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- <b><i>[[Hardy]]
==Styx and Stones - Pool Hall==
==Styx and Stones - Pool Hall==

Latest revision as of 17:53, 24 April 2019

2019.04.22: Jailbroken
Dawson meets Blair and the strange one, Hardy
IC Date April 22, 2019
IC Time Early Evening
Players Dawson,Blair, Hardy
Location Styx and Stones
Spheres Mortal+
"Sorry we know we seem odd, we are how we are. There is no I in we."

- Hardy

Styx and Stones - Pool Hall


Blair has finished up a meal, and is finishing up a soda. He leans back a little from Hardy, as he talks, his voice quiet and unassuming "I pop by here some nights. So if you see me and need something, just say, yeah?"

From the back, a white-haired guy in his mid-twenties steps out and is carrying buckets of ice in both hands. The man's heading for the bar seemingly on a mission to refill the box behind the bar so the drinks don't get too warm. His eyes trace to a few of the faces in the place while he crosses the room and weaves in and around the pool tables before he can dump the cargo. "There ya go Danny..." he comments to the Latino bartender who thanks him and asks if he can spot him for a second while he runs to the bathroom. "Sure," Dawson answers, "...I got this."

Hardy nods to Blair "We will ask you when we need something and see you. We thank you for your kindness and wish to aid us" sipped his beer and made a face that he did not enjoy the taste. "And thank you for the beer" he manages to offer Blair, looking over to Danny and Dawson changing places.

"Don't think anything of it. And seriously, man, cool tattoo" Blair offers to Hardy as he finishes up his soda. He lifts his head in a silent nod to the new bartender, not trying to get his attention - just a polite indication. Pulling a phone from his pocket, he checks it - a small ripple of something felt, for those who can (awareness ping - enchanted item)

Hardy perked up as he looked to the trinket the man held "What do you have there Blair?" eyes remain locked on it. Trying to step closer to it and have a better look.

Dawson, now taking over for the Latino bartender, reaches below the bar and grabs a cloth to start wiping things down - possibly just a motion of habit than necessity. The two faces nearest him, Blair and Hardy, get his attention if only just to make sure that they don't need anything. Hardy, the much stronger-looking guy doesn't seem to be anything abnormal for the overall mood and theme of the patrons. Blair, however, with his youthful features, draws the man's attention. What kind of relation do the two guys seem to have? Some older, buff guy bringing chicken...here?

"You two good?" he asks as his eyes continue to flick between them.

"My smartphone" Blair says as he presses it off. "Jailbroken, because I don't believe in letting the basic systems hobble me too much" He gives a casual little shrug to Dawson "I'm just fine. About finished up. You know you're one of the only places open late for a meal?" He asks with a slight grin

Hardy looks to Dawson "Yes we are good" for once using the we in a non royal sense. Looking to Blair "Jailbroken smartphone. Where can we find such for trade? It seems very powerful" he sniffs towards it where he stands. Taking the beer he had and finnishing it making a very unpleased face as he does, having forced the drink down with little pleasure of it.

Ken left and returns moments later. Apparently, he ran out of smokes, and had to bounce real quick to fetch another pack. Maybe even rob a person or two, you can't really tell. He does like his Marlboro after all. A cigarette is sticking out of his mouth when he enters, and for a moment looks to see if there are bikers around. Specifically, bikers of the same clubs that he encountered, cuz God knows how many motorcycle clubs and chapters exist out there. Puffing out smoke, he walks to the bar for beer- and a burger.

"That's sort of the idea," Dawson explains and continues to wipe down the bar for a few minutes, clearing away the empties and stacking the plastic baskets the food comes in - ready to be taken to the back. "You look like you're not liking that beer there bud. You want something else?" Hardy's face can't really be missed and he suggests that maybe he'd like water, coffee or soda or something. "Ain't much but it's not the usual stuff we serve here - all bite and no taste. Cheap drunk as they say." Ken's arrival draws Dawson's attention and he nods to the man and puts in the order for food and drink. "How's it going tonight?" he asks in a polite, if curious tone. The white-haired man's eyes follow Ken with the curiosity of a hungry reporter - or a nervous bar owner.

"I made this one" Blair says with a self-conscious smile "Or, rather, fixed it up properly. I'm not trading yet - want to make sure I can produce them right" As he slips to his feet "Still. I should get going - that was my sister. You look after yourself."

"Huh? Nothing special. Came out to fetch some smoke. Definitely didn't see any biker boys out for retribution, though," Ken says, exhaling a cloud of smoke. He's not saying much tonight, preferring to watch and observe, unless he's addressed to by someone. What's apparent is that he refrains from speaking about what happened previously. Don't wanna catch the wrong people's attention, that is.

Hardy nods to Blair "Ah... when you made another and open for trade, tell us. We wish to trade for Jailbroken Smartphone and we can find better things to trade then jerky" he states "We are quite strong, can help and protect when need be" he looks to Dawson "Beer was not good, but it was given to us. We do not have coin for drink, only jerky" holding up his plastic bag. Hardy was well built but he also was wearing old worn and dirty clothing and the man himself was not in the best of hygiene. Not pig filthy, just unwashed.

"Word has it that you're already on the payroll," he half-heartedly smiles at the idea and explains that he's not had any problem out of the two chapters since that night. "Not that you are - but I think you earned dinner at least." The owner's trying to keep things light - subtly probe the man to see if he might be accepting of such a deal or some variant of it at least.

"We?" the plural pronoun gets Dawson's attention and he shifts his focus from the smoking man (tm) to the muscled guy (tm). It's not the first time the unwashed have rolled through the doors of the Styx but it's definitely new for him to catch two people in one body - or whatever it is that's going on with the guy. "Here," he offers the guy a bottle of cold water from the ice box, "...try this. It's free." The bottle is the cheapest bottled water one can find - something to have in abundance but you don't want to pay that much for it. "Do -we- have a name...er,...names?"

Blair nods, lifting a hand in quiet farewell to the group, slouching on out with a thoughtful, faintly perturbed look You paged Hardy with 'heh, and the weird-crap-o-meter just got a little higher. :)'

Hardy looks at Blair heads out then back to Dawson "We are Hardy, Hardy Lerna" he moves over to the water bottle and picks it up and drinks it carefully, then when it is realized it is cold water he drinks it deeply "This is much better then the beer, and free. Thank you"

A large blond man short hair and a full beard, blue eyes watching around him attentively. Wearing worn and somewhat dirty clothing, either hand me downs or worn for quite a while. Though even in his dirty state he held himself with pride and strength like he had no problem in the world.

The unwashed guy is watched curiously and Dawson repeats the guy's name to make sure he got it right. "You ain't lookin like you've got a reliable bed. Am I right?" he asks - inquiring to see if the man is homeless or not. "No shame - just curious what I'm looking at."

Hardy shakes his head "We do not have a bed, we do not have coin. You are correct" finnishing the bottle of water seeming quite pleased with it compared to the beer. "We do have jerky" he holds up the plastic bag which did contain jerky and dryfoods from a butchershop.

Dawson nods, "I...uh...see." He gives the guy an appraising glance or three and asks if he liked the food here. "Or do you want to keep with your Jerky?" The question seems to be an attempt to find a hook with the guy - a bit of leverage that he can use to bargain with him for something. "You hanging around this part of town or are you just passing through?"

Hardy shrugs "We pass through all of town, we will go to the beach and find showers. Blair said they would be free, when we are clean people will look less oddly upon us.. thursday we will powerspray the tiles for Liberty and wear the coveralls, so industrial washing machine and dryer" nodding to himself more reciting to himself then anyone really.

Low IQ? Mental illness? some combination of both maybe? Dawson's eyes watch the man curiously and tries to take note if he's finished all of the water and, presumably, if he wants another to go with it. "Spray the tiles? Who is liberty?" he asks curiously and notes how every step is being described like a mental list being recited so that he won't forget them. "The showers at the beach will work, yes - and washing your clothes will help too." He sniffs casually - not attempting to insult the man just trying to get a sense of how long its been since he's seen soap.

Hardy has probably not washed in a month maybe even two. Though it was just sweat and dirt, probably from sleeping outside. "Liberty owns the meat store, for trade we will powerspray the tiles" holding up the plasticbag with jerky "It is a fair trade, Liberty is very kind" nodding to himself

Yeah, that's kinda ripe. It's the kind of ripe that he's somewhat used to dealing with but it's still kind of potent. Dawson urges the man to find those showers soon. "You might want to just wash everything in one go - see if that helps until you can get your clothes washed seperately. Use lots of soap," he grins and offers the guy a second bottle of water. "Well, if you get hungry and you're out this way at night stop by. I'll see if we can't find some work for ya to do if you want food." Hardy nods "We will go and wash, we do not have soap. And we are willing to work, we are strong" smiling "City brings many interesting options.. we do not need to hunt or scavange. Kindness can be found. It is nice to see, thank you.. what is your name?"

Again with the weird. "Dawson," he offers his name and his hand at the same time - reaching across the bar to see if the guy will pick up on what the hand is good for. "We...I mean -I-, gods now you got me doing it." he mutters as his pronouns get temporarily messed up, "...I'll see if I can get you some stuff, but uh...where were you before the city? You from out in the woods?"

As though an idea just hit him, he yells for Danny to bring him his bag from his office on his way back up. The Latino guy pauses by the kitchen door, turns and heads into the back for a while before returning with a black, canvas bag. The bag, more of a small gymbag like what one would carry work out clothes in, is set on the bar and Dawson shifts through it for a moment. He pulls out a pair of shoes, a wad of clothing a towel and then finally a bottle of body wash. That's what he was looking for, it seems, and he takes a moment to stuff the rest of things back into the bag.

"Here," he offers the man a small, travel-sized bottle that smells of cedar wood.

Hardy smiles "Sorry we know we seem odd, we are how we are. There is no I in we." grinning abit to himself as he seems to consider himself very clever by that wording "We have lived in the woods as well, hunting and gathering what we could. We lived elsewhere before, and elsewhere before that.... but it seems like lifetimes ago. We must focus on the here and now." he looks to the bag then to the bottle taking it and smiles taking a sniff "This smells very pleasant, we will use this when we wash." putting it in with the jerky in the bag. "We thank you Dawson. Do you wish for a jerky?" offering a piece to him.

Dawson holds up his hand to the man, waiving the gift off. "Nah, I'm good. But seriously - go get cleaned up. Hell, if i..." he considers something for a moment and then shakes the idea out of his head. "No, it's ok. Thanks." He continues folding and stuffing things into his bag and sort of examines it and looks at the guy once more. "The showers on the beach - do they have doors on them?" he asks Danny. "I don't think so. They're mostly for rinsing off the sea water not like -actual- showers." And the thought just makes Dawson chuckle. "We'll you're probably going to get some more weird looks when you try and shower with your clothes on Hardy...but just ignore them. You do you."

Hardy frowns "Clothing be washed with industrial washing machine dryer... if we wash with them they will be wet and clingy... leave trail behind. Poleese will come. No quick no clothes, quick wash, quick gone, no trail no wet." nodding to himself yes but we thank you Dawson. We will return and see if you have work for food" the rejected jerky goes into his mouth.

The white-haired owner nods to the odd man and grabs his bag form the bar to sling it over his shoulder. "Watch yourself out there bud..." he cautions the man and leaves the bar to head into the back.