendly, always with a plan to make a quick buck but never really getting there. He's got an answer for everything, and that answer is usually himself or a service he provides for a nominal fee, of course.
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- Stefan is a bigot, having spent years around a single vampire, and all the while the spirit of his dead great-grandfather telling him all the horrible things one could imagine about such creatures, with little to no truth. He has no real lore about these things, but a lot of racist opinions about them.
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- A nomad, drifter, and conman, Stefan has been all over the US and parts of Canada and Mexico. You may have run into him at some point in any of these places in the last three years or so. Swap meets, camp grounds, burning man, you name it. Have our ships passed in the night?
- Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves
- Stefan is all of these rolled into one. If you have ties to con artists, Romani, or any other shifty sorts, you may have heard of him or had dealings, good or ill, with him in the past. He makes some money selling snake oil or jewelry, though his claims actually seem to be truthful, in regards to his products at least. Need a gift for the wife?
- He's a channeler, a strong one, but not very refined. He's not to the point where he can see wraiths, but he certainly knows that the dead are not gone, nor are they forgotten. He is followed and guided by the spirit of his dead great-grandfather. Papa Stevo, in addition to being Stefan's namesake, perished in the Holocaust along with so many others. Perhaps you knew him then, or since?
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4x4 Sportmobile Van
Stefan's transportation and home is a camper van. A nomad, never in one place for too long, this camper van is Stefan's home wherever he roams. The only difference between this example and his only real possession of value is the color. While the van in these pictures is white, his has been painted a matte greenish color, bordering on olive drab. One might even confuse it for a military scouting vehicle or something of that sort.
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Full Name: Stefan Walther Leopolo
Date of Birth: September 18th, 1991
Heritage: Romani
Race: Mortal+ Psychic Sorcerer
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Height: 6' 02"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Hair: Blue-Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Occupation: Conniving, what else?
Played By: Dino Morea
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- Current Leader of the Kumpania, a relative he'd left behind.
- His Gypsy family, from which he has been years removed, and only just returned.
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Smooth: Stefan was born to run con games, and there's little than he's better at then working that silver tongue of his. Subterfuge rolls are at -2 Difficulty.
Satisfying: Unlike a lot of other people peddling tonics and potions, his wares actually seem to do what he claims they do. An honest gypsy? Maybe, Alchemy and Enchantment are the real truths.
Savory: Born of a long line of Gypsys with special gifts, full of life and mana, his blood is quite the elixir. Each point taken gives two vitae.
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