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|"Takes her business personally. That's far less common these days than it should be."
|Elizabeth, when she's giving off that creepy vibe
|"You are false data. Therefore, I shall ignore you."
|"Got some city miles on ya."
|"Celebrities. Can't live with them, can't tune them out."
|"Yeoman Colt, please report to my quarters."
|"Practically perfect in every way."
|"Voice of an angel. Deserves the biggest stage she can get."
|"All work and no play... something something."
|"How has this guy not died of a heart attack?"
|[[Widow]], [[Cadence]], [[Tina]]
|"A light in the wilderness."
|"Every performer needs a good agent."
|[[Typhanie]], [[Gwydion]]
|"Sure, I'll be your agent! Now, about sending those paparazzi off on a wild goose chase..."
|"Including these two. Still laying groundwork."
|"Anyone in my shoes would have made the same mistake."
|"But not this one. The resemblance is uncanny, isn't it?"
|"One of these days we'll get around to that road trip."
|"Somewhere, a shrink's couch is missing its fruitcake."
|"Alin's partner in slap-slap-kiss. They both sound like all hat and no cattle, though."
|"You picked a funny time to show off. Not that I'm complaining."
|"You too. Maybe you were Nellie's aunt."
|"Not all online poker geeks are fat guys living in their mom's basements."
|"Much more pleasantly insane. And easier on the eyes. But still a bit jumpy."
|"We should import Southern belles more often. Seems to be swamped at the university, though."
|"Put it back in your pants, bum."

Revision as of 20:41, 18 June 2013

Jessica "Practically perfect in every way."
Horatio "How has this guy not died of a heart attack?"
Widow, Cadence, Tina "Every performer needs a good agent."
Typhanie, Gwydion "Including these two. Still laying groundwork."
Aiden "But not this one. The resemblance is uncanny, isn't it?"