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(Caressa and Trey talk about the 'incident' two days prior and share knowledge.)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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|icdate    = 02.22.23
|icdate    = 02.22.23
|players  = [[Caressa]], [[Trey]]
|players  = [[Caressa]], [[Trey]]
|location  = The Witches' Brew
|location  = [[The_Witches_Brew|The Witches' Brew]]
|spheres  = [[Changeling]], [[Mage]], [[Sorcerer]], [[Kinain]], [[Bastet]]
|spheres  = [[Changeling]], [[Mage]], [[Sorcerer]], [[Kinain]], [[Bastet]]
When entering the shop, the door will chime from an old-fashioned little bell set above it. First to assault the senses are the scents within the shop, there are heavy herbal smells along with delicious scents of baked goods. Describing the shop itself, it can be considered broken out into two sections. A front section that is the entirety of the front of the shop houses the cafe portion, and a back section that is split in half with one half devoted to tall bookshelves and a wide-variety of books, while the other half is devoted to a huge herbal and apothecary section that includes needed supplies for the practicing pagan. Separating the front and back sections of the shop is a long, rectangular glass counter for specialty items and checkout. It has a narrow space to enter and exit in order to serve customers and check people out from the cash register that is at this counter. There is a sign that states, 'If you can not find the book you are looking for, please enter your request in the special order book.'
<br><br> The front of the store has nooks built against the front windows that are comfortable window seats with piles of cushions for the customers to sit and read, chat or snack comfortably. There are also plush, comfortable seats that have high cushioned arms arranged in cozy triangles around little tables for people to relax and chat. Just to the left beyond the cafe seating is a long glass counter that is displaying a plethora of baked goods, all very interesting and all very delicious. Behind the counter is a barista that can also offer a multitude of drinks, from coffee, to tea, to water or any non-alcoholic drink. All drinks are delivered in unique cups, no two cups are alike, and they are all porcelain.
<br><br> In the far back of the room, behind the bookshelves and shelves of merchandise are two doors that are always closed. One door has a sign on it that says 'Employees Only', the other door says, 'Private'. At the front of the store, there is a set of double-glass doors on the right hand side that lead into an expansive greenhouse, although the glass windows are often misty due to the moisture of the greenhouse beyond.
<br><br>Caressa us sitting at the window table watching people begin their day while she sips from a warm mug.
<br><br>Trey enters the bookstore/coffee shop with a tinkling of the door, his long hair still damp at the ends from a shower. His clothes may be a little worn, but they're clean. He smells faintly of sandalwood at the moment, but that scent is likely lost among the smells of reagents, herbs, and baked goods. He notices Caressa, and offers an affable wave from the coffee counter, getting himself some java and a croissant filled with chocolate. Once he's secured bean juice and sweets, he approaches with a calm, lazy stride, and asks, "Good morning, Doctor, mind if I join you?"
<br><br>Caressa would have eventually noticed him, and the wave. "Feel free." She smiles, "I was rather hoping to run into you again."
<br><br>"Likewise," Trey says, smiling and taking a seat opposite her, easy and graceful as he does. "I hope it's for good reasons!"
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa waffles faintly, "i suppose, though that would be a matter of perspective. lots of things were said the other night I'm curious about."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey hrms and nods slowly. "I suspect there was some concern about the... free way some things were discussed." A pause. "Plus there's the other undropped shoe about our loosely-shared heritage that we did not discuss then."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa nods, "That would be it. But, you are allowed to speak as freely as you like about yourself. Trent's misstep was that he included me with himself, and yes, the shared heritage. Mmm, but last I knew Pooka didn't do sprit magick?"
<br><br>In the nook, Trey says "Understood, and I assure you, I do not intend to discuss these things. I prefer to make friends, and while I like learning things, I don't like doing harm by sharing private information." He laughs softly. "Pooka don't. Pooka *kinain*, however, can be any of a number of things. As you would know, I think. You have the look of the blood of the Fairest Ones."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa nods, "Yeah, a little more down to earth than my cousins. So, far as I'm aware, mundane kinain can have some abilities like the kithain do. But magick, i'm usually correct in my assumptions, if you are being truthful, that means you walk in two worlds."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey  reaches for his coffee and takes a swallow while he listens. "Perhaps so, but it suits you." He pauses, considers what he is about to say, and then admits, "Yes, my magical knowledge is sorcery, not the fae Arts. I walk in all the worlds that will allow my feet -- I explore truths of the mystical sort wherever I find them, but not all of them are things I myself can work."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa sips her tea while she listened, and nods when he is done. "Ah! Hedge magic, or hearth magick. Things make a little more sense now. " Clarity is a wonderful thing and she seems content. "I'm a little more...primordial or dynamic myself. Take your pick."
<br><br><---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> <br>
Trey rolls Intelligence(3) + Enigmas(3) (6 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes. <br>
1 4 +7 +7 +8 9<br>
<br><br>In the nook, Trey says "Exactly," he agrees, his smile lifting at one corner of his mouth. "It's an old tradition among my people. I'm still learning, of course, but I take a lot of inspiration from others as I do so." He considers this truth she shares, and blinks slowly. Oh. OH! Now it becomes more clear. "You are... well, some of the names I have heard aren't flattering, but... a magician, not a sorcerer. One who deals in changing the world, not codifying and working with pieces of it."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa smiles politely. "Many folks call us different things. But yes, thought it does help if i stay within the general world belief. But i only desire to help folks."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey nods. "You have the air of a healer," he says seriously. "Knowing what you chose as your profession helped shape that perception, but you seem..." He mulls over the words, trying to express it without sounding creepy. "Womanly, but in the sense of the healing woman, the mother, the... well, I think you understand. Archetypal. And yes, primal."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa nods, "I do understand. I get that a lot. Some people are okay with it, others ... well, lets say it is easy to spot when a patient has mother issues." She shrug, "You're no where as creepy as Trent was the other day."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey says "Oh, I have no mother issues at all." He says this gaily, with utter sincerity. He exhales and adds, "Trent, I think, has what we used to call Open Mouth, Insert Foot Syndrome, but I like him nonetheless. Do you know Trent's paramour? I met him the other night. I was curious if he was safe enough to talk to."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa says "I've met him but supposedly he's oblivious and entirely... normal, by the world's standard. Now that big guy that was in here the other day? Not to be trusted at all. Give that one a very wide berth, or keep your guard up around him. Bad news everyday if the week.""
<br><br>In the nook, Trey nods slowly. "Normal. Huh. I think he knows more than he lets on, but I may just be hypersensitive." The mention of Riptavian brings an 'ah of agreement. "I kind of got that feeling about him. He gave off just... some very bad vibes, much as I hate to say it that way. Like the sort who laughs at a funeral, you know?"
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa laughs, "Yes, also, not funny!" She shrugs, "As for Massa, you may be right. But they had their rooster with them so i was trying very hard to not make more cock jokes." One of the staff bring over a chocolate dragon croissant, "I think you forgot this." She shakes her head, "Thank you, but please take this" She hands him enough money to pay for it and tip.
<br><br>In the nook, Trey flashes his grin again, and breaks apart his own dragon croissant, taking a small bite with an mmm and a happy expression. "Oh, I met the rooster, it's huge. And I was also resisting the cock jokes." He looks up as the staffer approaches, and chuckles. "You have the staff charmed, I think. Either that or you're just here a lot. I think I'll be here more often myself. the book selection is amazing and the coffee is really good.""
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa grins, "I order the same thing every time I'm here. I half wonder if he picked a rooster just for that reason. Though i admit, the cock was fun." She nods, "This is one of my favorite spots in town. You might like Spoonful of Sugar too, a couple of nice Boggans run it. Really good sweet treats."
<br><br>In the nook,  "I can see why, I love chocolate," he says, taking another neat little bite of his pastry. "From what I've seen of Trent, I wouldn't put it past him to invite the cock jokes just to be funny." His glance takes in the room as she mentions Spoonful, and he says, "Oh, I'll bet the food is incredible, then. I'll have to check it out. And will have to work out if I keep this up." Why? His body is lean and fairly tight -- not musclebound but lithe.
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa may have an engagement ring on her finger, and heavily pregnant, but that doesn't stop her trom appreciating a nicely built body. "With tour metabolism, you'll be fine! It is amazing, more choices than here too. You don't seem much like the bar type either."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey yeahs, "I don't drink much. A little bit every now and then but I don't really like the feeling of being drunk, so I avoid it. Bars are kinda... they always just feel a little sad and dark. I'm more a sunshine kinda cat." He does, however, smile at the praise and note, "I keep active. I walk more than I drive. I mean, I have a car, I just don't use it unless I have to."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa glances out the window, lifting her face towards the sun, "Yeah, me too, about the sunshine. Come summer I'm on the beach every afternoon." The looks back to him, "Ah, you should by Caught in Amber, maybe. We try to keep it lively, celebrate the good memories over the bad. You know those little moments you judt want yo linger in awhile? And really good stuffed mushrooms."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey grins. "I love the beach. I've spent a couple of evenings with some fish n'chips out there reading until I ran out of light." Her next comment about a place he doesn't know about makes him quirk up a brow and ask, "What is it? I mean, what sort of place? I don't really own dress clothes if it's that kind of place. Though I do love stuffed mushrooms."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa grins, "Come as fancy or casual as you like. -Of course- you like fish! I'm pretty sure there's stuff you'd like. If it isn't your thing, there is always Steamed and Hammered. A steampunk tavern, use to be one by a fae but is mine now, still had all the chimerical charm but the connection to the dreaming disappeared."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey says "Oh, then that's good. I have a few shirts without holes." Yes, that's his metric for 'nice.' "Huh. Maybe I should buy an actual shirt with buttons on it someday." He can't be this oblivious, can he? Maybe he can. "Oh, Steampunk, that could be neat. It's sad that it lost the connection, though -- maybe someone could remake it. I mean, *I* can't, but there's got to be one of the Fae who could, and would."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa says "I'm not so worried about that right now. When the time is right. Hmmm.. do you need help with clothing?"
<br><br>In the nook, Trey says "Help? Oh, no, I'm fine for it, I just tend to travel a lot, so I keep it light. I don't own much because I wander. I actually have stuff in about three different cities. Maybe I'll ask Casey to send me some of my stuff from Denver." He's casual about it. "Thank you, though, I appreciate it. But there's people who need it a lot more'n I do."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa  nods, "As you wish." She picks at her pastry while she watches him casually. No doubt an expert at body language. She looks away, back again and finally sighs as though she lost some inner battle. "Please forgive me but I -have- to ask, do you purr if scratched?"
<br><br>In the nook, Trey considers her for a moment, wondering if he'd upset her -- then the question comes, and he laughs. "Yes," he admits, "Under the right circumstances, yeah, I purr." He's utterly unembarrassed at this, just like any cat would be.
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa grins, "Oh, no! it's alright. I love purr-y kitties. You know, they think that the frequency of a cat's purr is self-healing? I need more cats."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey says "It is. Small cats purr to comfort themselves or to heal. Or just because they're happy." He grins, "You seem like someone who'd have cats. If I didn't freak them out, I would. But then, they don't like to move around as much as I do."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa says "I have a couple if cats, that i share with an ex. I don't tend to have pets so much as..erm... exotic friends. If you can see the other side, one of them is always near me."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey shakes his head. "I can't see there, not yet, anyway. It's a skill I still have to explore and master. But in time, I will. Soon. I've actually been working on that."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa smiles and nods. "I see. a skill best taken slow. But then that goes for most exotic skills."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey says "It's my plan to eventually be able to travel there, and the Dreaming, and learn and explore. But like you said, a skill best taken slow, and with care. It wouldn't do to get stuck halfway between one side and the other." He takes another swallow of coffee to chase down another bite of the croissant. "Your exotic friends... they aid you in your workings, right?""
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa makes a motion towards some bit of vacant air, "Only the one does. He's bonded to me. The others are independent. I just keep unpeopled space for them, so they have somewhere safe if they need it. If you ever need a spotter while you're practicing, let me know. We are suppose to orotect each other, right? it is one of the rules."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey leans forward to said air and murmurs, "Hello, friend, sorry I can't see you yet. We'll meet at some point." A slow blink follows and he notes, "Cat-spirits follow you?" That seems to impress him more than expected. "Cat-spirits rarely follow anyone unless bound. That speaks well of you. Not that it's surprising, really." Her offer makes him grin broadly. "That... would be very much appreciated. If nothing else, you could always yank me back if I mess it up."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa chuckles, "No, Karma isn't a cat-spirit. He can look like one sometimes, but he is far more fantastical than that." She nods, "yeah, that was the idea. Or i can take you over if you need that. I don't go often myself, but I have an odd feeling it'd be safer with you around."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey ohs and considers this again. "Did you *create* him, or summon and bind him? I'm curious, because I admit, I don't know all the types of spirits there are." He flashes a quick grin. "Still a kitten, as the saying goes. In terms of learning, at least." He nods agreement and says, "Once I'm close to being able to do it, I'll ask for help. Just for safety -- and, well, yeah, I'm not a bad protector. I'm not like a Troll or anything, but I can fight okay."
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa ohs softly, "Nope. I put out some figs of whomever wanted them and he came to feast. took awhile to build trust of course, like you do with any creature. He's my familiar, i think hedge witches have them too?"
<br><br>In the nook, Trey says "I know that some do, but I don't know if it would work the same for me..." He flicks a finger at one chimerical ear. "Not everything does, because of my nature, though I am certainly game to try. Having a spiritual companion would be really helpful. Figs? Huh! Are they special figs? Grown in a mystic grove, perhaps?""
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa nods, "They are, actually. not a mystic grove but a secret garden." She tilts her head at the flick of his ear. "Totems. Similar but different, maybe. From what i understand the difference in which side cements the bond. if the spirit does it, it is a totem."
<br><br>In the nook, Trey says "Yeah. Totems do the binding for you. That much I know." He looks thoughtful for a moment, and then says, "Someday, I will have to make my own grove, or claim some land. Maybe here, even, I like it here so far. " He returns to the issue of totems and says, "Also a matter of power, I think. A Totem has smaller spirits that serve it.""
<br><br>In the nook, Caressa ooos softly, "huh. I didn't know. I'm no expert on spirits. I prefer the living things." An insistent chirp sounds from her purse. and the phone is quickly retrieved, "Afraid my time is up, I'm needed at the ER for an eval. But here's my card. Don't be a stranger."

Latest revision as of 10:02, 24 February 2023

02.22.23 Coffee with Caressa and a Cat
Caressa and Trey talk about the 'incident' two days prior and share knowledge.
IC Date 02.22.23
Players Caressa, Trey
Location The Witches' Brew
Spheres Changeling, Mage, Sorcerer, Kinain, Bastet

When entering the shop, the door will chime from an old-fashioned little bell set above it. First to assault the senses are the scents within the shop, there are heavy herbal smells along with delicious scents of baked goods. Describing the shop itself, it can be considered broken out into two sections. A front section that is the entirety of the front of the shop houses the cafe portion, and a back section that is split in half with one half devoted to tall bookshelves and a wide-variety of books, while the other half is devoted to a huge herbal and apothecary section that includes needed supplies for the practicing pagan. Separating the front and back sections of the shop is a long, rectangular glass counter for specialty items and checkout. It has a narrow space to enter and exit in order to serve customers and check people out from the cash register that is at this counter. There is a sign that states, 'If you can not find the book you are looking for, please enter your request in the special order book.'

The front of the store has nooks built against the front windows that are comfortable window seats with piles of cushions for the customers to sit and read, chat or snack comfortably. There are also plush, comfortable seats that have high cushioned arms arranged in cozy triangles around little tables for people to relax and chat. Just to the left beyond the cafe seating is a long glass counter that is displaying a plethora of baked goods, all very interesting and all very delicious. Behind the counter is a barista that can also offer a multitude of drinks, from coffee, to tea, to water or any non-alcoholic drink. All drinks are delivered in unique cups, no two cups are alike, and they are all porcelain.

In the far back of the room, behind the bookshelves and shelves of merchandise are two doors that are always closed. One door has a sign on it that says 'Employees Only', the other door says, 'Private'. At the front of the store, there is a set of double-glass doors on the right hand side that lead into an expansive greenhouse, although the glass windows are often misty due to the moisture of the greenhouse beyond.

Caressa us sitting at the window table watching people begin their day while she sips from a warm mug.

Trey enters the bookstore/coffee shop with a tinkling of the door, his long hair still damp at the ends from a shower. His clothes may be a little worn, but they're clean. He smells faintly of sandalwood at the moment, but that scent is likely lost among the smells of reagents, herbs, and baked goods. He notices Caressa, and offers an affable wave from the coffee counter, getting himself some java and a croissant filled with chocolate. Once he's secured bean juice and sweets, he approaches with a calm, lazy stride, and asks, "Good morning, Doctor, mind if I join you?"

Caressa would have eventually noticed him, and the wave. "Feel free." She smiles, "I was rather hoping to run into you again."

"Likewise," Trey says, smiling and taking a seat opposite her, easy and graceful as he does. "I hope it's for good reasons!"

In the nook, Caressa waffles faintly, "i suppose, though that would be a matter of perspective. lots of things were said the other night I'm curious about."

In the nook, Trey hrms and nods slowly. "I suspect there was some concern about the... free way some things were discussed." A pause. "Plus there's the other undropped shoe about our loosely-shared heritage that we did not discuss then."

In the nook, Caressa nods, "That would be it. But, you are allowed to speak as freely as you like about yourself. Trent's misstep was that he included me with himself, and yes, the shared heritage. Mmm, but last I knew Pooka didn't do sprit magick?"

In the nook, Trey says "Understood, and I assure you, I do not intend to discuss these things. I prefer to make friends, and while I like learning things, I don't like doing harm by sharing private information." He laughs softly. "Pooka don't. Pooka *kinain*, however, can be any of a number of things. As you would know, I think. You have the look of the blood of the Fairest Ones."

In the nook, Caressa nods, "Yeah, a little more down to earth than my cousins. So, far as I'm aware, mundane kinain can have some abilities like the kithain do. But magick, i'm usually correct in my assumptions, if you are being truthful, that means you walk in two worlds."

In the nook, Trey reaches for his coffee and takes a swallow while he listens. "Perhaps so, but it suits you." He pauses, considers what he is about to say, and then admits, "Yes, my magical knowledge is sorcery, not the fae Arts. I walk in all the worlds that will allow my feet -- I explore truths of the mystical sort wherever I find them, but not all of them are things I myself can work."

In the nook, Caressa sips her tea while she listened, and nods when he is done. "Ah! Hedge magic, or hearth magick. Things make a little more sense now. " Clarity is a wonderful thing and she seems content. "I'm a little more...primordial or dynamic myself. Take your pick."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Trey rolls Intelligence(3) + Enigmas(3) (6 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 4 +7 +7 +8 9

In the nook, Trey says "Exactly," he agrees, his smile lifting at one corner of his mouth. "It's an old tradition among my people. I'm still learning, of course, but I take a lot of inspiration from others as I do so." He considers this truth she shares, and blinks slowly. Oh. OH! Now it becomes more clear. "You are... well, some of the names I have heard aren't flattering, but... a magician, not a sorcerer. One who deals in changing the world, not codifying and working with pieces of it."

In the nook, Caressa smiles politely. "Many folks call us different things. But yes, thought it does help if i stay within the general world belief. But i only desire to help folks."

In the nook, Trey nods. "You have the air of a healer," he says seriously. "Knowing what you chose as your profession helped shape that perception, but you seem..." He mulls over the words, trying to express it without sounding creepy. "Womanly, but in the sense of the healing woman, the mother, the... well, I think you understand. Archetypal. And yes, primal."

In the nook, Caressa nods, "I do understand. I get that a lot. Some people are okay with it, others ... well, lets say it is easy to spot when a patient has mother issues." She shrug, "You're no where as creepy as Trent was the other day."

In the nook, Trey says "Oh, I have no mother issues at all." He says this gaily, with utter sincerity. He exhales and adds, "Trent, I think, has what we used to call Open Mouth, Insert Foot Syndrome, but I like him nonetheless. Do you know Trent's paramour? I met him the other night. I was curious if he was safe enough to talk to."

In the nook, Caressa says "I've met him but supposedly he's oblivious and entirely... normal, by the world's standard. Now that big guy that was in here the other day? Not to be trusted at all. Give that one a very wide berth, or keep your guard up around him. Bad news everyday if the week.""

In the nook, Trey nods slowly. "Normal. Huh. I think he knows more than he lets on, but I may just be hypersensitive." The mention of Riptavian brings an 'ah of agreement. "I kind of got that feeling about him. He gave off just... some very bad vibes, much as I hate to say it that way. Like the sort who laughs at a funeral, you know?"

In the nook, Caressa laughs, "Yes, also, not funny!" She shrugs, "As for Massa, you may be right. But they had their rooster with them so i was trying very hard to not make more cock jokes." One of the staff bring over a chocolate dragon croissant, "I think you forgot this." She shakes her head, "Thank you, but please take this" She hands him enough money to pay for it and tip.

In the nook, Trey flashes his grin again, and breaks apart his own dragon croissant, taking a small bite with an mmm and a happy expression. "Oh, I met the rooster, it's huge. And I was also resisting the cock jokes." He looks up as the staffer approaches, and chuckles. "You have the staff charmed, I think. Either that or you're just here a lot. I think I'll be here more often myself. the book selection is amazing and the coffee is really good.""

In the nook, Caressa grins, "I order the same thing every time I'm here. I half wonder if he picked a rooster just for that reason. Though i admit, the cock was fun." She nods, "This is one of my favorite spots in town. You might like Spoonful of Sugar too, a couple of nice Boggans run it. Really good sweet treats."

In the nook, "I can see why, I love chocolate," he says, taking another neat little bite of his pastry. "From what I've seen of Trent, I wouldn't put it past him to invite the cock jokes just to be funny." His glance takes in the room as she mentions Spoonful, and he says, "Oh, I'll bet the food is incredible, then. I'll have to check it out. And will have to work out if I keep this up." Why? His body is lean and fairly tight -- not musclebound but lithe.

In the nook, Caressa may have an engagement ring on her finger, and heavily pregnant, but that doesn't stop her trom appreciating a nicely built body. "With tour metabolism, you'll be fine! It is amazing, more choices than here too. You don't seem much like the bar type either."

In the nook, Trey yeahs, "I don't drink much. A little bit every now and then but I don't really like the feeling of being drunk, so I avoid it. Bars are kinda... they always just feel a little sad and dark. I'm more a sunshine kinda cat." He does, however, smile at the praise and note, "I keep active. I walk more than I drive. I mean, I have a car, I just don't use it unless I have to."

In the nook, Caressa glances out the window, lifting her face towards the sun, "Yeah, me too, about the sunshine. Come summer I'm on the beach every afternoon." The looks back to him, "Ah, you should by Caught in Amber, maybe. We try to keep it lively, celebrate the good memories over the bad. You know those little moments you judt want yo linger in awhile? And really good stuffed mushrooms."

In the nook, Trey grins. "I love the beach. I've spent a couple of evenings with some fish n'chips out there reading until I ran out of light." Her next comment about a place he doesn't know about makes him quirk up a brow and ask, "What is it? I mean, what sort of place? I don't really own dress clothes if it's that kind of place. Though I do love stuffed mushrooms."

In the nook, Caressa grins, "Come as fancy or casual as you like. -Of course- you like fish! I'm pretty sure there's stuff you'd like. If it isn't your thing, there is always Steamed and Hammered. A steampunk tavern, use to be one by a fae but is mine now, still had all the chimerical charm but the connection to the dreaming disappeared."

In the nook, Trey says "Oh, then that's good. I have a few shirts without holes." Yes, that's his metric for 'nice.' "Huh. Maybe I should buy an actual shirt with buttons on it someday." He can't be this oblivious, can he? Maybe he can. "Oh, Steampunk, that could be neat. It's sad that it lost the connection, though -- maybe someone could remake it. I mean, *I* can't, but there's got to be one of the Fae who could, and would."

In the nook, Caressa says "I'm not so worried about that right now. When the time is right. Hmmm.. do you need help with clothing?"

In the nook, Trey says "Help? Oh, no, I'm fine for it, I just tend to travel a lot, so I keep it light. I don't own much because I wander. I actually have stuff in about three different cities. Maybe I'll ask Casey to send me some of my stuff from Denver." He's casual about it. "Thank you, though, I appreciate it. But there's people who need it a lot more'n I do."

In the nook, Caressa nods, "As you wish." She picks at her pastry while she watches him casually. No doubt an expert at body language. She looks away, back again and finally sighs as though she lost some inner battle. "Please forgive me but I -have- to ask, do you purr if scratched?"

In the nook, Trey considers her for a moment, wondering if he'd upset her -- then the question comes, and he laughs. "Yes," he admits, "Under the right circumstances, yeah, I purr." He's utterly unembarrassed at this, just like any cat would be.

In the nook, Caressa grins, "Oh, no! it's alright. I love purr-y kitties. You know, they think that the frequency of a cat's purr is self-healing? I need more cats."

In the nook, Trey says "It is. Small cats purr to comfort themselves or to heal. Or just because they're happy." He grins, "You seem like someone who'd have cats. If I didn't freak them out, I would. But then, they don't like to move around as much as I do."

In the nook, Caressa says "I have a couple if cats, that i share with an ex. I don't tend to have pets so much as..erm... exotic friends. If you can see the other side, one of them is always near me."

In the nook, Trey shakes his head. "I can't see there, not yet, anyway. It's a skill I still have to explore and master. But in time, I will. Soon. I've actually been working on that."

In the nook, Caressa smiles and nods. "I see. a skill best taken slow. But then that goes for most exotic skills."

In the nook, Trey says "It's my plan to eventually be able to travel there, and the Dreaming, and learn and explore. But like you said, a skill best taken slow, and with care. It wouldn't do to get stuck halfway between one side and the other." He takes another swallow of coffee to chase down another bite of the croissant. "Your exotic friends... they aid you in your workings, right?""

In the nook, Caressa makes a motion towards some bit of vacant air, "Only the one does. He's bonded to me. The others are independent. I just keep unpeopled space for them, so they have somewhere safe if they need it. If you ever need a spotter while you're practicing, let me know. We are suppose to orotect each other, right? it is one of the rules."

In the nook, Trey leans forward to said air and murmurs, "Hello, friend, sorry I can't see you yet. We'll meet at some point." A slow blink follows and he notes, "Cat-spirits follow you?" That seems to impress him more than expected. "Cat-spirits rarely follow anyone unless bound. That speaks well of you. Not that it's surprising, really." Her offer makes him grin broadly. "That... would be very much appreciated. If nothing else, you could always yank me back if I mess it up."

In the nook, Caressa chuckles, "No, Karma isn't a cat-spirit. He can look like one sometimes, but he is far more fantastical than that." She nods, "yeah, that was the idea. Or i can take you over if you need that. I don't go often myself, but I have an odd feeling it'd be safer with you around."

In the nook, Trey ohs and considers this again. "Did you *create* him, or summon and bind him? I'm curious, because I admit, I don't know all the types of spirits there are." He flashes a quick grin. "Still a kitten, as the saying goes. In terms of learning, at least." He nods agreement and says, "Once I'm close to being able to do it, I'll ask for help. Just for safety -- and, well, yeah, I'm not a bad protector. I'm not like a Troll or anything, but I can fight okay."

In the nook, Caressa ohs softly, "Nope. I put out some figs of whomever wanted them and he came to feast. took awhile to build trust of course, like you do with any creature. He's my familiar, i think hedge witches have them too?"

In the nook, Trey says "I know that some do, but I don't know if it would work the same for me..." He flicks a finger at one chimerical ear. "Not everything does, because of my nature, though I am certainly game to try. Having a spiritual companion would be really helpful. Figs? Huh! Are they special figs? Grown in a mystic grove, perhaps?""

In the nook, Caressa nods, "They are, actually. not a mystic grove but a secret garden." She tilts her head at the flick of his ear. "Totems. Similar but different, maybe. From what i understand the difference in which side cements the bond. if the spirit does it, it is a totem."

In the nook, Trey says "Yeah. Totems do the binding for you. That much I know." He looks thoughtful for a moment, and then says, "Someday, I will have to make my own grove, or claim some land. Maybe here, even, I like it here so far. " He returns to the issue of totems and says, "Also a matter of power, I think. A Totem has smaller spirits that serve it.""

In the nook, Caressa ooos softly, "huh. I didn't know. I'm no expert on spirits. I prefer the living things." An insistent chirp sounds from her purse. and the phone is quickly retrieved, "Afraid my time is up, I'm needed at the ER for an eval. But here's my card. Don't be a stranger."